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餐厨垃圾SBMR-ASBR两相厌氧消化产气性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以学校食堂餐厨垃圾为原料,考察餐厨垃圾在SBMR-ASBR反应器中产酸和产甲烷性能。结果表明:高负荷下启动酸化相有利于系统快速形成稳定的乙醇型发酵,且可以避开丙酸型发酵,在10 g/(L.d)负荷(以VS计)下,稳定状态产酸率平均达到55 000 mg/L,VFA中乙醇和乙酸分别平均稳定在27 000 mg/L和23 000mg/L,两者共占总VFA的91%;甲烷相可以稳定运行的最高负荷为5 g/(L.d)(以VS计),此时,系统整体处理能力为3.3 g/(L.d),单位容积产气率达到2.3 L/(L.d),甲烷含量在65%~70%,TS,VS去除率分别达到77%,83%。在实际工程中可以高负荷启动酸化相,有利于系统形成稳定的乙醇型发酵和高负荷运行的甲烷相。  相似文献   

近几十年来,厌氧消化工艺得到广泛的研究,而强化这种工艺的各种方法亦得到了探讨。这些方法包括热处理、添加碱、分阶段和膜强化。一般说来,这些方法在技术上行得通,而却未能证明在经济上有竞争力。  相似文献   

设计单因素试验,考察了热处理时间和碱投加量对剩余污泥有机质溶出和厌氧消化产沼气的影响。结果表明:加热和碱预处理均可明显地促进有机质溶解和提高厌氧产气效率;与原污泥相比,高温处理20 min后,剩余污泥可溶性有机质和累积厌氧产气量达到最高,分别为2 550 mg/kg和3 275.33 mL,较对照污泥分别增加了7.4倍和34.15%;高浓度CaO(6%和10%)处理后,剩余污泥中STOC浓度分别达到3 280 mg/kg和3 340mg/kg,较对照污泥STOC浓度(305 mg/kg)提高了9.75和9.95倍;CaO预处理对污泥厌氧消化影响较复杂,表现为低浓度促进产气和高浓度抑制产气;2%CaO处理下,累积产气量比对照提高了39.87%;6%和10%CaO处理下,累积产气量低于对照污泥。  相似文献   

规模化猪场厌氧消化污泥堆肥是消化污泥处置的最重要途径之一,而作为污泥堆肥的重要预处理环节,消化污泥脱水却一直是道难题,文章就如何选择合理的污泥脱水工艺展开深入探讨.研究表明,规模化猪场消化污泥具有相对密度小、比阻大、有机养分含量高等特点,运用机械方法脱水不但费用高,而且技术上难度大,还会破坏消化污泥原本的有机养分组成,降低其堆肥后的农用的价值;和机械脱水方法相比,自然脱水方法在经济上具有明显的优势,而且技术上也可行.最后,文章认为污泥干化床工艺是自然脱水方法中较为理想的厌氧消化污泥脱水工艺.  相似文献   

我国餐厨垃圾产量日益增加,其资源化处理越来越受到人们重视。两相厌氧消化工艺中水解酸化阶段和产甲烷阶段相对独立,具有更多的优势。本文介绍了两相厌氧消化工艺的发展过程和餐厨垃圾的特性,研究了国内外餐厨垃圾两相厌氧消化制沼气技术的进展情况,以期为我国餐厨垃圾的快速高效处理提供参考。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾厌氧消化工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高餐厨垃圾的厌氧消化效率,对餐厨垃圾序批式厌氧消化(BT)、半连续厌氧消化(SCT)、固液两相厌氧消化(SLT)进行了比选研究。研究结果表明,SLT生产系统有效提高了厌氧消化效率,单位沼气产量与甲烷含量也都显著提高,SLT,SCT及BT的单位VS最大沼气日产量分别为430,270 m L和150 m L,最高甲烷含量分别为68%,57%和50%;SLT的产酸效率及有机酸利用率均显著提高,有机负荷率较SCT提高50%,能够达到9 g/(L·d)。餐厨垃圾的SLT工艺有机负荷及消化效率较SCT及BT工艺均有大幅提高。  相似文献   

以城市生活垃圾和污水厂剩余污泥为消化原料,在中温(35℃)条件下,采用序批式厌氧消化方式,研究了生活垃圾和剩余污泥不同混合比例下的厌氧消化产气性能,以及不同原料配比对厌氧消化过程及消化效率的影响。按照生活垃圾和剩余污泥VS比分别为1∶0(R1),2∶1(R2),1∶1(R3),1∶2(R4)和0∶1(R5),试验设置了5个试验组。研究结果表明:两种物料混合后有助于提高消化效果和产气性能,其中,当城市生活垃圾和剩余污泥VS比为2∶1时,系统厌氧消化效果最好,VS去除率为35.98%,单位VS产气量为348.84 m L/g,产气中甲烷含量为53.8%,消化时间较单纯生活垃圾厌氧消化缩短了9 d。说明一定比例的生活垃圾和剩余污泥联合厌氧消化是提高厌氧消化效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

研究了玉米秸秆与餐厨垃圾混合两相厌氧消化性能。秸秆与餐厨垃圾混合比例(TS/TS)分别为4∶1,3∶1,2∶1,1∶1,1∶2,1∶3,1∶4,分别进行氨化预处理和未预处理两相对比试验。结果表明:酸化阶段的水解酸化类型以混合型为主,预处理组的产酸总量和溶解性COD分别比未预处理组高了3.1%~25.4%和3.0%~27.6%,预处理组中混合比例1∶4条件下产酸最高,达到9 044.2 mg/L。在产甲烷阶段,预处理组和未预处理组最高累积产气量分别为16 305 mL和14 615 mL。随着秸秆含量逐渐增加,预处理组T90比未预处理组提前2 d。氨化预处理秸秆对秸秆与餐厨混合两相厌氧消化起到促进作用。  相似文献   

超声波促进污泥厌氧消化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了超声波的作用机理,指出在污泥厌氧消化过程中,污泥水解是限速步骤,在厌氧消化前,对污泥进行超声波破解预处理,促使细胞壁破裂,细胞内含物溶出,可以加速污泥的水解过程,从而达到缩短消化时间,减少消化池容积,提高沼气产量的目的。  相似文献   

以污水处理厂剩余污泥和生活垃圾为发酵原料,研究了不同原料配比对厌氧消化过程及消化效率的影响。结果表明,剩余污泥和生活垃圾联合厌氧发酵可以提高垃圾的消化效率,当剩余污泥和生活垃圾TS比为1∶4时厌氧消化效果最好,经过66 d消化后,COD去除率为59.79%,TS去除率为56.92%,VS去除率为66.87%。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾厌氧消化的工艺比选研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了餐厨垃圾两段法厌氧消化工艺与整体一段法的性能差异。两种工艺的累积产气量几乎不存在差异,产气率分别达到135.66L/kgVS和134.56L/kgVS。两种工艺相比,一段法的产气周期短,但是产气的稳定性不佳,在整个消化过程中产气量波动明显,规律性不明显。研究认为:对于餐厨垃圾的厌氧消化.整体一段法的产气周期短,工艺运行简单,应用到工业化生产上,一段法具有明显优势。  相似文献   

Biogas composition and variation in three different biogas production plants were studied to provide information pertaining to its potential use as biofuel. Methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulphur compounds were measured in samples of biogases from a landfill, sewage treatment plant sludge digester and farm biogas plant. Methane content ranged from 48% to 65%, carbon dioxide from 36% to 41% and nitrogen from <1% to 17%. Oxygen content in all three gases was <1%. The highest methane content occurred in the gas from the sewage digester while the lowest methane and highest nitrogen contents were found in the landfill gas during winter. The amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) varied from 5 to 268 mg m−3, and was lowest in the biogas from the farm biogas plant. Hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur compounds occurred in landfill gas and farm biogas and in smaller amounts in the sewage digester gas. Organic silicon compounds were also found in the landfill and sewage digester gases. To conclude, the biogases in the different production plants varied, especially in trace compound content. This should be taken into account when planning uses for biogas.  相似文献   

研究了预处理对典型秸秆废弃物沼气发酵的影响。与豆秆和棉秆相比,木质素含量相对较低的玉米秆产气速率和沼气产率更高。碱处理缩短了产气高峰出现的时间,峰值也得到提高,这可能与预处理增加的可溶性组分的快速降解有关。经过几天的低产气期,又出现第二个小产气高峰。组分分析表明,碱处理去除大量木质素,纤维可及度得到提高,这是第二阶段产气得到加强的原因。最终,玉米秆、豆秆和棉秆的最高沼气产率分别达415,343 ml/g TS和298 ml/g TS,比未处理秸秆提高34%,54%和86%。结果表明,预处理豆秆和棉秆产气性能较好,可与玉米秆一样,作为沼气发酵的优良原料。  相似文献   

葡萄籽提油前后发酵产沼气潜力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在恒温25℃条件下,采取批量发酵工艺,研究了葡萄籽提油前后产沼气潜力。结果表明:葡萄籽TS,VS发酵产沼气的潜力分别为473.65 mL/g和484.55 mL/g,能源转换效率为37.25%;葡萄籽油枯TS,VS发酵产沼气的潜力分别为450.03 mL/g和460.44 mL/g,能源转换效率为36.43%。  相似文献   

秸秆类木质纤维素原料厌氧发酵产沼气研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
介绍了以秸秆为主要原料的好氧预处理过程及厌氧干发酵工艺的试验结果.在预处理过程中,加入好氧降解菌种使木质纤维素降解率提高到50%.当发酵温度为(35±2)℃,,TS含量为20%,秸秆与猪粪配比为7:3时,原料滞留期为40 d,平均容积产气率为0.8~1 m3/(m3·d),甲烷含量为65%以上.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the effect of total solids (TS) concentration and temperature on biogas production from anaerobic digestion with dairy manure. Batch experiments were carried out for TS concentrations of 6%, 8%, and 10%, respectively, at five different temperatures (31, 34, 37, 40, and 43°C). Results showed that two factors both had significant effect on biogas production. The optimal condition for anaerobic digestion was 8% TS concentration at the temperature of 40°C. Under such condition, the biogas production is much better than the others and the yield peaked higher. Daily biogas production of 8% was more than those test groups which are 6% and 10% under the same temperature. When TS concentration was 8%, the rank of total biogas production of different digestion temperature test was 40 > 37 > 34 > 43 > 31°C, the biogas production of the 31, 34, 37, 40, and 43°C was 0.123, 0.159, 0.171, 0.205, and 0.153 L/g, respectively.  相似文献   

Poultry slaughterhouse sludge from chicken processing wastewater treatment plant was tested for their suitability as a substrate and inoculum source for fermentation hydrogen production. Dual digestion of poultry slaughterhouse sludge was employed to produce hydrogen by batch anaerobic self-fermentation without any extra-seeds. The sludge (5% TS) was dual digested by aerobic thermophilic digestion at 55 °C with the varying retention time before using as substrate in anaerobic self-fermentation. The best digestion time for enriching hydrogen-producing seeds was 48 h as it completely repressed methanogenic activity and gave the maximum hydrogen yield of 136.9 mL H2/g TS with a hydrogen production rate of 2.56 mL H2/L/h. The hydrogen production of treated sludge at 48 h (136.9 mL H2/g TS) was 15 times higher than that of the raw sludge (8.83 mL H2/g TS). With this fermentation process, tCOD value in the activated sludge could be reduced up to 30%.  相似文献   

The utilization of ultrasonic treatment on digestion sludge to enhance microbial activity for bio-hydrogen production was investigated. The optimal conditions of ultrasonic time and density on digestion sludge were detected using Central Composite Experimental Design. The regression analysis showed that a significant increase of 1.34 fold in bio-hydrogen production rate could be obtained when ultrasonic time was 10 s and ultrasonic density around 130 W/l at digester sludge concentration of 15 g VSS/l. The analyses of biodegradation characteristics in bio-hydrogen producing process implied that ultrasound did not denature the digestion sludge but just improved its biodegradation efficiency. In order to find out the mechanism of ultrasonic treatment on digestion sludge, a control experiment was designed and COD values of digestion sludge in different treatment conditions was measured.  相似文献   

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