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We examined symptom frequency, duration, and severity, as well as episode patterns, in 122 adult patients with irritable bowel syndrome in a 12-week study conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, and The Netherlands. Patients used an interactive telephone data entry system daily to report symptoms. Data from 59 of the patients meeting inclusion criteria are presented, the remainder having been excluded for failing to complete at least 70 days of symptom reporting. The majority of patients experienced at least one symptom on over 50% of the reported days; however, individual symptoms were reported on less than 50% of the days, indicating that symptoms sometimes occurred sequentially rather than always simultaneously. On average, patients reported pain/discomfort on 33% of days, bloating on 28% of the days, altered stool form or stool passage on 25% and 18% of the days, respectively, and mucus on 7% of the days. The duration of symptoms was relatively short, with pain/discomfort and bloating lasting the longest, an average of five days each per episode. All symptoms but one (mucus) were moderately severe on the majority of reported days. Patients experienced an "episode" (defined as a period of days with symptoms bounded by one or more symptom-free days) on an average of 12.4 times during the study, but the duration of these episodes varied greatly among patients. These results further establish the chronic nature of irritable bowel syndrome and the burden that this condition imposes on patients.  相似文献   

To establish the incidence of Nelson's syndrome in children treated with total bilateral adrenalectomy (TBA) for Cushing's disease, a survey was made of members of The Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society. Thirty-one patients aged 10 months to 16 years had been treated with TBA for Cushing's disease; one had been treated with ortho para prime isomer of dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane alone. Postadrenalectomy hyperpigmentation was reported in 18 patients. Sella enlargement was detected in eight patients (25%) after 1 to 5.5 years (mean, three years) post-TBA. Five of these patients have had documented pituitary adenomas to date. This incidence is higher than the adult figure of 10% to 16%.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated the effects of ethanol on (Na + K)-ATPase activity and cAMP response to vasopressin in native and cultured rat papillary collecting duct (PCD) cells. 2. A significant increase in (Na + K)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase activities was found in PCD cells either isolated from chronic ethanol-fed rats or cultured in the presence of ethanol. 3. Acute treatment with ethanol resulted in a biphasic effect on the activity of (Na + K)-ATPase, which was enhanced below 1% ethanol and inhibited at higher concentrations. 4. Chronic ethanol treatment did not change the cAMP response of PCD cells to vasopressin. Acutely, in turn, this response was enhanced by ethanol per se. 5. It is suggested that the antinatriuretic effect of ethanol could be at least in part mediated by a (Na + K)-ATPase enhancement in PCD cells. Acutely, ethanol could normalize water balance by its peripheral effects on distal nephron.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mental retardation, considered as common in Apert syndrome could be in part due to associated brain abnormalities. POPULATION AND METHODS: Sixty patients (32 males, 28 females) were included in the study. Patient age at the last examination was over 3 years (mean 10 years, range 3-28 years) in 38 patients. IQ was assessed from psychometric tests adapted for age. Brain anatomy was studied by MRI. Age at operation and quality of familial environment were also evaluated. RESULTS: The IQ was over 70 in 12 patients (32%), over 90 in five (13%) and the mean IQ was 62 (10-114). Thirty percent of patients had abnormalities of the corpus callosum, 43% of the cerebral ventricles and 55% of the septum pellucidum. There was no anomaly in 28% of the patients. One or more operations were performed in 53 patients, before one year of age in 37. Ten children were institutionalized or in deleterious family situation. The main factor influencing the mental prognosis was the age at operation: the final IQ was over 70 in 50% of the children operated on before one year of age versus 8% in those operated on later (P = 0.01). Only the anomalies of the septum pellucidum seemed to play a role: 50% of the patients with normal septum had an IQ > 70 compared to 18% in those with septum anomalies (P < 0.04). The quality of the familial environment also influenced the mental development: 12.5% of the patients who were institutionalized or in difficult familial situation had an IQ > 70 compared to 39% of those who live in a normal family. CONCLUSIONS: Careful investigation including MRI is necessary for detecting associated brain abnormalities. The patients must be operated on early, if possible before the age of nine months. Attention has also to be paid to quality of the sociofamilial environment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Several reports have shown an increase in serum gastrin levels in patients with Cushing's syndrome (CS). However, the actual origin of this hypergastrinaemia is not known. Two hypotheses have been proposed: concomitant ACTH and gastrin secretion by corticotrophic pituitary adenomas or hypergastrinaemia induced by hypercortisolism. DESIGN AND PATIENTS: We performed simultaneous, bilateral inferior petrosal sinus (IPS) sampling in nine patients with Cushing's disease (CD), proven by histological studies. In all of them, blood samples were taken from both IPS and a peripheral vein to measure plasma ACTH and serum gastrin. In addition, we measured peripheral serum gastrin levels after an overnight fast in 10 patients with CS (seven with pituitary tumours and three with adrenal tumours) before and after surgical treatment. RESULTS: Petrosal-peripheral and interpetrosal gradients of ACTH were higher than 2.0 and 1.4, respectively, confirming the pituitary origin of ACTH. Mean serum gastrin levels were 149.1 +/- 53.6 ng/l in peripheral vein, 183.4 +/- 71.7 ng/l in dominant IPS and 181.4 +/- 68.9 ng/l in non-dominant IPS. No significant differences in gastrin concentrations in these locations were found. Mean preoperative gastrin level in patients with CD was 194.6 +/- 47.9 ng/l, whereas in patients with adrenal tumours it was 247.3 +/- 125.9 ng/l. After surgical treatment, the gastrin levels decreased to 62.1 +/- 13.2 ng/l (P < 0.05) and 90.3 +/- 50.3 ng/l (NS), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that hypergastrinaemia is a common finding in patients with Cushing's syndrome. The lack of significant petrosal-peripheral gradient in individuals with Cushing's disease and the reduction in gastrin level following adrenal tumour resection argues against the hypothesis of a predominantly pituitary source of gastrin, suggesting a glucocorticoid related mechanism as an explanation for the hypergastrinaemia.  相似文献   

The occurrence of large cell transformation has been well documented in a subgroup of patients with mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome (MF/SS). However, because of the rarity of MF/SS, little is known about the influence of clinicopathologic features in predicting large cell transformation and about outcome in the transformed cases. We evaluated all patients with MF/SS who were registered in our clinic during the study period and for whom pathologic slides for review were available or could be obtained. Disease was classified as transformed if biopsy showed large cells (>/=4 times the size of a small lymphocyte) in more than 25% of the infiltrate or if they formed microscopic nodules. Twenty-six patients with transformation were identified from a total of 115 evaluable cases with a diagnosis of MF/SS. The actuarial cumulative probability of transformation reached 39% in 12 years. The median time from diagnosis of MF/SS to transformation was 12 months (range, 0 to 128 months). Thirty-one percent of all patients with stage IIB-IV disease at presentation eventually transformed versus 14% of those with stage I-IIA (P = . 03), with transformation being especially common in patients with tumors (T3), 46% of whom transformed. Combining elevated beta2 microglobulin and lactic dehydrogenase (neither elevated v one or both elevated) was also predictive for transformation (P = .009). The median survival from initial diagnosis of MF/SS for the transformed patients was 37 months versus 163 months for the untransformed group (P = .0029). The median survival from transformation was 19.4 months (range, 2+ to 138 months). The following characteristics were associated with an inferior survival in transformed patients: (1) early transformation (<2 years from the diagnosis v >/=2 years; P = .011) and (2) advanced stage (IIB-IV v I-IIA; 2-year survival, 23% v 86%; P = .0035). We conclude that MF/SS patients with stages IIB-IV disease and, in particular, those with tumors have a high incidence of large-cell transformation. Patients with transformation have a relatively poor survival, especially if transformation occurs early (within 2 years) in the course of disease or if they are staged as IIB or higher.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that prior causes in a chain of events are attributed greater relative importance than later, more immediate causes. In Exp I, 170 undergraduates judged the relative contributions to success or failure made by members of a team who initiated a problem-solution process vs team members who terminated it. In Exp II, 206 undergraduates rated the importance of prior and immediate causes of 4 life events. In both experiments, prior events in a causal chain were perceived to be more important than were immediate events. In addition, Exp II showed that this primacy effect was due to the causal rather than temporal sequencing of events and that it was limited to situations in which the events were of approximately equal relevance to the final outcome. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to investigate micrometastasis (MM) and tumor cell microinvolvement (TCM) in the regional lymph nodes of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). METHODS: MM was defined as individual tumor cells or tumor cell clusters <0.5 mm in greatest dimension with a surrounding stromal reaction. TCM was defined as individual tumor cells or tumor cell clusters without a surrounding stromal reaction. One thousand nine hundred and fifty-four lymph nodes were dissected from 69 complete (R0) resection specimens of TNM classified pT1-3, pN0 or pN1, and M0 esophageal SCC. These lymph nodes were examined immunohistochemically using the monoclonal antibody cocktail AE1/AE3 for cytokeratins. The primary tumors were immunostained with an anti-E-cadherin monoclonal antibody. RESULTS: MM +/- TCM was found in 13 cases (31.7%) and TCM alone in 2 cases (4.9%) of the 41 pN0 cases. The pN0 patients with MM (but not TCM) had the same shorter survival as the original pN1 cases (P < 0.05). Of the 69 primary tumors, 49 (71.0%) had reduced or negative E-cadherin expression that showed a correlation with the occurrence of lymph node metastases (original pN1), MM, and TCM, but not prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the current study show that, in SCC of the esophagus, MM, but not TCM, in the regional lymph nodes is prognostically equivalent to metastasis and should be examined by immunohistochemistry to classify these cases correctly as pN1.  相似文献   

Acromegaly was diagnosed in 3 cats with insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus (DM) on the basis of history and physical examination findings, which ruled out other causes of insulin-resistant DM, and by documenting high plasma concentrations of growth hormone. Computed tomography revealed a mass in the area of the pituitary gland in each cat. Pituitary gland tumors were irradiated with cobalt 60, and none of the cats developed complications to radiotherapy. Each cat received a total dose of 48 Gy of cobalt 60 during 12 treatments. After completion of radiotherapy, insulin requirements were less for all cats, although in 1 cat, this improvement was transient. Diabetes mellitus resolved in 2 of 3 cats. After treatment, decreases in insulin requirements correlated with decreases in plasma growth hormone concentrations in 2 of 3 cats in which DM resolved. On the basis of these findings, irradiation of pituitary gland tumors appears to be a treatment option for cats with acromegaly.  相似文献   

Though the exact and cumulative incidence of osteoporosis has not been examined, using the criteria that osteoporosis is defined by a decrease of bone mineral density (BMD) below 70% from young adult mean (YAM), the prevalence of osteoporosis among the Japanese women can be estimated as to be more than either 30% (by spinal BMD) or 37% (by femoral BMD) in 60's, 37% or 64% in 70's, and 42% or 90% in 80's, respectively. The total number of osteoporosis among the women with age 50 and over can be also estimated as to be either about 5 million (by spinal BMD) or 8.5 million (by forearm BMD). National survey shows that the ratio of people receiving treatment for osteoporosis is 34.5 per 1,000 among the elderly with age 65 and over. In addition, both functional transition and survival rate of discharged patients with osteoporotic hip fracture are discussed as prognosis of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is clinically characterized by polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, cafe au lait pigmentation of the skin and multiple endocrinopathies. Recently activating mutations of codon 201 in the gene encoding Gs alpha have been found in affected tissues in MAS. Herein we report a case of acromegaly associated with multiple bone cysts and skin pigmentation in a 47-year-old women. She had suffered a history of aortitis syndrome. The DNA sequence indicated that a Cys201 for Arg201 substitution was found in the GH secreting pituitary adenoma tissue but not in peripheral mononuclear cells. We speculate that the patient has a possible variant from of MAS characterized by multiple bone lesions skin pigmentation and GH-secreting pituitary adenoma.  相似文献   

The protective effect of heat stress against mechanical dysfunction and myocardial necrosis after prolonged ischemia is well known. We have investigated whether the protective effect of heat stress extends to reperfusion arrhythmias in the isolated perfused rat heart. Rats were exposed to 20 min of 42 degrees C hyperthermia. Twenty-four h later their hearts were isolated, perfused and subjected to a 5-min period of occlusion of the left coronary artery. The incidence and duration of reperfusion arrhythmias were assessed in the 30-min reperfusion period. Prior heat stress led to a reduction in the incidence (from 100 to 60%, P相似文献   

In this preliminary paper, the authors review 20 cases of pituitary tumours, with sella reduction to normal size, associated to the biological recuperation and social rehabilitation of most patients, after conventional radiation therapy given in high-dose courses. It is evaluated that sella reduction to normal size, whenever encountered, can be considered as the major anatomico-radiological sign of the effectiveness of different therapeutical methods applied in the case of secretory and non-secretory tumours.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility and the diagnostic efficacy of multislice diffusion-weighted and perfusion imaging in addition to FLAIR-TSE, T2w-GraSE and MR-angiography in the diagnosis of acute stroke. METHODS: 18 patients with acute stroke were examined at 1.5 Tesla (Gyroscan ACS-NT, Philips Medical Systems) within 6 (n = 9) and 6-48 (n = 9) hours, respectively, and followed at regular intervals. For diffusion imaging we used a multislice multishot EPI-SE sequence with navigator echo correction and cardiac gating. Perfusion imaging was done by means of a FFE-EPI sequence after bolus injection of Gd-DTPA. RESULTS: The diagnostic value of diffusion-weighted and perfusion imaging was significantly higher compared with FLAIR-TSE (p = 0.0023) and GraSE (p = 0.0012) during the first 6 hours. With FLAIR-TSE and GraSE first pathologic changes were seen after 4 hours. We detected perfusion deficit (rCBV < 10%) and a corresponding drop of the ADC in all infarcts larger than 1 cm in diameter. Within the area of low rCBV the combined analysis of diffusion and perfusion imaging allows to identify an infarct region with characteristics of a penumbra and one with characteristics of the infarct core. TTP was increased in the surrounding tissue. However, parts of this area were rarely included in the infarct. The final extension of the untreated infarct, as revealed by computed tomography, corresponded well to the perfusion deficit. CONCLUSIONS: Early ischaemic cerebral infarcts can be diagnosed with diffusion and perfusion imaging before pathological changes are visualized with other imaging modalities. The combined use may allow to distinguish the infarct core from surrounding, potentially salvageable tissue.  相似文献   

There is lack of evidence to date that treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) alters the natural history of disease or influences survival. In the present series, total body irradiation (TBI) produced a range of therapeutic responses among patients with active, progressive CLL. One-third of patients experienced virtually complete clinical and hematologic remissions with the initial course of TBI. These patients did not differ from the less complete responders with respect to age or sex, degree of lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood, incidence of anemia and/or thrombocytopenia, or the frequency of constitutional symptoms. However, the patients with complete remissions noted a return to normal performance status, had fewer serious infections, demonstrated recovery from depressed immunoglobulin levels, and had significantly longer survival. These data indicate that TBI is capable of inducing remissions which modify the course of disease in patients with CLL and that prognosis has a direct correlation with the response to therapy.  相似文献   

An eye movement experiment was conducted to investigate whether the processing of a word can be affected by its higher frequency neighbor (HFN). Target words with an HFN (birch) or without one (spruce) were embedded into 2 types of sentence frames: 1 in which the HFN (birth) could fit given the prior sentence context, and 1 in which it could not. The results suggest that words can be misperceived as their HFN, and that top-down information from sentence context strongly modulates this effect. Implications for models of word recognition and eye movements during reading are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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