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Analyzing data from the 2000 American National Election Study, we examined the role of news media in facilitating issue voting. We found that respondents who paid greater attention to news coverage of the election were more likely to hold specific opinions on campaign issues. Voters who devoted greater attention to news media were also more aware of where each candidate stood on various policy issues. These two political cognitions (issue opinionation and knowledge of candidate issue positions) were important conditions for issue voting. We found that those who devoted greater attention to news media were more concerned about the issues when making electoral choices. Beyond and above demographic predispositions, we conclude that issue voting is also a function of paying attention to news media. 相似文献
王守都 《信息安全与通信保密》2021,(4):66-76
随着数字化与信息化程度的逐步深入,美国社会各个领域对于网络空间的依赖程度日益增加.在此背景之下,选举安全问题如今已成为美国政界及社会关注的重要安全议题,也被美国情报界列为全球威胁评估榜单的前列.通过对近年来有关美国选举安全问题的历时性追踪,深入剖析美国选举安全问题的根源、影响手段,以及美国政府为维护选举安全在技术、制度... 相似文献
Explicating Media Salience: A Factor Analysis of New York Times Issue Coverage During the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Spiro Kiousis 《The Journal of communication》2004,54(1):71-87
Media salience—the key independent variable in agenda-setting research—has traditionally been explicated as a singular construct. Nevertheless, scholars have defined and measured it using a number of different conceptualizations and empirical indicators. To address this limitation in research, this study introduced a conceptual model of media salience, suggesting it is a multidimensional construct consisting of 3 core elements: attention, prominence, and valence. Furthermore, the model was tested through an exploratory factor analysis of The New York Times news coverage of 8 major political issues during the 2000 presidential election as a case study. The data revealed that 2 dimensions of media salience emerge: visibility and valence. Based on the factor analysis, 2 indices are created to measure the construct, which are intended for use in future investigations. 相似文献
Hostile news perceptions, perceived media influence, and behavioral outcomes among Republicans and Democrats were examined before and after the 2004 U.S. presidential election. Predictions were grounded in social identity/self‐categorization theories, and influence of presumed influence. Hostile news perceptions were greater among Republicans, especially Fox News viewers. Third‐person perceptions (TPPs) for ingroup and outgroup (own party, other party) varied based on media message (debates, news, spin, polls, comedy) and party affiliation. TPPs were larger for the outgroup than the ingroup, but only for Republicans. Following the election, changes in media perceptions were related to the election outcome and interpersonal discussion. Greater perceived influence on outgroup voters was associated with stronger support for censorship, and a lower voting likelihood among Democrats. 相似文献
2003年EDGE成为世界移动通信市场的亮点,先后有美国的CingularWireless和AT&TWire-less、智利的TelefonicaMoviles、我国香港特区的CSL和泰国的AIS开通了EDGE网络及业务。同时,EDGE还为进入欧洲市场开辟了道路。但是纵观当前EDGE的发展态势,美国无疑将率先成为EDGE繁荣的地区。通过对美国移动市场的深入分析揭示出EDGE在美国得以兴起的原因以及探讨EDGE在美国的崛起对世界产生的影响。 相似文献
William L. Benoit Mitchell S. McKinney Michael T. Stephenson 《The Journal of communication》2002,52(2):316-331
This essay reports the results of 2 studies measuring the effects of watching U.S. presidential primary debates. Using a pretest-posttest design, participants watched either a Republican (October 22, 1999) or a Democratic (October 27, 1999) New Hampshire primary debate. Those who watched each debate learned more about the candidates' policies, formed evaluations of candidates who were less well-known, and changed their evaluations of better known candidates. Viewers changed voting intention and expressed more confidence in their vote choice after watching a debate. Thus, we can conclude that primary debates are capable of influencing both policy and character impressions of the candidates, as well as changing voting intentions and increasing vote confidence. 相似文献
Glenn A. Reitmeier 《The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing》1997,17(2-3):281-290
The U.S. is in the final stages of establishing a Digital Television (DTV) transmission standard for digital terrestrial broadcasting in both HDTV and SDTV formats. The Grand Alliance prototype hardware has been extensively tested in both laboratory and field conditions and has exhibited outstanding performance. As of this writing, the Grand Alliance system has been officially recommended by industry to the FCC as the U.S. standard and final approval is expected from the FCC by the middle of 1996. The U.S. DTV standard will create a new market for digital consumer electronics products based on the standard, including DTV receivers, VCRs, camcorders and Personal Computer interface cards that will employ VLSI circuits to cost-effectively implement the products. 相似文献
从美国发展网络电话的现状出发,介绍了网络电话的优缺点及其发展趋势.分析了网络电话对网络结构的影响。 相似文献
进入信息时代后,美国将威慑战略逐步拓展到网络空间,基于网络空间领先地位发展出以"前置防御""持续交手"为核心的攻势威慑.但是,由于美国在网络空间进攻行动的负面示范迅速恶化网络安全环境,导致其网络威慑战略的有效性遭到质疑.美国网络威慑面临困境,反映了美国在网络空间一极独大的地位难以维系,多边、合作、共治的网络空间新生态正... 相似文献
阐述了潮湿侵害电子产品和广播电视设备的主要途径和表现,列举了潮湿对广播电视设备的影响,介绍了如何做好设备的保管存储及外出采访期间如何防范潮湿对广电设备的侵害。 相似文献
This study explores the differences in techniques, strategies, narratives, and symbols used in televised issue ads and image ads from U.S. presidential campaigns. A content analysis was done of 1,213 ads from the past 13 U.S. presidential elections coded as either issue ads or image ads. Findings indicate that there are key differences in the style of image ads and issue ads. In issue ads, the candidate tends to speak for himself, appear on camera speaking to the viewer, and use emotional language in making the appeal. In image ads, an anonymous announcer is the dominant speaker, and source credibility appeals are the most popular appeals. Although the majority of both types of ads were positive, negative appeals dominated a higher percentage of issue ads as compared with image ads. 相似文献
R. Lance Holbert Owen Pillion David A. Tschida Greg G. Armfield Kelly Kinder Kristin L. Cherry Amy R. Daulton 《The Journal of communication》2003,53(3):427-443
This study uses priming as a theoretical basis from which to investigate potential effects of NBC's The West Wing on individual-level perceptions of the U.S. presidency. As a result, this work extends political communication-based priming research to entertainment television content. Josiah Bartlet, the fictional president portrayed on the show, is generally perceived more positively by viewers than either the Republican President George W. Bush or Democrat William Jefferson Clinton. Perceptions of the importance of being engaging to presidential success rose as a result of watching the program, and The West Wing viewers retained more positive images of Bush and Clinton after the viewing experience. Viewing The West Wing seems to prime more positive images of the U.S. presidency that subsequently influence individual-level perceptions of those individuals most directly associated with this office. The authors make theoretical connections to previous work on role display and trust in democratic institutions. 相似文献
HSDPA混合组网对WCDMA的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分析了在WCDMA网络上引入HSDPA对原无线网络的影响。通过测试数据和仿真的对比,分析了HSDPA对WCDMAR99或R4系统的影响。通过对引入HSDPA的WCDMA网络的影响的分析可以为网络规划和优化提供技术参考。 相似文献
通过研究感知无线电技术的发展现状,分析其技术研究的内容与方向,阐述了感知无线电技术对无线标准及产业发展的短期和长期影响。 相似文献
One of the major activities at the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC-79) was revision of the International Table of Frequency Allocations. This paper gives an overview of significant ways in which these international allocations were changed. Revisions to the U.S. national allocations are still in process; however, some comments on the national allocation table are offered. 相似文献
美国的军事卫星通信系统结构复杂、功能先进、造价不菲,它们代表了当今军事卫星通信系统的最高水平和最新发展趋势。随着宽带、窄带、抗毁三个系列通信卫星的陆续发射,美国军事卫星通信系统的作战能力也在逐步形成,同时,美军还引入商业卫星通信系统作为补充。文中主要介绍了美国军事卫星通信系统的发展现状、面临的问题,及其未来在探索解聚的卫星通信体系结构、引入软件可重新编程栽荷技术,以及提高商业卫星通信系统的可靠性等方面的发展方向。 相似文献
本文介绍了电话回收技术的起因,运作方式和发展情况,分析了这种技术对国际长途电话业务带来的影响,并举例说明了一些国家就此采取的相关策略。 相似文献