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Pegau WS  Gray D  Zaneveld JR 《Applied optics》1997,36(24):6035-6046
We have measured the absorption coefficient of pure and salt water at 15 wavelengths in the visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum using WETLabs nine-wavelength absorption and attenuation meters and a three-wavelength absorption meter. The water temperature was varied between 15 and 30 degrees C, and the salinity was varied between 0 and 38 PSU to study the effects of these parameters on the absorption coefficient of liquid water. In the near-infrared portion of the spectrum the absorption coefficient of water was confirmed to be highly dependent on temperature. In the visible region the temperature dependence was found to be less than 0.001 m-1 degrees C except for a small region around 610 nm. The same results were found for the temperature dependence of a saltwater solution. After accounting for index-of-refraction effects, the salinity dependence at visible wavelengths is negligible. Salinity does appear to be important in determining the absorption coefficient of water in the near-infrared region. At 715 nm, for example, the salinity dependence was -0.00027 m-1 /PSU. Field measurements support the temperature and salinity dependencies found in the laboratory both in the near infrared and at shorter wavelengths. To make estimates of the temperature dependence in wavelength regions for which we did not make measurements we used a series of Gaussian curves that were fit to the absorption spectrum in the visible region of the spectrum. The spectral dependence on temperature was then estimated based on multiplying the Gaussians by a fitting factor.  相似文献   

It is contended that the most comprehensive collection of data on the visible and near-ultraviolet spectrum of pure liquid water can still be found [Appl. Opt. 38, 1216 (1999)]. The data produced [Appl. Opt. 36, 8710 (1997)] from the integrated light loss in a light-scattering cavity containing water produces a useful set of data, although the error bars presented are underestimated. Furthermore, an oxidative purification step was not incorporated into the water purification procedure to remove residual traces of light-absorbing organic impurities.  相似文献   

Tassan S  Ferrari GM 《Applied optics》2003,42(24):4802-4810
We have measured the light absorption of a set of particle suspensions of varying nature (pure minerals, particulate standards, aquatic particles) using a double-beam spectrophotometer with a 15-cm-diameter integrating sphere. The sample was located inside the sphere so as to minimize the effect of light scattering by the particles. The results obtained showed highly variable absorption in the near-IR region of the wavelength spectrum. The same particle samples were deposited on glass-fiber filters, and their absorption was measured by the transmittance-reflectance method, based on a theoretical model that corrects for the effect of light scattering. The good agreement found between the results of the measurements carried out inside the sphere and by the transmittance-reflectance method confirms the validity of the scattering correction included in the above method.  相似文献   

Absorption of CW Yb-fiber laser light of 1.07 μm wavelength in water has been measured at different water temperatures and laser intensities. The absorption coefficient was estimated to be 0.135 cm(-1) at 25 °C water temperature, and this was found to decrease with temperature at a rate of 5.7 × 10(-4) cm(-1) °C(-1). The absorption coefficient increased significantly when the laser beam was focused in water, and the increase depended on the distance of the focal point from the water surface. This has been attributed to the absorption and scattering losses of laser radiation in a cavity formed in water by the focused beam at laser intensities in the megawatts per square centimeter and higher range.  相似文献   

Potential mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) yield of phase II compost is determined by interactions of key quality parameters including dry matter, nitrogen dry matter, ammonia, pH, conductivity, thermophilic microorganisms, C : N ratio, fiber fractions, ash, and certain minerals. This study was aimed at generating robust visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) calibrations for predicting potential yield, using spectra from fresh phase II compost. Four compost comparative trials were carried out during the winter and summer months of 2001-2003, under controlled experimental conditions employing six commercially prepared composts, with eight replicate (8 bag) plots per treatment (48 x 8 = 384). The substrates were prepared by windrow or bunker phase I, followed by phase II production. The fresh samples were scanned for Vis-NIR (400-2498 nm) spectra, averaged, transformed, and regressed against the recorded yield by employing a modified partial least squares algorithm. The best calibration model generated from the database explained 84% of yield variation within the data set with a standard error of calibration of 13.75 kg/tonne of fresh compost. The model was successfully tested for robustness with yield results obtained from a validation trial, carried out under similar experimental conditions in early 2004, and the standard error of prediction was 18.21 kg/tonne, which was slightly higher than the mean experimental error (17.94 kg/tonne) of the trial. The accuracy of the model is acceptable for estimating potential yield by classifying phase II substrate as poor (180-220 kg), medium (220-260 kg), and high (260-300 kg) yielding compost. The yield prediction model is being transferred to a new instrument based at Loughgall for routine evaluation of commercial phase II samples.  相似文献   

Lange BI  Brendel T  Hüttmann G 《Applied optics》2002,41(27):5797-5803
A simple experimental setup is described that facilitates accurate measurements of the temperature-dependent water absorption coefficient in the mid-infrared spectral region. With this setup, the absorption of holmium and thulium laser radiation in water was quantified to a precision of 0.5%. In the 20-100 degrees C temperature range, a linear decrease of the absorption coefficient with temperature is observed. The slope coefficients amount to -0.104 +/- 0.001 and -0.259 +/- 0.003 l/(K cm) for 2090-nm holmium and 2014-nm thulium radiation, respectively. At both wavelengths, this bleaching reduces the absorption coefficients of water at 100 degrees C by one third when compared with room temperature. A numerical simulation shows that the variable absorption has a noticeable influence on peak temperatures in laser heating of water.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of the particle size and morphology on the optical properties of ZnO. A series of ZnO micro and nanocrystals were synthesized by the hydrothermal processing of zinc acetate dihydrate and sodium hydroxide as the starting materials, and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as the polymer surfactant. The particle size and morphology were tailored by adjusting the reactant molar ratios [Zn2+]/[OH], while the reaction temperature and the time remained unchanged. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) have shown that the micro and nanocrystals have a high crystalline pure wurtzite-type hexagonal structure with nanosized crystallites. The size and morphology of the ZnO micro and nanocrystals were investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), which showed a modification from micro-rods via hexagonal-faceted prismatic morphology to nanospheres, caused by simple adjustment of the reactant molar ratio [Zn2+]/[OH] from 1:1 to 1:5. The optical properties of the ZnO micro and nanocrystals, as well as their dependence on the particle size and morphology were investigated by Raman and ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). The UV–vis spectra showed that the modification of the particle size and morphology from nanospheres to micro-rods resulted in increased absorption, and a slight red-shift of the absorption edge (0.06 eV). Besides, the band gap energy of the synthesized ZnO micro and nanocrystals showed the red shift (∼0.20 eV) compared to bulk ZnO. According to the results of a Raman spectroscopy, the enhanced visible light absorption of the ZnO micro and nanocrystals is related to two phenomena: (1) the existence of lattice defects (oxygen vacancies and zinc interstitials), and (2) the particle surface sensitization by PVP.  相似文献   

The light-scattering properties of dental enamel and dentin were measured at 543, 632, and 1053 nm. Angularly resolved scattering distributions for these materials were measured from 0° to 180° using a rotating goniometer. Surface scattering was minimized by immersing the samples in an index-matching bath. The scattering and absorption coefficients and the scattering phase function were deduced by comparing the measured scattering data with angularly resolved Monte Carlo light-scattering simulations. Enamel and dentin were best represented by a linear combination of a highly forward-peaked Henyey-Greenstein (HG) phase function and an isotropic phase function. Enamel weakly scatters light between 543 nm and 1.06 μm, with the scattering coefficient (μ(s)) ranging from μ(s) = 15 to 105 cm(-1). The phase function is a combination of a HG function with g = 0.96 and a 30-60% isotropic phase function. For enamel, absorption is negligible. Dentin scatters strongly in the visible and near IR (μ(s)?260 cm(-1)) and absorbs weakly (μ(a) ? 4 cm(-1)). The scattering phase function for dentin is described by a HG function with g = 0.93 and a very weak isotropic scattering component (? 2%).  相似文献   

A dual-beam detection strategy with automatic balancing is described for ultrasensitive spectroscopy. Absorbances of 2 × 10(-7) Hz(-?) in free-space configurations and 5 × 10(-6) Hz(-?) in fiber-coupled configurations are demonstrated. With the dual-beam technique, atmospherically broadened absorption transitions may be resolved with InGaAsP, AlGaAs, and AlGaInP single-longitudinal-mode diode lasers. Applications to trace measurements of NO(2), O(2), and H(2)O are described by the use of simple, inexpensive laser and detector systems. Small signal gain measurements on optically pumped I(2) with a sensitivity of 10(-5) are also reported.  相似文献   

An alternative spectroscopic approach for monitoring the temperature of aqueous solutions is presented. The method is based upon the temperature-induced spectral changes undergone by the second overtone (around 960 nm) of the near-infrared (NIR) water absorption band. Single and multilinear regression analysis are tested in order to evaluate the predictive ability of temperature. A linear dependence is found when measurements are performed at a single wavelength, but a lower prediction error is obtained when multilinear models are applied. No matrix effects produced by moderately concentrated common dissolved ions are found in a broad range of pH. A signal-to-noise ratio allows a precision of 0.5 degrees C for temperature monitoring. A prediction error of 0.77 degrees C (single linear regression) and 0.25 degrees C (multilinear approach) are achieved in a range from 15 to 90 degrees C. Advantages in terms of instrumentation and data analysis required are discussed.  相似文献   

Antoine D  Morel A 《Applied optics》1998,37(12):2245-2259
Single and multiple scattering by molecules or by atmospheric aerosols only (homogeneous scattering), and heterogeneous scattering by aerosols and molecules, are recorded in Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that heterogeneous scattering (1) always contributes significantly to the path reflectance (rho(path)), (2) is realized at the expense of homogeneous scattering, (3) decreases when aerosols are absorbing, and (4) introduces deviations in the spectral dependencies of reflectances compared with the Rayleigh exponent and the aerosol angstrom exponent. The ratio of rho(path) to the Rayleigh reflectance for an aerosol-free atmosphere is linearly related to the aerosol optical thickness. This result provides a basis for a new scheme for atmospheric correction of remotely sensed ocean color observations.  相似文献   

Visible and near-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of liquid water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The optical absorption of pure liquid water in the 300-700-nm region has been measured by use of a long (1.5-m) path-length cell. The absorption spectrum coincides well with the edge of previous data in the 200-320-nm region and provides reliable data in the 320-420-nm region that has until now been a region of considerable unreliability. The data obtained for the 420-700-nm region agree quite well with the means of the existing literature in that well-studied region. The absorptions in the 550-700-nm region show evidence for the overtones and combination tones of the well-known OH stretching frequency at 3500 cm(-1).  相似文献   

With the development of optical nanothermometry in biomedical sciences, it is urgent to develop near-infrared region (NIR) nanothermometers which could detect the temperature in deep tissue levels. In this study, NaYF4:Yb,Er@NaGdF4:Nd nanoparticles were successfully synthesized. The luminescence properties and the mechanism of formation of dumbbell morphology of NaYF4:Yb,Er@NaGdF4:Nd were investigated. As a novel optical nanothermometer, dumbbell-shaped NaYF4:Yb,Er@NaGdF4:Nd nanoparticles exhibited high sensitivity in the visible and NIR regions. These data seem to be promising in terms of expanding the optical detection range of non-contact fluorescence temperature sensors and satisfy the requirements for temperature detection in various biological tissues.  相似文献   

Nikolov ID  Ivanov CD 《Applied optics》2000,39(13):2067-2070
Some new refractometric results are obtained in the visible and the near-infrared spectral regions. The main optical plastics are analyzed: poly(methyl methacrylate), polystyrene, polycarbonate, and styrene acrylonitrile. New materials, such as methyl methacrylate styrene copolmer, CTE-Richardson, Zeonex, Optorez, and Bayer are examined. The refractive indices are measured for wavelengths from 435.8 to 1052 nm with a new device. Abbe constants and dispersion coefficients are calculated. The measured and computed data is intended for designers and technologists.  相似文献   

With a high-refractive-index mixed-oxide dielectric material of ZrTiO(4) and ZrO(2) [Substance H2 (Sub2) from E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany], in combination with magnesium flouride (MgF(2)), design optimization and experimental production of low-loss antireflection (AR) coatings are carried out. Design-optimization studies that make use of these materials as constituents of a seven-layer coating system demonstrate that when the useful bandwidth of an AR coating is extended to cover a wider spectral range, the designs are in general found to have increased integrated reflection loss, higher ripple, and increased spectral instability. The experimental studies on Sub2 material show that the films have excellent optical performance over a wider process window, the advantage of which is demonstrated in the production of different AR coatings on a variety of glasses with refractive indices that range from 1.45 to 1.784 and different mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. The manufacturing process of AR coatings shows a consistency better than 99% with respect to optical properties and durability.  相似文献   

Like pure water, the water incorporated into cartilage and cornea tissue shows a pronounced dependence of the absorption coefficient on temperature. Alteration of the temperature by radiation with an IR free-electron laser was studied by use of a pulsed photothermal radiometric technique. A computation algorithm was modified to take into account the real IR absorption spectra of the tissue and the spectral sensitivity of the IR detector used. The absorption coefficients for several wavelengths within the 2.9- and 6.1-microm water absorption bands have been determined for various laser pulse energies. It is shown that the absorption coefficient for cartilage decreases at temperatures higher than 50 degrees C owing to thermal alterations of water-water and water-biopolymer interactions.  相似文献   

Visible and near-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of liquid water: comment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fry ES 《Applied optics》2000,39(16):2743-2744
Measurements of the absorption of pure water have been described [Appl. Opt. 38, 1216 (1999)]. This comment on that paper disputes the claims that (1) their list of references on pure water absorption is complete, (2) their result "...provides reliable data in the 320-420-nm region...," and (3) their data agree well with existing data in the literature. The clearest demonstration of these points is made by plotting their data and its associated error bars together with plots of other data in the literature that should be considered significantly more reliable. Finally, for practical applications that require absorption data, a suggestion is made for the best choice of absorption coefficients in the range of 196 nm 相似文献   

Raman scattering by pure water and seawater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of the magnitude and spectral distribution of the Raman-scattering coefficients of pure water (b(rw)) and seawater (b(rs)) are presented. Two independent measurements of the spectral distribution of the Raman-scattering coefficient of pure water were made for incident wavelengths ranging from 250 to 500 nm. These measurements revealed a strong dependence of b(rw) on wavelength that could be represented by a (lambda')(-5.3+/-0.3) relationship, where lambda' is the incident wavelength, or a lambda(-4.6+/-0.3) relationship, where lambda is the Raman-scattered wavelength, when normalized to units of photons. The corresponding relationships for normalization to energy are (lambda')(-5.5+/-0.4) and lambda(-4.8+/-0.3), respectively. These relationships are found to be consistent with resonance Raman theory for an absorption wavelength of 130 nm. The absolute value of b(rw) for the 3400-cm(-1) line was found to be (2.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) m(-1) for an incident wavelength of 488 nm, which is consistent with a number of earlier reports. The difference between the magnitudes of the Raman-scattering coefficients for pure water and seawater was statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

The inactivation of model microbes in aqueous matrix by visible light photocatalysis as mediated by ZnO nanorods was investigated. ZnO nanorods were grown on glass substrate following a hydrothermal route and employed in the inactivation of gram-negative Escherichia coli and gram-positive Bacillus subtilis in MilliQ water. The concentration of Zn(2+) ions in the aqueous matrix, bacterial cell membrane damage, and DNA degradation at post-exposure were also studied. The inactivation efficiencies for both organisms under light conditions were about two times higher than under dark conditions across the cell concentrations assayed. Anomalies in supernatant Zn(2+) concentration were observed under both conditions as compared to control treatments, while cell membrane damage and DNA degradation were observed only under light conditions. Inactivation under dark conditions was hence attributed to the bactericidal effect of Zn(2+) ions, while inactivation under light conditions was due to the combined effects of Zn(2+) ions and photocatalytically mediated electron injection. The reduction of pathogenic bacterial densities by the photocatalytically active ZnO nanorods in the presence of visible light implies potential ex situ application in water decontamination at ambient conditions under sunlight.  相似文献   

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