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In 37 patients with Crohn's disease the 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-HCC) serum level, serum concentration of calcium and inorganic phosphate, and the enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase were measured. Furthermore the activity index of Crohn's disease was determined in every patient. There was no statistically significant difference of 25-HCC serum levels in these patients compared to a healthy control group. Correspondingly most patients showed normal alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity and normal serum concentration of calcium and inorganic phosphate. No correlation between 25-HCC concentration and site of inflammation or activity index was found.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether there is a relationship between lithium administration and vitamin B12 metabolism. METHODS: We compared serum B12, serum folate, and red blood cell folate concentrations in patients receiving and not receiving lithium at two Mood Disorders Clinics. As the two centers differed in vitamin assay methods, data were first analyzed separately and then combined. To rule out an in vitro effect of lithium on the assays, we also added varying amounts of lithium to lithium-free blood samples and measured vitamin concentrations. RESULTS: Mean serum B12 concentrations were approximately 20% lower in the lithium than in the nonlithium group at each center. This difference was statistically significant for each center and on combination (two-tailed p = .017, .021, and .0009). The parametric effect size for each center and the combined weighted mean effect size were moderate in magnitude (.605, .523, and .565). There was a nonsignificant trend toward an increased prevalence of assay-defined B12 deficiency in the lithium group at one center only, with no cases in either group at the other center and a nonsignificant combined relative risk. CONCLUSIONS: Our data may represent a lithium-associated decrease in serum B12 concentration. The clinical significance of these findings is not yet clear.  相似文献   

The considerably lower vitamin E level found in cord blood and in newborns at birth than those found in the venous blood of mothers at delivery are not yet fully explained. In a group of 217 not selected newborns, we attempted to establish the relation between vitamin E and C levels at delivery and the changes during the first year of life. The mean serum vitamin E level rose from 0.37 mg/ml at 3 days to 0.80 mg/100 ml at 6 months and to 0.72 mg/100 ml at 12 months. On the other hand vitamin C mean levels lowered from 0.93 mg/100 ml in cord blood to 0.77 mg/100 ml at 6 months and to 0.73 mg/100 ml at 12 months. The rise of vitamin E values could be explained by the early use of infant solid foods with high vitamin and mineral content and by the increase of serum lipoproteins. Except at 3 days after delivery there were no individual values of serum vitamin E below the acceptable 0.35 mg/100 ml limit. However, serum vitamin C levels compatible with a moderate risk were very often observed, i.e., in 27.1% of infants at 6 months and in 30.5% at 1 year. Thus, vitamin E intake in infants was satisfactory with the usual diet but not vitamin C for which blood levels were not adequate. In view of these findings it appears necessary to evaluate periodically the vitamin E as well as vitamin C status in the infant population.  相似文献   

Sera from 20 myeloma patients and 12 normal controls were analysed for the presence of syndecan-1 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). The level of syndecan-1 in the serum was elevated in 7/20 (3 5%) myeloma patients whilst 6/19 patients (31%) had decreased serum MMP-9 activity. The presence of increased syndecan-1 was associated with decreased serum MMP-9. Both elevated syndecan-1 and decreased MMP-9 were associated with higher marrow plasmacytosis, serum beta-2 microglobulin and paraprotein levels. These data provide evidence that the syndecan-1 ectodomain is shed in vivo. Quantitation of serum syndecan-1 may be a useful measure of tumour mass and may have important implications for myeloma biology.  相似文献   

An 88-year-old woman was admitted with generalized lymphadenopathy, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. On admission, a peripheral blood examination showed a red blood cell count of 146 x 10(6)/microliter, a hemoglobin concentration of 6.9 g/dl, and a platelet count of 5.0 x 10(4)/microliter. Blood examination detected polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia; the results of the direct/indirect Coombs' test were positive; and an elevated cold agglutinin titer and high platelet associated IgG (PA-IgG) level indicated the existence of autoantibodies. Serum cytokine measurements disclosed an elevated level of interleukin-6 (IL-6). Immunoblastic lymphadenopathy-like T cell lymphoma was diagnosed on the basis of lymph node biopsy specimens. VP-16 and steroid therapy alleviated the patient's lymphadenopathy, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hypergammaglobulinemia. These findings suggest that tumor cells with a T cell phenotype produced IL-6 in large quantities, thus provoking B-cell and plasmacytic histologic changes and humoral disease manifestations, including hypergammaglobulinemia.  相似文献   

Vitamin E was advocated as an effective treatment for heart disease by Dr. Even Shute of London, Ontario more than 50 years ago. His pioneering claims, which were unacceptable to the medical community at large, have been confirmed by recent findings from epidemiologic studies and clinical trials. This review integrates our current knowledge of atherogenesis with the biological functions of vitamin E. The response-to-injury hypothesis explains atherosclerosis as a chronic inflammatory response to injury of the endothelium, which leads to complex cellular and molecular interactions among cells derived from the endothelium, smooth muscle and several blood cell components. Inflammatory and other stimuli trigger an overproduction of free radicals, which promote peroxidation of lipids in LDL trapped in the subendothelial space. Products of LDL oxidation are bioactive, and they induce endothelial expression and secretion of cytokines, growth factors and several cell surface adhesion molecules. The last-mentioned are capable of recruiting circulating monocytes and T lymphocytes into the intima where monocytes are differentiated into macrophages, the precursor of foam cells. In response to the growth factors and cytokines, smooth muscle cells proliferate in the intima, resulting in the narrowing of the lumen. Oxidized LDL can also inhibit endothelial production of prostacyclin and nitric oxide, two potent autacoids that are vasodilators and inhibitors of platelet aggregation. Evidence is presented that vitamin E is protective against the development of atherosclerosis. Vitamin E enrichment has been shown to retard LDL oxidation, inhibit the proliferation of smooth muscle cells, inhibit platelet adhesion and aggregation, inhibit the expression and function of adhesion molecules, attenuate the synthesis of leukotrienes and potentiate the release of prostacyclin through up-regulating the expression of cytosolic phospholipase A2 and cyclooxygenase. Collectively, these biological functions of vitamin E may account for its protection against the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old male white cockatoo was presented with lethargy and a decreased appetite. Auscultation between the second and third sternal rib revealed a heart murmur, which was confirmed by electrocardiographic and phonocardiographic examination to be systolic, with a shift of the heart axis to -152 degrees. Radiographs showed lack of detail in the cranial part of the abdominal coelom, indicative of ascites and an enlarged cardiac shadow, while ultrasonographic examination revealed pericardial effusion and fluid accumulation in the cavitas peritonealis hepatica. An extra fluid-filled cavity was found at the atrioventricular junction in the right cardiac wall and colour Doppler examination demonstrated a turbulent jetstream of blood into the cavity, originating directly above the aortic valve. Non-selective angiocardiography confirmed the ultrasonographic observations. Findings were indicative of an aneurysm of the a. coronaria dextra (right coronary artery). This was confirmed by necropsy which revealed atherosclerosis to be the underlying cause.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that vitamin E may be an important preventative factor in the development and progression of atherosclerosis. In order to more clearly define the role of vitamin E in atherosclerosis, we measured vitamin E, conjugated diens, and lipid flurochromes, as well as cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipid in arterial and venous tissue of 83 patients. Serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in patients with aortic occlusive (AIOD) and aneurysmal (AAA) disease than in control organ donors (OD). Tissue cholesterol concentrations were significantly elevated in AAA tissue when compared to OD and tissue from patients with peripheral occlusive disease (POD). Tissue from patients with AIOD contained greater concentrations of phospholipid (PL) than were measured in patients with POD and in OD. Vitamin E concentrations were highest in POD tissue and approximately 3.0, 2.0, and 1.6 fold greater than OD, AIOD and AAA tissue respectively. Diene conjugates and lipid flurochromes, measures of early and intermediate products of lipid peroxidation, were markedly elevated in all diseased arterial tissue compared to controls. There were no significant differences in tissue or serum lipid levels between saphenous vein (SVBG) and diseased vein grafts (DVG). However, conjugated diene concentrations were elevated in DVG compared to SVBG. Vitamin E levels were significantly elevated in diseased arterial and venous tissue (AIOD, AAA, POD, DVG) removed from patients with diabetes (P = 0.013) and hypertension (P = 0.049) compared to those without these risk factors. Diabetes was the only risk factor associated with significantly increased (P = 0.005) levels of vitamin E when only data from atherosclerotic arterial tissue (AAA, POD, AIOD) were analyzed. These preliminary data provide additional evidence of altered vitamin E metabolism and free radical processes in the tissues of patients with various manifestations of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

目的 观察急性白血病(AL)患者血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的变化,探讨其对AL疗效和预后判断的临床意义.方法 采用全自动生化分析仪检测156例AL患者[包括初治组63例、完全缓解(CR)组46例、复发组47例]的LDH值,常规反带方法分析AL染色体核型,并根据核型分成预后好、预后中等及预后差3组,分析LDH值与上述分组、患者白细胞数及白血病亚型的相关性.结果 初治组和复发组的AL患者血清LDH值[其中位数(P50)分别为399和265 U/L]明显高于CR组(P50 153 U/L)(P<0.05).LDH的增高与外周血白细胞数(rs=0.604)及骨髓中白血病细胞比例(rs=0.538)密切相关(均P<0.01).LDH与不同白血病亚型有关(L2、M4明显增高)(P<0.01).难治复发的AL患者初治时LDH值(P50 538 U/L)高于非难治复发组(P50 294 U/L).具有不良预后染色体核型的AL患者初治时LDH(P50 778 U/L)明显高于预后良好组(P50 306 U/L)和预后中等组(P50 405 U/L)(P<0.01).结论 LDH在AL发病时明显升高,其升高程度与病期、亚型及恶性度有相关性,AL缓解期LDH可下降,LDH可作为AL诊治过程中判断病情、评估预后的参数.  相似文献   

The C3-Proactivator (C3-PA) and the C3 and C4 complements were determined by radio-immuno diffusion in the serum of 72 patients with definite or classical rheumatoid arthritis, 51 patients with osteoarthrosis and 42 healthy subjects. C3-PA and C4 levles were significantly higher in the serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis than in the control group (C3-PA in 72%, C4 in 37% of the RA patients). There was also a significant difference between seropositive und seronegative cases. Elevation of both components was more frequently found in patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis than in the seropositive cases. However, the C3-PA serum level is not correlated with the ESR. Also an elevation of the C3-PA serum level is not specific for rheumatoid arthritis, it is also found in other inflammatory diseases as well as after surgery.  相似文献   

Complement levels (CH50, C3, C4 and C1q) were determined in sera of 90 healthy subjects and 200 cancer patients. Complement levels of cancer patients were significantly higher than those of the healthy subjects, but there was a stage-linked increase of complement levels. Patients in remission had nearly normal complement levels, but patients with local tumor had increased complement levels, and a further increase was observed in patients with distant metastases. Treatment of these patients with radiotherapy or cytostatic drugs lowered the complement levels. At the terminal phase of the disease we also noted a drop in complement levels.  相似文献   

Chylous fistula complicates 1.1% of all radical neck dissections, and 2.4% of left-sided dissections. The standard treatment of established chylous leak in the reported cases is a pressure dressing applied to the lower neck. Here we present a case of chylous fistula, where conservative methods failed to cope with this complication. The additional application of a fibrin adhesive set was a successful modality of treatment.  相似文献   

Serum digoxin levels were examined in 55 patients with varying degrees of renal function impairment who were receiving chronic oral digoxin therapy. Three methods of predicting digoxin serum levels were investigated. Each method may be applied using serum creatinine values and does not require urinary data. Correlations between calculated and actual digoxin levels in combined male and female patients were improved when changes in digoxin distribution volumes in renal impairment were considered. Correlations between calculated and actual digoxin levels were poor in male patients but were again improved by incorporating changes in drug distribution volume. Correlations obtained in female patients were superior to those obtained in male patients and appeared to be independent of the method of calculation employed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of vitamin E on total serum protein glycation (fructosamine), hemoglobin glycation (HbA1c), and serum levels of glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, HDL-C, apolipoprotein A1 and apolipoprotein B. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty poorly controlled diabetic patients were randomly assigned to receive either 1200 mg/day of vitamin E or identical placebo capsules during a two month period following a double blind cross-over design with a four week wash-out period between regimens. RESULTS: Seven patients were excluded from the study because of reasons not related to the medication. In the remaining 53 patients, the levels of serum glucose, fructosamine, HbA1c, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, Apo A1 and Apo B did not vary significantly with vitamin E as compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: No significant effects of vitamin E on any of the parameters evaluated were observed in poorly controlled diabetic patients.  相似文献   

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