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介绍了大连东关街的历史和现状,通过案例比较分析法,阐述了历史街区保护面临的多种困难,并结合东关街实际情况,提出了历史街区保护改造的建议,为今后历史街区的保护和规划改造提供了参考。  相似文献   

谢璇  骆建云  周霞 《华中建筑》2001,19(4):79-81
广州对旧城区中的传统骑楼商业街的改造,经历了从成片拆掉到对典型商业街保护修整的尝试,透过现象分析骑楼街区在城市发展中的地位,探讨对其保护应以尊重传统街区的历史环境氛围为出发点,以一种动态,多方面综合的方式,促进传统骑楼街区的持续发展。  相似文献   

A vast amount of iconic buildings distinguished by complex geometries have been constructed in the last two decades in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. Overall, the construction of these iconic buildings has led to technical innovations. As these buildings are often erected following customised construction details and bespoke technical solutions that are rarely tested in advance, measuring their ageing process has become crucial to understand if these geometries are sustainable in terms of the cost of their maintenance. This study aims to analyse the technical design development and the ageing process of the Jubilee Church in Rome by Richard Meier. Only fourteen years after the opening, this building is affected by extensive decay of construction materials due to both wrong technical design choices and lack of unaffordable maintenance work. This study aims to identify the causes of the premature decay of this building, recording retroactively its technical development and mapping the current state of damages.  相似文献   

砂浆抹面是近现代历史建筑常用的外墙装饰之一,具有强烈的地域性和时代性,受长期自然风化以及人为因素的影响,现今多已出现不同程度的劣化病害。通过对张小泉剪刀厂历史建筑外立面砂浆抹面的病害特征与病害机理进行分析,从修复材料选择及工艺方案设计两方面提出建议,为今后此类历史建筑的修复提供有益参考。  相似文献   

郑玲  陶勇 《福建建筑》2014,(8):8-11
结合漳州市绿道网规划与历史文化名城保护规划,对历史文化名城城墙范围界定与城门节点恢复、护城河保护、街巷格局梳理、历史文化名城展示与推介等一系列问题进行了探索研究,提出绿道与历史文化名城保护相结合,"以绿界城、以绿护城、以绿兴城"的保护思路及方法,促进历史文化名城保护与有机更兴。  相似文献   

Recent urban ecological research shows high species numbers in slowly developed cities and towns. Urban development is known to fragment, change and weaken urban biodiversity. Conservation areas have been the main tool in protecting threatened species both in rural and urban municipalities in Finland. However, very little is known about how successful conservation areas are in protecting rare and threatened species and their habitats in boreal cities and towns. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a rapidly urbanising hemiboreal city, which has a high number of vascular plant species in both native and urban biotopes. One and 0.25 km2 grid square maps and simple overlay methods are being used to analyse data on species occurrence and land use. Total species number, a rarity index and historical and threatened groupings are used to classify species and their habitats. At present, conservation areas can protect only a small proportion of threatened species in Helsinki. More protection areas, green areas in future land-use decisions and new management goals are needed to protect the biodiversity of existing vascular plant species.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述鼓岭老街在特殊的历史时期,在不同的文化背景下,外国人和本地居民的共存共融,和谐相处及共同发展的场景。并从时代背景、建筑特色、宗教信仰、民风习俗等方面,进行了比较分析和评价,探讨了鼓岭老街中西方文化的融合及各自的艺术价值。同时在老街保护规划中提出相应保护内容及保护措施,使老街作为中外文化的交汇地,中外人民友谊的彰显地,而得以传扬和继承。  相似文献   

雷晶晶 《建筑与文化》2016,(11):156-157
解决集中式教堂与教礼的矛盾是巴洛克建筑所要面对的关键问题。本文以波罗米尼设计的两座教堂为例,探讨他以独特的设计手法对这一问题的回应。  相似文献   

The framework of the Italian restoration doctrine is based on the reception and transmission of the memory of the past. However, interventions in modern architecture represent a radical drift in the sense that they mostly consist of reconstructions, refurbishments, and renovations. Such work disregards the sense of value acknowledgment that is implicit in architectural conservation and neglects the importance of material conservation. The uneven fortune of the School of Mathematics at Rome's University Campus illustrates this situation. This predicament is similar to that of many other modern buildings that have been declared “monuments” by mouth but are actually bent to listless and insensible use, mistreated, and hardly maintained. The recent work carried out at the School of Mathematics proves that interventions on modern buildings are mostly insensitive to their true significance and are often carried out in extreme urgency for mere practical reasons, if not for political opportunities. Modern buildings can be true architectural monuments that express great esthetic potentials and retain notable historical weight in the history of architecture; therefore, they should be regarded as highly representative of our recent past and maintained as such.  相似文献   

Almost four decades ago, Attention Restoration Theory and Stress Recovery Theory postulated that nature could help people to recover from the attentional fatigue and the emotional negative outcomes coming from their daily performance. Since then, these theories have inspired a great amount of research. In this review, 19 restoration pretest-posttest field studies were selected. A systematic analysis of the papers was conducted using two rating tools to assess the quality of the studies and to detect their main strengths and weaknesses. The results allowed us to synthesise the results of this sample of studies, to reflect about the nature of the research conducted until today and to point to some issues and challenges that might be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

以马兰峪镇为例研究古镇空间景观保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋巍  尚改珍  张晓晨 《山西建筑》2007,33(21):32-33
简述了古镇空间景观保护的意义,介绍了马兰峪镇的相关背景,并分析了其空间景观的现状及存在的问题,从规划原则和保护规划措施两方面对空间景观的保护进行了研究,以进一步展示古镇的环境魅力和文化特色。  相似文献   

通过对济南市老商埠区的现状及历史价值进行调研与分析.提出关于老商埠区经三路这一“整体性近代历史街区”的概念。对区域迅速衰败的现状,范围内重点建筑的遗存情况以及街区内存在的种种问题进行阐述,以期提供参考。并使近代历史街区的保护得到相应关注。  相似文献   

石头厝是福建传统民居建筑的典型代表,多具有村落聚集、历史悠久的特点,是地域文化和历史的缩影,具有重要的历史文化价值。石头厝多沿海而建,海风强劲、腐蚀力强,同时随着近年城市的扩张,现存石头厝的呈现乱、破、荒废的衰败趋势。文章基于保护专项规划的角度,对大面积石头厝的类型、位置分布、建设年代、面积、用途的普查与建库方法进行研究。并以平潭综合实验区为例,对石头厝普查数据成果进行分析,提出若干保护规划的建议。  相似文献   

新兴商业形态诸如酒吧、咖啡馆等在城市中逐渐占据重要地位,而历史街巷中酒吧群也逐渐发展兴旺。长沙逐渐由历史文化名城发展成历史文化与娱乐文化互相交融的新型城市.酒吧群在长沙的历史街巷中展现着“娱乐之都”的蓬勃生机。本文以长沙太平街、化龙池著名历史街巷为例,对酒吧塑造建筑“第二轮廓线”和酒吧影响街道色彩印象等方面进行分析,总结新兴商业形态对历史街巷影响的一般模式。同时,借鉴国内外历史街巷的改造经验,提出优化长沙历史街巷商业形态的建议。  相似文献   

The writer presents information about some problems of the seismicity of bases and foundations from results of work of specialists of the N. M. Gersevanov NIIOSP Institute carried out during 1988–1990 to establish the consequences of the Spitak earthquake of 7 December 1988 and to analyze design-research material related to different construction projects for reconstruction work in the disaster zone in Armenia.Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 6, pp. 31–33, November–December, 1992.  相似文献   

深圳市的城市水土流失出现至今已20年了,当今城市水土生态问题需要宏观的理念和全新的方法。从城市出现的水土生态问题出发,论述了水土生态原理是与水土有关的生态系统的保护、修复、建设的人类行为准则和科学原理,提出水土生态原理的宏观尺度可理解为大地格局原则及其具体内容,并总结出城市水土生态原理的实践创新体系的六大方面:水土生态文化、土石方平衡的开发准则、道路边坡高差的优化控制及绿色防护原则、恢复与维护河流的生态功能原则、裸露山体缺口的生态修复原理、开发区流失防控配置原理等。  相似文献   

喀什老城是我国唯一保存下来具有典型古西域特色的千年古城,也是古今丝绸之路上的重要商埠和文化名城。喀什老城区改造能否保护和传承古城的城市文化备受社会关注。自治区和喀什地区各级党委、政府,通过调查研究、改造试点,确立了"四个结合"的指导思想和目标要求,奠定了老城区改造的技术路线,实施了民居建筑"一对一"的具体改造方式。目前已取得完成超过90%的改造工程量,同时也得到了社会各方面的满意与好评。  相似文献   

佛山“肇迹于晋,得名于唐”,地处富饶的珠江三角洲腹地,扼西、北两江之要冲。良好的自然环境、发达的农业以及地处交通要道,使佛山的商品经济得到快速发展,并从唐宋时起逐步发展成为岭南的名镇,明清期间成为天下闻名的“四大名镇”之一。佛山历史文化名城市域范围3800平方公里,现有三水大旗头和顺德碧江两个国家级历史文化名村,还有石湾、西樵、九江、龙江、大良、逢简、沙、黎边等等一大批具有极其丰富历史资源的城镇和村庄聚落。这些珠江三角洲地区典型的水乡聚落有着独特的绿地生态系统和相应的社会文化功能,对其进行研究是佛山历史文化…  相似文献   

历史文化名镇都是经过长时期的发展而形成的,特别是地处江南地区的历史文化名镇,具有独特的地方历史文化和水环境。历史文化名镇在旅游开发中如何保护好古建筑及古镇风貌,使古镇的历史风貌能健康的延续和发展,使古镇保护与旅游开发相辅相承,进入良性循环,这是一个值得研究探讨的问题。 笔者结合与荷隆美集团(荷兰)合作编制的上海青浦区朱家角镇游艇码头区规划设计为例,对此进行一些探讨。 一、朱家角镇地理位置及其历史 朱家角镇坐落在上海西南的青浦区,与江苏省接邻,东距虹桥国际机场仅30公里,北连昆山,南接浙江嘉兴,西通平望,318…  相似文献   

作为中国近代工业发轫的京津冀地区,存在大量优秀的工业遗产。在京津冀协同发展的背景下,对该地区不同保护层次工业遗产的再利用模式进行总结和比较探究,为再利用模式的选择提供更好的方法。  相似文献   

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