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一种有效的社会网络社区发现模型和算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
社会网络的社区发现存在划分效果较好的算法时间复杂度过高、现有快速划分算法划分质量不佳、缺乏表达和充分利用个体和链接属性信息的模型和机制等问题.针对这些问题,提出了一种边稳定系数模型和一种能表达个体间关系紧密度的完全信息图模型,在此基础上设计和实现了一种有效的社区发现算法.提出的完全信息图模型具有较高通用性,适用于需要融合个体和链接属性的社区发现算法.通过系列实验表明,所提出的以边稳定系数模型和完全信息图为基础的算法,对社会网络中的社区发现问题是有效的.算法不仅具有较快的速度,也能适用于带权与不带权的网络,得到的社区划分结果也具有较高的划分质量.  相似文献   

如何发现高质量的社区结构对于深刻研究和分析基于位置的社交网络(LBSN)这种新型复杂网络具有重要意义,然而,现有面向社交网络的社区发现方法都无法适用于具有多维异构关系的LBSN.为此,提出了一种基于联合聚类的用户社区发现方法Multi-BVD,该方法先给出了融合用户社交网络与地理位置标签网络中多模实体及其异构关系的社区划分目标函数,然后使用拉格朗日乘子法得到目标函数极小值的迭代更新规则,并运用块值矩阵分解技术来确定最优的社区划分结果.仿真实验结果表明,Multi-BVD方法能有效地发现LBSN中具有地理特征的用户社区结构,该社区结构在社交关系和地理兴趣标签上都有更优的内聚性,并能更紧密地体现用户社区与地理标签簇间的兴趣关联性.  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a balanced multi-label propagation algorithm(BMLPA) for overlapping community detection in social networks.As well as its fast speed,another important advantage of our method is good stability,which other multi-label propagation algorithms,such as COPRA,lack.In BMLPA,we propose a new update strategy,which requires that community identifiers of one vertex should have balanced belonging coefficients.The advantage of this strategy is that it allows vertices to belong to any number of communities without a global limit on the largest number of community memberships,which is needed for COPRA.Also,we propose a fast method to generate "rough cores",which can be used to initialize labels for multi-label propagation algorithms,and are able to improve the quality and stability of results.Experimental results on synthetic and real social networks show that BMLPA is very efficient and effective for uncovering overlapping communities.  相似文献   

针对在线社会网络潜在社区难以检测的问题,根据在线社会网络的独有特性,提出一种基于用户紧密度的在线社会网络社区发现算法。创建初步用户图,依据节点属性相似性算法计算用户个体紧密度,基于共有邻居相似性算法计算用户社区紧密度,从而构造出完整用户图,利用层次聚类算法对完整用户图进行处理,发现潜在社区。实验结果表明,与NAS、CNS算法相比,该算法的社区凝聚度与正确率更高,分别达到0.67和97.1%。  相似文献   

Community structure is one of the most important properties in social networks,and community detection has received an enormous amount of attention in recent years.In dynamic networks,the communities may evolve over time so that pose more challenging tasks than in static ones.Community detection in dynamic networks is a problem which can naturally be formulated with two contradictory objectives and consequently be solved by multiobjective optimization algorithms.In this paper,a novel multiobjective immune algorithm is proposed to solve the community detection problem in dynamic networks.It employs the framework of nondominated neighbor immune algorithm to simultaneously optimize the modularity and normalized mutual information,which quantitatively measure the quality of the community partitions and temporal cost,respectively.The problem-specific knowledge is incorporated in genetic operators and local search to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.Experimental studies based on four synthetic datasets and two real-world social networks demonstrate that our algorithm can not only find community structure and capture community evolution more accurately but also be more steadily than the state-of-the-art algorithms.  相似文献   

Community Detection in Complex Networks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
With the rapidly growing evidence that various systems in nature and society can be modeled as complex networks, community detection in networks becomes a hot research topic in physics sociology, computer society, etc. Although this investigation of community structures has motivated many diverse algorithms, most of them are unsuitable when dealing with large networks due to their computational cost. In this paper, we present a faster algorithm ComTector which is more efficient for the community detection in large complex networks based on the nature of overlapping cliques. This algorithm does not require any priori knowledge about the number or the original division of the communities. With respect to practical applications, ComTector is challenging with five different types of networks including the classic Zachary Karate Club, Scientific Collaboration Network South Florida Free Word Association Network, Urban Traffic Network North America Power Grid and the Telecommunication Call Network. Experimental results show that our algorithm can discover meaningful communities that meet both the objective basis and our intuitions.  相似文献   

社交网络的迅猛发展极大地方便了人们的日常生活、工作和学习,但也带来了大量复杂的交互行为和连接模式。如何有效地综合分析网络中的交互信息和网络节点之间存在的连接信息,进而完成高效的社团检测,是在当前网络多维属性的复杂背景下进行网络分析所面临的关键难题。基于此,从有效融合两类不同的异质信息研究出发,提出了一种基于交互行为和连接分析的社交网络社团检测(CDUILS)方法。该方法基于两类信息能够从不同的角度反映网络同一个社团归属的假设,采用联合非负矩阵分解架构,以迭代更新的方式,同时利用两类信息进行社团结果的获取。在真实网络数据集上的实验表明,与已有方法相比,所提方法能够有效融合两类信息进行社团检测,取得了更好的社团划分质量。  相似文献   

在线社会网络研究中,动态隐含社区或群组结构的发现及演化探测是一个十分关键的核心问题,它对于在中观(Mesoscopic)视图观察在线社会网络隐结构特征、预测演化趋势、掌控网络势态、发现网络异常群体事件等具有重要意义.文中首先分析了动态社区发现和社区演化研究的关系,给出动态社区研究中关键挑战问题;然后根据问题背景的不同,从“同构社会网络的动态社区研究”和“异构社会网络的动态社区研究”两个方面进行国内外相关研究现状的阐述和分析,其中,在“同构社会网络的动态社区研究”中,根据评价方法的差异和关注问题的不同将当前相关研究分为基于时空独立评价、时空集成评价、统一评价和增量式算法4大类进行综述,同时对动态社区发现的重要应用——异常群体发现的研究进行介绍;最后对在线社会网络动态社区领域的难点和发展趋势进行分析和展望.  相似文献   

复杂网络中的社团结构发现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓智龙  淦文燕 《计算机科学》2012,39(109):103-108
社团结构是真实复杂网络异质性与模块化特性的反映。深入研究网络的社团结构有助于揭示错综复杂的真 实网络是怎样由许多相对独立而又互相关联的社区形成的,使人们更好地理解系统不同层次的结构和功能,具有广泛 的实用价值。总结了目前常用的社区发现方法,包括经典的GN算法、模块度优化算法、基于网络动力学的方法以及 统计推断方法;用社区划分基准测试网络Zachary对上述算法进行了实验,对这几类算法的时间复杂度和优缺点进行 了比较分析。最后,对复杂网络的社区结构发现算法的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

牛新征  司伟钰  佘堃 《软件学报》2017,28(7):1773-1789
社团的数目和时间平滑性的平衡因子一直是基于进化聚类的动态网络社团发现算法的最大的问题.提出一种基于标签的多目标优化的动态网络社团发现算法(LDMGA).借鉴多目标遗传算法思想,将进化聚类思想转换为多目标遗传算法优化问题,保证当前时刻的聚类质量的同时,又能使当前聚类结果与前一个时刻网络结构保持一致.该算法在初始化过程加入标签传播算法,增加初始个体的聚类质量.提出基于标签的变异算法,增强了算法的聚类效果和算法的收敛速度.同时,多目标遗传算法和标签算法的结合使算法可扩展性强,运行时间随着节点或者边数目增加呈线性增长.将该算法与目前优秀算法在仿真数据集和真实数据集上进行对比实验,结果表明,该算法既有良好的聚类效果,又有良好的扩展性.  相似文献   

The problem of detecting community structures of a social network has been extensively studied over recent years, but most existing methods solely rely on the network structure and neglect the context information of the social relations.The main reason is that a context-rich network offers too much flexibility and complexity for automatic or manual modulation of the multifaceted context in the analysis process.We address the challenging problem of incorporating context information into the community analysis with a novel visual analysis mechanism.Our approach consists of two stages: interactive discovery of salient context, and iterative context-guided community detection.Central to the analysis process is a context relevance model (CRM) that visually characterizes the influence of a given set of contexts on the variation of the detected communities, and discloses the community structure in specific context configurations.The extracted relevance is used to drive an iterative visual reasoning process, in which the community structures are progressively discovered.We introduce a suite of visual representations to encode the community structures, the context as well as the CRM.In particular, we propose an enhanced parallel coordinates representation to depict the context and community structures, which allows for interactive data exploration and community investigation.Case studies on several datasets demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our approach.  相似文献   

社会网络应用已无处不在,在健康医疗领域也是如此.同时,传感器网络的发展也面临新的形势.在真实世界中,有许多因素(如社会关系、历史健康状态和个人属性信息)都能对健康状态检测/预测结果产生影响.然而,却很少有相关文献能够系统阐述新形势下在一个动态社会网络中节点用户健康状态如何进行检测/预测以及不同因素对用户健康状态影响到何种程度.首先描述一种新颖的医疗物联网:医疗社会网络(medical social networks, MSNs);然后统一考虑社会关系、历史健康状态和用户属性对网络用户健康状态检测结果的影响,提出一种新的基于时-空概率因子图模型(temporal-spatial factor graph model, TS-FGM)的网络用户健康状态检测/预测方法.在Twitter数据集上对所提出的模型进行了验证,并在一个真实的临床医疗数据集上与SVM基线算法进行了对比实验.实验结果表明所提出的TS-FGM模型是有效的,健康状态检测方法也在一定程度上优于基线方法.  相似文献   

Community Mining from Signed Social Networks   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Many complex systems in the real world can be modeled as signed social networks that contain both positive and negative relations. Algorithms for mining social networks have been developed in the past; however, most of them were designed primarily for networks containing only positive relations and, thus, are not suitable for signed networks. In this work, we propose a new algorithm, called FEC, to mine signed social networks where both positive within-group relations and negative between-group relations are dense. FEC considers both the sign and the density of relations as the clustering attributes, making it effective for not only signed networks but also conventional social networks including only positive relations. Also, FEC adopts an agent-based heuristic that makes the algorithm efficient (in linear time with respect to the size of a network) and capable of giving nearly optimal solutions. FEC depends on only one parameter whose value can easily be set and requires no prior knowledge on hidden community structures. The effectiveness and efficacy of FEC have been demonstrated through a set of rigorous experiments involving both benchmark and randomly generated signed networks.  相似文献   

在线社交网络中异常帐号检测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

近年来,随着现代网络通信和社会媒体等技术的飞速发展,复杂网络成为多学科交叉研究的热点之一,社区发现是复杂网络中的一个重要问题,对其进行研究具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。该问题吸引了多个学科领域的众多学者的关注,并且已有许多社区发现算法被提出。已有的社区发现综述多是侧重某一方向或特定领域展开,基于此,文中在之前工作的基础上,对国内外社区发现工作进行了深入调研,较全面地阐述了复杂网络社区发现的研究现状。首先,针对不同网络结构,给出社区发现的问题定义和主要的评价指标。然后,介绍了不同网络结构中的经典社区发现算法,包括同质网络中的全局社区发现、局部社区发现算法,异质网络中的二分网络、三分网络和多分网络中的社区发现,结合节点内容和连接结构的社区发现算法,以及动态网络中的社区发现和社区演化工作。最后,简要介绍了社区发现的典型应用,包括影响最大化、链路预测和情感分析领域的应用。此外,探讨了当前社区发现研究面临的主要挑战,试图为社区发现研究领域勾画一个较为清晰和全面的轮廓,为初学者提供指引。  相似文献   

随着互联网的不断发展,大多数社会网络已逐渐显示出动态特性,动态社会网络社团分析对理解现实生活中社会网络结构和功能具有非常重要的意义.针对动态社会网络中的社团发现问题,提出一种基于隐Markov模型(hidden Markov model, HMM)的HMM_DC算法.该算法考虑到社会网络的动态特性,结合历史信息,将社团发现转化为求解隐马尔可夫模型中的最优状态序列问题,将网络中的社团结构和节点信息分别采用状态链和观察链表示,在无须指定额外参数的情况下实现动态网络的社团结构发现.最后,利用该算法和其他算法对VAST数据集、ENRON数据集和Facebook social network数据集进行实验仿真.仿真结果表明:该算法能够快速、准确地发现真实动态网络中的社团,其模块度Q值和互信息NMI值有很大提升.  相似文献   

Predicting missing links and links that may occur in the future in social networks is an attention grabbing topic amid the social network analysts. Owing to the relationship between human‐based system and social sciences in this field, granular computing can help us to model the systems more effectively. The present study aims to propose two new similarity indices, based on granular computing approach and fuzzy logic. It also presents a new hybrid model for creating synergy between various link prediction models. Results show that fuzzy system analysis, in comparison with the crisp approach, can make more effective predictions through better expression of network characteristics. The indices are tested on collaboration networks. It is found that the accuracy of predictions is significantly higher than the crisp approach. It can modify the models for computing the strength of the links and/or predicting the evolutions of the social networks.  相似文献   

社交网络中隐式事件突发性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介飞  谢飞  李磊  吴信东 《自动化学报》2018,44(4):730-742
社交网络与人们的生活息息相关,其上的用户行为可用于检测社交网络中的事件突发性,进而准确定位事件的发生区间.但用户行为易受主观及外部因素的影响,有时会出现隐式事件突发性,给事件突发性检测带来困难.本文针对社交网络中的隐式事件突发性问题,在以社交行为特征进行事件突发性检测的基础上,引入关键词特征,动态调整各个时间窗口的候选关键词,将不同事件与不同的关键词特征绑定,避免事件之间及噪音带来的干扰,实现对隐式事件突发性的准确识别.相关实验表明,本文提出的算法可有效改善现有社交网络中事件突发性检测任务的效果.  相似文献   

基于模糊神经网络的火灾探测算法的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文根据当今火灾探测的现状和人们对火灾探测的要求,结合火灾探测的特点,主要提出将模糊神经网络应用于火灾探测中来降低火灾探测的误报率提高准确性和灵活性的思想,并详细介绍了模糊神经网络设计过程与结构。  相似文献   

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