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沙爱军  沈卫康  毛其林 《电子测试》2013,(20):96-98,230
SIP协议是NGN中的重要协议,将逐步取代H.323协议成为VoIP的标准信令协议。设计了一款基于SIP的语音用户代理,即SIP终端。系统硬件采用ARM9为平台,软件以LINUX为平台,采用C语言编写了UA用户程序,在实现过程中采用了osip2、eXosip2协议栈来处理信令,采用了Mediastreamer2协议栈和oRTP协议栈以及PCM等编码算法来处理音频流的采集/播放、编码/解码、发送/接收等。局域网内测试表明,该终端可以实现拨打、接听、取消、挂断、退出等基本呼叫流程,并且通话质量良好。  相似文献   

SIP是原生支持移动性的协议,具有简单性、扩展性、伸缩性等特点,是嵌入式移动终端的理想信令协议。在嵌入式手持终端上实现基于SIP的软电话,该系统由SIP协议进行信令控制,并可进行多媒体会话。文章详细描述了嵌入式软件开发流程,介绍了oSIP2协议栈的调用方法、Linux下多线程编写技术、MiniGUI形界面编程特点以及调试过程。  相似文献   

随着宽带及多媒体技术的不断发展,SIP作为多媒体会话信令控制协议被广泛应用于IP网络中。本文介绍了SIP开源协议栈OSIP及其工作机制,基于OSIP设计并实现了WINDOWS平台下具有语音和文件传输等功能的多媒体终端,重点阐述了终端设计思路和开发设计过程中的难点及关键技术。  相似文献   

目前SIP协议在VoIP中的应用越来越广泛,许多VoIP系统都采用SIP作为它们的信令通信协议,在实现VoIP系统的过程中对于SIP协议栈的选择及应用就显得非常重要。本文设计一种软电话,利用eXosip协议来进行信令交互,只要在同一网内,就可以不受限制的进行通话。  相似文献   

季光献 《电信科学》2012,28(4):90-98
IMS是3G系统中核心网的重要部分,由SIP提供的会话发起能力建立起端到端的会话,并获得所需要的服务质量。本文基于有限状态机提出了一种新的面向IMS网络的SIP信令协议栈。通过在软终端上的功能、性能和可靠性测试,本文提出的SIP协议栈能够有效地完成多媒体通信功能。  相似文献   

穿越防火墙/NAT的SIP通信研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私网和公网之间的安全防护和地址转换的常用方法是防火墙/NAT。但防火墙/NAT不支持SIP协议。阻碍了SIP信令安全地穿过防火墙/NAT。限制了私网内的SIP终端同Internet上的SIP终端之间的业务互通。本介绍了一种基于虚拟代理和IP隧道的隧道穿透方案。实现了防火墙/NAT两侧的SIP信令和媒体的互通。  相似文献   

孙志海  凌乐  朱善安   《电子器件》2006,29(3):917-919,924
以车载汽车电子多媒体视听系统为研发背景,在OMAP5912平台上采用SIP(会话发起协议)设计了IP电话终端。详细说明了IP电话终端的主要硬件组成部分,介绍了SIP和oSIP协议栈,给出了嵌入式系统IP电话软件的程序设计框架和效果,并对在该基础上实现无线IP电话终端提出了进一步的设想。  相似文献   

SIP(会话初始化协议)是伴随着Internet的发展同时借鉴了Web业务成功经验的、由IETF制定的一套网络多媒体信令协议,主要用于创建、修改和终止多媒体呼叫与会话,是一个与HTTP和SMTP类似的、基于文本的协议,具有易读取、易扩展以及易于调试的特性。简单介绍了SIP协议的功能组件以及消息机制,提出了SIP协议栈实现的层次结构模型,并给出了SIP协议栈的结构以及软件流程。  相似文献   

杨瑞 《电视技术》2011,35(23):71-74
介绍并分析SIP开源协议栈OSIP,EXOSIP,RTP开源协议栈ORTP的原理和运行机制.并在此基础上,设计并实现了一个基于SIC8008数字机顶盒芯片为硬件平台、Linux为操作系统的VoIP终端.该终端通过一个10/100 Base-T的RJ-45以太网接口直接连接互联网来实现和其他VoIP终端的通话.  相似文献   

会话初始协议(SIP)是下一代网络(NGN)中的重要协议,SIP服务器是SIP网络的核心设备,其开发所采用的SIP协议栈将直接影响其设备性能.ReSIProcate协议栈是基于RFC3261标准的、由C++编写的、稳定性好、扩展性强的开源SIP协议栈.使用Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003开发平台,利用ReSIProcate协议栈实现SIP服务器系统的程序设计,理论上具有较高的稳定性和开发实用性.  相似文献   

宋婧  龚青生 《电讯技术》2006,46(6):191-193
首先介绍了SIP协议,包括其功能、系统基本组成、消息格式,然后设计了软件的三大模块:用户界面模块、SIP UA模块、语音通信模块,并使用编程工具V isual C 6.0、SIP协议栈OSIP、EXOSIP及RTP协议栈W inRTP实现了该软电话。测试结果表明,该SIP软电话在局域网环境下具有良好的通话质量。  相似文献   

MIPv6在IP网络层支持移动性,而SIP一直支持VoIP的应用,是IP多媒体子系统(IMS)的信令协议。为了无缝支持在移动领域中的实时多媒体通信,SIP和MIP的集成显得非常重要。本文通过MIPv6、SIP及SIP和MIPv6的集成,显示出SIP和MIPv6的集成对IMS系统性能的优化,说明了该方案可提供有效的路由,并且可减少切换时延。  相似文献   

With developments in voice over IP (VoIP), IP-based wireless data networks and their application services have received increased attention. While multimedia applications of mobile nodes are served by Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as a signaling protocol, the mobility of mobile nodes may be supported via Mobile IP protocol. For a mobile node that uses both Mobile IP and SIP, there is a severe redundant registration overhead because the mobile node has to make location registration separately to a home agent for Mobile IP and to a home registrar for SIP, respectively. Therefore, we propose two new schemes that integrate mobility management functionality in Mobile IP and SIP. We show performance comparisons among the previous method, which makes separate registration for Mobile IP and SIP without integration, and our two integrated methods. Numerical results show that the proposed methods efficiently reduce the amount of signaling messages and delay time related to the idle handoff and the active handoff.  相似文献   

As the core signaling protocol for multimedia services, such as voice over internet protocol, the session initiation protocol (SIP) is receiving much attention and its security is becoming increasingly important. It is critical to develop a roust user authentication protocol for SIP. The original authentication protocol is not strong enough to provide acceptable security level, and a number of authentication protocols have been proposed to strengthen the security. Recently, Zhang et al. proposed an efficient and flexible smart‐card‐based password authenticated key agreement protocol for SIP. They claimed that the protocol enjoys many unique properties and can withstand various attacks. However, we demonstrate that the scheme by Zhang et al. is insecure against the malicious insider impersonation attack. Specifically, a malicious user can impersonate other users registered with the same server. We also proposed an effective fix to remedy the flaw, which remedies the security flaw without sacrificing the efficiency. The lesson learned is that the authenticators must be closely coupled with the identity, and we should prevent the identity from being separated from the authenticators in the future design of two‐factor authentication protocols. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSincethefirstinvolvementin 1 995byVocal Tel,theInternetTelephoneorVoiceoverInternetProtocol (VoIP)hasfoundworldwideusage ,bothcommerciallyandnon commercially ,whichismain lybasedonitscompetitiveadvantages:1 )deathofdistance (distancebecomeslesssign…  相似文献   

基于VoiceXML的增强智能外设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在网络向NGN(Next Generation Network)逐步演进的过程中,智能网技术仍将扮演重要的角色.本文介绍了一种利用VoiceXML(Voice eXtensible Markup Language)技术和采用基于SIP(SessionInitiation Protocol)通信协议构建的具有良好可扩展性和伸缩性的智能外设系统,为下一代语音业务提供了一个开放平台,成为连接电信网和Internet的纽带.  相似文献   

在基于IP的3G移动网络中,SIP将是主要的信令协议。IMS第五版本要求支持SIP的服务器具有拥塞控制能力。SCTP是为IP网传输电话信令而设计的,但它的许多特征也适用于传输SIP消息(如拥塞控制机制)。文章研究了如何用SCTP传输SIP信令消息。  相似文献   

VoIP系统凭借其低廉的话费和较好的语音质量,已经成为重要的电信业务,并有取代传统长途业务的趋势.许多组织研究并制定了IP网络上呼叫的协议标准,但有两种IP电话信令和控制标准最具有影响力.一种是ITU推荐的H.323协议,另一种是IETF的SIP.这两种协议代表了解决同一问题的两种不同的方法:H.323是信令基于ISDN Q.931和早期推荐的H系列协议的传统的电路交换的方法,而SIP是一种支持基于HTTP的IP网络的超轻量协议标准.本文,我们主要针对SIP和H.323的体系结构,可靠性,复杂性,可扩展性,可伸缩性以及支持业务类型方面进行比较.  相似文献   

Optimization of SIP Session Setup Delay for VoIP in 3G Wireless Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wireless networks beyond 2G aim at supporting real-time applications such as VoIP. Before a user can start a VoIP session, the end-user terminal has to establish the session using signaling protocols such as H.323 and session initiation protocol (SIP) in order to negotiate media parameters. The time interval to perform the session setup is called the session setup time. It can be affected by the quality of the wireless link, measured in terms of frame error rate (FER), which can result in retransmissions of packets lost and can lengthen the session setup time. Therefore, such protocols should have a session setup time optimized against loss. One way to do so is by choosing the appropriate retransmission timer and the underlying protocols. In this paper, we focus on SIP session setup delay and propose optimizing it using an adaptive retransmission timer. We also evaluate SIP session setup performances with various underlying protocols (transport control protocol (TCP), user datagram protocol (UDP), radio link protocols (RLPs)) as a function of the FER. For 19.2 Kbps channel, the SIP session setup time can be up to 6.12s with UDP and 7s with TCP when the FER is up to 10 percent. The use of RLP (1, 2, 3) and RLP (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) puts the session setup time down to 3.4s under UDP and 4s under TCP for the same FER and the same channel bandwidth. We also compare SIP and H.323 performances using an adaptive retransmission timer: SIP outperforms H.323, especially for a FER higher than 2 percent.  相似文献   

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