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用于钛宝石激光器的可调谐双折射滤光片的综合设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论了用于可调谐钛宝石激光器的双折射滤光片的设计原理,并且给出了一个设计实例,它由3片石英晶片组成,厚度分别为1、2、4mm;晶片与光轴的夹角28°,调谐范围从700 ̄1000nm,在整个范围内,次峰的透过率被抑制在10%以下。  相似文献   

光纤输出的掺钛宝石可调谐激光器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

钛宝石晶体和各类可调谐钛宝石激光器的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文主要报导用钛宝石进行长波段激光调谐的实验结果。钛宝石晶体(φ4×11.5mm)置于四镜Z形驻波腔内,由氩离子激光器全线轴向泵浦,激光波长由石英双折射滤光片调谐。在8W功率泵浦时,钛宝石激光器调谐范围是901.6nm到1000.0nm;当泵浦功率为8.9W时,1005.0nm处激光输出超过15mW.980nm处钛宝石激光器的阈值为6.6W,斜率效率为3.7%;当泵浦功率为10.5W时,激光连续输出达155mW。同时还对实验结果和双折射调谐器的设计进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文主要报导用钛宝石进行长波段激光调谐的实验结果。钛宝石晶体(φ4×11.5mm)置于四镜Z形驻波腔内,由氩离子激光器全线轴向泵浦,激光波长由石英双折射滤光片调谐。在8W功率泵浦时,钛宝石激光器调谐范围是901.6nm到1000.0nm;当泵浦功率为8.9W时,1005.0nm处激光输出超过15mW。980nm处钛宝石激光器的阈值为6.6W,斜率效率为3.7%;当泵浦功率为10.5W时,激光连续输  相似文献   

可调谐的双波长钛宝石激光器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一台可调谐钛宝石激光器两个波长同时运转,在数ns以内同步,相对波长差最大可达55nm。观测到明显的两种波长激光的竞争和关联。由BBO实现了两波的和频与倍频。  相似文献   

宽调谐固体激光器的BF设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按照掺钛宝石激光器宽调谐的特性,提出了一种关于双折射滤光片的新设计方法,并得出了BF中光轴倾角的优化公式。据此设计的双折射滤光片已经用于实验,完全符合掺钛宝石激光器的调谐要求。  相似文献   

准连续可调谐钛宝石激光器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛月明  崔俊文  何慧娟 《中国激光》1996,23(11):969-970
报道了一种结构新颖紧凑.稳定可靠,具有单模输出、窄线宽、波长覆盖范围宽、连续可调谐、泵浦效率高等特点的钛宝石激光器。  相似文献   

掺钛蓝宝石激光器的增益开关特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨扬  刘宏发 《激光技术》1995,19(4):204-208
实验研究了调QNd:YAG激光器泵浦的增益开关型掺钛蓝宝石激光器的时间特性,泵浦能量水平(泵浦能量/阈值能量)变化范围为2.1~3.8,腔长变化范围为20cm~60cm,并改变了腔的损耗。根据增益开关激光器时间特性的理论,激光脉冲的建立时间和其脉冲宽度取决于泵浦能量水平和腔长,并与腔损耗成反比,而与泵浦脉宽和波形无关,实验结果与理论分析相符。当用10ns脉宽的激光脉冲泵浦时,在20cm短腔长情况下获得了比泵浦光脉宽窄的仅4ns脉宽的激光脉冲。  相似文献   

选择了适当的制备工艺,并改善膜系以减弱膜内的电场强度,获得低损耗可见光区的宽带高反射镜。  相似文献   

Intracavity frequency doubling of a pulsed Ti:sapphire laser is shown to be well described by multimode rate equations nonlinearly coupled through the homogeneous gain linewidth of the amplifying medium. Hole burning in the fundamental wave spectrum is observed at the phase-matched frequency and is explained well by theory in terms of the dynamic depletion of the fundamental waves phase-matched to the nonlinear output mirror. The doubling conversion efficiency is shown to be greatly improved by injection seeding at the same frequency as the “spectral hole” with a low power continuous-wave-tunable laser diode. This leads, for the first time to our knowledge, to single-mode UV-tunable (380-410 nm) emission using this technique. Finally, the source is shown to exhibit a minimum yield at the coincidence between injection and exactly phase-matched wavelengths while maintaining high efficiency when injecting a few nanometers away from the phase-matching maximum  相似文献   

β-BaB_2O_4倍频掺钛宝石可调谐激光   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在钛宝石激光调谐范围(660~1200nm)BBO的Ⅰ类匹配角是36.0°~21.2°,已获得1.4mJ/脉冲以上紫外倍频输出,转换效率达26.2%以上。  相似文献   

Direct measurements of the spectral purity in terahertz femtosecond-demodulation sources are reported and compared to theory. Because these sources operate at very high harmonics (~102-104) of the mode-lock frequency, a high spectral purity source is very dependent on a low-jitter femtosecond laser. Conversely, the spectral content of the terahertz sources provides detailed information about timing jitter and stringent tests of models used to describe the jitter. We find that both the behavior of the central core, and the noise skirts of the power spectrum of our sources, can be quantitatively related to measured ripple and continuum amplitude noise on the Ar+ pump laser by use of modulation theory  相似文献   

新型商品化固体泵浦激光器的出现使提高钛宝石激光系统的输出功率成为可能。为实现其最大的潜力,要求对系统的设计稍做变革,尤其是在解决热透镜效应方面要有独到设计。  相似文献   

用微微秒Kerr光闸测定脉冲宽度的方法,研究了同步泵浦可调谐染料激光器的输出脉冲宽度以及输出能量和激光器的腔长匹配等因素的依赖关系。 被研究的是采用被动锁模Nd:YAG激光器TEM_(oo)模脉冲列倍频光同步泵浦若丹明6G染料激光器。锁模Nd:YAG激光器输出的脉冲列之单脉冲能量为1毫焦耳,脉宽为40微微秒(用微微秒Kerr光闸测定),经KDP倍频,倍频效率为40%。染料激光器由曲率半径3米的全反射镜、反射率为75~80%的平面输出镜、染料池和ZF_560°角棱镜组成。染料池厚5毫米,充以浓度为1×10~(-4)克分子的若丹明乙醇溶液,按布儒斯特角放置。转动全反射镜进行调谐。  相似文献   

Using asymmetric dual quantum wells for the laser material, the semiconductor lasers are broadly tunable. In a grating coupled ring cavity, the semiconductor laser is continuously tunable from 766 to 856 nm using a 400-μm semiconductor laser amplifier in the cavity. This letter also demonstrates that the grating coupled ring cavity could well eliminate the amplified stimulated emission noise and about 40-dB amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) suppression ratio is obtained over the entire tuning range  相似文献   

A method for measuring the frequency stability of tunable laser is proposed by using confocal Fabry-Perot(F-P)interferometer.The F-P interferometer is used to get the output frequency of the laser as a reference,and the method eliminates the need of an independent optical source as a frequency reference.Using this technique,the frequency stability of the tunable external-cavity diode laser(ECDL)is measured to be 2.26×10~(-9)with an integration time of 20 ms.  相似文献   

Doubly resonant Ti:sapphire laser   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A CW Ti:sapphire laser that operates simultaneously at two frequencies is described. This mode of operation was obtained with an intracavity dispersive prism and two separate feedback paths. An alternative means of achieving dual frequency operation was demonstrated using a birefringent filter. Repetitive Q-switching produced an increase in the range of wavelengths over which dual frequency operation was obtained  相似文献   

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