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大家都知道,在开始菜单的"运行"对话框中输入"REGEDIT"后回车,可以打开注册表编辑器对注册表进行编辑。可是有时由于病毒木马等原因,运行"REGEDIT"命令后无法打开注册表编辑器。解除注册表被锁定的方法有不少,但大多步骤或操作比较繁琐。其实,我们完全可以利用屏幕保护程序轻松解除注册表被锁定的问题。  相似文献   

悠虎 《网络与信息》2010,(12):36-36
1加快开机及关机速度 在"开始"→"运行"→键入"Regedit"→"HKEY_CURRENT_US-ER"→"ControlPanel"→"Desktop",将字符串值"HungAppTime-out"的数值数据更改为"200",  相似文献   

介绍具备"孤岛运行"功能的DEH系统在自备发电机组中的应用。  相似文献   

本文提出采用"1+1"模式全集成DCS大中控控制系统实现氯碱化工所有流程的DCS控制,自动化程度高、系统运行稳定可靠、操作简便、人员少、后期运行维护成本低。  相似文献   

余保明 《福建电脑》2010,26(5):81-81,116
深入剖析了"红色代码"病毒,广告木马,冲击波病毒等几种典型计算机病毒及木马程序的运行机理,并对其获取系统运行权的过程进行了详细说明。  相似文献   

显卡为何只能在8X运行 Q:我买了一块P45的主板,搭配了一块AMD-ATI的显卡,这样日后还可以组建双卡交火。但奇怪的是,最近用测试软件查看时,我的AMD-ATI显卡只在"8X"运行,而不是"16X",请问这是怎么回事?  相似文献   

小康 《网络与信息》2010,24(6):76-76
任务管理器打不开有多方面的因素,一般情况下有两种方法可以解决任务管理器打不开的问题。 利用组策略删除对任务管理器的禁用 (1)点击"开始"菜单。 (2)点击"运行"并键入"gpedit.msc"(不包括双引号)后确定。  相似文献   

在近几年的教学实践中,笔者一直青睐于一款智能数学课件制作软件平台——"几何画板"。只需一个几百K大小的主程序文件加一个几K大小的课件,她即可无碍运行。她不仅适用于"空间与图形"的教学,同样可自如地运用于"数与代数"、"统计与概率"等教学内容,  相似文献   

现今的霍尼韦尔已不再满足于"项目承包商"这一单一角色,而是致力向"服务总包商"这种统筹服务管理全局的角色转变。作为"服务总包商"的霍尼韦尔除负责项目阶段的全部相关服务外,还将负责项目投运后的自动化设备的运行维护。  相似文献   

为保障"十八大"期间电信网络运行安全畅通,江西省通信管理局日前向各基础通信运营企业发出通知,提出明确要求:一是各通信运营企业要加强组织领导,继续按照"十八大"通信保障工作方案要求,认真落实部门协调、应急值守、信息报送和卫星电话储备等工作机制,深入开展电信网络运行安全、安全生产、应急通信、互联互通和服务质量管理工作,做到组织保证、措施到位。  相似文献   

提高地磁传感器方位检测精度的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了地磁传达传感器的原理及其信号处理方法,分析了传感器信号出现振荡、零点偏移、信号不对称等问题的成因,并提出了解决办法,使传感器的精度和可靠性得以提高。  相似文献   

A class of simplified background neural networks model with a large number of neurons is proposed. Continuous attractors of the simplified model are studied in this paper. It contains: (1) When the background inputs are set to zero and the excitatory connections are in Gaussian shape, continuous attractors of the new network are obtained under some condition. (2) When the background inputs are nonzero and the excitatory connections are still in Gaussian shape, continuous attractors are achieved under some appropriately selected condition. (3) Discussions and examples are used to illustrate the theories developed.  相似文献   

传统的污染监测方法主要是通过固定基站进行监测的,但是这种方法缺乏灵活性且成本高昂,已不足以应对日益严重的污染问题。一种新的数据获取模式——移动群智感知为大范围感知数据提供了新思路。为了及时掌握移动群智感知收集污染数据的研究现状,本文对国内外现有研究进行系统全面的综述,并结合现有研究,为群智感知在智能手机上的应用提供可行方案。首先,对污染收集技术不同发展阶段问题进行总结;然后,对比分析不同众包污染收集系统的优缺点,并对所用的关键技术优缺点及适用场景进行说明;最后,对群智感知下收集污染数据存在的问题进行总结,并提出未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

给出了格值有限状态机(简记为LFSM)状态后继的概念,研究了它的性质,并提出了格值子机、格值真子机和基于格值子机的可分离性的概念,讨论了格值子机的若干性质。最后,给出了两个构造格值子机的算法,并通过实例验证了此算法。  相似文献   

为保证中国科学院ARP项目的顺利实施,有效控制项目实施过程中的风险,总结了项目推进过程中的主要风险和应对策略.首先介绍了中科院ARP项目的概况和一期工程的不足之处,通过比较ERP和ARP的相同与不同,阐述了ARP主要思想和特征,总结了ERP开发过程中对ARP项目有重要借鉴作用的实践经验,如实施主体认识、咨询公司作用、积极风险管理态度和选择合适的系统等.在ERP常见的19种风险基础上,总结了ARP项目实施中的3种主要风险,给出了应对的策略和办法.  相似文献   

The effectiveness in discovering errors of symbolic evaluation and of testing sad static program analysis are studied. The three techniques are applied to a diverse collection of programs and the results compared. Symbolic evaluation is used to carry out symbolic testing and to generate symbolic systems of path predicates. The use of the predicates for automated test data selection is analysed. Several conventional types of program testing strategies are evaluated. The strategies include branch testing, structured testing and testing on input values having special properties. The static source analysis techniques that are studied include anomaly analysis and interface analysis. Examples are included which describe typical situations in which one technique is reliable but another unreliable. The effectiveness of symbolic testing is compared with testing on actual data and with the use of an integrated methodology that includes both testing and static source analysis. Situations in which symbolic testing is difficult to apply or not effective are discussed. Different ways in which symbolic evaluation can be used for generating test data are described. Those ways for which it is most effective are isolated. The paper concludes with a discussion of the most effective uses to which symbolic evaluation can he put in an integrated system which contains all three of the validation techniques that are studied.  相似文献   

不变量的场景理解和目标识别是计算机视觉研究的一个重要领域,以往有关不 变量研究主要集中在点、直线、二次曲线等几何元素之间。在二维平面点的射影变换的基础 上,利用平面三角形面积不变量构造了三角形、四边形、五边形、六边形等共面多边形的不 变量,并提出了具体的计算方法。在此基础上通过举例分析和实验验证,证明文中所给公式 的正确性。  相似文献   

Optimization of conical shells of Mises material   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Conical shells made of a von Mises material are considered. The shells are subjected to unifromly distributed lateral loading and are simply supported at outer edges whereas inner edges are absolutely free. The shell wall is assumed to be of piece-wise constant thickness. Resorting to the lower bound theorem of limit analysis, optimal designs of shells are established under given weight (material volume of a shell) which corresponds to the maximum load carrying capacity. Received May 15, 2000  相似文献   

New methods are presented for computing the derivatives of multiple eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of unsymmetrical quadratic eigenvalue problems. The expressions of eigenpair derivatives are derived in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of quadratic eigenvalue problems, and the use of rather undesirable state-space representation is avoided. Hence the cost of computation is greatly reduced. The proposed methods are valid for both the case of distinct eigenvalue derivatives and the case of equal eigenvalue derivatives. Numerical results show that the proposed methods are efficient.  相似文献   

介绍电磁干扰的分类与性质,分析PLC控制系统电磁干扰产生的原因,并提出抑制方法。  相似文献   

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