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叶片附着物对直线翼垂直轴风力机性能影响的风洞试验 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
直线翼垂直轴风力机是一种升力型风力机,多被作为离网型风能利用装置。在寒冷地区的冬季,风力机叶片表面结冰、积雪以及附着其他物质会影响风力机的性能。文章介绍了采用粘土作为附着物模拟叶片表面前缘结冰的风洞试验,研究了叶表附着物对风力机的转速和输出功率性能的影响。 相似文献
采用黏土作为附着物模拟了直线翼垂直轴风力机叶片表面前缘的结冰情况,并通过风洞试验测试分析了附着物对自行设计制作的直线翼垂直轴风力机模型转速和功率特性的影响.结果表明:附着物的存在降低了风力机的稳定转数、减少了输出功率,且随着附着质量的增加和风速的增大,影响效果越明显.通过将同等质量的黏土附着在叶表和嵌入叶片内的对比试验表明:在本试验条件下,附着物质量轻时,附着质量与翼型变化对风力机性能的影响基本为同等程度;随着附着物质量的增加,附着质量对风力机性能的影响占居主导地位. 相似文献
垂直轴风力机气动性能研究是风力机设计、实验的重要部分,对其运动状态下的流场进行分析是观测垂直轴风力机性能重要环节.基于NACA0012对称翼型,建立二维几何模型并进行模拟计算.采用k-ωSST湍流模型及滑移网格技术,通过CFD软件数值计算得到达里厄型直叶片垂直轴风力机运行时周边流场分布情况.通过比较不同方位角下流场涡量以及升、阻力系数得出:在方位角为105°附近时,翼型下表面产生流动分离,并导致失速;下风区翼型运行的流场由于受到上风区尾流的影响,翼型周围没有产生明显的流动分离. 相似文献
为提高垂直轴风力机运行效率,在翼型附近布置随相位角变化而主动运动的微圆柱。以NACA0021为基础翼型,采用正交试验方法对微圆柱的直径、移动距离及距弦长距离三种参数进行优化组合。通过CFD数值模拟分析主动式微圆柱对垂直轴风力机的流动控制机理。结果表明:微圆柱移动距离是影响垂直轴风力机气动性能主要因素,且当微圆柱直径为0.03c、移动距离为0.2c及距弦长为0.2c时效果最佳;主动微圆柱在中低尖速比下作用效果更明显,并能显著抑制流动分离现象,同时升高叶片转矩,进而提高垂直轴风力机气动性能。 相似文献
In this paper, the power performance of straight-bladed VAWT is experimentally investigated by wind tunnel experiment and field test. The test rotor is two-bladed with NACA0021 airfoil profile. A survey of varying unsteady wind parameters is conducted to examine the effects of blade pitch angle, Reynolds number and wind velocity on the power performance of VAWT. Moreover, the flow field characteristics are obtained through measuring the wind velocity by Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) system in the wind tunnel experiment and three-cup type anemometers in field test. Power and torque performance are obtained through a torque meter installed in rotor shaft of the wind turbine. Experimental results estimated from the measured values from field test and wind tunnel experiment are compared. In this research, power performance and flow field characteristics are discussed and the relationship between operating conditions and wind velocity are verified. These results provided a theoretical guiding significance to the development of VAWT simplified. 相似文献
为改善H型垂直轴风力机(VAWT)的气动特性,文章研究了6种翼型型线改变后的翼型对H型VAWT气动特性的影响,并进行了数值模拟计算和风洞试验。风洞试验验证了模拟计算的结果,证明了型线改变后的风力机对提高气动性有积极的作用。试验结果表明:1波浪型风机和Dimple型风机均可在一定叶尖速比(λ)范围内提高风力机的风能利用率,其中1波浪型风力机在低λ下最高可提高风能利用率13.76%,其单叶片切向力在下游区明显增大;Dimple型风力机在高λ下最高可提高风能利用率14.6%,其单叶片切向力在上游区明显增大。两种改型后的翼型均可改善流动分离,并提高VAWT的气动性能。 相似文献
文章针对二维和三维垂直轴风力机的数值模拟的差异,提出了风力机的三维效应是造成模拟差异的主要原因。运用计算流体力学方法对某直线翼垂直轴风力机模型进行了二维和三维的数值模研究。通过比对实验得到的风力机功率系数,发现三维模拟结果与实验值吻合。观察尖速比为1.5时二维和三维垂直轴风力机的速度型分布曲线、流向速度云图和涡量云图,研究了阻塞效应、叶梢涡、支撑结构和塔架对数值模拟结果的影响。研究发现:在二维的数值模拟中,风力机没有受阻塞效应影响,功率系数被严重高估;三维的数值模拟能够模拟出全部的流畅细节,受叶梢涡和支撑结构的影响,风力机的功率系数明显降低。 相似文献
叶片是风力机最重要的组成部分,在不同的风能资源情况下,翼型的选择对垂直轴风力机气动特性有着重要的影响。文章分别以NACA0018翼型(对称翼型)和NACA4418翼型(非对称翼型)建立3叶片H型垂直轴风力机二维仿真模型。应用数值模拟的研究方法,从功率系数、单个叶片切向力系数等方面比较两种风力机模型在不同叶尖速比下的气动特性,并采用风洞实验数据验证了流场计算的准确性。CFD计算结果表明:在低叶尖速比下,NACA4418翼型风力机气动特性优于NACA0018翼型风力机,适用于低风速区域;在高叶尖速比下,NACA0018翼型风力机气动特性较好,适用于高风速地区。而且在高叶尖速比时,NACA0018翼型在上风区时,切向力系数平均值要高于NACA4418翼型,在下风区时,NACA418翼型切向力系数平均值高。该研究可为小型垂直轴风力机翼型的选择提供参考。 相似文献
针对低速航空翼型不完全适合垂直轴风力机的问题,采用复合形法对小型垂直轴风力机常用的NACA0015翼型进行了优化设计。在复合形法优化设计过程中,选取翼型的弯度和厚度作为设计变量,以翼型最大切向力系数Ctmax和失速攻角αs的加权和作为目标函数。将XFOIL程序与Viterna-Corrignan失速后模型相结合,计算出优化前后翼型气动性能参数。结果表明,与NACAOO15翼型相比,新翼型的气动性能有了较大提高,最大升力系数增大了33.5%,失速攻角提高了3°,最大切向力系数增大了43.5%。 相似文献
Introductions Denmark was the first country to use the wind for electricity generation practically. The windmill was developed by the Dane Poul La Cour who incorporates the aerodynamic design principle into the blades of the windmill in 1890[1,2]. After that, many countries developed the windmill for the electricity generation. But the use of cheaper fossil fuel took the lead in the electricity generation. Many wind electric generations were far from success in business. In 1970’s, The O… 相似文献
In this paper, a new predictive model that can forecast the performance of a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) is presented. The new model includes four primary variables (rotor velocity, wind velocity, air density, and turbine power output) as well as five geometrical variables (rotor radius, turbine height, turbine width, stator spacing, and stator angle). These variables are reduced to include the power coefficient (Cp) and tip speed ratio (TSR). A power coefficient correlation for a novel VAWT (called a Zephyr Vertical axis Wind Turbine (ZVWT)) is developed. The turbine is an adaptation of the Savonius design. The new correlation can predict the turbine's performance for altered stator geometry and varying operating conditions. Numerical simulations with a rotating reference frame are used to predict the operating performance for various turbine geometries. The case study includes 16 different geometries for three different wind directions. The resulting 48 data points provide detailed insight into the turbine performance to develop a general correlation. The model was able to predict the power coefficient with changes in TSR, rotor length, stator spacing, and stator angle, to within 4.4% of the numerical prediction. Furthermore, the power coefficient was predicted with changes in rotor length, stator spacing, and stator angle, to within 3.0% of the numerical simulations. This correlation provides a useful new design tool for improving the ZVWT in the specific conditions and operating requirements specific to this type of wind turbine. Also, the new model can be extended to other conditions that include different VAWT designs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献