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This study investigated motivational changes in a 44 year-old man (PJ) who developed considerable reduction in spontaneous activity and speech, flat affect, social withdrawal, loss of interest, inability to "feel," and lack of concern regarding his medical condition after bilateral, focal, anoxic lesions of the globus pallidus. PJ and 30 male controls performed a task designed to parse hedonic evaluation, or liking, from incentive motivation, or wanting. Affective stimuli were presented on a computer screen and subjects controlled viewing time by pressing keys. PJ's liking and wanting of unpleasant stimuli was similar to that of controls. In response to pleasant stimuli, PJ showed normal ratings of wanting and hedonic appreciation, but significantly reduced viewing time or made no responses. Active withdrawal from liked stimuli could constitute the basic mechanism underlying poor motivation and social withdrawal associated with globus pallidus damage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

RNA-localization mechanisms involve specific sequences in the localized RNA and proteins that bind to these sequences and mediate the interaction with cytoskeletal elements. Until recently, it seemed as though two separate types of mechanisms were operating for mRNA localization--involving interaction with either microtubules or actin microfilaments. However, it is now clear that some of the protein components involved in mRNA localization can participate in both microtubule- and actin-dependent localization pathways. This, combined with new evidence for evolutionary conservation of some of these proteins, suggests a previously unanticipated uniformity in mRNA-localization mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adenosine is recognised as an important regulator of myocardial function and coronary vascular tone in the ischaemic myocardium. It is produced by the enzymatic dephosphorylation of 5'-AMP by 5'-nucleotidase and the hydrolysis of SAH by SAH-hydrolase. 5'-Nucleotidase is thought to contribute to adenosine production aside from the accumulation of 5'-AMP in the ischaemic myocardium, while the hydrolysis of SAH plays a major role in adenosine production in the normoxic myocardium. 5'-Nucleotidase activity is reported to increase adenosine production through accumulation of ATP, ADP, H+, Mg2+ and inorganic phosphate during ischaemia. In addition, we have found that alpha 1 adrenergic receptors, activated in ischaemic hearts, increase both 5'-nucleotidase activity and adenosine production. Inactivation of adenosine deaminase and adenosine kinase may also contribute to adenosine production. On the other hand, the major role of endogenous adenosine is to increase coronary blood flow. This adenosine induced coronary vasodilatation is amplified by alpha 2 adrenoceptor stimulation. Adenosine induced vasodilatation is also enhanced by increasing H+ and opening ATP sensitive K+ channels, which occurs in the ischaemic myocardium. However, coronary vasodilatation is not the only effect of adenosine in the ischaemic myocardium. Stimulation of adenosine A2 receptors coupled to Gs proteins attenuates both free radical generation by activated leucocytes and aggregation of platelets. Adenosine A1 receptor activation coupled to G(i) proteins attenuates beta adrenoceptor mediated increases in myocardial contractility, Ca2+ influx into myocytes, and noradrenaline release from the presynaptic nerves. Any or all of these effects may attenuate ischaemic and reperfusion injury.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of drugs on precapillary vessels and oxygen uptake may differ from effects on resistance vessels and total flow in skeletal muscle. This study was performed to compare effects of phentolamine and isoproterenol, two drugs which are used to treat shock, on oxygen uptake in skeletal muscle. Oxygen uptake of gracilis muscle (GVO2) was measured in muscles perfused at constant flow or constant pressure in normotensive dogs. We compared effects of the drugs on oxygen uptake at doses chosen so that both drugs produced comparable effects on vascular resistance. With flow constant, phentolamine increased but isoproterenol decreased or did not alter GVO2. With constant pressure, phentolamine produced significantly greater increases in GVO2. For example, increases in GVO2 occurred with all three doses of phentolamine, but only with the high dose of isoproterenol. Neither drug altered oxygen-hemoglobin affinity of red blood cells or oxygen consumption of skeletal muscle in vitro. The results suggest that phentolamine produces more favorable effects than isoproterenol on oxygen uptake in skeletal muscle, presumably because of greater dilator action on precapillary sphincters.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on eight cats a direct electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus evoked: 1) food eating in a state of satiation and 2) a reproduction of a conditioned food-procuring reflex, preliminarily elaborated to an acoustic signal. Bilateral electrolytic ablation of the globus pallidum abolished both reactions, but for different time periods. The first one was restored spontaneously on the 20th to the 46th day; the second disappeared for 2.5 to 8.5 months without spontaneous restoration. Stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus alimentary zones brought about a statistically significant rise of the thresholds of desynchronization reactions in the ipsi- and contralateral sensorimotor cortex. The activating role of the globus pallidum in the organization of a motivational alimentary excitation is discussed.  相似文献   

Physiological evidence indicates that the resting tremor of Parkinson's disease originates in oscillatory neural activity in the forebrain, but it is unknown whether that activity is globally synchronized or consists of parallel, independently oscillating circuits. In the present study, we used dual microelectrodes to record tremor-related neuronal activity from eight sites in the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) from an awake Parkinson's disease patient undergoing stereotaxic pallidotomy. We utilized spectral analysis to evaluate the temporal correlations between multiunit activity at spatially separated sites and between neural and limb electromyographic activity. We observed that some GPi neural pairs oscillated synchronously at the tremor frequency, whereas other neural pairs oscillated independently. Additionally, we found that GPi tremor-related activity at a given site could fluctuate between states of synchronization and independence with respect to upper limb tremor. Consistent with this finding, some paired recording sites within GPi showed periods of transient synchronization. These observations support the hypothesis of independent tremor-generating circuits whose coupling can fluctuate over time.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) poisoning is characterized by central nervous system manifestations, including psychiatric disturbances and extrapyramidal disorders. This metal is thought to produce neuronal degeneration due to cytotoxic products originated by oxidative stress and through an indirect excitotoxic process. In previous studies, we have found a reduction in the density of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) recognition sites in some brain areas of Mn-treated mice. Due to the close relationship between NMDA sites and strychnine-insensitive glycine (Gly) modulatory sites in the NMDA receptor complex, the [3H]-glycine ([3H]-Gly) binding was analyzed by autoradiographic methods in the brain of mice treated with manganese chloride for 8 weeks. Among all analyzed areas, only the globus pallidus showed a significant reduction in [3H]-Gly binding (27-28%). The Gly binding decrease, focalized in the globus pallidus, could reflect a degeneration of structures containing strychnine-insensitive Gly receptors, since this area is the most frequently reported damaged brain region in Mn intoxication. However, it might also be due to a Gly receptor down-regulation to control NMDA complex activation during Mn poisoning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify sites where striatopallidal lesions produce two distinct sensory-triggered hyperkinetic syndromes: (1) exaggerated forelimb treading alone to oral taste infusions and (2) sensorimotor exaggerated treading plus enhanced aversive reactions to taste infusions. The behavioral characteristics of these syndromes have been described previously (Berridge, K.C. and Cromwell, H.C., Behav. Neurosci., 104 (1990) 778-795). Bilateral excitotoxin lesions were made using quinolinic acid (10 micrograms in 1 microliter) in the caudate/putamen, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus or ventral pallidum/substantia innominata. In order to identify the precise center, borders, severity and size of lesion sites that caused these hyperkinetic treading syndromes, neuron counts (modified fractionator technique) and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity (GFAP-IR) densitometry were used in a stereological mapping analysis. The site of lesions that produced the hyperkinetic treading syndrome without enhanced aversion was found to be restricted to the globus pallidus (GP). Damage exceeding 60% neuron loss bilaterally within a 0.8 x 1.0 x 1.0 mm subregion of the ventromedial GP produced this syndrome. The site of lesions that produced the combined syndrome of hyperkinetic treading and aversive enhancement was ventral to the globus pallidus, within the ventral pallidum/substantia innominata (VP/SI). Damage exceeding 70% neuron loss bilaterally within a 1.0 x 0.5 x 1.0 mm diameter subregion of the ventromedial ventral pallidum/substantia innominata produced this syndrome. This subterritory was located immediately lateral to the border of the lateral hypothalamus. Bilateral lesions to the caudate/putamen or nucleus accumbens did not produce either hyperkinetic treading syndrome. These results are discussed in terms of the connectivity of the ventral pallidal/substantia innominata and globus pallidus regions and in terms of neuropathological models of hyperkinetic disorders.  相似文献   

The organization of the major efferents of the rat subthalamic nucleus (STN) was investigated using a fluorescent retrograde double-labeling technique. Red fluorescent Evans Blue was injected into the globus pallidus and blue fluorescent DAPI-Primuline was injected into the substantia nigra. After retrograde axonal transport many double-labeled neurons were seen throughout the STN. Occasionaly double-labeled cells were seen in the lateral hypothalamus just medial to the STN and in a thin lateral strip of neurons extending laterally from the STN. Evidence for a mediolateral topography in both the STN-pallidal and STN-nigral pathways was obtained. The STN contains few, if any, local interneurons. Cell counts revealed that at least 94% of, and possibly all, STN neurons send axon collaterals to both the globus pallidus and substantia nigra.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of neurons in the globus pallidus projects to the neostriatum, which is the major recipient of afferent information to the basal ganglia. Given the moderate nature of this projection, we hypothesized that the pallidostriatal projection might exert indirect but powerful control over principal neuron activity by targeting interneurons, which comprise only a small percentage of neostriatal neurons. This was tested by the juxtacellular labeling and recording of pallidal neurons in combination with immunolabeling of postsynaptic neurons. In addition to innervating the subthalamic nucleus and output nuclei, 6 of 23 labeled pallidal neurons projected to the neostriatum. Both the firing characteristics and the extent of the axonal arborization in the neostriatum were variable. However, light and electron microscopic analysis of five pallidostriatal neurons revealed that each neuron selectively innervated neostriatal interneurons. A large proportion of the boutons of an individual axon (19-66%) made contact with parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons. An individual parvalbumin-immunoreactive neuron (n = 27) was apposed on average by 6.7 boutons (SD = 6.1) from a single pallidal axon (n = 2). Individual pallidostriatal boutons typically possessed more than one symmetrical synaptic specialization. In addition, 3-32% of boutons of axons from four of five pallidal neurons contacted nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive neurons. Descending collaterals of pallidostriatal neurons were also found to make synaptic contact with dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons of the substantia nigra. These data imply that during periods of cortical activation, individual pallidal neurons may influence the activity of GABAergic interneurons of the neostriatum (which are involved in feed-forward inhibition and synchronization of principle neuron activity) while simultaneously patterning neuronal activity in basal ganglia downstream of the neostriatum.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings and immunohistological detection of c-Fos-like immunoreactive proteins were used to determine the synaptic effect of the parafascicular projection to the globus pallidus. Electrical stimulation of the parafascicular neurons induced a single-spike excitatory response with a stable latency of 2.3 ms, suggesting a monosynaptically driven effect. Pharmacological stimulation of the parafascicular nucleus with carbachol increased tonically the pallidal discharge rate by 142%. The discharge rate of the pallidal neurons was described by 37% in parafascicular-lesioned rats. These results demonstrate the excitatory nature and the tonic action of the parafasciculopallidal projection. Carbachol activation of parafascicular neurons also induced the synthesis of c-Fos-like immunoreactive proteins in the pallidal neurons. Control experiments in subthalamic-lesioned rats showed that the parafascicular excitation of the pallidal neurons remained, but both electrophysiological and expression of c-Fos-like immunoreactive proteins were attenuated. This suggests that the direct parafascicular excitation of the pallidal neurons is indirectly reinforced by the previously described parafascicular excitatory input to the subthalamic nucleus. Conversely, the effect of this last input to the subthalamic nucleus is dramatically enhanced in rats with pallidal lesion. Our results demonstrate the complex role of the parafascicular nucleus in activating both the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus, two closely related structures. These results illustrate the integrative capacities of the globus pallidus, whose activity is modulated by multiple afferents.  相似文献   

This study presents baseline and 3-month follow-up motor and neuropsychological data for 22 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) who underwent anatomically guided unilateral posterior ventral pallidotomy (PVP). Postsurgical improvements were seen in psychomotor speed, fine motor accuracy, and dyskinesia, whereas grip strength decreased on the side contralateral to the surgery. No change was detected in overall level of cognitive functioning, nor were changes demonstrated in memory, language, or working memory when the entire sample of patients was evaluated. When the group was divided on the basis of side of surgery, patients with left-sided pallidotomies showed a decline in verbal fluency. Patients and caregivers reported improvement in psychosocial functioning. These initial findings of improved motor performance and largely unaffected cognitive functions are consistent with results obtained with functional PVP and provide support for the use of anatomically guided posterior ventral pallidotomy in the treatment of motor symptoms of PD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the relative risk and lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in women with various categories of family history. DESIGN: A meta-analysis of all published case-control and cohort studies. METHODS: Pooled relative risk estimates were calculated for the case control studies, using the Mantel-Haenzel method. These estimates were combined with the relative risks from the cohort studies. The pooled estimates of relative risk were used to estimate lifetime risks of ovarian cancer from age 15 up to age 75, for various categories of family history. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Relative risks and lifetime risks of developing ovarian cancer were calculated for the categories of women with 1. an affected first degree relative; 2. an affected mother; 3. an affected sister; and 4. women with more than one affected relative. RESULTS: The relative risk to first degree relatives is 3.1 (95% CI 2.6-3.7). There is some evidence that this relative risk declines with age. The relative risk to mothers of cases 1.1 (95% CI 0.8-1.6) was lower than the relative risks to sisters: 3.8 (95% CI 2.9-5.1), and daughters: 6.0 (95% CI 3.0-11.9); the explanation of this difference is unclear. CONCLUSIONS: Women with a family history of ovarian cancer have a substantially higher risk of developing ovarian cancer compared with women without such a history. However the risk is small for most categories of family history, except for the small number of individuals who have more than one affected relative.  相似文献   

The effects of antipsychotic drugs (APDs) on brain dopamine receptors in the striatum are ultimately expressed through efferent projections which primarily use amino acid transmitters, including gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate. The present study examined the effects of APDs on extracellular amino acid levels in the rat ventral pallidum (VP) and globus pallidus (GP), areas that receive projections from distinct striatal subregions. Clozapine, an APD with low motor side effect liability, and metoclopramide, a low-potency APD with high motor side effect liability, were compared with haloperidol, a widely used APD with high motor side effect liability. Drugs were administered subcutaneously and amino acid levels were monitored concurrently in the VP and GP by intracranial microdialysis. High doses of haloperidol and metoclopramide increased and clozapine decreased extracellular gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in the GP but not the VP. Low, but not high, doses of the three drugs tended to increase extracellular glutamate levels in both pallidal regions. Clozapine, but not the other two drugs, decreased extracellular threonine in the GP and glycine and threonine in the VP. Results indicate a correlation between increased gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in the GP and the propensity of the APDs tested to induce motor side effects. The novel effects of clozapine on extracellular glycine and threonine further distinguish this drug as a unique antipsychotic compound.  相似文献   

We report a 55-year-old woman who developed symptoms resembling parkinsonism. Her psychiatric symptoms in the early stage, cervical dystonia and tremor increasing on movement were consistent with manganese poisoning. Manganese levels were elevated to 1.5 micrograms/l in the serum (normal; 0.3-1.1 micrograms/l) and to 1.4 micrograms/l in the urine (normal; less than 1.2 micrograms/l). Intravenous infusion of calcium disodium editate (CaEDTA; chelating agent) was followed by the marked excretion of manganese (27.3 micrograms/l) in the urine. These findings support manganese poisoning. Manganese poisoning is a disease which results from chronic exposure to manganese, but the source of manganese exposure remained obscure in this patient. T1-weighted MRI of the brain showed symmetric high signal intensity in the globus pallidus without any abnormality on T2-weighted images. There is a report that manganese induced brain lesions in Macaca fascicularis as revealed by MRI and the fascicularis developed signs of unsteady gait and hypoactivity. The patient responded to treatment with CaEDTA and the second MRI demonstrated regression of abnormal signal intensity. This may be due to enhanced manganese excretion. To our knowledge, this is the first case of probable manganese-induced human parkinsonism whom changes in MRI were noted after treatment with CaEDTA.  相似文献   

EEG activity was recorded from the left and right parietal cortex in adult male and female Wistar rats that were gonadectomized (GNX) after puberty during 2 days without and 3 days with hormonal treatment (either testosterone propionate, 5 alpha-DHT or vehicle in males and progesterone, estradiol benzoate or vehicle in females). In contrast to EEG characteristics reported for intact rats, GNX abolished right over left parietal activation in both sexes and, sex differences in EEG interhemispheric correlation and in theta and delta relative power in the right parietal; additionally GNX males showed higher absolute power than females. Hormonal treatment reestablished interparietal asymmetry in both sexes and a lack of sex differences in absolute power, however, it was not enough to reestablish sex differences in delta and theta proportion in the right parietal nor in interhemispheric correlation. Differential effects were obtained with testosterone propionate and 5 alpha-DHT in males suggesting that activational effects of testosterone on EEG are probably exerted through testosterone or its aromatized metabolites. The results of our study indicate that the activational effects of gonadal steroids after puberty are necessary for maintaining sex differences in the EEG of the adult rat.  相似文献   

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