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We have studied the role of the accessory gene regulator (agr) of Staphylococcus aureus as a virulence determinant in the pathogenesis of septic arthritis. At least 15 genes coding for potential virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus are regulated by a putative multicomponent signal transduction system encoded by the agr/hld locus. agr and hld mutants show a decreased synthesis of extracellular toxins and enzymes, such as alpha-, beta-, and delta-hemolysin, leucocidin, lipase, hyaluronate lyase, and proteases, and at the same time an increased synthesis of coagulase and protein A as compared with the wild-type counterpart. We have used a recently described murine model of S. aureus-induced arthritis to study the virulence of S. aureus 8325-4 and two agr/hld mutants derived from it. Sixty percent of the mice injected with the wild-type strain developed arthritis, whereas agrA and hld mutants displayed joint involvement in only 10 and 30%, respectively. In addition, 40% of the mice inoculated with the wild-type strain displayed an erosive arthropathy; such changes were not detectable at all in mice inoculated with the agrA mutant. Serum levels of interleukin-6, a potent B-cell differentiation factor, were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the mice inoculated with the wild-type strain than in those inoculated with the agrA mutant counterpart. Overall, our results suggest that the agr system of S. aureus is an important virulence determinant in the induction and progression of septic arthritis in mice.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen of humans and other animals, causing bacteremia, abscesses, endocarditis, and other infectious syndromes. A signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) system was adapted for use in studying the genes required for in vivo survival of S. aureus. An STM library was ultimately created in S. aureus RN6390, with Tn917 being used to create the transposon mutations. Pools of S. aureus RN6390 mutants were screened in mouse abscess, bacteremia, and wound infection models for growth attenuation after in vivo passage. One of the mutants that was identified displayed marked attenuation following large-pool screening in all three animal models, which was confirmed in bacteremia and endocarditis models of infection with a smaller pool of mutants. Sequence analysis of the entire open reading frame showed a 99% identity to the high-affinity proline permease (putP) gene characterized in another strain of S. aureus. In wound and murine abscess infection models, the putP mutant was approximately 10-fold more attenuated than was wild-type strain RN6390. Another S. aureus strain transduced with the putP mutation also displayed an attenuated phenotype after passage in the wound model. A [3H]proline uptake assay showed that less proline was specifically transported into the putP mutant than into strain RN6390. The reduced viability of the bacteria possessing the mutation in the S. aureus high-affinity proline permease suggests that proline scavenging by the bacteria is important for in vivo growth and proliferation and that analogs of proline may serve as potential antistaphylococcal therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

It is well known that high stress and particularly an enhancement of plasma catecholamines and myocardial infarction have a close relation. In addition, adrenaline is presented as a prothrombogenic agent in vivo. The role of the other agents such as serotonin or acetylcholine, in the development of arterial thrombosis is somewhat uncertain, although, the role of each of them is often considered at the level of vascular regulation only. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the effects of three neurotransmitters on experimental arterial thrombosis model induced by generation of free radicals. The results demonstrate that intravenously injection of adrenaline or serotonin (1 ng/kg) stimulated arterial thrombosis formation, whereas injection of high dose of acetylcholine (5 mg/kg) slackened the thrombosis formation.  相似文献   

During the cooking of meats, several highly mutagenic heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are produced. Three HCAs, IQ, MeIQx, and PhIP have been under study for carcinogenicity in cynomolgus monkeys, and to date, IQ has been shown to be a potent hepatocarcinogen. Concomitantly, the metabolic processing of these HCAs has been examined. Metabolism studies show that the potent hepatocarcinogenicity of IQ is associated with the in vivo metabolic activation of IQ via N-hydroxylation and the formation of DNA adducts. In monkeys undergoing carcinogen bioassay with IQ, N-hydroxylation was confirmed by the presence of the N-hydroxy-N-glucuronide conjugate of IQ in urine. The N-hydroxylation of IQ appears to be carried out largely by hepatic CYP3A4 and/or CYP2C9/10, and not by CYP1A2, an isoform not expressed in liver of this species. Notably MeIQx is poorly activated in cynomolgus monkeys and lacks the potency of IQ to induce hepatocellular carcinoma after a 5-year dosing period. The poor activation of MeIQx appears to be due to the lack of constitutive expression of CYP1A2 and an inability of other cytochromes P450, such as CYP3A4 and CYP2C9/10, to N-hydroxylate the quinoxalines. MeIQx is detoxified in monkeys largely by conjugation with glucuronide at the N-1 position. Although the carcinogenicity of PhIP is not yet known, the metabolic data suggest that PhIP will be carcinogenic in this species. PhIP is metabolically activated in vivo in monkeys by N-hydroxylation, as discerned by the presence of the N-hydroxy-N-glucuronide conjugate in urine, bile, and plasma. PhIP also produces DNA adducts that are widely distributed in tissues. The results from these studies support the importance of N-hydroxylation in the carcinogenicity of HCAs in nonhuman primates and by analogy, the importance of this metabolic activation step in the possible carcinogenicity of dietary HCAs in humans.  相似文献   

A mutant deficient for the 19-kDa extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein (Fib) from Staphylococcus aureus has been constructed. The gene was inactivated by allele replacement. A 2.0-kb fragment from transposon Tn4001 carrying the gene for gentamicin resistance was inserted into the gene encoding Fib (fib). The genotype was verified by PCR analysis, and the loss of Fib was demonstrated by Western blotting (immunoblotting). The mutation has not altered the ability of the strain to bind to fibrinogen or fibronectin compared with that of the isogenic parental strain, FDA486. The mutant, designated K4.3, was compared with strain FDA486 in a wound infection model in rats. Sixty-eight percent of the rats challenged with parental strain FDA486 developed severe clinical signs of wound infection, whereas only 29% of the animals challenged with isogenic mutant K4.3 showed severe symptoms (P < 0.01). The weight loss of animals infected with the wild type was also significantly different from that of animals infected with the mutant strain. The result demonstrates that the extracellular 19-kDa fibrinogen-binding protein from S. aureus contributes to the virulence in wound infection and delays the healing process.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus accumulates proline and glycine betaine when cells are grown at low water activity. In the present study, we have identified a high-affinity glycine betaine transport system in this bacterium. Optimal activity for this transport system was measured in the presence of high NaCl concentrations, but transport activity was not stimulated by high concentrations of other solutes.  相似文献   

The adherence characteristics in vivo and virulence of two isogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus differing in fibronectin binding were compared in a rat model of catheter-induced infective endocarditis. No differences were found between the two strains. The results strongly point to the multifactorial nature of bacterial adherence to damaged heart valves and suggest that other binding functions can compensate for the lack of fibronectin binding in S. aureus.  相似文献   

Y-688 is a new fluoroquinolone with increased activity against ciprofloxacin-resistant staphylococci. The MICs of Y-688 and other quinolones were determined for 58 isolates of ciprofloxacin-resistant and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The MICs at which 50% and 90% of bacteria were inhibited were >/=128 and >/=128 mg/liter, respectively, for ciprofloxacin, 16 and 32 mg/liter, respectively, for sparfloxacin, and 0.25 and 1 mg/liter, respectively, for Y-688. This new quinolone was further tested in rats with experimental endocarditis due to either of two isolates of ciprofloxacin-resistant MRSA (namely, P8/128 and CR1). Infected animals were treated for 3 days with ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, or Y-688. Antibiotics were administered through a computerized pump to simulate human-like pharmacokinetics in the serum of rats. The anticipated peak and trough levels of Y-688 were 4 and 1 mg/liter at 0.5 and 12 h, respectively. Treatment with ciprofloxacin was ineffective. Vancomycin significantly decreased vegetation bacterial counts for both organisms (P less, similar 0.05). In contrast, Y-688 only marginally decreased vegetation bacterial counts (P greater, similar 0.05). Moreover, several vegetation that failed Y-688 treatment grew staphylococci for which the MICs of the test antibiotic were increased two to eight times. Y-688 also selected for resistance in vitro, and isolates for which the MICs were increased eight times emerged at a frequency of ca. 10(-8). Thus, in spite of its low MIC for ciprofloxacin-resistant MRSA, Y-688 failed in vivo and its use carried the risk of resistance selection. The fact that ciprofloxacin-resistant staphylococci became rapidly resistant to this potent new drug suggests that the treatment of ciprofloxacin-resistant MRSA with new quinolones might be more problematic than expected.  相似文献   

Parametric and symptomatologic studies of the EEG in large populations have served to define stages of maturation and criteria of "normality". The younger the subjects, however, the wider are the variations. In the first stage of life only massive cerebral lesions afford unquestionable EEG evidence: in evaluating dysrhythmias it is necessary to bear in mind their high incidence in normal subjects. Hence their meaning is to be understood only by prolonged longitudinal studies. The reference here is not only to diffuse or focal slow anomalies, but also to specific pathologic rhythms. The difficulty of interpreting such anomalies is particularly evident when epileptogenic potentials are found, since they may be signs of a lesion but their clinical correlations are uncertain. The concept of "masked epilepsy" must be rejected. Only the diagnoses of latent or proven epilepsy are admissible, and these epilepsies may be without direct relationship to the clinical, psychiatric or central nervous findings in the affected subject. Numerous genetic, afferential, emotional or biologic factors are involved in the development of non-lesional disorders. Accordingly, the EEG has only a minor contribution to make in the definition of mild focal or diffuse pathologic anatomy of the brain in the very young subject.  相似文献   

Levofloxacin is the L isomer of ofloxacin, a racemic mixture in which the L stereochemical form carries the antimicrobial activity. Levofloxacin is more active than former quinolones against gram-positive bacteria, making it potentially useful against such pathogens. In this study, levofloxacin was compared to ciprofloxacin, flucloxacillin, and vancomycin for the treatment of experimental endocarditis due to two methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and two methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates. The four test organisms were susceptible to ciprofloxacin, the levofloxacin MICs for the organisms were low (0.12 to 0.25 mg/liter), and the organisms were killed in vitro by drug concentrations simulating both the peak and trough levels achieved in human serum (5 and 0.5 mg/liter, respectively) during levofloxacin therapy. Rats with aortic endocarditis were treated for 3 days. Antibiotics were injected with a programmable pump to simulate the kinetics of either levofloxacin (350 mg orally once a day), ciprofloxacin (750 mg orally twice a day), flucloxacillin (2 g intravenously four times a day), or vancomycin (1 g intravenously twice a day). Levofloxacin tended to be superior to ciprofloxacin in therapeutic experiments (P = 0.08). More importantly, levofloxacin did not select for resistance in the animals, in contrast to ciprofloxacin. The lower propensity of levofloxacin than ciprofloxacin to select for quinolone resistance was also clearly demonstrated in vitro. Finally, the effectiveness of this simulation of oral levofloxacin therapy was at least equivalent to that of standard treatment for MSSA or MRSA endocarditis with either flucloxacillin or vancomycin. This is noteworthy, because oral antibiotics are not expected to succeed in the treatment of severe staphylococcal infections. These good results obtained with animals suggest that levofloxacin might deserve consideration for further study in the treatment of infections due to ciprofloxacin-susceptible staphylococci in humans.  相似文献   

Purified BlaI, the putative repressor of the beta-lactamase operon in Staphylococcus aureus, binds specifically to two regions of dyad symmetry (operators) located in the blaZ-blaR1 intergenic region. BlaI binds with similar affinity to the two regions and to the related sequence upstream of the mec gene found in methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus, providing physical evidence for the cross-talk previously observed between these systems. A change from a lysine in the N-terminus of BlaI to an alanine or deletion of the C-terminal 23 amino acids severely reduces its DNA-binding ability, demonstrating the functional importance of both the N- and C-termini. An operator DNA-protein complex observed with crude cell lysates from repressed cells, indistinguishable from that observed with purified BlaI, was eliminated by induction of the beta-lactamase operon. Furthermore, BlaI is proteolytically cleaved in response to the addition of inducer in a blaR1-dependent manner, providing primary evidence for the molecular basis of induction. Thus, BlaI is shown to be the repressor of the beta-lactamase system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Outbreaks of nosocomial infection by methicillin resistent Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are a problem in many hospitals with the control measures to be adopted being controversial. An outbreak of MRSA in a 550-bed university hospital is herein described and the impact of the adopted control measures on the evolution of the epidemic in the general hospitalization area (GHA) was analyzed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The adopted control measures in the GHA were: microbiologic surveillance, cutaneous isolation measures, treatment of nasal carrier, and the early discharge of the cases. Hand washing was reinforced and a study of carriers was carried out on detection of sporadic cases (not related to the ICU). A molecular study of 70 strains of MRSA was performed with analysis of total plasmids, plasmid restriction pattern and chromosomic DNA analysis by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). RESULTS: From December 1990 to December 1993, 273 cases of MRSA were reported. One hundred seventy-two cases originated in the ICU and 101 cases in the GHA (sporadic cases). The incidence of MRSA in 1991-1993 was 13.6, 14.3, and 6.6% in the ICU and 0.17, 0.36, and 0.15% in the GHA, respectively. Molecular study of MRSA isolates (1991 and 1992) demonstrated two plasmid and two chromosomic patterns. The latter had a similarity coefficient > 0.90, probably belonging to the same "clone". CONCLUSIONS: Despite the control measures adopted in the GHA the outbreak of MRSA originated in the ICU thereafter extending to the GHA. The rates of colonization detected, however, remained stable during the 3 years studied. On the other hand, the observation of a single "clone", responsible for the epidemic, suggest that most of the sporadic cases were autoctonous and due to failure in fulfillment of the established norms.  相似文献   

The PheP protein is a high-affinity phenylalanine-specific permease of the bacterium Escherichia coli. A topological model based on genetic analysis involving the construction of protein fusions with alkaline phosphatase has previously been proposed in which PheP has 12 transmembrane segments with both N and C termini located in the cytoplasm (J. Pi and A. J. Pittard, J. Bacteriol. 178:2650-2655, 1996). Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to investigate the functional importance of each of the 16 proline residues of the PheP protein. Replacement of alanine at only three positions, P54, P341, and P442, resulted in the loss of 50% or more activity. Substitutions at P341 had the most dramatic effects. None of these changes in transport activity were, however, associated with any defect of the mutant protein in inserting into the membrane, as indicated by [35S]methionine labelling and immunoprecipitation using anti-PheP serum. A possible role for each of these three prolines is discussed. Inserting a single alanine residue at different sites within span IX and the loop immediately preceding it also had major effects on transport activity, suggesting an important role for a highly organized structure in this region of the protein.  相似文献   

A gene which was shown to be cotranscribed with the NAD+-dependent malic enzyme gene (maeE) of Streptococcus bovis ATCC 15352 was revealed to encode L-malate-specific permease (MaeP), which showed high activity at low pHs (pH 5.1 to 5.9). MaeP was strongly inhibited by the ionophores nigericin and valinomycin.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a major nosocomial pathogen. We investigated MRSA-infections in patients with pulmonary diseases referring to epidemiological aspects. Between 9/92 and 2/92 we found MRSA-infections in our hospital in 24 patients (11 female, 13 male, average age 54.6 years). Clinical presentation, main and accompanying disorders and previous antibiotic therapy regimens were registered. Strains were typed using DNA-RFLP and lysotyping. MRSA detection were done in specimen from sputum (12/24) and from the bronchial secret (9/24). In 18/24 cases the MRSA-colonisation was associated with infection. In 15/24 cases the first acquisition of MRSA happened in our hospital, 6/24 times the germ was carried off other institutions and in 3/24 cases it was possibly community acquired. Most frequently patients suffered from bronchial cancer (6/24), from chronical bronchitis (5/24), from pneumonia (4/24) or Cystic fibrosis (4/24). Usually the patients showed other severe comorbidity. 13/24 patients had an antibiotic course before detecting MRSA. Typing revealed a strain already known in different hospitals of Berlin, another known strain of northern Germany and two so far unknown strains. Of interest was a different behaviour of resistance and the lost of resistance of strains in the course. MRSA-infection in pulmonary medicine emerged as a problem mostly in patients with multimorbidity and severe underlying diseases. Change of resistance in strains and new strains were observed.  相似文献   

Mutations in the rifampin resistance-determining (Rif) regions of the rpoB gene of Staphylococcus aureus mutants obtained during therapy or in vitro were analyzed by gene amplification and sequencing. Each of the resistant clinical isolates, including five nonrelated clones and two strains isolated from the same patient, and of the 10 in vitro mutants had a single base pair change that resulted in an amino acid substitution in the beta subunit of RNA polymerase. Eight mutational changes at seven positions were found in cluster I of the central Rif region. Certain substitutions (His481/Tyr and Asp471/Tyr [S. aureus coordinates]) were present in several mutants. Substitutions Gln468/Arg, His481/Tyr, and Arg484/His, which conferred high-level rifampin resistance, were identical or in the same codon as those described in other bacterial genera, whereas Asp550/Gly has not been reported previously. Substitutions at codon 477 conferred high- or low-level resistance, depending on the nature of the new amino acid. The levels of resistance of in vivo and one-step in vitro mutants carrying identical mutations were similar, suggesting that no other resistance mechanism was present in the clinical isolates. On the basis of these data and the population distribution of more than 4,000 clinical S. aureus isolates, we propose /=8 microg/ml as new breakpoints for the clinical categorization of this species relative to rifampin.  相似文献   

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