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常春晓,北京人,一个快乐的女孩儿,我行我素,但人缘儿特好!春晓,知名模特,时尚而宁静,喜欢表达,尝试用不同方式留下属于自己的色彩。拍片、唱歌、演戏、走秀、博客、美食、聚会、睡懒觉。你会被她的艳丽多彩的生活吸引!  相似文献   

智能手机早已进入群雄逐鹿的时代,围绕Windows Mobile、Symbian、Linux OS、Palm OS四大操作系统,以及蓝牙、WiFi、GPS、3G、摄像头、存储卡、微型硬盘等新技术,还有全功能键盘、旋转屏幕、翻盖等概念,厂商们开展自己的想像,针对各自认定的客户群打造出了各具特色的产品,现在用户面对繁花锦簇的市场,要做的只是选择一款最适合自己的产品就好了。  相似文献   

如果把互联网、电信网和广电网做个比喻的话,中国联通广东公司鲁越宁的话别有一番新意,“互联网是新的,草根的、创业的、创新的、引进的,是多种所有制合作的基因,比较复杂多样的;电信网是最老的,因而几乎是完全国有的、传统的、继承的、比较规范的,因而基因比较纯正;广电网更是国有基础上还要代行某些政府职能的、意识形态的、正统的、严肃的、正规的、因而基因更为纯正。”因此,如何把新的、老的,草根的和正统的融合在一起,的确是一个非常大的难题。  相似文献   

为抓住云计算给中国信息及相关产业带来的战略机遇,有效汇聚政府、高校、企业、投资机构等各方面的力量,推进中国云产业发展和生态系统建立,4月20日,由北京航空航天大学、宽带资本、百度、用友、中国联通、龙湖地产、TCL、联想,阿里巴巴、腾讯、北京大学11家单位共同发起的中国云产业联盟在北京成立。联盟将通过宣传教育、研讨交流,数据共享、联合开发,推广应用、产业标准制定与推行、联合人才培养,业务与投资合作、促进政策支持等工作,推进中国云计算技术与产品的突破性创新和产业的跨越式发展,推动培植世界领先的云计算技术,产品、产业和市场。  相似文献   

查立 《现代计算机》2010,(4):137-138
创业公司启航,三五十来个人、七八条枪,其中"C"字开头的官儿还真少不了CEO、CTO、COO、CFO、CMO、CIO、CCO、CLO、Chairman/Chairwoman……不过,和大公司不一样,创业公司里的"C"品官不是权力、待遇、级别的标志,  相似文献   

数字集成电路有门电路,如非门(反相器)、与门、与非门、或门、或非门、异或门,还有其他的电路如触发器、计数器、锁存器、译码器等。数字集成电路通常用DIP封装,其外接电路一般有8脚、14脚、16脚、20脚、24脚;其中有两个脚接电源,其中一个是Vdd,接电源的正极;一个是Vss,接电源的负极。学习数字电路的最好方法是通过各种电路的实验、制作,进而认识和掌握它们的应用。从本期开始,将通过实验项目讲解,非门、与非门计数器等数字电路的应用。  相似文献   

<正>《计算机与应用化学》是化学、化工类中文核心期刊。该刊重点刊登应用化学,以及应用计算机技术在化学、化工、材料、生物技术、生命科学、医药、农药、石油化工、能源、冶金、资源与环境、系统工程、安全技术等领域中应用的原创性研究论文、研究快报、学术论坛、应用技术、软件介绍、信息交流、书讯、讲座、广告,以及评述性综述文章。来稿要求:作者须遵守《中华人民共和国著作权法》,不得一稿多投,引用他人作品时,务必在参考文献中著录,严禁抄袭,文责自负。来稿应论点明确、文字精炼、数据可靠、符号正确、治学严谨、文风勿虚。作者投稿必须使用正版软件,如使用非正版软件,其发生的相关法律责任由作者自负。属于研究生的稿件要求由导师审查后在稿件上签署姓名和日期,同意在本刊发表。属于课题研究项目和涉及密级内容的文章,须由作者单位出  相似文献   

正党的十八大提出,倡导富强、民主、文明、和谐,倡导自由、平等、公正、法治,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,是社会主义先进文化的精髓,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。用社会主义核心价值观引领社会思潮、凝聚社会共识,深入开展中国特色社会主义和中国梦宣传教育,不断增强人们的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,坚定全社会全面深化改革的意志和决心,是人民广播电台主要的宣讲内容之一,  相似文献   

"培训基地"栏目的目的很简单,以传播IT培训、考试为宗旨,从资讯、内容、考点、机构、认证、技能、窍门七大方面,让爱好电脑、奋勇上进、勤奋好学、锻炼本领的你不断感受最新、最酷、最全的知识冲击!请记住:无论你身在何处、何等学历、有何需求,只要是读者朋友们关心的、需要的培训考试,就是"培训基地"乐于奉献的(电邮请寄:peixun@cpcfan.com)!  相似文献   

可视对讲,在九十年代从发达国家引进,在国内得到了高速的发展。从九十年代末至今,主要应用在商品住宅楼,规模迅速发展,已经普遍进入城市小区中高层住宅。在以往,可视对讲设备只局限于访客与住户之间的双向语音通话,那么现在呢?更多的高端小区已经可以实现可视对讲通话,达到图像、语音双重识别从而增加安全可靠性,同时节省大量的时间,提高了工作效率。更重要的是,可视对讲跟智能家居结合在一起,不但家中的各种设备(如音视频设备、照明系统、窗帘控制、空调控制、安防系统、数字影院系统、影音服务器、影柜系统、网络家电等)连接到一起,提供家电控制、照明控制、电话远程控制、室内外遥控、防盗报警、环境监测、暖通控制、红外转发以及可编程定时控制等多种功能。  相似文献   

Interest in game-based learning for K-12 is growing. Thus, helping teachers understand how to use these new pedagogies is important. This paper presents a cross-case study of the development of teacher professional development for the River City project, a games-based multi-user virtual environment science curriculum project for middle school children, over three years of its development. Successful professional development required attention to multiple factors including teacher efficacy in using the software, pedagogical issues and school culture. A theoretical model for successful technological implementations is discussed.  相似文献   

何元  周磊 《电脑学习》2009,(1):47-48
《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》网络培训课程的设计。对培养学员进行同步和异步交流.向教师与学员提供了良好的交互与交流的环境。  相似文献   


Science curriculum outcomes at the middle school level are typically associated with the decontextualized science found in textbooks and teacher resources. However, the typical middle years classroom with a single teacher is an ideal setting for an integrated approach to learning science in the context of social studies, language arts, art, and other subject areas. In this paper, we describe the first phase of a three‐phase integrated curriculum project. The curriculum uses an historical perspective, narratives, and a student‐centred approach to create materials that integrate the Grade 5 Science weather cluster with the Grade 5 Social Studies unit on the Canadian fur trade. Risk factors that contribute to inadequate science teaching and learning are identified and several protective factors that contribute to teacher efficacy are advanced.  相似文献   

在中学信息技术课程教学中,教学模式的采用不是单一的,而是多种模式的综合应用。根据教材内容的不同,教师可采用一种或多种教学模式。通过综合运用这些教学模式,全方位、多角度提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

在中学信息技术课程教学中,教学模式的采用不是单一的,而是多种模式的综合应用。根据教材内容的不同,教师可采用一种或多种教学模式。通过综合运用这些教学模式,全方位、多角度提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

近些年来,信息技术教学与应用已经纳入了正常的教学轨道,如何加大初中信息技术创新教育是我们初中信息技术教师义不容辞的责任。学校是信息技术教育的基地,学校首先要搞好学校硬件建设,老师要采取好的教学方法,多给予他们上级实践动手的机会,精讲多练,有的放矢,因材施教,开发学生的创造才能,调动学生学习信息技术的积极性,不断拓展学生信息技术知识素养。  相似文献   

非计算机专业计算机基础课教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前中等职业技术学校非计算机专业普遍开设了计算机基础课程,旨在提高学生的综合素质。如何提高学生学习计算机的兴趣,探索科学的教学方法尤为重要,运用创新与整合的教学内容,培养具有创新精神的教师队伍是当前的头等大事,这是关系我国信息技术普及与推广的教育策略,关系到高科技人才的可持续发展,也是关系到我国经济能否可持续发展重大基本国策。  相似文献   

During the epoch of knowledge-based economy and knowledge management, teachers must learn in order to improve professional development. The paper discusses on the problems of teacher professional development in China, and analyze on the relationship among teacher learning, teacher professional development and school knowledge management. From the perspective of schools, this study develops school knowledge management framework to facilitate teacher learning and improve teacher professional development, in the basis of this framework, schools’ knowledge management strategies are presented, and provide references for administrators of schools. The result reveals the knowledge management strategies to improve teacher professional development, including school organizational reforger and knowledge leaders, constructing learning school and organization learning culture, establishing teacher knowledge management system of teacher professional development, encouraging team learning, teaching cooperation and knowledge sharing, establishing performance assessment mechanism of knowledge applications and development.  相似文献   

This exploratory study took place in the context of middle school information science in Greece, to examine possible relations between boys’ and girls’: value and efficacy beliefs about computers and information science; perceived parental support; perceived teacher expectations; and perceptions of the nature of information science instruction. The participants of the study were 301 (135 male and 166 female) students who responded to a self-report questionnaire. Regression analysis showed that perceived teacher expectations were positively associated with students’ ability beliefs, perceptions of learning activities as creative and personally meaningful was a significant predictor of students’ interest in computing, and perceived parental support was related to both value and efficacy beliefs. Unlike previous research, the findings of this study did not support the conclusion that boys have more positive ICT self-efficacy and value beliefs than girls. They indicated however, that boys’ and girls’ beliefs are differentially affected by parents, teachers, and school IS instruction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine factors affecting teachers’ integration of laptops into classroom instruction. A research-based path model was tested based on data gathered from 379 K-12 school teachers to examine direct and indirect contributions of relevant institutional factors (overall support for school technology, technical support, and professional development) and teacher level factors (teacher readiness and teacher beliefs). The major premise of this study was that the hypothesized path model was powerful enough to explain a substantial amount of variance in teacher readiness (43%), beliefs (51%), and laptop integration (55%). The results suggest that teacher level factors (teacher readiness and teacher beliefs) strongly predict laptop integration, and that overall support for school technology and professional development have strong effects on teacher beliefs and readiness, respectively. All school-level factors also had a significant indirect impact on laptop integration, which is mediated by teacher readiness and beliefs.  相似文献   

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