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对于在学分制下学生成绩的统计与分析给授课教师带来的困难和不便。利用了Excel软件提供的VBA编程,在Excel菜单中添加了一个"学生成绩统计"下拉式菜单栏,使学生成绩的统计与分析更加简单、快捷、准确,给学生成绩统计带来了方便。  相似文献   

随着计算机的普及应用,使用计算机对学生成绩管理进行统计管理是必不可少的工具手段,本文利用Excel强大的数据处理功能,迅速完成对学生的成绩的各项分析统计工作,提高学生成绩管理的效率,也提高教务管理的科学化、正规化。  相似文献   

中职学校对学生的成绩进行统计、分析非常重要,也十分繁琐。Excel具有强大的数据统计、分析、处理功能,如果在学生成绩管理中充分利用Excel强大的函数处理功能,就能将复杂的工作简单化、程序化,也会使原本繁琐的传统的数据统计工作变得快捷、方便、智能化,对工作将会起到事半功倍的作用。对利用Excel函数实现中职学校学生成绩的几个典型的统计应用进行了具体描述。  相似文献   

学校每次考试后,对年级各班级成绩进行分析、统计,工作量较大且比较繁琐.为了方便快捷地处理学生成绩,文章介绍了Excel的数组公式和SUM函数.灵活运用SUM函数和数组公式,在不调整原始数据顺序的情况下,实现了多工作表的学生成绩分析与统计,为成绩统计提高了效率,保证了统计数据的可靠性.  相似文献   

每次学生考试结束后,老师就要面对大量的学生成绩需要进行分析和统计,从而准确掌握学生的学习情况。幸好有ExceI电子表格这样拥有强大的数据处理功能的软件,才让我们老师能迅速完成对学生成绩的分析统计工作,有效的进行教学工作。接下来,我就向各位朋友介绍两个利用Excel电子表格进行学生成绩统计的小技巧.  相似文献   

在统计学生大学四年的各科成绩的过程中,虽然教务系统可以导出Excel格式的原始成绩数据,但无法满足个性化的数据处理需求。为此,该文利用Excel VBA强大的数据处理功能,在对成绩统计及评定需求梳理的基础上,编程实现了学生成绩统计及评定方法,涵盖打开目标Excel文件、数据筛选、数据统计和综合评定等功能。结果表明,基于Excel VBA的数据处理能够满足个性化的需求,极大地提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

在学生成绩统计中,计算虽并不复杂,但比较繁琐。期末考试后,多名教师需要处理多门成绩,总工作量相当巨大。采用手工统计,易出错、效率低。该文作者通过实践摸索,巧妙使用Excel函数,制作成绩统计模板,教师只需要正确输入原始数据,自动进行成绩统计。此方法与手工统计相比方便、准确、高效,解决了手工统计中易出错、效率低的问题。  相似文献   

中职学校对学生的成绩进行统计、分析非常重要,也十分繁琐。EXCEL具有强大的数据统计、分析、处理功能,如果在学生成绩管理中充分利用EXCEL强大的函数处理功能,就能将复杂的工作简单化、程序化,也会使原本繁琐的传统的数据统计工作变得快捷、方便、智能化,对我们的工作将会起到事半功倍的作用。本文就如何利用Excel函数实现中职学校学生成绩的几个典型的统计应用进行了具体描述。  相似文献   

该文应用VBA(Visual Basic for Application)对Excel二次开发的功能,编程设计了成绩统计与分析模板,实现了学生考试成绩的自动统计和填写、自动完成了各分数段人数和重点观测指标的统计、自动生成了分析图表等。应用该模板,可以大大减轻教师进行学生考试成绩统计与分析工作带来的负担,对教学管理中的学生成绩统计与分析具有一定的推广使用价值。  相似文献   

该文以学生成绩数据库为载体,介绍了在SQL Server中设计自定义函数和存储过程实现对学生成绩进行复杂分组统计和动态建立统计标志列的方法。  相似文献   

Information retention from PowerPoint and traditional lectures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The benefit of PowerPoint is continuously debated, but both supporters and detractors have insufficient empirical evidence. Its use in university lectures has influenced investigations of PowerPoint’s effects on student performance (e.g., overall quiz/exam scores) in comparison to lectures based on overhead projectors, traditional lectures (e.g., “chalk-and-talk”), and online lectures. Thus far, comparisons of overall exam scores have yielded mixed results. The present study decomposes overall quiz scores into auditory, graphic, and alphanumeric scores to reveal new insights into effects of PowerPoint presentations on student performance. Analyses considered retention of lecture information presented to students without the presence of PowerPoint (i.e., traditional lecture), auditory information in the presence of PowerPoint, and visual (i.e., graphic and alphanumeric) information displayed on PowerPoint slides. Data were collected from 62 students via quiz and questionnaire. Students retained 15% less information delivered verbally by the lecturer during PowerPoint presentations, but they preferred PowerPoint presentations over traditional presentations.  相似文献   

针对高校学生工作者任务繁多且直接管理的学生人数众多,难于对每个学生进行个性化的学习指导的实际问题,提出基于离群点检测的学生学习状态分析方法,将有限的教育资源分配给最迫切需求的学生。使用基于密度的局部离群点检测算法对学生考试成绩数据进行挖掘,找出可疑离群学生,然后对可疑离群学生进行学习状态分析。案例研究结果表明,本方法能够有效地找出学习状态异常的学生,可以提升高校学生工作者的管理效率。  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study investigates the effects of student attitudes and behaviours on the outcomes of learning mathematics with computer tools. A computer tool was used to help students develop the mathematical concept of function. In the whole sample (N = 521), student attitudes could account for a 3.4 point difference in test scores between individuals on a 10-point scale. General attitude towards mathematics positively predicted test scores. However, more able students who were well-disposed towards mathematical computer tools achieved lower scores. Self-reported behaviours were unrelated to test scores. Detailed observation of a small number of students (= 8) revealed that positive attitudes towards mathematics and mathematical computer tools augmented exhibited learning behaviours, and that both a positive attitude to mathematical computer tools and exhibited learning behaviours benefited tool mastery. Although tool mastery and test scores are intimately related, reflective processes appear to mediate this relationship. Promoting learning with mathematical computer tools needs to take several factors into account, including improving student attitudes, raising levels of learning behaviours, and giving sufficient opportunity for constructing new mathematical knowledge within meaningful mathematical discourse.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2009,52(4):1467-1485
Exploring student test, homework, and other assessment scores is a challenge for most teachers, especially when attempting to identify cross-assessment weaknesses and produce final course grades. During the course, teachers need to identify subject weaknesses in order to help students who are struggling with a particular topic. This identification often needs to happen across multiple assessment data points and should be considered in comparison to the class’s progress as a whole. When determining grades, fairness to all is essential, but there are special needs for students who did poorly on one exam or had a steadily increasing grasp of the subject. We present eduViz, a visualization tool designed to help teachers explore and assign grades. Teachers can see the trajectory of student scores, the relationship of a particular student to the class, and use categories they have defined in order to filter their assessment information. Query response is immediate and all logical comparisons are possible. Teachers can easily compare their query to the class or per student average as well as view scores by raw point total or percentage. Additionally, eduViz provides a grade assignment interface which allows teachers to view sorted student scores in a scatterplot. This scatterplot is coupled with a unique partition slider which allows users to move color coordinated bands on the scatterplot to indicate grade ranges. As these grade ranges are set, a histogram is updated to show the number of students assigned to each grade range. These features give teachers new and powerful ways to explore and assign grades so that they can better understand student strengths and weaknesses and make the most of the time they have available. Interviews with 16 expert teachers indicate that eduViz is a success across fields, provides teachers with a useful tool to understand and help their classes, and encourages reflective practice.  相似文献   

Flash动画制作这门课程是职业院校计算机专业的必修课程,在FlashMX教学中应当加强学生主体地位,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生创新意识,全面提高学生的综合素质与能力。  相似文献   

在中职、高职类院校,项目式教学正在被推广,在项目式教学模式下,我们把实际的企业项目带到课堂,同时,我们也希望借鉴有益的企业对员工的评价方法。基于此,提出在原有的项目式评价学生体系下,增加对学生承诺的考核方法,并给出切实可操作的研究方案。增加对学生承诺的考核旨在充分发掘学生的潜能,对超出学生承诺的专业能力的成绩给予鼓励。  相似文献   

Exploring student test, homework, and other assessment scores is a challenge for most teachers, especially when attempting to identify cross-assessment weaknesses and produce final course grades. During the course, teachers need to identify subject weaknesses in order to help students who are struggling with a particular topic. This identification often needs to happen across multiple assessment data points and should be considered in comparison to the class’s progress as a whole. When determining grades, fairness to all is essential, but there are special needs for students who did poorly on one exam or had a steadily increasing grasp of the subject. We present eduViz, a visualization tool designed to help teachers explore and assign grades. Teachers can see the trajectory of student scores, the relationship of a particular student to the class, and use categories they have defined in order to filter their assessment information. Query response is immediate and all logical comparisons are possible. Teachers can easily compare their query to the class or per student average as well as view scores by raw point total or percentage. Additionally, eduViz provides a grade assignment interface which allows teachers to view sorted student scores in a scatterplot. This scatterplot is coupled with a unique partition slider which allows users to move color coordinated bands on the scatterplot to indicate grade ranges. As these grade ranges are set, a histogram is updated to show the number of students assigned to each grade range. These features give teachers new and powerful ways to explore and assign grades so that they can better understand student strengths and weaknesses and make the most of the time they have available. Interviews with 16 expert teachers indicate that eduViz is a success across fields, provides teachers with a useful tool to understand and help their classes, and encourages reflective practice.  相似文献   

学生成绩的预测与分析旨在实现对学生的个性化指导,提升学生成绩及教师的教学成果.学生成绩受家庭环境、学习条件以及个人表现等多种因素的影响.传统的成绩预测方法往往忽视了不同因素对同一学生成绩的影响程度不同,而且不同学生受同一因素的影响程度也不同,所构建的模型无法实现对学生的个性化分析与指导.因此提出一种基于双路注意力机制的学生成绩预测模型(two-way attention, TWA),该方法不仅有区别地对待了这些因素对成绩的影响程度,而且考虑到了学生的个体差异性.该方法通过两次注意力计算分别得到各属性特征在第1阶段成绩和第2阶段成绩上的注意力得分,并考虑了多种特征融合方式,最后基于融合后的特征对期末成绩进行更好地预测.分别在2个公开数据集上对模型进行了验证,并根据各属性特征在期末成绩上的概率分布对预测结果进行可视化分析.结果显示,所构建模型能够更准确地预测出学生成绩,并且具有良好的可解释性.  相似文献   

在学生管理中.常以学生的思想品德、学习、文体活动创新等成绩的加权和作为衡量学生综合素质的标准.但具体的分数难以准确地反映学生素质的真实情况。通过运用K-means算法对学生的综合测评成绩进行聚类分析,挖掘出学生与学生之间具有的共性,并以共性为标准对学生分类.使学生管理者对不同类别学生实施针对性教育管理。  相似文献   

Although conventional student assessments are extremely convenient for calculating student scores, they do not conceptualize how students organize their knowledge. Therefore, teachers and students rarely understand how to improve their future learning progress. The limitations of conventional testing methods indicate the importance of accurately assessing and representing student knowledge structures. The personalized diagnosis and remedial learning system (PDRLS) proposed in this study enhances the effectiveness of the Pathfinder network by providing remedial learning paths for individual learners based on their knowledge structure. The sample was 145 students enrolled in introductory JAVA programming language courses at a Central Taiwan technology university. The experimental results demonstrate that learners who received personalized remedial learning guidance via PDRLS achieved improved learning performance, self-efficacy, and PDRLS use intention. The experimental results also indicated that students with lower knowledge level gain more benefits from the PDRLS than those with higher level of knowledge and that field dependence (FD) students obtain a greater benefit from PDRLS than field independence (FI) students do.  相似文献   

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