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2013年3月,无锡尚德进入"破产重整"。无锡尚德是我国最大、也是世界四大光伏企业之一。今年的国内外市场显示,中国光伏产业目前正遭受欧美"双反"与国内产能严重过剩的双重考验。人们不禁担心,中国的光伏产业还能拥有春天吗?仅仅是产能过剩,不能看衰整个产业中国光伏产业联盟提供的数据显示,目前全球太阳能光伏总产能大于实际需求量1.5至2倍。中国光伏产业联盟秘书长王勃华向记者透露,2011年统计  相似文献   

随着国家光伏补助政策的出台和面临着全球经济的整体疲软,国内光伏产业遭遇了忧喜交加的境况,光伏电池制造、系统集成甚至建筑一体化应用,产业链的各个环节都需要从当初光伏产业迅速"膨胀"的热潮中冷静下来,认真思考今后的发展之路。  相似文献   

<正>2012年,于中国光伏产业,似末日之年,也是重生之年。我国光伏产业经过几年爆发性增长,一跃坐上太阳能电池及组件产量世界头把交椅。然而,"两头在外,中间过剩"的畸形发展模式,终于使光伏产业在欧美"双反"的导火索下,不得不开始"寒冬"中的生存之战。生死劫难:产能过剩+贸易壁垒2012年,全球经济环境的持续恶化使光伏产业"两头在外,中间过剩"的畸形路径无以为继,行业开始经历各种生死劫难:欧美竖起贸易壁垒、国内产能过剩加剧、行业全面亏损、企业债务高筑、停产风波愈演愈烈……对于我国光伏产业而言,2012堪比"世界末日"。  相似文献   

David 《变频器世界》2012,(6):131-132
1引言过去十年是世界光伏快速成长的十年,中国光伏产业也快速崛起。国家非常重视这一新兴战略性产业的发展,出台的"十二五"能源规划中提到要大力发展光伏应用。作为亚洲规模最大的电源生产王国,  相似文献   

<正>作为新能源产业的重要代表,光伏产业在我国发展迅速,并成长为国际新能源市场上举足轻重的力量和全球光伏产品的主要生产国。但遗憾的是,我国生产出的光伏产品中,竟有9成以上出口国外,形成了"新能源出口、碳排放留下"的节能减排倒挂现象。  相似文献   

文章针对光伏产业发展问题进行探究,从发展光伏产业的重大意义出发,分析了“双碳”目标下光伏产业发展新机遇,阐述了光伏产业在能源网络中的运用,并对光伏产业的未来发展提出对策建议。希望为我国光伏产业的发展提供新思路,助力“双碳”目标尽早实现。  相似文献   

<正>光伏十二五目标确定庞大市场待开启电源生产王国转战新能源过去十年是世界光伏快速成长的十年,中国光伏产业也快速崛起。国家非常重视这一新兴战略性产业的发展,出台的"十二五"能源规划中提到要大力发展光伏应用。作为亚洲规模最大的电源生产王国,天宝集团日前宣布,将扩充产品线,  相似文献   

中欧光伏谈判暂时得以"友好"收场,但中国光伏产业的无序盲目发展,确实给相关部门敲响了一记警钟在产能过剩背景下,靠"打价格战"来保持竞争优势且高度依赖国外市场的中国光伏行业亟待改革。值此时刻,国家有关部门打出政策组合拳。8月28日,国家工信部起草了《光伏制造行业规范条件(征求意见稿)》(以下简称《意见稿》),表示新建和改扩建光伏制造项目,最低资本金比例为20%。光伏企业必须具有产品独立生产、供应和售后服务能力,每年用于研发的费用不低于总销售额的  相似文献   

中国光伏产业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于国际光伏产业不断发展的背景下,介绍了中国光伏产业近几年迅猛发展的概况,并深入分析总结了中国光伏产业得以快速发展的基本原因及内在动力。同时,也指出了中国光伏产业发展过程中出现的一些问题,如Si材料严重短缺、生产技术相对落后等,并揭示了出现这些问题的原因,且指出了随着中国光伏科技水平不断提高,这些问题将逐步得到解决,中国光伏产业必将走上健康快速发展的道路。接着介绍了中国光伏市场的发展概况,给出了中国国内光伏市场狭小及发展缓慢的原因,并指出了今后中国光伏市场的发展方向。随着中国政府对太阳能产业的投资及扶植力度的不断加大及光伏发电价格的不断降低,在不久的将来,中国的光伏市场必然会快速健康发展。  相似文献   

2016年,我国光伏产业延续了去年以来的回暖态势,新增装机达到34.54GW,累计装机容量77.42GW,新增和累计装机容量均为全球第一.在国内、国际市场强劲增长的拉动下,光伏企业海外布局加速,光伏企业的"走出去"步伐也在不断加快,技术水平不断进步,企业利润率得到提升.展望2017年,在政策引导和市场驱动下,我国光伏新增装机量约为28GW,分布式光伏将迎来爆发,光伏跨行业融合进一步推进,出口市场更加多元化,新技术与产品开发活跃,但光伏制造业融资难、融资贵,补贴拖欠、弃光限电和光伏电站用地等问题仍然困扰着光伏产业,仍待破解.  相似文献   

薄膜光伏电池产业发展路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在世界范围内,由于光伏电池的巨大需求和原材料的制肘,催生了薄膜光伏电池的应用和技术攻关的巨资投入。从薄膜光伏电池的发展趋势、技术原理导入,研究探讨该产业的技术发展路线、生产工艺流程、设备和市场的应用前景。  相似文献   

综述了国内外半导体产业的新动向—光伏产业及制造装备的现状与市场趋势,针对国内产业发展趋向,提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

薄膜太阳能电池前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光伏产业已成为我国可再生能源产业中继风力发电之后发展最快的产业,光伏发电技术也是全球研究的热点之一。在薄膜太阳能光伏电池的优势和现有薄膜PV基础上,分析了薄膜光伏技术进入商业化的问题所在,探索了薄膜太阳能电池的应用及产能潜势,展望了α—Si与CdTe薄膜光伏产业前景。  相似文献   

The first new Energy Star Homes development to incorporate a PV system has opened in the Boston, Massachusetts suburb of Wrentham. A dozen Evergreen Solar PV panels on the each home’s roof are expected to generate 1250 kWh per year, based on New England’s climate.Visit www.re-focus.net for the latest renewable energy industry news  相似文献   

Approximately 2 billion people, mainly in Third World countries, are not connected to an electric grid. The standard, centralized grid development is too expensive and time consuming to solve the energy demand problem. Therefore, there is a need for decentralized renewable energy sources. The main attractiveness of solar cells is that they generate electricity directly from sunlight and can be mounted in modular, stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems. Particular attention is paid in this paper to crystalline silicon solar cells, since bulk silicon solar-cell (mono and multi) modules comprise approximately 85% of all worldwide PV module shipments. Energy conversion efficiency as high as 24% has been achieved on laboratory, small-area monocrystalline silicon cells, whereas the typical efficiency of industrial crystalline silicon solar cells is in the range of 13-16%. The market price of PV modules remains for the last few years in the range of $3.5-4.5/watt peak (Wp). For the photovoltaic industry, the biggest concern is to improve the efficiency and decrease the price of the commercial PV modules. Efficiency-enhancement techniques of commercial cells are described in detail. Adaptation of many high-efficiency features to industrially fabricated solar cells. The latest study shows that increasing the PV market size toward 500 MWp/y and accounting for realistic industrial improvements can lead to a drastic PV module price reduction down to $1/Wp  相似文献   

新型功率半导体器件既具有广阔的市场需求,又与风电、光伏、有轨交通等新兴产业密不可分,具有节能、节材、环保等效益,对促进可持续发展有重要意义。宽禁带半导体是功率器件实现飞跃的突破口,将引领功率器件发展的新时代。  相似文献   

Virtuous circles     
One of the more noticeable aspects of today’s PV industry is the growing diversity of applications. Every month the search for news unearths yet more examples of how inventiveness and business acumen are combining to further the PV cause.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2005,42(1):30-31
When completed, the Bavarian Solarpark will count as one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in the world. With 57,600 solar panels covering a total of 25 hectares of farmland, the 10-megawatt peak station actually consists of three collector installations located within a 50 km radius. While the plant is expected to partially replace Germany's nuclear and fossil fuel power plants with homegrown solar PV plants, the losses due to transmission of central station solar power negate the benefits enjoyed by users of on-site solar generation. The ultimate goal, however, is to foster the growth of a global PV industry and to count on economies of scale to bring the price of PV down to levels that even developing countries can afford.  相似文献   

A new perturbed‐based extremum seeking control (PESC) scheme is proposed in this paper to track the global maximum power point (GMPP). The PESC scheme has two control loops based on power of the photovoltaic (PV) array: the first loop operates as usually to track the maximum power point and the second sweeps all local MPPs to locate the GMPP. Once the GMPP is located based on its uniqueness (after the PV pattern is quickly scanned many times, depending on the PV pattern's profile), the GMPP is accurately tracked based on first control loop. The used PV patterns have the profile of the PV power characteristics obtained for PV array under partially shaded conditions (PSCs). This PESC scheme is proposed to track the GMPP in the PV applications, but also in other multimodal problems from industry, being a good motif to revive the specialists' interest for the extremum seeking control field. The results obtained here are very promising for both search speed and tracking accuracy performances of the GMPP under different PSCs simulated on the PV array. Thus, the energy efficiency of PV array controlled with the proposed PESC scheme will increase with more than 1.2% in comparison with that obtained with the other MPP algorithms because of better performance shown by this PESC scheme. A 99.6% tracking accuracy is obtained here in comparison with a maximum 98.4% tracking accuracy reported in the literature. Furthermore, 100% hit and high search speed are obtained here for the GMPP localization. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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