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When human beings converse, they alternate between talking and listening. Participating in such turntaking behaviors is more difficult for machines that use speech recognition to listen and speech output to talk. This paper describes an algorithm for managing such turn-taking through the use of a sliding capture window. The device is specific to discrete speech recognition technologies that do not have access to echo cancellation. As such, it addresses those inexpensive applications that suffer the most from turn-taking errors—providing a “speech button” that stabilizes the interface. Correcting for short-lived turn-taking errors can be thought of as “debouncing” the button. An informal study based on ten subjects using a voice dialing application illuminates the design.  相似文献   

The city is a kind of complex system being capable of auto-organization of its programs and adapts a principle of economy in its form generating process. A new concept of dynamic centre in urban system, called “the programmatic moving centre”, can be used to represent the successive appearances of various programs based on collective facilities and their potential values. The absolute central point is substituted by a magnetic field composed of several interactions among the collective facilities and also by the changing value of programs through time. The center moves continually into this interactive field. Consequently, we introduce mathematical methods of analysis such as “the centroid” and “the weighted mean” to calculate and visualize the dynamics of the urban centre. These methods heavily depend upon symmetry. We will describe and establish the moving centre from a point of view of symmetric optimization that answers the question of the evolution and successive equilibrium of the city. In order to explain and represent dynamic transformations in urban area, we tested this programmatic moving center in unstable and new urban environments such as agglomeration areas around Lausanne in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Cybernetics and Systems Analysis - To analyze the individual and collective behavior of agents, a “state–probability of choice” model is proposed, based on considering the...  相似文献   

This paper considers the concepts “information requirement” and “subject of activity” and suggests models for a subject’s activity and information requirements. The stages of formation of an information requirement are described. The classification of information requirements, methods for determining individual and collective information requirements, as well as thematic directions and profiles of information resources and information requirements, are suggested.  相似文献   

The detection and correction of false friends—also called real-word errors—is a notoriously difficult problem. On realistic data, the break-even point for automatic correction so far could not be reached: the number of additional infelicitous corrections outnumbered the useful corrections. We present a new approach where we first compute a profile of the error channel for the given text. During the correction process, the profile (1) helps to restrict attention to a small set of “suspicious” lexical tokens of the input text where it is “plausible” to assume that the token represents a false friend. In this way, recognition of false friends is improved. Furthermore, the profile (2) helps to isolate the “most promising” correction suggestion for “suspicious” tokens. Using a conventional word trigram statistics for disambiguation we obtain a correction method that can be successfully applied to unrestricted text. In experiments for OCR documents, we show significant accuracy gains by fully automatic correction of false friends.  相似文献   

Erik Hollnagel’s body of work in the past three decades has molded much of the current research approach to system safety, particularly notions of “error”. Hollnagel regards “error” as a dead-end and avoids using the term. This position is consistent with Rasmussen’s claim that there is no scientifically stable category of human performance that can be described as “error”. While this systems view is undoubtedly correct, “error” persists. Organizations, especially formal business, political, and regulatory structures, use “error” as if it were a stable category of human performance. They apply the term to performances associated with undesired outcomes, tabulate occurrences of “error”, and justify control and sanctions through “error”. Although a compelling argument can be made for Hollnagel’s view, it is clear that notions of “error” are socially and organizationally productive. The persistence of “error” in management and regulatory circles reflects its value as a means for social control.  相似文献   

Large groups of people exhibit social intelligence: coherent behavior directed towards individual or collective goals. This paper examines ways in which such behavior is produced in face to face situations, and discusses how it can be supported in online systems used by geographically distributed groups. It describes the concept of a “social proxy,” a minimalist visualization of the presence and activities of participants in an online interaction that is used to make online social norms visible. It summarizes experience with an implemented system, presents conceptual designs that illustrate the range of situations to which social proxies can be applied, and discusses how to go about designing these types of visualizations.  相似文献   

Methods of synchronizing interaction of the digital devices of distributed systems with the use of a common center relaying the signals from the devices were proposed. They are mostly intended to perform operations like “all-to-all,” “all-to-one,” and “one-to-all.” The center substantially accelerates synchronization and improves efficiency of the communication facilities interconnecting the devices.  相似文献   

An evaluation method of team situation awareness based on mutual belief   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large and complex artifacts are usually operated by a team for its safety and efficiency, and breakdowns of team cooperation sometimes cause accidents. Studies of team cooperation therefore have been drawn attention from human factors and ergonomics researchers. Team situation awareness (TSA) has been regarded as one of the important topics in such team cooperation studies. Definitions of TSA in such studies are, however, mainly based on the perspective of observers. Some studies have pointed out that it is necessary to define TSA from the perspective of “belief” that team members possess in other members’ SA in order to capture the dynamics of team cooperation. In this study, evaluation indexes of TSA from both perspectives were proposed and they were compared with team performance. The results suggest that it is necessary to evaluate team SA not only from the perspective of observers but also from the perspective of beliefs.  相似文献   

Our case study explores the extent to which a “Distributed Cognition”-like ethnographic approach can be used to analyze situations which are not at first sight compatible with the precepts of computational cognition. In the first part of the paper, we analyze the collective listening of phone calls in a helpline. We show why collective listening can be considered a “distributed collective practice”, with a mode of coordination based on repeated verbal re-enactments of difficult phone calls, rather than upon the discrete computational steps normally assumed in the standard model. In the second part of the paper, we analyse the organizational and interactional learning which takes place when collective listening is re-mediated by using e-mail exchanges rather than telephone conversations to communicate distress. Our conclusion discusses critically the viability of the distribution model in a context of collective listening.  相似文献   

Product testing of mobile communication technology has typically employed the same research methodologies that were traditionally applied to stationary technology. An approach that does not primarily rely on physical location to study mobile communication technologies is thus needed. The stable component of mobile communication technology is not physical space but human communication. Therefore, a research model is developed based on an ethnography of communication approach, which designates “talk” (i.e., symbolic communication) as the primary and essential unit of measurement while making stationary physical location secondary. This allows design teams to enter a user “speech community” anywhere. Eight participants tested both the stationary and mobile version of customer relationship management software for sales. All participants were professional salespeople, comprising a speech community. Users articulated their “local” speech community meaning systems in the form of scenarios of use, which can guide product design and marketing. The findings show that proof-of-concept testing of mobile versions of desktop software can be done in conjunction with the usability testing for stationary technology.  相似文献   

The paper presents a formalized technology for risk management intellectualized with new functions to increase the software process maturity. Intelligent risk management (IRM) is represented by a double spiral with “inner” turns being the processes of expert assessment of IRM objects to support the increased consistency of decisions and the efficiency of IRM participants. They link “outer” turns (the cycles of efficient risk mitigation in a common information environment at the levels of both developing organization and software project) to support the integration of project targets and improvement of software quality and strategic goals of the executing organization.  相似文献   

This paper proposed a new concept of management: Managing According to Reason (MR). Since “manage” means to lead, plan, organize and control, and “reason” means to understand the law of the development of objects being managed, this new concept is an integration of the two elements of “managing” and “reason”. MR studies the contradictory relationship between “managing” and “reason”, and considers how such a relationship changes and develops. MR is an integration of the disciplines of management, philosophy, natural science, engineering technology, and social science. We believe the MR is a comprehensive scientific discipline that will greatly benefit humanity. Since “management” cannot work without power, while “reason” relies on science, MR is an integration of power and science. Power is MR’s assurance, and science is MR’s basis. We believe that MR will play a major role in twenty-first century.  相似文献   

In the process of extending the UML metamodel for a specific domain, the metamodel specifier introduces frequently some metaassociations at MOF level M2 with the aim that they induce some specific associations at MOF level M1. For instance, if a metamodel for software process modelling states that a “Role” is responsible for an “Artifact”, we can interpret that its specifier intended to model two aspects: (1) the implications of this metaassociation at level M1 (e.g., the specific instance of Role “TestEngineer” is responsible for the specific instance of Artifact “TestPlans”); and (2) the implications of this metaassociation at level M0 (e.g., “John Doe” is the responsible test engineer for elaborating the test plans for the package “Foo”). Unfortunately, the second aspect is often not enforced by the metamodel and, as a result, the models which are defined as its instances may not incorporate it. This problem, consequence of the so-called “shallow instantiation” in Atkinson and Kühne (Procs. UML’01, LNCS 2185, Springer, 2001), prevents these models from being accurate enough in the sense that they do not express all the information intended by the metamodel specifier and consequently do not distinguish metaassociations that induce associations at M1 from those that do not. In this article we introduce the concept of induced association that may come up when an extension of the UML metamodel is developed. The implications that this concept has both in the extended metamodel and in its instances are discussed. We also present a methodology to enforce that M1 models incorporate the associations induced by the metamodel which they are instances from. Next, as an example of application we present a quality metamodel for software artifacts which makes intensive use of induced associations. Finally, we introduce a software tool to assist the development of quality models as correct instantiations of the metamodel, assuring the proper application of the induced associations as required by the metamodel.  相似文献   

Read-write locking is an important mechanism to improve concurrent granularity, but it is difficult to reason about the safety of concurrent programs with read-write locks. Concurrent separation logic (CSL) provides a simple but powerful technique for locally reasoning about concurrent programs with mutual exclusive locks. Unfortunately, CSL cannot be directly applied to reasoning about concurrent programs with read-write locks due to the different concurrent control mechanisms. This paper focuses on extending CSL and presenting a proof-carrying code (PCC) system for reasoning about concurrent programs with read-write locks. We extend the heap model with a writing permission set, denoted as logical heap, then define “strong separation” and “weak separation” over logical heap. Following CSL’s local-reasoning idea, we develop a novel program logic to enforce weak separations of heap between different threads and provide verification of concurrent programs with read-write locks.  相似文献   

To date, most of the focus regarding digital preservation has been on replicating copies of the resources to be preserved from the “living web” and placing them in an archive for controlled curation. Once inside an archive, the resources are subject to careful processes of refreshing (making additional copies to new media) and migrating (conversion to new formats and applications). For small numbers of resources of known value, this is a practical and worthwhile approach to digital preservation. However, due to the infrastructure costs (storage, networks, machines) and more importantly the human management costs, this approach is unsuitable for web scale preservation. The result is that difficult decisions need to be made as to what is saved and what is not saved. We provide an overview of our ongoing research projects that focus on using the “web infrastructure” to provide preservation capabilities for web pages and examine the overlap these approaches have with the field of information retrieval. The common characteristic of the projects is they creatively employ the web infrastructure to provide shallow but broad preservation capability for all web pages. These approaches are not intended to replace conventional archiving approaches, but rather they focus on providing at least some form of archival capability for the mass of web pages that may prove to have value in the future. We characterize the preservation approaches by the level of effort required by the web administrator: web sites are reconstructed from the caches of search engines (“lazy preservation”); lexical signatures are used to find the same or similar pages elsewhere on the web (“just-in-time preservation”); resources are pushed to other sites using NNTP newsgroups and SMTP email attachments (“shared infrastructure preservation”); and an Apache module is used to provide OAI-PMH access to MPEG-21 DIDL representations of web pages (“web server enhanced preservation”).  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a backpropagation artificial neural network (ANN) for charting the behavioural state of previously unseen persons. In a simulated theft scenario participants stole or did not steal some money and were interviewed about the location of the money. A video of each interview was presented to an automatic system, which collected vectors containing nonverbal behaviour data. Each vector represented a participant’s nonverbal behaviour related to “deception” or “truth” for a short period of time. These vectors were used for training and testing a backpropagation ANN which was subsequently used for charting the behavioural state of previously unseen participants. Although behaviour related to “deception” or “truth” is charted the same strategy can be used to chart different psychological states over time and can be tuned to particular situations, environments and applications. We thank those who kindly volunteered to participate in the study.  相似文献   

This work proposes a novel approach to assessing confidence measures for software classification systems in demanding applications such as those in the safety critical domain. Our focus is the Bayesian framework for developing a model-averaged probabilistic classifier implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and where appropriate its reversible jump variant (RJ-MCMC). Within this context we suggest a new technique, building on the reject region idea, to identify areas in feature space that are associated with “unsure” classification predictions. We term such areas “uncertainty envelopes” and they are defined in terms of the full characteristics of the posterior predictive density in different regions of the feature space. We argue this is more informative than use of a traditional reject region which considers only point estimates of predictive probabilities. Results from the method we propose are illustrated on synthetic data and also usefully applied to real life safety critical systems involving medical trauma data.  相似文献   

Social dynamics determined by voting in a stochastic environment is analyzed for a society composed of two cohesive groups of similar size. Within the model of random walks determined by voting, explicit formulas are derived for the capital increments of the groups against the parameters of the environment and “claim thresholds” of the groups. The “unanimous acceptance” and “unanimous rejection” group rules are considered as the voting procedures. Claim thresholds are evaluated that are most beneficial to the participants of the groups and to the society as a whole.  相似文献   

We continue the formal study of multiset-based self-assembly. The process of self-assembly of graphs, where iteratively new nodes are attached to a given graph, is guided by rules operating on nodes labelled by multisets. In this way, the multisets and rules model connection points (such as “sticky ends”) and complementarity/affinity between connection points, respectively. We identify three natural ways (individual, free, and collective) to attach (aggregate) new nodes to the graph, and study the generative power of the corresponding self-assembly systems. For example, it turns out that individual aggregation can be simulated by free or collective aggregation. However, we demonstrate that, for a fixed set of connection points, collective aggregation is rather restrictive. We also give a number of results that are independent of the way that aggregation is performed.  相似文献   

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