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为在面料成衣之前客观评价其缝纫性能,提出了一种基于监督模糊聚类客观评价方法.通过引入输出空间对FCM聚类算法进行改进,同时反映输入空间的聚类特征和输出空间的逼近特性.用FAST系统测量服装面料的力学性能指标,运用核主成分法对所测指标进行分析,提取5个核主成分作为神经网络的输入.实验结果表明,系统可以根据中厚型棉织物的不同结构及物理性能快速准确地给出该织物成衣后的缝纫性能评价指标. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a new method for multi-variable fuzzy forecasting based on fuzzy clustering and fuzzy rule interpolation techniques. First, the proposed method constructs training samples based on the variation rates of the training data set and then uses the training samples to construct fuzzy rules by making use of the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, where each fuzzy rule corresponds to a given cluster. Then, we determine the weight of each fuzzy rule with respect to the input observations and use such weights to determine the predicted output, based on the multiple fuzzy rules interpolation scheme. We apply the proposed method to the temperature prediction problem and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) data. The experimental results show that the proposed method produces better forecasting results than several existing methods. 相似文献
一种新的快速模糊规则提取方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
提出一种高效的规则提取算法,采用熵测量改进Chi-merge特征区间离散化方法,模糊划分输入空间闻.先为每个数据生成单条规则,再聚集相同前项的单条规则产生带概率属性的分类规则.提取的规则无需任何调整,应用模糊推理便可获得较理想的分类效果,同时支持增量规则更新.最后给出了新方法的性能测试结果. 相似文献
针对航空发动机的故障样本,提出了一种基于动态聚类的粗糙集规则提取算法.给出了该算法的模型,描述了动态聚类方法和广义欧氏距离,举例说明了这种算法,用神经网络对样本进行训练并验证约简是否正确.结果表明,动态聚类法可以改善分类,使最终的核与约简更精准,去除了干扰信息的影响,在保证诊断精度的同时.提高了故障识别的正确率. 相似文献
基于模糊决策树的文本分类规则抽取 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
提出一种合并分枝的模糊决策树文本分类方法对相似文本类进行分类,并可抽取出分类精度较高的模糊分类规则。首先研究改进了的χ2统计量,并根据改进的χ2统计量对文本的特征词条进行聚合,有效地降低了文本向量空间的维数。然后使用一种合并分枝的模糊决策树进行分类,大大减少了抽取的规则数量。从而既保证了决策树分类的精度和速度,又可抽取出可理解的模糊分类规则。 相似文献
C. J. Carmona P. Gonz��lez M. J. del Jesus M. Nav��o-Acosta L. Jim��nez-Trevino 《Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications》2011,15(12):2435-2448
This paper describes the application of evolutionary fuzzy systems for subgroup discovery to a medical problem, the study on the type of patients who tend to visit the psychiatric emergency department in a given period of time of the day. In this problem, the objective is to characterise subgroups of patients according to their time of arrival at the emergency department. To solve this problem, several subgroup discovery algorithms have been applied to determine which of them obtains better results. The multiobjective evolutionary algorithm MESDIF for the extraction of fuzzy rules obtains better results and so it has been used to extract interesting information regarding the rate of admission to the psychiatric emergency department. 相似文献
In Association rule mining, the quantitative attribute values are converted into Boolean values using fixed intervals. Conventional association rule mining algorithms are then applied to find relations among the attribute values. These intervals may not be concise and meaningful enough for human users to easily obtain non trivial knowledge from those rules discovered. Clustering techniques can be used for segmenting quantitative values into meaningful groups instead of fixed intervals. But the conventional clustering techniques like k-means and c-means require the user to specify the number of clusters and initial cluster centres. This initialization is one of the major challenges of clustering. A novel fuzzy based unsupervised clustering algorithm proposed by the authors is extended to segment quantitative values into fuzzy clusters in this paper. Membership values of quantitative items in the partitioning fuzzy clusters are used with weighted fuzzy rule mining techniques to find natural association rules. This fuzzy based method for handling quantitative attributes is compared with that of fixed intervals and segmenting using conventional k-means clustering method along with Apriori algorithm. 相似文献
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are mathematical models inspired from the biological nervous system. They have the ability of predicting, learning from experiences and generalizing from previous examples. An important drawback of ANNs is their very limited explanation capability, mainly due to the fact that knowledge embedded within ANNs is distributed over the activations and the connection weights. Therefore, one of the main challenges in the recent decades is to extract classification rules from ANNs. This paper presents a novel approach to extract fuzzy classification rules (FCR) from ANNs because of the fact that fuzzy rules are more interpretable and cope better with pervasive uncertainty and vagueness with respect to crisp rules. A soft computing based algorithm is developed to generate fuzzy rules based on a data mining tool (DIFACONN-miner), which was recently developed by the authors. Fuzzy DIFACONN-miner algorithm can extract fuzzy classification rules from datasets containing both categorical and continuous attributes. Experimental research on the benchmark datasets and comparisons with other fuzzy rule based classification (FRBC) algorithms has shown that the proposed algorithm yields high classification accuracies and comprehensible rule sets. 相似文献
A neural network architecture is introduced which implements a supervised clustering algorithm for the classification of feature vectors. The network is selforganising, and is able to adapt to the shape of the underlying pattern distribution as well as detect novel input vectors during training. It is also capable of determining the relative importance of the feature components for classification. The architecture is a hybrid of supervised and unsupervised networks, and combines the strengths of three wellknown architectures: learning vector quantisation, backpro-pagation and adaptive resonance theory. Network performance is compared to that of learning vector quantisation, back-propagation and cascade-correlation. It is found that performance is generally as good as or better than the performance of these other architectures, while training time is considerably shorter. However, the main advantage of the hybrid architecture is its ability to gain insight into the feature pattern space.Nomenclature
The output value of thejth unit
Theith component of the input pattern
The weight of the cluster connection between theith input and thejth unit
The weight of the shape connection between theith input and thejth unit
The dimension of the input patterns
The vigilance parameter of thejth unit
The initial vigilance parameter value
The change in the vigilance parameter value
Theith direction in anN-dimensional coordinate system
The classification tag of thekth unit
The classification tag of the current input vector
The learning rate at thepth epoch for the cluster weights
The current epoch
The total number of epochs
The error associated with thekth unit
The constant learning rate for the shape weights
The age in epochs of thejth unit 相似文献
Clustering is a well known technique in identifying intrinsic structures and find out useful information from large amount of data. One of the most extensively used clustering techniques is the fuzzy c-means algorithm. However, computational task becomes a problem in standard objective function of fuzzy c-means due to large amount of data, measurement uncertainty in data objects. Further, the fuzzy c-means suffer to set the optimal parameters for the clustering method. Hence the goal of this paper is to produce an alternative generalization of FCM clustering techniques in order to deal with the more complicated data; called quadratic entropy based fuzzy c-means. This paper is dealing with the effective quadratic entropy fuzzy c-means using the combination of regularization function, quadratic terms, mean distance functions, and kernel distance functions. It gives a complete framework of quadratic entropy approaching for constructing effective quadratic entropy based fuzzy clustering algorithms. This paper establishes an effective way of estimating memberships and updating centers by minimizing the proposed objective functions. In order to reduce the number iterations of proposed techniques this article proposes a new algorithm to initialize the cluster centers.In order to obtain the cluster validity and choosing the number of clusters in using proposed techniques, we use silhouette method. First time, this paper segments the synthetic control chart time series directly using our proposed methods for examining the performance of methods and it shows that the proposed clustering techniques have advantages over the existing standard FCM and very recent ClusterM-k-NN in segmenting synthetic control chart time series. 相似文献
Zekai Şen 《Expert systems with applications》2011,38(12):14564-14573
Building hazard assessment prior to earthquake occurrence exposes interesting problems especially in earthquake prone areas. Such an assessment provides an early warning system for building owners as well as the local and central administrators about the possible hazards that may occur in the next scenario earthquake event, and hence pre- and post-earthquake preparedness can be arranged according to a systematic program. For such an achievement, it is necessary to have efficient models for the prediction of hazard scale of each building within the study area. Although there are subjective intensity index methods for such evaluations, the objective of this paper is to propose a useful tool through fuzzy logic (FL) to classify the buildings that would be vulnerable to earthquake hazard. The FL is a soft computing intelligent reasoning methodology, which is rapid, simple and easily applicable with logical and rational association between the building-hazard categories and the most effective factors. In this paper, among the most important factors are the story number (building height), story height ratio, cantilever extension ratio, moment of inertia (stiffness), number of frames, column and shear wall area percentages. Their relationships with the five hazard categories are presented through a supervised hazard center classification method. These five categories are “none”, “slight”, “moderate”, “extensive”, and “complete” hazard classes. A new supervised FL classification methodology is proposed similar to the classical fuzzy c-means procedure for the allocation of hazard categories to individual buildings. The application of the methodology is presented for Zeytinburnu quarter of Istanbul City, Turkey. It is observed that out of 747 inventoried buildings 7.6%, 50.0%, 14.6%, 20.1%, and 7.7% are subject to expected earthquake with “none”, “slight”, “moderate”, “extensive”, and “complete” hazard classes, respectively. 相似文献
Fuzzy clustering is an important problem which is the subject of active research in several real-world applications. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm is one of the most popular fuzzy clustering techniques because it is efficient, straightforward, and easy to implement. However, FCM is sensitive to initialization and is easily trapped in local optima. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a stochastic global optimization tool which is used in many optimization problems. In this paper, a hybrid fuzzy clustering method based on FCM and fuzzy PSO (FPSO) is proposed which make use of the merits of both algorithms. Experimental results show that our proposed method is efficient and can reveal encouraging results. 相似文献
It has been proved that fuzzy control is a powerful tool to control a complicated system. But, sometimes it has still suffered from collecting fuzzy control rules which is its critical part. In this article, inspired by the control strategy of the conventional PID control, we propose a rule self-generating method for fuzzy control. With the help of the proposed self-generating algorithm, we can obtain the fuzzy rules for a fuzzy controller easily. the numerical results confirm the effectivity of the designed algorithm compared with PID controller and a common Fuzzy Controller whose rules are derived from the experts' experience and knowledge by use of a practical temperature process. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Christian Borgelt 《Information Sciences》2009,179(23):3985-47
This paper extends earlier work [C. Borgelt, R. Kruse, Speeding up fuzzy clustering with neural network techniques, in: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE’03, St. Louis, MO, USA), IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2003] on an approach to accelerate fuzzy clustering by transferring methods that were originally developed to speed up the training process of (artificial) neural networks. The core idea is to consider the difference between two consecutive steps of the alternating optimization scheme of fuzzy clustering as providing a gradient. This “gradient” may then be modified in the same way as a gradient is modified in error backpropagation in order to enhance the training. Even though these modifications are, in principle, directly applicable, carefully checking and bounding the update steps can improve the performance and can make the procedure more robust. In addition, this paper provides a new and much more detailed experimental evaluation that is based on fuzzy cluster comparison measures [C. Borgelt, Resampling for fuzzy clustering, Int. J. Uncertainty, Fuzziness Knowledge-based Syst. 15 (5) (2007), 595-614], which can be used nicely to study the convergence speed. 相似文献
Il Hong Suh Jae-Hyun Kim Frank Chung-Hoon Rhee 《Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on》1999,7(3):271-285
Prototype-based methods are commonly used in cluster analysis and the results may be highly dependent on the prototype used. We propose a two-level fuzzy clustering method that involves adaptively expanding and merging convex polytopes, where the convex polytopes are considered as a “flexible” prototype. Therefore, the dependency on the use of a specified prototype can be eliminated. Also, the proposed method makes it possible to effectively represent an arbitrarily distributed data set without a priori knowledge of the number of clusters in the data set. In the first level of our proposed method, each cluster is represented by a convex polytope which is described by its set of vertices. Specifically, nonlinear membership functions are utilized to determine whether an input pattern creates a new cluster or whether an existing cluster should be modified. In the second level, the expandable clusters that are selected by an intercluster distance measure are merged to improve clustering efficiency and to reduce the order dependency of the incoming input patterns. Several experimental results are given to show the validity of our method 相似文献
A two-stage hybrid model for data classification and rule extraction is proposed. The first stage uses a Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) classifier with Q-learning (known as QFAM) for incremental learning of data samples, while the second stage uses a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for rule extraction from QFAM. Given a new data sample, the resulting hybrid model, known as QFAM-GA, is able to provide prediction pertaining to the target class of the data sample as well as to give a fuzzy if-then rule to explain the prediction. To reduce the network complexity, a pruning scheme using Q-values is applied to reduce the number of prototypes generated by QFAM. A ‘don't care’ technique is employed to minimize the number of input features using the GA. A number of benchmark problems are used to evaluate the effectiveness of QFAM-GA in terms of test accuracy, noise tolerance, model complexity (number of rules and total rule length). The results are comparable, if not better, than many other models reported in the literature. The main significance of this research is a usable and useful intelligent model (i.e., QFAM-GA) for data classification in noisy conditions with the capability of yielding a set of explanatory rules with minimum antecedents. In addition, QFAM-GA is able to maximize accuracy and minimize model complexity simultaneously. The empirical outcome positively demonstrate the potential impact of QFAM-GA in the practical environment, i.e., providing an accurate prediction with a concise justification pertaining to the prediction to the domain users, therefore allowing domain users to adopt QFAM-GA as a useful decision support tool in assisting their decision-making processes. 相似文献
A validity measure for fuzzy clustering 总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42
The authors present a fuzzy validity criterion based on a validity function which identifies compact and separate fuzzy c-partitions without assumptions as to the number of substructures inherent in the data. This function depends on the data set, geometric distance measure, distance between cluster centroids and more importantly on the fuzzy partition generated by any fuzzy algorithm used. The function is mathematically justified via its relationship to a well-defined hard clustering validity function, the separation index for which the condition of uniqueness has already been established. The performance of this validity function compares favorably to that of several others. The application of this validity function to color image segmentation in a computer color vision system for recognition of IC wafer defects which are otherwise impossible to detect using gray-scale image processing is discussed 相似文献
In this paper, we define a validity measure for fuzzy criterion clustering which is a novel approach to fuzzy clustering that in addition to being non-distance-based, addresses the cluster validity problem. The model is then recast as a bilevel fuzzy criterion clustering problem. We propose an algorithm for this model that solves both the validity and clustering problems. Our approach is validated via some sample problems. 相似文献