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There are fascinating economical and technical challenges facing field developers in the Russian continental shelf. As far as production platforms and offshore terminal structures are concerned one has to find out how to build them so that attractive investment economics can be achieved. Controlling project risks and reducing key uncertainties are found to have significance in this respect. Different ice resistant offshore structures and their construction methods are illustrated in this paper. The cost structure and technical features of the production platform types are also discussed with special attention given to the Russian construction facilities and equipment. Extreme ice loads and ice induced vibrations still remain areas of some uncertainty in offshore platforms. An approach to solve complicated interaction cases involving extreme first year ridges and hummock fields is outlined. Means to control ice loads and vibrations are discussed.  相似文献   

三峡永久船闸锚固工程中的几项技术创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
永久船闸主体段直立边坡锚固工程量大,结构复杂,技术难题多,工期短,质量要求高,施工条件差;施工中,较好地处理了锚固与开挖关系,突出解决了锚束造孔、验孔、穿束、高排架搭设计及安全管理问题。  相似文献   

<正>永定河流域综合治理作为一项跨三省两市的重大工程,以"绿水青山就是金山银山"理念作为谋划前提,探索和实践区域经济发展与生态保护之间的辩证关系。从区域长期可持续发展角度看,其具有高度的外部性特征,更加具有战略导向、制度创新导向、政策导向特点。一、流域综合治理的特点从跨流域生态环境保护性发展角度看,永定河流域综合治理是时代的要求,是国家战略背景下的区域资源协同开发的新探索,因此有很大的  相似文献   

Sewage sludge is a serious problem due to the high treatment costs and the risks to environment and human health. Future sludge treatment will be progressively focused on an improved efficiency and environmental sustainability of the process. In this context a survey is given of the most relevant sludge treatment options and separate treatment steps. Special attention is paid to those processes that are simultaneously focused on the elimination of the risks for environment and human health and on the recovery or beneficial use of the valuable compounds in the sludge such as organic carbon compounds, inorganic non-toxic substances, phosphorus and nitrogen containing compounds. Also, a brief assessment is given of the specific future technological developments regarding the various treatment steps. Furthermore, it is discussed how to assess the various pathways which can lead to the required developments. In such an assessment the technical and economic feasibility, the environmental sustainability, the societal acceptance and the implementation route are important factors. The optimal approach also strongly depends on the local and regional situation of concern and the relevant current and future boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Urban sources account for significant quantities of important diffuse pollutants, and urban watercourses are typically badly polluted. As well as toxic metals, hydrocarbons including PAHs, and suspended matter, priority urban pollutants include faecal pathogens and nutrients. Can urban watercourses be restored by sufficient reductions in pollution loads? Case studies in the UK and Sweden provide insights and some grounds for optimism. A major trans-Atlantic review of the performance of best management practices (BMPs) is informing BMP planning. New approaches such as the maximisation of self-purification capacity in the receiving waters may also need to be developed, alongside BMPs at source. Other initiatives in Europe, USA and China, including collaborative projects, are trying to address the intractable issues such as persistent pollutants from transport and urban infrastructure. The challenge is daunting, but there are clear ways forward and future research needs are evident.  相似文献   

黄海和东海的环流数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从海洋三维原始动力学方程出发,考虑真实地形及(1/4)°×(1/4)°的水平网格,同时考虑黑潮和潮流,数值模拟黄海和东海的环流系统,主要结论是:1)模拟调和常数与分布于该区的81个台站的实测调和常数相比,日分潮振幅和位相的平均绝对误差分别为1.7cm和5.2°,半日分潮M_2振幅和位相的平均绝对误差分别为4.1cm和3.7°;2)模拟的黑潮路径与长期观测结果相吻合;3)黑潮进入研究区域后,一分支从台湾东北部分离出来后进入东海,影响可达29°N,这与海洋普查的调查结果以及文献中的结果一致;4)黑潮的一个分支北上形成对马暖流的一部分,且对马暖流是多源的,对马暖流通过对马海峡进入日本海,同时模拟结果显示一支由日本海进入研究区域的海流,后者需进一步调查和研究;5)黄海表层流主要沿南下方向,在近底层。中国和朝鲜的沿岸流为南下,黄海底层海盆由一顺时针方向的环流控制着,在中国成山头以外的北黄海底层,存在一较弱的逆时针环流。  相似文献   

An appropriate institutional set up is essential for efficient transboundary flood management in the Rhine basin, particularly in view of future uncertainties like climate change. Flood management factors are identified based on a historical comparison in the Netherlands and Germany. They include differences in the perception of the problem and how to solve it; in the understanding of key items and how to address them; in administrative responsibilities and the political will to act. Suggestions are made to improve cooperation, in particular to generate a common problem perception and problem analysis, to develop a common vision for future flood strategies and to create a network of discussion platforms to promote social learning and to prepare, decide and implement flood management issues.  相似文献   

三峡工程采用三期导流、明渠通航的施工方案,由于长江水量大、截流水深,致使围堰工程量大、工期紧、施工强度高,在各期围堰施工中遇到不少技术难题,但通过施工实践,取得了成功的经验,其中碾压混凝土围堰挡水发电、导流底孔与深孔联合渡汛、导流底孔跨缝布置的处理方法、二期围堰施工措施、二期大江截流经验等,都具有三峡工程特色。  相似文献   

黄东海悬浮泥沙浓度的垂向分布特征及其回归模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1959年至2006年期间,东中国海域现场调查的24个航次4 813组悬浮物(泥沙)浓度数据资料为基础,采用相关分析和回归分析等方法,研究了东中国海域悬浮物浓度的垂向分布特征,给出了适用于不同季节、不同区域的悬浮物浓度的垂向分布模型.结果表明:悬浮物垂向浓度呈现明显的冬、春季高,夏、秋季低的特征;悬浮物浓度的大小与相对水深相关性良好,而水深对悬浮物浓度的影响则表现在其垂向梯度变化方面:垂向浓度梯度在长江口至杭州湾一带的河口区(A类站)呈现出高值,在与海岸线平行的苏北浅滩至闽浙沿岸的近滨区(B类站)呈现中值,外滨(C类站)的广大海域则呈现明显的低值;春、夏、秋、冬四个季节近滨区B类站分布范围分别与10~30m,10~20m,10~20m,20~40m的等深线区域相吻合,其范围的季节变化与黄东海水动力条件的季节变化密切相关.利用悬浮物垂向浓度模型可以由已知的海水表层浓度计算得到不同水层的悬浮物浓度,其有效性检验和拟合结果检验表明,该模型置信度较高,且能够更为有效的预报海水中、上层水体的悬浮物浓度值.  相似文献   

针对广东省水利普查工作中面临的各类问题,在技术方案制定到贯穿普查过程的技术指导方法中辅以创新思维,通过关键问题重点攻坚、试点研究等,破解普查难题,并开展软件研发,探索水利普查工作技术支持创新方法;通过广东省水利普查数据库管理系统的建设,管理好水利普查成果;通过研发基于空间信息技术的广东省数字水利服务平台,进行普查成果的开发利用拓展研究。  相似文献   

遥感技术在伶仃洋治理规划研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用从1973年至193年美国陆地卫星MSS4TM数据影象等不同片种、20多个不同时期的伶仃洋遥感资料,结合同步或准同步水文观测数据,通过计算机、光学图象处理和遥动态信息分析,获得对伶仃洋水少输移特征和滩槽冲淤变化规律的客观认识,其成果在伶仃洋治理规划研究中发挥作用。  相似文献   

小溶江水利枢纽坝址区的岩体局部裂隙发育或破碎,形成漏水通道,致使部分钻孔段无法进行物探声波测井,测孔率低,从而影响地质判断;通过改进工作方法.利用泥浆堵塞岩体裂隙或破碎带,使灌水时孔内水位能上升,测试孔段加长,提高了测孔率。  相似文献   

永定河泛区廊坊段生态廊道建设关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对永定河泛区廊坊段防洪能力不足、水环境承载力差、水生态功能退化、区域经济结构单一等现状问题,以构建"龙腾九霄"区域文化为魂,恢复人水和谐生态廊道为整体治理设计理念,通过实施"一河、两区、六节点"设计方案,实现区域文化、防洪安全、生态环境、产业结构、景观功能、生物多样性、水质以及智慧管控等提升效果。方案既符合廊坊市区段的历史文化,同时寓意与首都新机场一起腾飞,进一步彰显了区域文化特色。  相似文献   

We have investigated how different approaches for water footprint (WF) calculations lead to different results, taking sugar beet production and sugar refining as examples. To a large extent, results obtained from any WF calculation are reflective of the method used and the assumptions made. Real irrigation data for 59 European sugar beet growing areas showed inadequate estimation of irrigation water when a widely used simple approach was used. The method resulted in an overestimation of blue water and an underestimation of green water usage. Dependent on the chosen (available) water quality standard, the final grey WF can differ up to a factor of 10 and more. We conclude that further development and standardisation of the WF is needed to reach comparable and reliable results. A special focus should be on standardisation of the grey WF methodology based on receiving water quality standards.  相似文献   

黄毅 《水利电力机械》2001,23(6):8-8,15
论述了中国加入WTO(世界贸易组织)后,在面临国际和国内十分激烈的市场竞争形势下,企业应怎样树立新观念、迎接机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

黄渤海沿海地区经济发达、人口稠密,地下水开发利用强度大,造成地下水超采,引发海水入侵和地面沉降。探讨了黄渤海沿海地区地下水管理主体、管理责任、管理依据、管理方法、管理手段、管理可行性、管理目标和效果,对该地区的地下水管理模式概括为:政府主导,公众参与;管理依法,开采控制;区域一体,数据共享;经济可行,生态文明。  相似文献   

Wars, drought and social collapse have greatly impaired land management and agriculture production systems in the southeastern Afghanistan provinces of Khost, Paktika and Paktya. This region has long existed with limited central government influence and remains particularly unstable. A complex physical and social geography, on-going warfare, severely limited mobility and policies poorly adapted to regional realities hamper development and reconstruction. On-farm water efficiency improvement, watershed-scale work restricted to small, socially homogeneous watersheds and word-of-mouth Afghan-to-Afghan technology dissemination are particularly important development strategies in this environment.  相似文献   

到2030年阜阳将建成特大区域中心城市。分析了阜阳市打造区域性中心城市存在的防洪、供水、水污染等水利方面的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。在城市防洪方面,要建设3个防洪堤圈,按100年一遇防洪标准设计。在城市供水方面,要从4个途径解决供水水源,并实施临淮岗工程蓄水。在水污染防治方面,要减少面源污染,污水、废水要达标排放,同时让活水流动起来。  相似文献   

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