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The results of a theoretical study of the performance of high speed SiGe HBTs is presented. The study includes a group of SiGe HBTs in which the Ge concentration in the base is 20% higher than that in the emitter and collector (i.e. y=x+0.2). It is shown that the composition dependences of f/sub T/ and the F/sub max/ are non-monotonic. As the Ge composition in the emitter and collector layers is increased, f/sub T/ and f/sub max/ first decrease, then remain constant and finally increase to attain their highest values.<>  相似文献   

Noise characteristics are evaluated for SiGe/Si based n-channel MODFETs and p-channel MOSFETs. The analysis is based on a self-consistent solution of Schrodinger and Poisson's equations. The model predicts a superior minimum noise figure for an n-channel MODFET at 77 K. P-channel MOSFETs behave similar to n-channel devices operating at 300 K. Minimum noise figure decreases with increasing quantum well (QW) width for both n- and p-channel devices. However, the p-channel devices are less sensitive to QW width variation. Minimum noise temperature behaves similarly. As observed, a range of doped epilayer thickness exists where minimum noise figure is a minimum for both n- and p-channel FETs.<>  相似文献   

Reed  J. Mui  D.S.L. Jiang  W. Morkoc  H. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(20):1826-1827
The density of fast interface states was studied in Si/sub 3/N/sub 4//Si/sub 0.8/Ge/sub 0.2/ metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors. The interface state density does not appear to be strongly affected by the presence of a thin Si interlayer between the nitride and SiGe alloy. This is in contrast to the results when SiO/sub 2/ is used as the insulator material in similar structures.<>  相似文献   

Optical phase-and-amplitude modulation at 1.55 mu m in an electro-optic guided-wave Si/Ge/sub 0.2/Si/sub 0.8//Si HBT is investigated using computer-aided modelling and simulation. At an injection of 10/sup 19/ electrons per cm/sup 3/, an intensity modulation of 10 dB is predicted for an active length of 390 mu m.<>  相似文献   

High-hole and electron mobility in complementary channels in strained silicon (Si) on top of strained Si/sub 0.4/Ge/sub 0.6/, both grown on a relaxed Si/sub 0.7/Ge/sub 0.3/ virtual substrate is shown for the first time. The buried Si/sub 0.4/Ge/sub 0.6/ serves as a high-mobility p-channel, and the strained-Si cap serves as a high-mobility n-channel. The effective mobility, measured in devices with a 20-/spl mu/m gate length and 3.8-nm gate oxide, shows about 2.2/spl sim/2.5 and 2.0 times enhancement in hole and electron mobility, respectively, across a wide vertical field range. In addition, it is found that as the Si cap thickness decreased, PMOS transistors exhibited increased mobility especially at medium- and high-hole density in this heterostructure.  相似文献   

An optimum profile for Ge ion implantation in SiGe/Si heterojunction bipolar transistors is determined by using a two-dimensional simulator code for advanced semiconductor devices. The simulation code is based on a two-dimensional drift-diffusion model for heterostructure degenerate semiconductors with nonparabolicity included in the energy band structure. The model allows accurate simulations of carrier transport in short base devices. The simulation results indicate that for high current gain the Ge profile maximum must be close to the base-collector junction, and that the unavoidable tail of the implanted germanium in the collector region does not deteriorate the gain.<>  相似文献   

The threshold voltage shifts (/spl Delta/V/sub t(SS)/ relative to V/sub t/ of Si-control devices) in strained-Si-Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ (SS) CMOS devices are carefully examined in terms of the shifted two-dimensional energy subbands and the modified effective conduction- and valance-band densities of states. Increased electron affinity as well as bandgap narrowing in the SS layer are shown to be the predominant components of /spl Delta/V/sub t(SS)/, whereas the density-of-state terms tend to be relatively small but not insignificant. The study reveals, for both n-channel and p-channel SS MOSFETs, important physical insights on the varied surface potential at threshold, defined by energy quantization as well as the strain, and on the shifted flat-band voltage that is also part of /spl Delta/V/sub t(SS)/. Models for /spl Delta/V/sub t(SS)/ dependent on the Ge content (x), with comparisons to published data, are presented and used to show that redesign of channel doping in the SS nMOSFET to increase the significantly reduced V/sub tn(SS)/ for off-state current control tends to substantively diminish the inherent SS CMOS relative speed enhancement, e.g., by more than 40% for x=0.20. Interestingly, the SS pMOSFET model predicts small increases in the magnitude of V/sub tp(SS)/.  相似文献   

利用Si1-x的等离子体色散效应,对1.3μm和1.55μm光通信波长的Si基Si1-xGex波长信号分离器进行了理论分析,设计了结构参数和电学参数,并分析了其分支特性。  相似文献   

The authors present a study on the layout dependence of the silicon-germanium source/drain (Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ S/D) technology. Experimental results on Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ S/D transistors with various active-area sizes and polylengths are combined with stress simulations. Two technologically important configurations are investigated: the nested transistor, where a polygate is surrounded by other gates, and isolated transistors, where the active area is completely surrounded by isolation oxide. The channel stress, caused by epitaxial Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ is reduced substantially when the active area is decreased from a large size towards typical values for advanced CMOS technology nodes. Nested transistors with longer gate lengths are more sensitive towards layout scaling than shorter gates. Increasing recess depth and germanium concentration gives larger channel stress, but does not change layout sensitivity. Increased lateral etching leads to higher stress, as well as to reduced layout sensitivity. In small-size transistors, there exists an optimal recess depth, beyond which the stress in the channel will not increase further. For isolated transistor structures, the interaction between Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ and the isolating oxide can even lead to stress reduction when the recess depth is increased. When technology advances, active-area dimensions will be scaled together with gate lengths and widths. For typical sizes of advanced silicon CMOS Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ S/D transistors, simulations indicate that the channel stress can be maintained in future technology nodes.  相似文献   

High-performance p/sup +//n GaAs solar cells were grown and processed on compositionally graded Ge-Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/-Si (SiGe) substrates. Total area efficiencies of 18.1% under the AM1.5-G spectrum were measured for 0.0444 cm/sup 2/ solar cells. This high efficiency is attributed to the very high open-circuit voltages (980 mV (AM0) and 973 mV (AM1.5-G)) that were achieved by the reduction in threading dislocation density enabled by the SiGe buffers, and thus reduced carrier recombination losses. This is the highest independently confirmed efficiency and open-circuit voltage for a GaAs solar cell grown on a Si-based substrate to date. Larger area solar cells were also studied in order to examine the impact of device area on GaAs-on-SiGe solar cell performance; we found that an increase in device area from 0.36 to 4.0 cm/sup 2/ did not degrade the measured performance characteristics for cells processed on identical substrates. Moreover, the device performance uniformity for large area heteroepitaxial cells is consistent with that of homoepitaxial cells; thus, device growth and processing on SiGe substrates did not introduce added performance variations. These results demonstrate that using SiGe interlayers to produce "virtual" Ge substrates may provide a robust method for scaleable integration of high performance III-V photovoltaics devices with large area Si wafers.  相似文献   

Lattice disregistry that exists in epitaxial overgrowths is often accommodated by interfacial dislocation arrays. The transition between strain accommodation by uniform interfacial shear and by interfacial dislocations is fairly sharp and thought to be controlled by energy minimization considerations. In this paper we demonstrate an extension of the Frank-van der Merwe approach by incorporating the continuum methodology of Eshelby to the analysis of strain interactions between arrays of interfacial dislocations in a bi-layered epitaxial film. Numerical examples are given for a Si/Si x Ge1-x /Si heterostructure. The importance of such an analysis to the study of defect propagation through strained layer superlattices is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We report the successful growth of MOS capacitor stacks with low temperature strained epitaxial Ge or Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/(x=0.9) layer directly on Si substrates, and with HfO/sub 2/(EOT=9.7 /spl Aring/) as high-/spl kappa/ dielectrics, both using a novel remote plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition technique. These novel MOS capacitors, which were fabricated entirely at or below 400/spl deg/C, exhibit normal capacitance-voltage and current-voltage characteristics.  相似文献   

The fabrication of the first MESFET structures on Hg/sub 1-x/Cd/sub x/Te is reported using MOCVD grown layers on GaAs substrates. The 6 mu m gate devices exhibited a room temperature transconductance of 1.0 mS/mm and pinch off voltage of -4.0 V. The Schottky barrier characteristics of the devices were critically dependent on the stoichiometric x ratio of the Hg/sub 1-x/Cd/sub x/Te with diode formation evident only at x >0.5.<>  相似文献   

Si/sub 1-x-y/Ge/sub x/C/sub y/ selective epitaxial growth (SEG) was performed by cold-wall, ultrahigh-vacuum chemical vapor deposition, and the effects of incorporating C on the crystallinity of Si/sub 1-x-y/Ge/sub x/C/sub y/ layers and the performance of a self-aligned SiGeC heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) were evaluated. A Si/sub 1-x-y/Ge/sub x/C/sub y/ layer with good crystallinity was obtained by optimizing the growth conditions. Device performance was significantly improved by incorporating C, as a result of applying Si/sub 1-x-y/Ge/sub x/C/sub y/ SEG to form the base of a self-aligned HBT. Fluctuations in device performance were suppressed by alleviating the lattice strain. Furthermore, since the B out diffusion could be suppressed by incorporating C, the cutoff frequency was able to be increased with almost the same base resistance. A maximum oscillation frequency of 174 GHz and an emitter coupled logic gate-delay time of 5.65 ps were obtained at a C content of 0.4%, which shows promise for future ultrahigh-speed communication systems.  相似文献   

In this letter, a novel process for fabricating p-channel poly-Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ thin-film transistors (TFTs) with high-hole mobility was demonstrated. Germanium (Ge) atoms were incorporated into poly-Si by excimer laser irradiation of a-Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x//poly-Si double layer. For small size TFTs, especially when channel width/length (W/L) was less than 2 /spl mu/m/2 /spl mu/m, the hole mobility of poly-Si/sub 1-x/Ge/sub x/ TFTs was superior to that of poly-Si TFTs. It was inferred that the degree of mobility enhancement by Ge incorporation was beyond that of mobility degradation by defect trap generation when TFT size was shrunk to 2 /spl mu/m/2 /spl mu/m. The poly-Si/sub 0.91/Ge/sub 0.09/ TFT exhibited a high-hole mobility of 112 cm/sup 2//V-s, while the hole mobility of the poly-Si counterpart was 73 cm/sup 2//V-s.  相似文献   

GaN-based field effect transistors commonly include an Al/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/N barrier layer for confinement of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the barrier/GaN interface. Some of the limitations of the Al/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/N-GaN heterostructure can be, in principle, avoided by the use of In/sub x/Al/sub 1-x/N as an alternative barrier, which adds flexibility to the engineering of the polarization-induced charges by using tensile or compressive strain through varying the value of x. Here, the implementation and electrical characterization of an In/sub x/Al/sub 1-x/-GaN high electron mobility transistor with Indium content ranging from x=0.04 to x=0.15 is described. The measured 2DEG carrier concentration in the In/sub 0.04/Al/sub 0.96/N-GaN heterostructure reach 4/spl times/10/sup 13/ cm/sup -2/ at room temperature, and Hall mobility is 480 and 750 cm/sup 2//V /spl middot/ s at 300 and 10 K, respectively. The increase of Indium content in the barrier results in a shift of the transistor threshold voltage and of the peak transconductance toward positive gate values, as well as a decrease in the drain current. This is consistent with the reduction in polarization difference between GaN and In/sub x/Al/sub 1-x/N. Devices with a gate length of 0.7 /spl mu/m exhibit f/sub t/ and f/sub max/ values of 13 and 11 GHz, respectively.  相似文献   

We have grown Ge x Si1-x (0 <x < 0.20,1000–3000Å thick) on small growth areas etched in the Si substrate. Layers were grown using both molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at 550° C and rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (RTCVD) at 900° C. Electron beam induced current images (EBIC) (as well as defect etches and transmission electron microscopy) show that 2800Å-thick, MBE Ge0.19Si0.81 on 70-μm-wide mesas have zerothreading and nearly zero misfit dislocations. The Ge0.19Si{0.81} grown on unpatterned, large areas is heavily dislocated. It is also evident from the images that heterogeneous nucleation of misfit dislocations is dominant in this composition range. 1000Å-thick, RTCVD Ge0.14Si0.86 films deposited on 70 μm-wide mesas are also nearly dislocation-free as shown by EBIC, whereas unpatterned areas are more heavily dislocated. Thus, despite the high growth temperatures, only heterogeneous nucleation of misfit dislocations occurs and patterning is still effective. Photoluminescence spectra from arrays of GeSi on Si mesas show that even when the interface dislocation density on the mesas is high, growth on small areas results in a lower dislocation density than growth on large areas.  相似文献   

We have studied the Ni and Co germano-silicide on Si/sub 0.3/Ge/sub 0.7//Si. The Ni germano-silicide shows a low sheet resistance of 4-6 /spl Omega///spl square/on both P/sup +/N and N/sup +/P junctions, which is much smaller than Co germano-silicide. In addition, small junction leakage currents of 3/spl times/10/sup -8/ A/cm/sup 2/ and 2/spl times/10/sup -7/ A/cm/sup 2/ are obtained for Ni germano-silicide on P/sup +/N and N/sup +/P junctions, respectively. The good germano-silicide integrity is due to the relatively uniform thickness as observed by cross-sectional TEM.  相似文献   

A new and interesting InGaP/Al/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/As/GaAs composite-emitter heterojunction bipolar transistor (CEHBT) is fabricated and studied. Based on the insertion of a compositionally linear graded Al/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/As layer, a near-continuous conduction band structure between the InGaP emitter and the GaAs base is developed. Simulation results reveal that a potential spike at the emitter/base heterointerface is completely eliminated. Experimental results show that the CEHBT exhibits good dc performances with dc current gain of 280 and greater than unity at collector current densities of J/sub C/=21kA/cm/sup 2/ and 2.70/spl times/10/sup -5/ A/cm/sup 2/, respectively. A small collector/emitter offset voltage /spl Delta/V/sub CE/ of 80 meV is also obtained. The studied CEHBT exhibits transistor action under an extremely low collector current density (2.7/spl times/10/sup -5/ A/cm/sup 2/) and useful current gains over nine decades of magnitude of collector current density. In microwave characteristics, the unity current gain cutoff frequency f/sub T/=43.2GHz and the maximum oscillation frequency f/sub max/=35.1GHz are achieved for a 3/spl times/20 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ device. Consequently, the studied device shows promise for low supply voltage and low-power circuit applications.  相似文献   

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