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The effect of glucocorticoid hormones, purified glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and purified heat shock protein M(r) 90,000 (hsp90) on microtubule (MT) assembly in vitro was tested by a spectrophotometric MT assembly assay and electron microscopy. GR significantly prolonged the nucleation phase, slowed down the assembly rate and reduced the maximal amplitude of MT assembly compared with control. The effects were partially reversed by the addition of glucocorticoid hormone. GR associated with MTs. These results indicate that GR affects MT assembly in vitro, which may be a functional correlate to the structural association of GR with MTs. This implies that factors affecting GR may affect MT assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the in vitro assembly of microtubules from Chlamydomonas preparations does not occur under a wide range of conditions, including those efficacious for mammalian brain tubulin. This incompetence of Chlamydomonas extracts to form microtubules is independent of the tubulin concentration, the presence of added nucleotides or an added seed, temperature, or the concentration of divalent cation. However, an amorphous aggregate was observed under certain conditions, who composition was mainly tubulin. The in vitro reassembly of microtubules in gerbil brain extracts is inhibited by Chlamydomonas preparations. Fractionation of the Chlamydomonas extracts by column chromatography suggests that the inhibitory component is Chlamydomonas tubulin itself. The mechanism of this inhibition is unknown, but reassembly experiments indicate that the 2 types of tubulins cannot copolymerize. We suggest that the Chlamydomonas tubulin, derived from a cytoplasmic pool, requires to be activated prior to its in vivo polymerization into microtubules.  相似文献   

The ability of glycolytic enzymes, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), aldolase, pyruvate kinase (PK), and lactate dehydrogenase muscle-type (LDH(M)), to generate interactive microtubule networks was investigated. Bundles have previously been defined as the parallel alignment of several microtubules and are one form of microtubule networks. Utilizing transmission electron microscopy, interactive networks of microtubules as well as bundles were readily observed in the presence of GAPDH, aldolase, or PK. These networks appear morphologically as cross-linked microtubules, oriented in many different ways. Light scattering indicated that the muscle forms of GAPDH, aldolase, PK and LDH(m) caused formation of the microtubule networks. Triose phosphate isomerase (TPI) and lactate dehydrogenase heart-type (LDH(H)), glycolytic enzymes which do not interact with tubulin or microtubules, did not produce bundles, or interactive networks. Sedimentation experiments confirmed that the enzymes that cross-link also co-pellet with the microtubules. Such cross-linking of microtubules indicate that the enzymes are multivalent with the capability of simultaneous binding to more than one microtubule.  相似文献   

The microtubule-binding domains of microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 2, tau, and MAP4 are divided into three distinctive regions: the Pro-rich region, the AP sequence region and the tail region (Aizawa, H., Emori, Y., Murofushi, H., Kawasaki, H., Sakai., H., and Suzuki, K. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13849-13855). Electron microscopic observation showed that the taxol-stabilized microtubules alone and those mixed with the A4T fragment (containing the AP sequence region and the tail region) had a long, wavy appearance, while those mixed with the PA4T fragment (containing the Pro-rich region, the AP sequence region, and the tail region) or the PA4 fragment (containing the Pro-rich region and the AP sequence region) were shorter and straighter. Stoichiometries of the binding between the fragments and the tubulin dimers were approximately between 1 and 2, suggesting that not all of the AP sequences in the AP sequence region bound to tubulin. Binding affinity of the PA4T fragment is only four times higher than that of the A4T fragment, while the microtubule nucleating activity of the PA4T fragment is far greater. Based on these results, we propose that the nucleation of microtubule assembly is promoted by the bridging activity of the Pro-rich region in the MAPs.  相似文献   

The rate and, to a lesser degree, the extent of microtubule assembly from rat brain tubulin is enhanced by oligocations such as polyamines, melittin, polybasic drugs, oligolysines, and oligoarginines. The effect is cooperative for degrees of polymerization up to seven for oligolysines and up to five for oligoarginines and is interpreted as an interaction with up to seven closely spaced anionic charges. Microtubules so formed appear to be normal by electron microscopy, and by salt, colchicine, and cold sensitivities. Lysyl residues in excess of seven (or five for arginine) in larger oligomers interact nearly noncooperatively. Separation of lysyl charges by intercalation of alanyl residues reduced assembly promoting potency for hexalysines. The cooperative portion of the response is most likely associated with the highly acidic extreme C termini of tubulin because their removal with limited subtilisin treatment markedly reduces oligolysine potency. However, some cooperative interactions with oligocations can also occur with more widely spaced anionic charges elsewhere in tubulin. The potential role of oligocations in the intracellular regulation of microtubule assembly is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of repeated doses of indomethacin on mean peak velocity (MPV) and time-averaged mean velocity in the middle cerebral artery was assessed in 10 ventilated neonates with a patent ductus arteriosus using colour/duplex Doppler technique prior to, and 10, 30, and 120 min after the first and the third dose. Velocities were significantly reduced up to 120 min after the first dose. The third dose resulted in a significant reduction in MPV at 10 and 30 min following treatment. This reduction was half of that observed after the first dose. Systemic blood pressure (BP) and heart rate did not change significantly after each separate dose. However, by the third dose, mean and diastolic BP were significantly increased from pretreatment levels. The attenuated response of cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocities to the third dose of indomethacin compared with the first dose is probably related to altered haemodynamics. Indomethacin should be used cautiously in infants with other conditions which are known to decrease CBF such as hypotension, hypocarbia and polycythaemia.  相似文献   

More than 20 base-modified analogues of guanosine 5'-triphosphate including 2'-deoxyguanosine derivatives were synthesized and examined their effect on tubulin polymerization into microtubules (Mts). Among those, 2,6-diamino-8-oxopurineriboside 5'-triphosphate (1d), 2,6-diamino-2'-deoxypurineriboside 5'-tri phosphate (1b) and 8-bromoguanosine 5'-tri phosphate (1g) were shown to have remarkable effect to promote microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the introduction of [32p]Pi specifically into the beta-position of ATP and GTP. The method is based on two separate reactions involving (a) phosphorolysis of poly(A) or poly(G) [Soreq, Nudel, Salomon, Revel & Littauer (1974) J. Mol Biol. 88, 233-245] in the presence of [32P]Pi and (b) conversion of the labelled diphosphate into the corresponding triphosphate by transferring the active phosphate group from 1,3-diphosphoglycerate in a coupled reaction as decribed by Glynn & Chappell [(1964) Biochem. J. 90, 147-149]. Radioactivity in the beta- and gamma-phosphate groups of the labelled triphosphate was measured by using polynucleotide kinase. No detectable radioactivity was found in the gamma-phosphate group. The suitability of this method for the synthesis of other nucleoside triphosphates specifically labelled in the beta-position is discussed.  相似文献   

In human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes, GSH-oxidizing agents promote the movement of surface-bound concanavalin A (Con A) into caps and inhibit the assembly of microtubules (MT) that is normally induced by Con A binding. Con A capping and inhibition of MT assembly occur when GSH levels in cell suspensions are decreased by 30-70%, and return to GSH to control levels is accompanied by the appearance of cytoplasmic MT and by inhibition of the capping response with Con A. Oxidation of GSH markedly stimulates the hexose monophosphate shunt, and regeneration of GSH occurs rapidly. The data indicate that MT cannot be assembled or maintained in the face of decreased GSH levels. Thus, GSH homeostasis becomes critical during physiological events such as phagocytosis which simultaneously induce the assembly of MT and the production of agents like H2O2 that can oxidize GSH.  相似文献   

Vinblastine-induced tubulin polymerization is electrostatically regulated and shows pH dependence with a pI approximately 7.0 suggesting the involvement of histidyl residues. Modification of histidyl residues of tubulin with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) at a mole ratio of 0.74 (DEPC/total His residues) for 3 min at 25 degreesC completely inhibited vinblastine-induced polymerization with little effect on microtubule assembly. Under these conditions DEPC reacts only with histidyl residues. For complete inhibition two histidyl residues have to be modified. Demodification of the carboxyethyl histidyl derivatives by hydroxylamine led to nearly complete recovery of polymerization competence. Labeling with [14C]DEPC localized both of these histidyl residues on beta-tubulin at beta227 and beta264. Similarly, tubulin modification with DEPC for longer times (8 min) resulted in complete inhibition of microtubule assembly, at which time approximately 4 histidyl residues had been modified. This inhibition by DEPC was also reversed by hydroxylamine. The third histidyl residue was found on alpha-tubulin at alpha88. Thus, two charged histidyl residues are obligatorily involved in vinblastine-induced polymerization, whereas a different histidyl residue on a different tubulin monomer is involved in microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

We have synthesized a new compound, 3-bromoacetylamino benzoylurea (3-BAABU), which showed strong cancericidal activity by inducing irreversible mitotic arrest and subsequently apoptosis in human T cell leukemic cells (CEM), human biphenotypic leukemic cells (SP), a human prostate cancer cell line (PC-3), murine melanoma cells (B-16), and murine lymphoma/leukemia cells (EL4) in vitro with an ID50 in the range of 0.013-0.07 microg/ml (0.04-0.22 microM). Treatment of tumor cells for 12-24 h with 3-BAABU resulted in mitotic arrest at prometaphase/metaphase/anaphase, with separation and dispersion of chromosomes and with the absence of mitotic spindle apparatus in cytoplasm. Treatment with 3-BAABU had no cytotoxic and mitotic blocking effect in normal human lymphocytes, proliferating fibroblast cells (3T3), or proliferating myocardial cells (MOT). Cell cycle analyses showed that most treated leukemic cells accumulated at M phase 12 h after treatment. By the end of 48 h of treatment, the cells underwent apoptosis with DNA fragmentation. 3-BAABU inhibited the assembly of microtubules from tubulin but did not interfere with the disassembly of microtubules. The presence and the position of bromine and urea groups on the benzoic ring are the determining factors for its inhibition of microtubule assembly. Replacing bromine with chlorine yielded much less mitotic blocking activity and increased the ID50 40-fold. Substitution of the urea group with ethyl ester abrogated the activity of blocking mitosis but induced apoptosis. Moving the bromoacetylamino group from the 3-position to the 4-position removed blocking activity for mitosis but induced necrosis. These results suggest that 3-BAABU possesses a unique and functional structure and is a potential agent for cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and inexpensive method is described for the synthesis of gamma-32P-labeled ribo- or deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. The procedure involves chemical synthesis of [32P]acetylphosphate and subsequent phosphorylation of nucleoside diphosphates using acetate kinase (EC and a final purification step. The entire procedure is performed 8 h or less.  相似文献   

The critical role of NTP concentration in determining where calf thymus DNA primase synthesizes a primer on a DNA template was examined. Varying the concentration of NTPs dramatically altered the template sequences at which primase synthesized primers. At the low NTP concentrations typically used for in vitro experiments (100 microM), primase greatly preferred to synthesize primers at pyrimidine rich DNA sequences. However, when the concentrations of NTPs were increased to levels typically found in whole cells, primers were now synthesized in all regions of the template. Importantly, synthesis of primers in all regions of the DNA template, not just the pyrimidine rich sequences, is the pattern of primer synthesis observed during DNA replication in whole cells. With low concentrations of NTPs (i.e., Vmax/K(M) conditions), primers are only synthesized at the most preferred synthesis sites, namely, those that are pyrimidine rich. In contrast, under conditions of high NTP concentrations, primer synthesis will occur at the first potential synthesis site to which primase binds. Now, the primase x DNA complex will be immediately converted to a primase x DNA x NTP x NTP complex that is poised for primer synthesis.  相似文献   

Coronin is a highly conserved actin-associated protein that until now has had unknown biochemical activities. Using microtubule affinity chromatography, we coisolated actin and a homologue of coronin, Crn1p, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell extracts. Crn1p is an abundant component of the cortical actin cytoskeleton and binds to F-actin with high affinity (Kd 6 x 10(-9) M). Crn1p promotes the rapid barbed-end assembly of actin filaments and cross-links filaments into bundles and more complex networks, but does not stabilize them. Genetic analyses with a crn1Delta deletion mutation also are consistent with Crn1p regulating filament assembly rather than stability. Filament cross-linking depends on the coiled coil domain of Crn1p, suggesting a requirement for Crn1p dimerization. Assembly-promoting activity is independent of cross-linking and could be due to nucleation and/or accelerated polymerization. Crn1p also binds to microtubules in vitro, and microtubule binding is enhanced by the presence of actin filaments. Microtubule binding is mediated by a region of Crn1p that contains sequences (not found in other coronins) homologous to the microtubule binding region of MAP1B. These activities, considered with microtubule defects observed in crn1Delta cells and in cells overexpressing Crn1p, suggest that Crn1p may provide a functional link between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons in yeast.  相似文献   

We incorporated 3H-labeled thymidine, deoxycytidine, or cytidine into dNTPs and DNA of exponentially growing CEM cells. G1 and S phase cells were separated by centrifugal elutriation, and the size and specific activity of dNTP pools were determined to study the cell cycle-dependent regulation of specific dNTP synthesizing enzymes in their metabolic context. With [3H]thymidine, we confirm the earlier demonstrated S phase specificity of thymidine kinase. Incorporation of radioactivity from [5-3H]deoxycytidine into dCTP occurred almost exclusively in G1 cells. During S phase, de novo synthesis by ribonucleotide reductase was switched on, resulting in a 70-fold dilution of [3H]dCTP, confirming that ribonucleotide reductase is an S phase-specific enzyme, whereas deoxycytidine kinase is not. [5-3H]Cytidine appeared in dCTP almost to the same extent in G1 as in S phase, despite the S phase specificity of ribonucleotide reductase. During S phase, DNA replication greatly increased the turnover of dCTP, requiring a corresponding increase in ribonucleotide reductase activity. During G1, the enzyme maintained activity to provide dNTPs for DNA repair and mitochondrial DNA synthesis. The poor incorporation of isotope from deoxycytidine into DNA earlier led to the suggestion that the nucleoside is used only for DNA repair (Xu, Y-Z., Peng, H., and Plunkett, W. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 631-637). The poor phosphorylation of deoxycytidine in S phase provides a better explanation.  相似文献   

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