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Robust backstepping control of induction motors using neuralnetworks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a new robust control technique for induction motors using neural networks (NNs). The method is systematic and robust to parameter variations. Motivated by the backstepping design technique, we first treat certain signals in the system as fictitious control inputs to a simpler subsystem. A two-layer NN is used in this stage to design the fictitious controller. We then apply a second two-layer NN to robustly realize the fictitious NN signals designed in the previous step. A new tuning scheme is proposed which can guarantee the boundedness of tracking error and weight updates. A main advantage of our method is that it does not require regression matrices, so that no preliminary dynamical analysis is needed. Another salient feature of our NN approach is that the off-line learning phase is not needed. Full state feedback is needed for implementation. Load torque and rotor resistance can be unknown but bounded.  相似文献   

无轴承异步电机(BIM)的转子磁链电压模型中含有纯积分环节,其积分初值和累计误差会影响磁链观测精度,进而使转速估计产生严重失真.为了实现BIM无速度传感器运行,本文借鉴模型参考自适应法(MRAS)基本结构,将改进二阶广义积分器与锁频环结合以代替原有纯积分器,提出了一种新的基于MRAS的BIM无速度传感器控制方法,构建了BIM转子磁链定向无速度传感器矢量控制系统.并且,基于MATLAB/Simulink的仿真验证和基于dSPACE的实验结果表明:与传统电压模型观测方法相比,所提出的转子磁链电压模型有效避免了纯积分环节带来的直流偏移和积分初值影响,有着更好的观测效果.同时,基于无轴承异步电机转子磁链定向无速度传感器矢量控制系统,电机能稳定悬浮运行,估算转速和实测转速具有很好的一致性.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(2):119-134
A control approach for the robust position control of an induction motor based on the binary disturbance observer is described. The binary controller with the binary disturbance observer is implemented for the position control of the induction machine subjected to load disturbances and realizes continuous control. The binary disturbance observer is used to eliminate the chattering problem of a sliding mode disturbance observer. In order to eliminate the steady-state error, the binary disturbance observer with an integral augmented switching hyperplane is proposed. The robustness is achieved, and continuous control is realized by employing the proposed observer without the chattering problem and the steady-state error. The effectiveness of the proposed observer is confirmed by the comparative experimental results.  相似文献   

A robust sliding mode approach combined with a field oriented control (FOC) for induction motor (IM) speed control is presented. The proposed sliding mode control (SMC) design uses an adaptive switching gain and an integrator. This approach guarantees the same robustness and dynamic performance of traditional SMC algorithms. And at the same time, it attenuates the chattering phenomenon, which is the main drawback in actual implementation of this technique. This approach is insensitive to uncertainties and permits to decrease the requirement for the bound of these uncertainties. The stability and robustness of the closed- loop system are proven analytically using the Lyapunov synthesis approach. The proposed method attenuates the effect of both uncertainties and external disturbances. Experimental results are presented to validate the effectiveness and the good performance of the developed method.  相似文献   

基于自适应观测器的无速度传感器感应电机控制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对采用极点配置的自适应速度观测器存在不稳定区域的问题,建立了全阶自适应状态观测器并给出了观测器的速度辨识律.应用Lyapunov稳定性理论,观测器的增益借助于MATLAB LMI工具箱求解两个双线性矩阵不等式得到.在MATLAB 6.5/SIMULINK环境下,建立了无速度传感器感应电机直接转矩控制的仿真实验平台,给出了无速度传感器直接转矩控制的仿真结果.仿真结果表明本文给出的自适应观测器在全速范围内具有很好的稳态性能,并具有很好的鲁棒性.同时,在以TMS320F240为核心的感应电机直接转矩控制系统上进行了速度辨识实验,实验结果验证了方案的有效性.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the motion control of an induction motor. Because the nonlinear state equations describing the dynamics of such a machine can be embedded into a linear model with the rotor speed ω as a varying parameter, advantage is taken of some recent results on the control of linear parameter‐varying systems, thus ensuring stability independently of how the varying parameter changes in time within a compact set. The adopted control structure consists of a fast inner electric loop that controls the stator currents and an outer mechanical loop that generates the torque acting on the motor shaft. Of crucial importance is the design of the internal model controller for the current loop. In particular, it is proved that an algebraically equivalent electric motor model admits a Lyapunov function that, together with its Lyapunov derivative, is independent of ω and of all motor parameters. This result allows us to find an upper bound on the norm of the Youla–Kucera parameter that ensures robust stability against speed measurement errors. Simulations carried out on a benchmark motor model show that the adopted control strategy performs well. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a semi-current-fed concept and a virtual desired variable synthesis for induction motor control. First, the traditional ideal current-loop assumption is relaxed. The relaxed assumption, considering more practical situations, allows a bounded stator voltage and a finite absolute-integral of current tracking error. From this novel concept, a semi-current-fed model for induction motors is used for the design. Both unknown rotor resistance and torque load are considered along with immeasurable rotor flux. To cope with the problems, we use a virtual desired variable approach to synthesize the control law. In the absence of a flux sensor and not using a flux observer, the asymptotic speed tracking is ensured without needing the persistent excitation condition. However, if the controlled system is persistently excited, an optimal torque control is additionally achieved. In addition to the theoretical proof, experimental results show the expected tracking performance.  相似文献   

This work presents an intelligent method for the condition monitoring of induction motors supplied with adjustable speed drives (ASD). Most of the previous work in this area concentrated on the fault detection and classification of induction motors supplied directly from an a.c. line. However, ASD driven induction motors are widely used in industrial processes and therefore obtaining an intelligent tool for the condition monitoring of these motors is necessary in terms of preventive maintenance and reducing down time due to motor faults. Here 3-phase supply side current of the ASD driving an induction motor is used to extract statistical features of wavelet packet decomposition coefficients within a frequency range of interest. This way, the information regarding the output frequency of the ASD and hence the motor speed is not required. Six identical three-phase induction motors were used for the experimental verification of the proposed method. One healthy machine was used as a reference, while other five with various synthetic faults were used for condition detection and classification. Extracted features obtained from decomposition coefficients of different wavelet filter types for all motors were employed in three different and popular classifiers. The proposed method and the performance of the features used for fault detection and classification are examined at various motor loads and speed levels, and it is shown that a successful condition monitoring system for induction motors supplied with ASDs is developed. The effect of selected filter type in wavelet decomposition to the condition monitoring process is analyzed and presented.  相似文献   


提出一种基于数据驱动的感应电机多模型逆自适应解耦控制方法. 首先, 利用仿射聚类法(AP) 对电机系统的输入输出数据进行聚类, 再基于聚类结果和隶属度函数建立相应的神经网络多模型逆, 以实现解耦控制. 针对电机系统运行过程中电机参数变化问题, 采用粒子群优化算法(PSO) 在线调节子模型权值, 以改善逆模型失匹造成解耦控制性能下降的问题. 仿真实验表明, 所提出的方法能对电机的转速和磁链实现良好的解耦控制, 且对电机系统工况参数变化具有良好的自适应能力.


Speed control of induction motors using a novel fuzzy sliding-modestructure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new approach to indirect vector control of induction motors. Two nonlinear controllers, one of sliding mode type and the other PI-fuzzy logic-based, define a new control structure. Both controllers are combined by means of an expert system based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy reasoning. The sliding-mode controller acts mainly in a transient state while the PI-like fuzzy controller acts in the steady state. The new structure embodies the advantages that both nonlinear controllers offer: sliding-mode controllers increasing system stability limits, and PI-like fuzzy logic based controllers reducing the chattering in permanent state. The scheme has been implemented and experimentally validated  相似文献   

In this paper, we design an adaptive controller for the induction motor which ensures global asymptotic rotor velocity tracking performance and global exponential rotor flux tracking. In addition, the controller compensates for parametric uncertainty associated with the mechanical subsystem and only requires rotor velocity measurements. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the performance of the controller.  相似文献   

The authors design a new speed sensorless output feedback control for the full-order model of induction motors with unknown constant load torque, which guarantees local asymptotic tracking of smooth speed and rotor flux modulus reference signals and local asymptotic field orientation, on the basis of stator current measurements only. The proposed nonlinear controller exploits the concept of indirect field orientation (no flux estimation is required) in combination with a new high-gain speed estimator based on the torque current tracking error. The estimates of unknown load torque and time-varying rotor speed converge to the corresponding true values under a persistency of excitation condition with a physically meaningful interpretation, basically equivalent to non-null synchronous frequency. Stability analysis of the overall dynamics has been performed exploiting the singular perturbation method. The proposed control algorithm is a “true” industrial sensorless solution since no simplifying assumptions (flux and load torque measurements) are required. Simulation and experimental tests show that the proposed controller is suitable for medium and high performance applications.  相似文献   

A sensorless speed/position tracking control scheme for induction motors is proposed subject to unknown load torque via adaptive strictly positive real (SPR) approach design. A special nonlinear coordinate transform is first provided to reform the dynamical model of the induction motor. The information on rotor fluxes can thus be derived from the dynamical model to decide on the proportion of input voltage in the d-q frame under the constraint of the maximum power transfer property of induction motors. Based on the SPR approach, the speed and position control objectives can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is to provide the speed/position control of induction motors while lacking the knowledge of some mechanical system parameters, such as the motor inertia, motor damping coefficient, and the unknown payload. The adaptive control technique is thus involved in the field oriented control scheme to deal with the unknown parameters. The thorough proof is derived to guarantee the stability of the speed and position of control systems of induction motors. Besides, numerical simulation and experimental results are also provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with position control of permanent magnet (PM) stepper motors and PM synchronous motors. We present, for the first time, some stability proofs which explain, under mild assumptions, why the most common control strategy used in commercial drives works well in practice. We stress that this successful control strategy has been used until now only on the basis of linear approximations. As in most commercial drives, we consider the design of a linear PID position controller intended for the mechanical subsystem and some inner electric current loops driven by linear proportional controllers which are introduced to cope with the electrical subsystem.  相似文献   

Sensorless control of permanent-magnet synchronous motors at low velocity remains a challenging task. A now well-established method consists of injecting a high-frequency signal and using the rotor saliency, both geometric and magnetic-saturation induced. This paper proposes a clear and original analysis based on second-order averaging of how to recover the position information from signal injection; this analysis blends well with a general model of magnetic saturation. It also proposes a simple parametric model of the saturated motor, based on an energy function which simply encompasses saturation and cross-saturation effects. Experimental results on a surface-mounted motor and an interior magnet motor illustrate the relevance of the approach.  相似文献   

CAN-based synchronized motion control for induction motors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A control area network (CAN) based multi-motor synchronized motion control system with an advanced synchronized control strategy is proposed. The strategy is to incorporate the adjacent cross-coupling control strategy into the sliding mode control architecture. As illustrated by the four-induction-motor-based experimental results, the multi-motor synchronized motion control system, via the CAN bus, has been successfully implemented. With the employment of the advanced synchronized motion control strategy, the synchronization performance can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

In this paper, a sensorless fault tolerant controller for induction motors is developed. In the proposed approach, a robust controller based on backstepping strategy is designed in order to compensate for both the load torque disturbance and the rotor resistance variation caused by the broken rotor bars faults. The proposed approach needs neither fault detection and isolation schemes nor controller re-design. Moreover, to avoid the use of speed and flux sensors, a second order sliding mode observer is introduced to estimate the flux and the speed. The observer converges in a finite time and leads to good estimates of the flux and the speed even in the presence of the rotor resistance variation and the load torque disturbance. Since the observer converges in the finite time, the stability of the closed-loop system (controller with observer) is shown in two steps. First, the boundedness of the closed-loop system trajectories before the convergence of the observer is proved. Second, the convergence of the closed-loop system trajectories is proved after the convergence of the observer. To highlight the efficiency and applicability of the proposed control scheme, simulation and experimental results are conducted for a 1.5 kW induction motor.  相似文献   

A closed-loop speed control scheme for a slip ring induction motor is described in this paper. The speed control is achieved through slip power recovery with the aid of static power devices. The design of the controllers is considered. Experimental results are given and compared with the analytical results.  相似文献   

The problem of controlling an induction motor without rotor speed measurements is addressed. Arbitrary smooth reference signals for rotor speed and rotor flux modulus are required to be tracked globally (i.e. from any initial condition). A global second-order tracking control is obtained, which is based on a novel rotor speed observer. Simulation results are provided which illustrate the controller performance.  相似文献   

We propose a novel tracking control for induction motors in which only stator currents are used for feedback. Local exponential rotor speed and flux modulus tracking are achieved for any constant reference value and for restricted time-varying reference signals; any known motor parameters values (including constant load torque) and any initial condition, including rotor speed and fluxes, belonging to an explicitly computed domain of attraction are allowed.  相似文献   

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