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Ye ShengLei Zhang Hongbo LiJiwei Xue Keyan ZhengNan Guo Qisheng HuoHaifeng Zou 《Thin solid films》2011,519(22):7966-7970
Nanometer TiO2 thin films doped with different concentration of Tb were prepared by sol-gel method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD results show preferentially oriented (101) anatase films. TEM image indicates that the TiO2 films consist of TiO2 grains with diameter about 15 nm. Under room temperature, strong visible luminescence of Tb3+ ions due to intra-4f shell transitions are obtained and the PL intensity is found to have a well matching relation with the doping concentration of Tb3+ ions. Concentration quenching of PL occurs when Tb3+ concentration exceeds a certain value (9.2 mol%). Furthermore, the luminescence intensity is improved obviously after co-doping with Gd3+ ions because of the sensitization effects of Gd3+ ions to Tb3+ ions in TiO2 system. The energy transfer mechanism from TiO2 and Gd3+ ions to Tb3+ ions was proposed. 相似文献
Sr2Mg(BO3)2:Ce3+,Li+ and Sr2Mg(BO3)2:Ce3+,Li+,Mn2+ phosphors have been synthesized by conventional solid state reaction technology at 900 °C for 12 h in reducing atmosphere. The phase purity, photoluminescence (PL) properties, thermal stability, energy transfer and luminescent decay curves have been investigated. Sr2Mg(BO3)2:Ce3+,Li+,Mn2+ phosphors show blue and deep-red1 emission bands. The deep-red emission band is attributed to the energy transfer from Ce3+ to Mn2+. The fluorescence lifetimes of Ce3+ in co-doped sample are shorter than that in single doped one, which confirms that the energy transfer takes place. The phosphors have weak thermal quenching. The luminescence properties of Sr2Mg(BO3)2:Ce3+,Li+,Mn2+ make the phosphor a new bicolor emitting material. 相似文献
The Ce3+ and Tb3+ co-doped Ln2Si2O7 (Ln = Y, Gd) samples were prepared by sol-gel method. Structure characterization of the phosphor was carried out by X-ray diffraction. The luminescence properties of samples were analyzed by measuring the excitation and emission spectra. It was observed that excitation energy can transfer mutually between Ce3+ and Tb3+ in GPS: Ce3+, Tb3+ samples, while in Y2Si2O7 :Ce3+, Tb3+ samples the energy transfer only progresses from Ce3+ to Tb3+. Based on the energy level diagrams of respective Ce3+, Tb3+ and Gd3+ ion, the detailed pathways for energy transfer are explained. 相似文献
Tm3+/Yb3+-codoped fluorophosphate glass is prepared by conventional melt-quenching method and the thermal stability of the glass is analyzed. The Judd–Ofelt parameters, radiation emission rates, radiative lifetime and branching ratios of prepared samples are calculated based on the absorption spectra. Upon excitation of a conventional 980 nm laser diode, 1.8 μm emission is obtained from Yb3+/Tm3+ codoped fluorophosphate. Additionally, the energy transfer between Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions are quantitatively analyzed. Hence, this Yb3+/Tm3+ codoped fluorophosphate glass possessing high energy transfer efficiency and excellent thermal stability is a good candidate for efficient 1.8 μm laser. 相似文献
A P2O5-CaO-SrO-BaO phosphate glass doped with Tm3+ and glasses doped with (Tm3+, Pr3+) were used for this study. The photo-luminescence behaviors of Tm3+ and Pr3+ in phosphate glass were investigated by absorption, excitation and emission spectroscopy. The energy transfer between Tm3+ and Pr3+ in phosphate glasses (which exhibit a variety of transfer efficiencies) was studied. The experimental quantum efficiencies of the luminescence of Tm3+ η0 and (Tm3+, Pr3+) doped phosphate glasses were measured to give η/η0 = 0.447, 0.305, and 0.179 for (0.4 mol% Pr3+, 1.0 mol% Tm3+), (0.8%Pr3+, 1.0%Tm3+) and (1.6 mol% Pr3+, 1.0 mol% Tm3+), respectively. In order to verify the nature of the ion coupling in our phosphate glass system, we applied the Inokuti-Hirayama model. The non-radiative energy transfer rate from Tm3+ to Pr3+, transfer efficiencies, and the donor-acceptor distance have been calculated and compared with obtained experimental data. As usual, the efficiency and the probability of energy transfer increase with the concentration of the acceptor. 相似文献
Henning Kühn Matthias Fechner Andreas Kahn Hanno Scheife Günter Huber 《Optical Materials》2009,31(11):1636-1639
The use of Yb3+ as a sensitizer for Er3+ doped laser materials is a common technique because of the high Yb3+ absorption cross sections. Energy transfer processes from Yb3+ to Er3+ in Sc2O3 are studied by two different methods. Transfer parameters describing the interactions between Er3+ and Yb3+ ions are obtained on the one hand from the ratio of emitted photons around 1.55 μm by Er3+ ions and around 1 μm by Yb3+ ions at cw excitation of Yb3+, on the other hand by lifetime measurements of Yb3+ ions in the codoped samples. Laser experiments are performed to study the suitability of Er3+,Yb3+:Sc2O3 as a laser material. Comparisons with energy transfer in Er3+,Yb3+:glass are made. 相似文献
Tm3+:Er3+:Yb3+ doped Y2SiO5 powders were prepared by combustion synthesis with estimated as-prepared weight (wt.) % concentrations of 0.25:0.0:2.0, 0.25:0.5:2.0 and 0.25:1.0:2.0, respectively. Blue (Tm3+: 1G4 → 3H6), green (Er3+: 4S3/2, 2H11/2 → 4I15/2) and red (Er3+: 4F9/2 → 4I15/2) upconversion (UC) emissions were observed under 975 nm infrared diode laser excitation. The UC process took place via energy transfer from Yb3+ to Er3+ and Tm3+ ions. The CIE chromaticity coordinates of Tm3+:Er3+:Yb3+ doped Y2SiO5 powders were investigated as a function of the diode laser power and Er3+ concentration. 相似文献
Guan-Xi LiuRui Zhang Quan-Lan XiaoShao-Yu Zou Wen-Fang PengLi-Wei Cao Jian-Xin Meng 《Optical Materials》2011,34(1):313-316
Bi3+,Nd3+ co-doped Gd2O3 were prepared by solid state reaction and the optical properties were investigated. The results show that the near-infrared emission of Nd3+ ions is significantly enhanced by the introducing of Bi3+ in co-doped samples. An efficient energy transfer from Bi3+ to Nd3+ corresponds to the near-infrared emission enhancement. The energy transfer efficiency reaches 64.1% for the sample with the strongest near-infrared emission, which has the optimized doping concentrations of 0.5% for Bi3+ and 2% for Nd3+. The interesting optical properties make Bi3+,Nd3+ co-doped Gd2O3 promising as the luminescent down-conversion layers in front of c-Si solar cells to enhance the performance of the solar cells. 相似文献
We report measurements of the energy transfer between Er3+ and Ce3+ in Y2O3. The transition between the Er3+ 4I11/2 and 4I13/2 excited states can be stimulated by energy transfer to Ce3+, augmenting the population in the 4I13/2 state at the expense of that in the 4I11/2 state. Experiments were performed on Y2O3 planar waveguides doped with 0.2 at.% erbium and 0–0.42 at.% cerium by ion implantation. From measurements of Er3+ decay rates as a function of cerium concentration we derive an energy transfer rate constant of 1.3×10−18 cm3/s. The efficiency of the energy transfer amounts to 0.47 at 0.42 at.% cerium. The energy transfer rate constant measured in Y2O3 is two times smaller for Er3+→Ce3+ than that for Er3+→Eu3+ in the same material. 相似文献
Blue–white phosphor Sr2CeO4 belongs to a particular class of optical materials whose luminescence is governed by optical transitions associated with the electron charge transfer. The originality of its crystallographic structure, a chain-like sequence of luminescent centers, permits an effective transfer of the electronic excitation energy from the host to doped centers. Sr2CeO4, рure and doped with Eu3+-ions of different concentrations, was synthesized by the Pechini citrate-gel method. The luminescence spectra and luminescence decay curves of Sr2CeO4 and Sr2CeO4:Eu3+ at 300 and 80 K were investigated. The performed experiments revealed the Förster nonradiative energy transfer under the energy migration condition from the crystal host to the doped europium ions. 相似文献
Ye Jin Zhendong HaoXia Zhang Yongshi LuoXiaojun Wang Jiahua Zhang 《Optical Materials》2011,33(11):1591-1594
Upon 4K11/2 excitation of Sm3+ at 405 nm, the performance of energy transfer from Sm3+ to Eu3+ in the red emitting phosphor CaMoO4:Eu3+, Sm3+ significantly extends its excitation region for better matching the near-UV LED. Photoluminescence spectra indicate that the energy transfer pathway concerns the relaxation from 4K11/2 to 4G5/2 of Sm3+ and subsequent transfer to 5D0 of Eu3+ rather than 5D1 of Eu3+. The fluorescent decay pattern of Sm3+4G5/2 level in CaMoO4:0.5% Sm3+, 2% Eu3+ is studied at 77 K based on the Inokuti-Hirayama formula, revealing an electronic dipole-dipole interaction between Sm3+ and Eu3+. The coefficient for the energy transfer is obtained to be 8.5 × 10−40 s−1 cm6. The fluorescence rise and decay pattern of Eu3+5D0 level as Sm3+ is only excited at 77 K is well described by the dynamical processes of the energy transfer. 相似文献
G.H. Mhlongo M.S. Dhlamini H.C. SwartO.M. Ntwaeaborwa K.T. Hillie 《Optical Materials》2011,33(10):1495-1499
Y2O3:Eu3+ and ZnO·Y2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphor powders with different concentrations of Eu3+ ions were synthesized by a sol-gel method and their luminescence properties were investigated. The red photoluminescence (PL) from Eu3+ ions with the main emission peak at 612 nm was observed to increase with Eu3+ concentration from 0.25 to 0.75 mol% and decreased notably when the concentration was increased to 1 mol%. The decrease in the PL intensity at higher Eu3+ concentrations can be associated with concentration quenching effects. The red emission at 612 nm was shown to increase considerable when ZnO nanoparticles were incorporated in Y2O3:Eu3+ while green emission from ZnO was suppressed. The increase is attributed to energy transfer from ZnO to Eu3+. 相似文献
D. Kasprowicz M.G. BrikA. Majchrowski E. MichalskiP. G?uchowski 《Optical Materials》2011,33(11):1595-1601
Triply-doped single crystals KGd(WO4)2:Er3+/Yb3+/Tm3+, KGd(WO4)2:Tb3+/Yb3+/Tm3+ and KGd(WO4)2:Pr3+/Yb3+/Tm3+ were grown by the Top Seeded Solution Growth (TSSG) method, with an aim of getting efficient up-converted multicolored luminescence, which subsequently can be used for generation of white light. Such an aim determined the choice of the triply doped compounds: excitation of the Yb3+ ions in the infrared spectral region is followed by red, green and blue emission from other dopants. It was shown that all these systems exhibit multicolor up-conversion fluorescence under 980 nm laser irradiation. Detailed spectroscopic studies of their absorption and luminescence spectra were performed. From the analysis of the dependence of the intensity of fluorescence on the excitation power the conclusion was made about significant role played by the host’s conduction band and other possible defects of the KGd(WO4)2 crystal lattice in the up-conversion processes. 相似文献
A complete spectroscopic investigation of energy transfer processes in oxyfluoride glass ceramics containing CaF2 nano-crystals doped with various amounts of Er3+ and Yb3+ was reported. An enhancement of the 1.53 μm emission and infrared to visible up-conversion fluorescence was confirmed experimentally due to efficient non-radiative energy transfer from Yb3+ to Er3+ ions concentrated in CaF2 nano-crystals. The efficiency of Yb3+ to Er3+ energy transfer in excess of 85% was obtained for 0.5 mol% Er3+/2.0 mol% Yb3+ co-doped glass ceramic. Using rate equation formulism, the coefficient of Yb3+ to Er3+ energy transfer was determined to be about 3.5 times higher than that of Er3+ to Yb3+ energy back transfer, which is sufficient to provide high 4I11/2 population of Er3+ to improve the fluorescence of the co-doped glass ceramics. 相似文献
Energy transfer between Ce3+ and Tb3+ dopants in alkaline earth (Ba, Sr or Ca) sulphate phosphors is investigated. Among these three phosphors, CaSO4:Ce3+,Tb3+ showed maximum Tb3+ green emission on excitation with UV light. Photoluminescence measurements reveal that the emission intensity from CaSO4:Ce3+,Tb3+ is comparable with that of the commercial green lamp phosphor Ce0.65Tb0.35MgAl11O19. Optimum concentrations of dopants in CaSO4:Ce3+,Tb3+ are 0.2 mol% each and the optimum sintering treatment following re-crystallisation is 600 °C for 1 h duration. The effect of charge compensator in all the three phosphors is also studied. 相似文献
Energy transfer has attracted extensive attention due to its widespread applications in medical diagnostics, DNA analysis and lighting devices. There are few reports on the energy transfer from rare earth ions to dyes. In the present work, the SiO2:Tb inverse opals with and without Au nanoparticles were prepared, and the organic rhodamine-B (RhB) dyes were filled into the voids of SiO2:Tb inverse opals. Non-radiative and radiative energy transfer processes from the SiO2:Tb inverse opals to the RhB were observed. The influence of Au nanoparticles and photonic band gap on the energy transfer from SiO2:Tb inverse opals to the RhB was investigated. The Au nanoparticles enhanced energy transfer was observed due to the surface plasmon resonance effects of the Au nanoparticles. When the emission peaks from the SiO2:Tb inverse opal is overlapped with the photonic band gap, the emission suppression of the SiO2:Tb inverse opal as well the emission enhancement of the RhB dyes were obtained, which is attributed to improved energy transfer caused by the photonic band gap. The steady state rate equations were used to explain enhancement of energy transfer caused by the photonic band gap. 相似文献
A blue-emitting phosphor of NaMg4(PO4)3:Eu2+, Ce3+ was prepared by a combustion-assisted synthesis method. The phase formation was confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction measurement. Photoluminescence excitation spectrum measurements show that the phosphor can be excited by near UV light from 230 to 400 nm and presents a dominant luminescence band centered at 424 nm due to the 4f65d1 → 4f7 transition of Eu2+ ions at room temperature. Effective energy transfer occurs in Ce3+/Eu2+ co-doped NaMg4(PO4)3 due to large spectral overlap between the emission of Ce3+ and excitation of Eu2+. Co-doping of Ce3+ enhances the emission intensity of Eu2+ greatly by transferring its excitation energy to Eu2+, and Ce3+ plays a role as a sensitizer. Ce3+-Eu2+ co-doped NaMg4(PO4)3 powders can possibly be applied as blue phosphors in the fields of lighting and display. 相似文献
V.V. Atuchin V.G. GrossmanS.V. Adichtchev N.V. SurovtsevT.A. Gavrilova B.G. Bazarov 《Optical Materials》2012,34(5):812-816
The microcrystalline TlNd(MoO4)2 and TlPr(MoO4)2 molybdates have been prepared with solid state synthesis on the same synthesis route. The final products have been studied by XRD and SEM. Vibrational properties have been evaluated with Raman spectroscopy. More than 20 narrow Raman lines have been observed in the experimental spectrum of the microcrystals. The most intensive lines related to breathing vibrations of MoO4 tetrahedra have been found at 904 and ∼930 cm−1. The earlier proposed empirical relation between MoO bond length and stretching mode wavenumber has been tested by the comparative analysis for a suite of sixteen complex molybdates. This well-known relation is found to be unusable for molybdates containing different cations in the crystal lattice. 相似文献
N. I. Leonyuk E. V. Koporulina V. V. Maltsev O. V. Pilipenko M. D. Melekhova A. V. Mokhov 《Optical Materials》2004,26(4):443
New data on flux growth of mixed crystals (Y,R)(Al,M)3(BO3)4 (R=Pr, Ho, Yb, Tm; M=Sc, Ga) have been obtained. The average R distribution coefficients were found to be 0.53–1.02 for different rare earth elements as well as for scandium and gallium. Two morphological types of (Tm,Y)Al3(BO3)4 crystals were characterized. The visible luminescence spectra of (Pr,Y)Al3(BO3)4 and PrAl3(BO3)4 at 10 K and room temperature were measured. 相似文献
The energy levels of neodymium in the Nd3+:Ca2Al2SiO7 (CAS) laser material with gehlenite structure are reported. As the Nd3+:Ca2Al2SiO7 compound presents a broad absorption around 806 nm, it is a good candidate for diode pumped laser. The 4F3/2→4I9/2 and 4F3/2→4I11/2 emission have been recorded and the fluorescence branching ratios calculated from the Judd-Ofelt analysis are 0.41 and 0.47 respectively. The emission cross section at 1.06 μm (4F3/2→4I11/2 transition) is 5 × 10-20 cm2. The decay profiles of the Nd3+ emission have been analyzed for several Nd3+ concentrations using the kinetic microparameters related to the cross relaxation (
and R0≈6 Å) and the energy migration probabilities (
). In the Nd:CAS laser material, the optimal concentration corresponding to the maximum of the fluorescence intensity is determined to be around 2.7 × 1020 Nd3+ ions cm-3. The Nd3+-Nd3+ interactions are not very strong in this material as the optical concentration value is two times higher than in the Nd:YAG laser material. 相似文献