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The field of materials science and engineering is advancing at a revolutionary pace. It is now generally recognized as being among the key emerging technological fields propelling our world societies into the twenty-first century. The driving forces for this revolutionary pace are at once social, economic, political, and technological. For example, relatively recent changes in United States federal policies in environmental control, hazardous waste management, and energy conservation along with heightened international trade competition have resulted in major changes in material processing and use patterns. These changing patterns are creating new requirements for material developments, substitutions, and associated processes. This paper traces the emergence of materials policy and technological developments through four sub-periods of history: the birth and development of engineering in the United States (1825–1900), the evolution of a national research infrastructure (1900–1945), the evolution of a national science policy (1945–1973), and the intensification of global interdependency (1973-present). Future trends in materials developments and future policy requirements are outlined.  相似文献   

The field of materials science and engineering is advancing at a revolutionary pace. It is now generally recognized as being among the key emerging technological fields propelling our world societies into the twenty-first century. The driving forces for this revolutionary pace are at once social, economic, political, and technological. For example, relatively recent changes in United States federal policies in environmental control, hazardous waste management, and energy conservation along with heightened international trade competition have resulted in major changes in material processing and use patterns. These changing patterns are creating new requirements for material developments, substitutions, and associated processes. This paper traces the emergence of materials policy and technological developments through four sub-periods of history: the birth and development of engineering in the United States (1825–1900), the evolution of a national research infrastructure (1900–1945), the evolution of a national science policy (1945–1973), and the intensification of global interdependency (1973-present). Future trends in materials developments and future policy requirements are outlined. Technical Resources, of TRW, Inc., began his professional career in 1954 as a research metallurgist and reactor project engineer with General Electric Co. at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation in Richland, WA. In 1965 he joined Battelle Memorial Institute as a manager of the metallurgy research department and three years later became manager of the fuels and materials department. In 1970 Dr. Bement joined the faculty of Massachusetts Institute of Technology as professor of nuclear materials. From 1974 to 1976 he served as a member of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Bilateral Exchange Program in Magnetohydrodynamics and was the organizer and principal investigator of the M.I.T. Fusion Technology Program. In 1976 Dr. Bement became Director of the Materials Sciences Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and in 1979 was appointed Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Dr. Bement has co-authored one book, edited three books, and authored over 90 articles on materials science, energy, and defense technology. He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, the American Society for Metals, and the American Institute of Chemists. In addition, he is a member of the American Institute for Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, and the American Society for Testing and Materials. He has received outstanding achievement awards from the Colorado Engineering Council in 1954, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1977, and the Colorado School of Mines in 1984. In 1980 he was awarded the Distinguished Civilian Service Medal by the Secretary of Defense. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Bement is chairman of the National Materials Advisory Board and a member of the Board of Army Science and Technology, the Board on Engineering Sciences, the Board on Assessment of National Bureau of Standards Programs, and the Board on Science and Technology for International Development of the National Research Council. Dr. Bement received an Engineer of Metallurgy (E. Met.) degree in 1954 from the Colorado School of Mines. He received an M.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Idaho in 1959, and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1963. He is a Lt. Colonel (ret.) in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Dr. Bement and his family reside in Mayfield Village, OH.  相似文献   

The field of materials science and engineering is advancing at a revolutionary pace. It is now generally recognized as being among the key emerging technological fields propelling our world societies into the twenty-first century. The driving forces for this revolutionary pace are at once social, economic, political, and technological. For example, relatively recent changes in United States federal policies in environmental control, hazardous waste management, and energy conservation along with heightened international trade competition have resulted in major changes in material processing and use patterns. These changing patterns are creating new requirements for material developments, substitutions, and associated processes. This paper traces the emergence of materials policy and technological developments through four sub-periods of history: the birth and development of engineering in the United States (1825–1900), the evolution of a national research infrastructure (1900–1945), the evolution of a national science policy (1945–1973), and the intensification of global interdependency (1973-present). Future trends in materials developments and future policy requirements are outlined.  相似文献   

摘要:在第4次工业革命浪潮的推动下,钢铁科学与技术正在经历数字化、智能化转型。钢铁行业全流程各工序均为“黑箱”,为多场、多相、多变的巨系统,具有复杂相关关系和遗传效应等。这些不确定性带来了巨大的挑战。挑战和机遇并存。这些不确定性提供了智能化和数字化技术的应用场景资源;钢铁行业极为丰富的大数据提供了挖掘其中蕴含客观规律的数据资源;现代的数据科学、智能技术为解决不确定性问题提供了强大的手段。以数据为中心,以工业互联网为载体,以实验工具、数字数据、计算工具为支撑,建设钢铁企业材料创新基础设施,将可以大幅度提高研发效率,降低研发成本,有力地支撑钢铁材料科学与技术的转型发展。实验工具平台除了传统的实验室仪器装备和中试装备之外,实际生产线被作为主要的实验工具。这些实验工具提供丰富、精准、写实的历史数据和现实生产数据,特别是生产线装备提供实际生产大数据,蕴含着生产过程中的全部规律,是极宝贵的数据资源。利用机器学习、深度学习等现代数据挖掘技术为计算工具,对这些数据资源进行处理、分析、计算,将数据转换为高保真度模型,可以得到具有“原位分析能力”的数字孪生。在工业互联网的总体架构下,以数字孪生为核心,组成信息物理系统,构建起基于数据自动流动的状态感知、实时分析、科学决策、精准执行的闭环赋能体系,解决生产制造、应用服务过程中的复杂性和不确定性问题,提高资源配置效率,实现资源优化,对材料行业转型发展提供关键技术支撑。虚实映射、实时交互、精准控制的信息物理系统与材料创新基础设施合二为一,以材料创新基础设施为基盘,形成具有“原位分析能力”的数字孪生,建设钢铁生产全流程、一体化的信息物理系统,必将推进钢铁行业智能制造蓬勃开展和数字化、智能化转型。  相似文献   

Phase diagrams in materials science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lecture was established in 1926 as an annual lecture in memory of and in recognition of the outstanding scientific contributions to the metallurgical profession by a distinguished educator who was blind for all but two years of his professional life. It recognizes demonstrated ability in metallurgical science and engineering.  相似文献   

黄万 《包钢科技》2005,31(Z1):6-8,17
文章介绍了计算机网络技术在材料科学研究中的应用,阐述了材料科学研究领域中应用计算机的思路、方法、和原理.分析了计算机相关软件在新材料的设计、科学研究中的计算机模拟、材料的加工工艺及自动化控制等方面的广泛应用,探讨了计算机在材料科学研究领域中的具体应用,可供从事材料研究、开发和应用的工程技术人员参考.  相似文献   

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics -  相似文献   

Materials science and engineering has been emerging as a unique academic discipline during the last decade and a half. The role of chemical metallurgy in this emerging field is not well defined, yet it has played an important historical role in the intellectual development of the discipline of metallurgical engineering in terms of teaching, research, and technological appli-cations. In this lecture, I have attempted to define the role of chemical metallurgy in this emerg-ing field and, moreover, to propose using the broader term “chemical processing of material” instead of chemical metallurgy. The role is to educate materials scientists and engineers at the baccalaureate degree level as well as the graduate degree level. I believe that if materials sci-entists and engineers have a good grasp of the principles of chemical processing of materials, they will be in an excellent position to tackle many of the challenging and important problems facing us in the materials field. I have also given in this lecture three diverse examples of materials problems that have been studied using the basic principles of chemical processing of materials. These examples are used to demonstrate that the tools of chemical metallurgy can be used effectively to study many contemporary materials science and engineering problems.  相似文献   

Metallurgy/materials education will continue to evolve to encompass, in an intellectually unified way, the full range of structural and functional materials. Computation, information, and other advanced sciences and technologies will assume increasing roles in materials education, as will distance and continuing education. The advantages of the changes will be many … to the graduates, to emerging industries, and to the traditional metallurgical industries seeking productive, creative young engineers as employees. The need for continuing change in our metallurgy/materials departments is now no less if we are to attract the best young people into our field in the numbers needed and to best serve the needs of industry. Merton C. Flemings received his S.B. degree from MIT in the Department of Metallurgy in 1951. He received his S.M. and Sc.D. degrees, also in Metallurgy, in 1952 and 1954, respectively. From 1954 to 1956, he was employed as Metallurgist at Abex Corporation (Mahwah, NJ), and in 1956 returned to MIT as Assistant Professor. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1961 and Professor in 1969. In 1970, he was appointed Abex Professor of Metallurgy. In 1975, he became Ford Professor of Engineering, and, in 1981, Toyota Professor of Materials Processing. He established and was the first director of the Materials Processing. He established and was the first director of the Materials Processing Center at MIT in 1979. He served as Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, from 1982 to 1995 and thereafter returned to full-time teaching and research as Toyota Professor. He was Visiting Professor at Cambridge University in 1971, Tokyo University in 1986, and Ecole des Mines in 1996. In 1999, he was appointed Co-Director of the Singapore-MIT Alliance, a major distance educational and research collaboration among MIT and two Singaporean universities. Professor Flemings’ research and teaching concentrate on engineering fundamentals of materials processing and on innovation of materials processing operations. He is active nationally and internationally in strengthening the field of Materials Science and Engineering and in delineation of new directions for the field. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is author or co-author of 300 papers, 26 patents, and 2 books in the fields of solidification science and engineering, foundry technology, and materials processing. He has worked closely with industry and industrial problems throughout his professional career and currently serves on a number of corporate and technical advisory boards. He received the Simpson Gold Medal from the American Foundrymen’s Society in 1961, the Mathewson Gold Medal of TMS in 1969, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal of ASM International in 1973 and became a Fellow, ASM International, in 1976. In 1977, he was awarded the Henri Sainte-Claire Deville Medal by the Societe Francaise de Metallurgie. In October 1978, he received the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award from ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1980, he received the John Chipman Award from AIME. In 1984, he was elected an honorary member of the Japan Foundrymen’s Society and, in 1985, received the James Douglas Gold Medal from the AIME. The Italian Metallurgical Association awarded him the Luigi Losana Gold Medal in 1986, and he was elected honorary member of The Japan Iron and Steel Institute in 1987. He was elected a TMS Fellow in 1989. In 1990, he received the TMS Leadership Award, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal and delivered the Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lecture of ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1991, he received the Merton C. Flemings Award from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Sigma Alpha Mu elected him a Distinguished Life Member in 1992. In 1993, he received the TMS 1993 Bruce Chalmers Award and was elected Councillor of the Materials Research Society. He was elected to the ASM INTERNATIONAL Board of Trustees in 1994. He received the Acta Metallurgica J. Herbert Holloman Award in 1997 for “contributions to materials technology that have had major impact on society.” Also in 1997 he was appointed David Turnbull Lecturer of the Materials Research Society for “outstanding contributions to understanding materials phenomena and properties.” He received the Educator Award of TMS in 1999, received the FMS (Federation of Materials Societies) National Materials Advancement Award in late 1999, and delivered the ASM and TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society in 2000.  相似文献   

Metallurgy/materials education will continue to evolve to encompass, in an intellectually unified way, the full range of structural and functional materials. Computation, information, and other advanced sciences and technologies will assume increasing roles in materials education, as will distance and continuing education. The advantages of the changes will be many ... to the graduates, to emerging industries, and to the traditional metallurgical industries seeking productive, creative young engineers as employees. The need for continuing change in our metallurgy/materials departments is now no less if we are to attract the best young people into our field in the numbers and to best serve the needs of industry. Merton C. Flemings received his S.B. degree from MIT in the Department of Metallurgy in 1951. He received his S.M. and Sc.D. degrees, also in Metallurgy, in 1952 and 1954, respectively. From 1954 to 1956, he was employed as Metallurgist at Abex Corporation (Mahwah, NJ), and in 1956 returned to MIT as Assistant Professor. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1961 and Professor in 1969. In 1970, he was appointed Abex Professor of Metallurgy. In 1975, he became Ford Professor of Engineering, and, in 1981, Toyota Professor of Materials Processing. He established and was the first director of the Materials Processing Center at MIT in 1979. He served as Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, from 1982 to 1995 and thereafter returned to full-time teaching and research as Toyota Professor. He was Visiting Professor at Cambridge University in 1971, Tokyo University in 1986, and Ecole des Mines in 1996. In 1999, he was appointed Co-Director of the Singapore-MIT Alliance, a major distance educational and research collaboration among MIT and two Singaporean universities. Professor Flemings’ research and teaching concentrate on engineering fundamentals of materials processing and on innovation of materials processing operations. He is active nationally and internationally in strengthening the field of Materials Science and Engineering and in delineation of new directions for the field. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is author or co-author of 300 papers, 26 patents, and 2 books in the fields of solidification science and engineering, foundry technology, and materials processing. He has worked closely with industry and industrial problems throughout his professional career and currently serves on a number of corporate and technical advisory boards. He received the Simpson Gold Medal from the American Foundrymen’s Society in 1961, the Mathewson Gold Medal of TMS in 1969, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal of ASM International in 1973 and became a Fellow, ASM International, in 1976. In 1977, he was awarded the Henri Sainte-Claire Deville Medal by the Societe Francaise de Metallurgie. In October 1978, he received the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award from ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1980, he received the John Chipman Award from AIME. In 1984, he was elected an honorary member of the Japan Foundrymen’s Society and, in 1985, received the James Douglas Gold Medal from the AIME. The Italian Metallurgical Association awarded him the Luigi Losana Gold Medal in 1986, and he was elected honorary member of The Japan Iron and Steel Institute in 1987. He was elected a TMS Fellow in 1989. In 1990, he received the TMS Leadership Award, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal and delivered the Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lecture of ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1991, he received the Merton C. Flemings Award from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Sigma Alpha Mu elected him a Distinguished Life Member in 1992. In 1993, he received the TMS 1993 Bruce Chalmers Award and was elected Councillor of the Materials Research Society. He was elected to the ASM INTERNATIONAL Board of Trustees in 1994. He received the Acta Metallurgica J. Herbert Holloman Award in 1997 for “contributions to materials technology that have had major impact on society.” Also in 1997 he was appointed David Turnbull Lecturer of the Materials Research Society for “outstanding contributions to understanding materials phenomena and properties.” He received the Educator Award of TMS in 1999, received the FMS (Federation of Materials Societies) National Materials Advancement Award in late 1999, and delivered the ASM and TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society in 2000.  相似文献   

Titanium alloys in total joint replacement--a materials science perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased use of titanium alloys as biomaterials is occurring due to their lower modulus, superior biocompatibility and enhanced corrosion resistance when compared to more conventional stainless steels and cobalt-based alloys. These attractive properties were a driving force for the early introduction of alpha (cpTi) and alpha + beta (Ti-6A1-4V) alloys as well as for the more recent development of new Ti-alloy compositions and orthopaedic metastable beta titanium alloys. The later possess enhanced biocompatibility, reduced elastic modulus, and superior strain-controlled and notch fatigue resistance. However, the poor shear strength and wear resistance of titanium alloys have nevertheless limited their biomedical use. Although the wear resistance of beta-Ti alloys has shown some improvement when compared to alpha + beta alloys, the ultimate utility of orthopaedic titanium alloys as wear components will require a more complete fundamental understanding of the wear mechanisms involved. This review examines current information on the physical and mechanical characteristics of titanium alloys used in artifical joint replacement prostheses, with a special focus on those issues associated with the long-term prosthetic requirements, e.g., fatigue and wear.  相似文献   

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