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电控摩托车汽油发动机基本MAP的建模与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据气体状态方程和能量守恒定律建立了基本喷油脉宽的数学模型,在分析湍流火焰传播模型的基础上,建立了基本点火提前角的数学模型,并将其运用在国产125mL摩托车汽油发动机上,仿真得出此发动机电控汽油喷射系统的基本MAP图,结果与理论分析一致,且与实际最佳MAP图趋势相似,为进一步得出最佳MAP解决了难题,可大大缩短摩托车电控系统的改造周期。  相似文献   

电控汽油机计算机辅助开发系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了一种用于电控汽油机的计算机辅助开发系统。该系统利用串行通讯技术,根据配机试验的要求在线修改控制参数,以获得满足发动机性能和排放指标的最佳值。  相似文献   

电控摩托车汽油机排放特性的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用MicroEFI电喷系统开展了摩托车汽油机在怠速工况和常用部分负荷工况下的排放研究。结果表明采用隔次喷射技术、点火优化以及稀混合燃烧可使怠速工况HC排放下降68%左右、CO下降60%左右,在部分负荷工况下的HC排放下降30%~40%、CO下降20%~60%、NOx下降30%~50%。  相似文献   

本文在总结汽车发动机电控汽油喷射原理的基础上,针对小排量汽油机的特点和要求,研究开发了适合小排量汽油机的电控汽油喷射系统,对该系统的构成细节和特点进行了详细的描述,并给出了在排量为125mL的2缸四冲程摩托车发动机上的试验结果。与使用化油器相比,使用电控汽油喷射技术可以较大幅度的改善发动机的尾气排放,在不使用排气后处理装置的情况下,使其达到欧洲Ⅱ排放标准,发动机的经济性、低速扭矩特性有明显的改善,动力性比原来略有改善。本文还对如何进一步完善摩托车电控燃油喷射系统提出一些建议。  相似文献   

遗传算法在电控汽油机控制参数优化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在发动机电控系统的应用开发过程中,需要对电控系统中的控制参数进行优化。针对一定的测试规范进行控制参数的全局优化是一种先进的思想,目前国际上普遍采用Lagrange乘子法,但它具有不一定能获得全局最优解和有可能在求解过程中发生振荡或收敛缓慢等缺点。作提出了采用遗传算法求解控制参数全局优化问题,并且将该方法首次集成到研制的自动化标定系统中,指导控制参数在线优化进程,进行了1-4发动机配装SBEC-Ⅱ电控系统的基本控制参数优化工作。试验结果证实了采用遗传算法求解全局优化问题的优越性。  相似文献   

介绍摩托车化油器供油方式及其流量特性;系统地介绍摩托车汽油机电控汽油喷射系统的组成与技术特征;比较了国内外几种典型的摩托车电喷系统。  相似文献   

电控汽油机满足未来经济性和排放要求的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从满足未来汽油机经济性和排放的要求出发,提出应用先进的排气处理技术、空燃比控制技术及二冲程油气油机实现电控燃油喷射是达到上述目标的有效途径,为车用汽油机电控技术的应用与开发提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

电控喷油是二冲程汽油机的一种先进的供油方式。其特点是在保留二冲程机原有优点的同时,可显著降低排放和油耗。本文针对我国情况,建立起一套二冲程汽油机电控喷油系统,现对其基本结构和工作过程进行介绍  相似文献   

李建统 《内燃机》1989,(1):47-47
摩擦车二冲程汽油机的润滑系统按润滑方式分为混合润滑和分离润滑。 1.混合润滑混合润滑即把汽油和机油按20:1~30:1的容积比均匀混合后,灌入油箱。发动机工作时,机油和汽油的混合油在汽化器内与空气混合,形成油汽混合气进入曲轴箱,机油便在主轴承、曲柄连杆机构、活塞和气缸等摩擦副表面形成油膜,起到润滑作  相似文献   

This study presents comparative energy and exergy analyses of a four-cylinder, four-stroke spark-ignition engine using gasoline fuels of three different research octane numbers (RONs), namely 91, 93 and 95.3. Each fuel test was performed by varying the engine speed between 1200 and 2400 rpm while keeping the engine torque at 20 and 40 Nm. Then, using the steady-state data along with energy and exergy rate balance equations, various performance parameters of the engine were evaluated for each fuel case. It was found that the gasoline of 91-RON, the design octane rating of the test engine, yielded better energetic and exergetic performance, while the exergetic performance parameters were slightly lower than the corresponding energetic ones. Furthermore, this study revealed that the combustion was the most important contributor to the system inefficiency, and almost all performance parameters increased with increasing engine speed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汽油机燃用乙醇汽油和无铅汽油的试验比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汽油机参数未作任何调整的情况下,试验研究了汽油机燃用乙醇汽油对发动机经济性和动力性的影响,并与燃用无铅汽油时的结果进行了对比分析。研究表明,在部分负荷下,汽油机的功率和转矩都有所降低,但在全负荷时发动机的输出功率不变;燃油消耗率会增加5%~10%,发动机的经济区范围变窄。  相似文献   

运用动态网格技术对直喷汽油机在不同转速下缸内气体运动进行瞬态模拟研究,分析可变滚流进气系统中滚流调节阀工作状态对进气流动、喷雾及油气混合特性以及缸内燃烧特性的影响。模拟结果显示,滚流阀开启和关闭对缸内燃油分布有着显著的影响。通过关闭滚流阀提高滚流强度,可加快缸内燃油雾化速度,有助于点火时刻在缸内形成浓度均匀的混合气并提高燃烧效率;在低转速下关闭滚流阀,增加缸内滚流比,可以显著提高缸内燃烧压力,增加点火时刻的湍动能,配合较晚的点火时刻形成稳定而快速的燃烧。模拟结果有利于分析和评价不同参数对可变滚流直喷汽油机混合气形成及燃烧特性的影响规律,为可变滚流进气系统的整机开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了进一步控制汽油机怠速转速波动,改善怠速控制品质,提出了怠速模糊-PID控制方法,并在Matlab/Simulink软件平台上,搭建了PID控制、模糊控制、模糊-PID三种怠速控制仿真模型,对比分析了各种怠速控制系统的控制响应特性。通过台架试验,对原机控制算法和所设计控制算法下发动机怠速转速进行了对比,验证了该算法的正确性。结果表明:模糊-PID控制系统可以显著缩小转速波动范围,且系统响应更快,载荷切换阶段的转速波动最大幅值小于30 r·min~(–1),稳态波动幅值在±15 r·min~(–1)范围内;与PID控制、模糊控制两种控制方式相比,模糊-PID控制可显著提高怠速控制品质。  相似文献   

We evaluated the utility of a hybrid car in which both power sources of an electric motor and a gasoline engine are used and solar cells are settled on the roof and the bonnet. An array of 1.6 kW solar cells was installed on the top of a building to charge the batteries by solar energy. Though the capacities of the electric motor and batteries are half compared with conventional electric vehicles, we confirmed that this hybrid car has sufficient utility for practical use. The whole electric energy consumed in a day can be supplied by 1.6 kW solar cell system.  相似文献   

Compared to widening usage of CNG in commercial gasoline engines, insufficient but increasing number of studies have appeared in open literature during last decades while engine characteristics need to be quantified in exact numbers for each specific fuel converted engine. In this study, a dual sequential spark ignition engine (Honda L13A4 i-DSI) is tested separately either with gasoline or CNG at wide open throttle. This specific engine has unique features of dual sequential ignition with variable timing, asymmetrical combustion chamber, and diagonally positioned dual spark-plug. Thus, the engine led some important engine technologies of VTEC and VVT. Tests are performed by varying the engine speed from 1500 rpm to 4000 rpm with an increment of 500 rpm. The engine’s maximum torque speed of 2800 rpm is also tested. For gasoline and CNG fuels, engine performance (brake torque, brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake mean effective pressure), emissions (O2, CO2, CO, HC, NOx, and lambda), and the exhaust gas temperature are evaluated. In addition, numerical engine analyses are performed by constructing a 1-D model for the entire test rig and the engine by using Ricardo-Wave software. In the 1-D engine model, same test parameters are analyzed, and same test outputs are calculated. Thus, the test and the 1-D engine model are employed to quantify the effects of gasoline and CNG fuels on the engine performance and emissions for a unique engine. In general, all test and model results show similar and close trends. Results for the tested commercial engine show that CNG operation decreases the brake torque (12.7%), the brake power (12.4%), the brake mean effective pressure (12.8%), the brake specific fuel consumption (16.5%), the CO2 emission (12.1%), the CO emission (89.7%). The HC emission for CNG is much lower than gasoline. The O2 emission for CNG is approximately 55.4% higher than gasoline. The NOx emission for CNG at high speeds is higher than gasoline. The variation percentages are the averages of the considered speed range from 1500 rpm to 4000 rpm.  相似文献   

在一台1.5 L涡轮增压缸内直喷汽油发动机上,使用不同的三效催化反应器(three-way catalytic,TWC)、稀燃NOx捕集器(lean NOx trap,LNT)、被动选择性催化还原器(passive selective catalytic reduction,PSCR)等排气后处理组合,研究了汽油发动机...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to experimentally analyse the performance and the pollutant emissions of a four-stroke SI engine operating on ethanol–gasoline blends of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with the aid of artificial neural network (ANN). The properties of bioethanol were measured based on American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. The experimental results revealed that using ethanol–gasoline blended fuels increased the power and torque output of the engine marginally. For ethanol blends it was found that the brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) was decreased while the brake thermal efficiency (ηb.th.) and the volumetric efficiency (ηv) were increased. The concentration of CO and HC emissions in the exhaust pipe were measured and found to be decreased when ethanol blends were introduced. This was due to the high oxygen percentage in the ethanol. In contrast, the concentration of CO2 and NOx was found to be increased when ethanol is introduced. An ANN model was developed to predict a correlation between brake power, torque, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency and emission components using different gasoline–ethanol blends and speeds as inputs data. About 70% of the total experimental data were used for training purposes, while the 30% were used for testing. A standard Back-Propagation algorithm for the engine was used in this model. A multi layer perception network (MLP) was used for nonlinear mapping between the input and the output parameters. It was observed that the ANN model can predict engine performance and exhaust emissions with correlation coefficient (R) in the range of 0.97–1. Mean relative errors (MRE) values were in the range of 0.46–5.57%, while root mean square errors (RMSE) were found to be very low. This study demonstrates that ANN approach can be used to accurately predict the SI engine performance and emissions.  相似文献   

基于一台带有低压废气再循环系统的1.5 L涡轮增压直喷汽油发动机进行了稀燃和废气再循环(EGR)影响发动机燃烧性能的试验研究。结果表明,随着稀释率的上升,EGR和稀燃均导致发动机滞燃期、燃烧持续期延长,燃烧重心提前,有效燃油消耗率下降,排气温度下降,平均绝热指数上升。相同稀释率下,相比稀燃,EGR的滞燃期长,燃烧重心提前,两者燃烧持续期基本相等,稀释极限低,绝热指数小,排气温度低。在稀释率分别为20%、35.9%时,最大可减小有效燃油消耗率4.7%、7.2%。热容对燃油经济性的影响占主导地位,相同稀释率下,循环变动系数小于3%时,相比稀燃,EGR具有更好的燃油经济性。  相似文献   

Hydrogen is an attractive energy source for improving gasoline engine performance. In this paper, a new hydrogen nanobubble gasoline blend is introduced, and the influence of hydrogen nanobubble on the combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine is experimentally investigated. The test was performed at a constant engine speed of 2000 rpm, and engine load of 40, 60, and 80%. The air-to-fuel equivalence ratio (λ) was adjusted to the stoichiometric (λ = 1), for both gasoline, and the hydrogen nanobubble gasoline blend. The results show that the mean diameter and concentration of hydrogen nanobubble in the gasoline blend are 149 nm and about 11.35 × 108 particles/ml, respectively. The engine test results show that the power of a gasoline engine with hydrogen nanobubble gasoline blend was improved to 4.0% (27.00 kW), in comparison with conventional gasoline (25.96 kW), at the engine load of 40%. Also, the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) was improved, from 291.10 g/kWh for the conventional gasoline, to 269.48 g/kWh for the hydrogen nanobubble gasoline blend, at the engine load of 40%.  相似文献   

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