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根据有关法规和条例,结合锦江水库在实施水资源保护过程中遇到的实际情况,对锦江水库管理处多年来在水资源保护方面所做工作进行梳理、分析和总结,归纳出锦江水库水资源保护的工作体制和机制,以及地方政府和相关部门在水资源保护方面的具体做法和采取的有效措施,并提出了水库水资源保护建议.锦江水库实施水资源保护取得了一定的成效,水库水质状况保持良好,锦江水库水资源保护的实际做法和有关经验可供类似水库参考.  相似文献   

赣江水源地保护的若干问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赣江是江西最大的河流,长江第二大支流,其水资源的供给不仅对江西省的水资源调配有着重要的作用,对整个长江中下游也有着重要的影响.然而随着社会经济和人口的不断增长,流域内各城市对水量的需求不断攀升,加之流域上下游水资源量时空、地域的分布不均,如何平衡流域上下游水资源分配是赣江水源地面临的一大难题.此外,由水土流失和沿河城市污水排放等引起的水质污染又使得水质型缺水的现象加剧.本文针对赣江水源地的主要问题提出若干建议.  相似文献   

在分析南水北调受水区地下水开发利用状况的基础上,提出了受水区地下水保护与修复十项措施和五点建议。强调南水北调受水区内必须合理利用水资源,建立地下水保护区,控制地下水超采,进行地下水人工调蓄,防止地下水污染,确定地下水合理生态水位,因地制宜修复地下水水质。  相似文献   

<钢铁冶金企业设计防火规范>(GB 50414-2007)自2008年1月1日起实施.就该规范实施后对钢铁冶金企业消防给水设计带来的影响做了初步的分析和探讨,供钢铁冶金企业消防给水设计时参考.  相似文献   

针对农村河道污水,开展投放修复技术的应用研究。以TP、NH_3-N和COD_(Mn)为主要指标,比较以EM原液、EM复壮液、竹炭和水质净化球为投放物的4种不同投放技术水质净化效果,优选投放修复方案。同时深入分析项目区水质恶化的成因,并从"防"和"治"两个方面提出了项目区河道水污染修复对策,以期指导项目区河道改造工作,也为其他相似地区农村水污染的防治提供有益参考。  相似文献   

刘国信 《海河水利》2001,(Z1):22-23
根据建筑市场的竞争特点,建筑施工企业怎样才能在激烈的市场竞争中击败对手,取得胜利呢?笔者认为:强化工程质量管理,提高企业素质,优化企业形象,提高企业信誉,降低工程成本和提高经营决策科学化水平是建筑施工企业提高自身市场竞争能力的有效途径和方法.  相似文献   

在阐述了西南地区喀斯特石漠化现状的基础上,系统分析了喀斯特地区石漠化发生的成因规律,根据其不同立地条件及石漠化程度,因地制宜地提出了石漠化相关治理措施和辅助工程的思路和方法,并进一步提出喀斯特石漠化生态修复的对策及综合治理模式,实现喀斯特地区生态和经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

地表水环境风险应急设施作为化工与石化企业的环境风险防治措施之一,能有效消除或降低地表水环境风险。通过对设施建设的必要性进行论证,探讨了设施的基本框架体系,提出了水环境风险应急设施运行模式。以我国西部某大型石化企业为例进行研究分析,阐明了设施建设应把握的原则和考虑的问题:在符合国家和行业标准及规范的同时,结合企业自身的特点因地制宜,综合考虑选址、选材、结构、容量、风险等因素。  相似文献   


Transjurisdictional water pollution problems are increasing in number and are becoming a significant governance problem in China. A large number of transjurisdictional water pollution disputes that have far-reaching social effects are occurring between provinces and are also frequent between municipalities, counties, towns, and villages. In this paper, several transjurisdictional water pollution cases in China, particularly in the Yellow River Basin, are discussed. The problems and causes for transjurisdictional water pollution are addressed. There are many causes for transjurisdictional water pollution problems although the key reasons are the rapid economic development, the failure of local authorities to enforce the existing laws and to implement administrative decisions, as well as inadequacies in the legal framework. Other factors include poor technology, shortage of funds, the institutional division of jurisdiction and management over water quantity and quality both administratively and legally, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process, insufficient public participation and information disclosure, poor communication, and lack of involvement of stakeholders in basin or sub-basin organizations.  相似文献   

Conclusions  1. Existing recommendations on the design, construction, and operation of waste dumps for industrial establishments do not correspond to requirements of nature-preserving legislation; this gives rise to the need for development of a unified regulatory document on the fulfillment of design documentation for waste dumps, which do not require burial and which are subject to subsequent utilization. 2. Scientific-research, design, and other organizations having work experience with industrial establishments storing wastes in dumps should participate in the development of the regulatory documents. In that case, attention should be focused on the development of a procedure for evaluating the effect of dumps on environment as a function of geological, hydrogeological, hydrological, and other conditions for sites at which dumps are located. 3. The reliable shielding of dumps, which guarantees that no surface, soil, and ground water will be polluted by seepage flows and which permits the storage of wastes of various risk categories, is one of the most important conditions for the ecological safety of dumps. 4. The method that we have developed for shielding large horizontal and inclined areas, which utilizes chemical silting of the pores of the underlying soils and ensures a given permeability, makes it possible to build shields with a sufficiently high degree of operational reliability. 5. The reagents used to create the gel-forming solutions do not exert a negative influence on the environment, since the gel is in a bound and water-insoluble form and does not pass from the soil layer being shielded into the underlying water-bearing horizons. Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No, 5, pp. 30–34, May, 1998.  相似文献   

Basis for the protection and management of tropical lakes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Management of lakes for the protection of water quality, aquatic life and other uses must be approached somewhat differently in the tropics from how it is approached at temperate latitudes. More than half of all tropical lakes are accounted for by natural river lakes or reservoirs. Therefore, degradation of water quality in rivers will have direct negative effects on the majority of lakes in the tropics. Also, regulation of rivers, which is one result of river impoundment, is a potential cause of damage to river lakes. Tropical lakes are more sensitive than temperate lakes to increases in nutrient supply and show higher proportionate changes in water quality and biotic communities in response to eutrophication. Tropical lakes are especially prone to loss of deep‐water oxygen, and in order to maintain ecological stasis therefore require more stringent regulation of organic and nutrient loading than temperate lakes. Nutrient containment must be more strongly oriented toward nitrogen, the most probable limiting nutrient in tropical lakes, than has been the case at temperate latitudes. However, phosphorus control is also important. Nitrogen management may be more feasible in the tropics because of high temperature, which is one of the critical conditions for efficient denitrification. Planktonic and benthic communities of the tropics bear a close resemblance, both in composition and diversity, to those of temperate latitudes; there is no parallel to the latitudinal gradient in biodiversity that is characteristic of terrestrial ecosystems. Foci of biodiversity, which require special attention, include the endemic species of ancient lakes and the diverse fish communities of very large rivers. The latter are an especially valuable untapped economic resource, but face severe impairment due to hydrological regulation and pollution of rivers. Effective management programs for tropical lakes will focus on interception of nutrients, protection of aquatic habitats from invasive species, and minimization of hydrological changes in rivers to which lakes are connected. In the absence of protective management, tropical lakes will decline greatly in their utility for water supply, production of commercially useful species, and recreation.  相似文献   

Water scarcity and water pollution are severe problems in the Northern part of China, strongly affecting socio-economic development and standards of living and environment. The Shandong province is specifically plagued by water scarcity. In the coastal catchments of the Shandong province the water scarcity is even increased due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. The pressing water problems in the costal catchments in the Shandong province and resulting socio-economic troubles forced the Chinese authorities to implement a variety of measures to relieve water scarcity and abate saltwater intrusion. But not much has been achieved so far as the measures are not coordinated in their effects and cost-benefit relations have not been considered sufficiently. Such a situation calls for good, which means integrated, sustainable water management. The assessment of this situation in the project "Flood Control and Groundwater Recharge in Coastal Catchments" financed by the German Ministry of Research and Education is presented. Further objectives and first ideas for an IWRM-concept are explained. These ideas are based on concepts developed in Germany in the context of the fulfilment of the European Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

江垭水电站220kV、110kV交联聚乙烯电缆使用场所垂直高差为97.21m,在国内居首位,国外也极少见。220kV电缆与GIS配电装置相连的终端,因设计原因造成开关站电缆夹层高度不够,现场安装只得拆开GIS进线罐,这种安装方式在国内还是首次采用。监理工程师对电缆安装全过程进行严格的质量控制,在电缆本体敷设过程中,从敷设前卡架、夹具安装,敷设时托辊布置、电缆施放、固定、终端制作等各工序进行了严密的  相似文献   

This paper quantifies sediment contamination by heavy metals in four reservoirs and one lake located downstream from major urban areas in Switzerland. The waterbodies include the Wettingen Reservoir (located on the Limmat River downstream from Zürich), the Klingnau Reservoir (on the lower Aare River), the Wohlen Reservoir (downstream from Berne), the Verbois Reservoir (downstream from Geneva) and Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, city of Lausanne). For all sediment cores and contaminants, a trend is observed from high contaminant values in the lower part of the cores, decreasing to lower concentrations in the upper part of the cores. However, for each site and each element, specific features are recognized. Applying the criteria of the Swiss ordinance on soil protection, all sediment cores must be classified as contaminated by one or more contaminants and at variable levels. From these data, it is concluded that: reservoirs and lakes located downstream from major urban centres in Switzerland have accumulated significant volumes of contaminated sediments in the past, representing the largest, but not the most intensely, contaminated sites on a national scale; the main environmental risk is remobilization of the contaminants and their return to the food chain, particularly by infiltration into the groundwater; and although the processes of remobilization are identified, the conditions of occurrence and the amplitude of the processes are still poorly known. Different options of reservoir and lake sediment management also are discussed and further research topics defined.  相似文献   

本文针对地表水资源污染与保护的现状,就如何建立一个用科学的发展观指导的地表水资源管理保护体系,合理使用水资源,满足未来经济、社会发展及环境维护的需要问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

李伟光 《给水排水》2020,46(7):172-176
给排水科学与工程专业教学质量国家标准对给排水专业建设具有重要的指导作用,落实"给排水专业国标",是推进给排水专业规范化建设的首要任务。结合我国给排水专业发展现状及面临的问题,围绕全面提高给排水专业人才培养质量,从"明确战略定位,转变人才培养理念"等方面阐述了推动我国给排水专业教育教学工作适应时代发展要求的相应举措。  相似文献   

GM(1,n)和BP神经网络在福州市建成区用地预测中的应用比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规模扩展导致耕地急剧减少,研究城市规模对于保护耕地,提高城市用地集约度有重要意义。本研究分析了1998年~2005年期间福州市城市规模的变化趋势,以福州市建成区为例对GM(1,n)和BP神经网络在此类研究中的应用进行了对比。经检验,BP神经网络比灰色模型拟合良好,这是对建成区面积预测方法有益的探索。  相似文献   

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