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A reproducible synthesis and characterization of Zn-doped Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2Cu3−y Zn y O12−δ (y=0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) superconductors at a relatively lower synthesis temperature of 840°C are studied by using X-ray diffraction, resistivity, ac-susceptibility and FTIR absorption measurements. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies of these samples have shown a tetragonal structure in which the c-axis length has been found to decrease with increased Zn doping. The critical temperature and magnitude of diamagnetism have not been significantly affected with the doping of Zn at this synthesis temperature. The magnitude of diamagnetism in the as-prepared undoped samples is decreased, whereas it remains stable (unchanged) in oxygen post-annealed samples. The apical oxygen phonon’s modes of type Tl–OA–M(2) and Cu(1)–OA–M(2) {where M=Cu/Zn} and the planar oxygen phonon modes of type M(2)–OP–M(2) are also softened with the increase of Zn doping. We interpreted the softening of these oxygen related phonon modes linked with the decreased c-axis length, reduced John–Teller distortions and increased mass of Zn (65.38 amu) as compared to that of Cu (63.54 amu) (Kaplan et al., Phys. Rev. B 65, 214509, 2002).  相似文献   

We have studied the ac response of Sn doped Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2Cu3−x Sn x O10−δ superconductor samples from their ac-susceptibility measurements under different magnitudes of ac magnetic fields; H ac=0.4, 4, 16 A/m. The samples with x=0.5 and 1.0 have shown strong flux pinning and intergrain coupling. However, the sample with Sn doping of x=1.5 has shown very poor flux pinning characteristics.  相似文献   

High-temperature superconductor phase of (Cu0.5Tl0.25Pb0.25)-1223 was synthesized by solid-state reaction technique and characterized using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). XRD analysis revealed that the prepared sample was nearly monophase and exhibited tetragonal structure with space group P4/mmm. Nano-zinc-oxide, prepared by Co-precipitation method, was added to the sample. ZnO-concentrations y varied from 0.0 to 2.0 wt.% of the sample’s mass. The prepared samples were investigated through XRD, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), particle size analyzer (PSA), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), electrical resistivity and transport critical current density measurement. X-ray data analysis showed that the nano-Zn addition does not affect the tetragonal structure of (Cu0.5Tl0.25Pb0.25)-1223 phase, whereas the lattice parameters showed an insignificant variation. The results of the superconducting transition temperature, the transport critical current density and melting point of the prepared samples were found to depend on nano-ZnO concentrations.  相似文献   

The relatively higher electronegative elements (M = Pd, Nb, Bi, Hg) have been partially doped at Tl sites in Cu0.5Tl0.5−x M x Ba2O4−δ (x=0,0.25) charge reservoir layer of Cu0.5Tl0.5−x M x Ba2Ca2Cu3O10−δ superconductor. These elements may retain more oxygen in the charge reservoir layer due to their higher electronegativity as compared to Tl, and the higher population of oxygen in the charge reservoir layer can optimize the charge carriers’ density in the conducting CuO2 planes. The optimum density of mobile charge carriers in the conducting CuO2 increases Fermi wave-vector K F and Fermi velocity v F of the carriers, which results in the improvement of superconducting properties of the material.  相似文献   

The elements (M = Li, Na, K) of group I-A of the periodic table having lower electronegativity as compared to that of Tl have been partially doped at Tl sites in the (Cu0.5Tl0.25M0.25)Ba2O4−δ charge reservoir layer of (Cu0.5Tl0.25M0.25)Ba2Ca2Cu3O10−δ superconductor. The objective was to investigate the role of electron–phonon interactions and mobile charge carriers in the oxide high temperature superconductors. It has been observed from these studies that the superconductivity parameters were improved after the doping of lower electronegative elements in the charge reservoir layer. The substitution of lower electronegative elements retains smaller amount of oxygen in (Cu0.5Tl0.25M0.25)Ba2O4−δ charge reservoir layer, which in turn facilitates the transfer of mobile charge carriers to the conducting CuO2 planes.  相似文献   

Fluctuation Induced Conductivity (FIC) of Co-doped Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2Cu3−y Co y O10−δ (y=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5) Superconductors have been studied as to find the possible cause of T c suppression in these compounds. We used Aslamazov–Larkin (AL) and Lawrence–Donaich (LD) equations to analyze the FIC of our samples. In this regard, it is observed that the data seems to fit well with 3D (three-dimensional) AL equations. In addition, crossover temperature from 2D to 3D has been found. The width of the temperature window for 3D conductivity is continuously decreasing with enhanced Co concentration. The shrinking of 3D temperature region with increased Co doping can be correlated with the suppression of superconductivity. It is observed that the coherence length and th interplanar coupling strength have also been decreased with increased Co doping, consistent with the magnetic pair-breaking effect.  相似文献   

The effect of synthesis temperature on the superconducting properties of (Cu1−x Tl x )Ba2Ca3Cu4O12−δ (CuTl-1234) samples has been explored. Almost all the superconducting parameters studied in this research work are observed to be suppressed with the increase of synthesis temperature beyond 880 °C, which may be due to impurities caused by the volatility of some constituents such as thallium and oxygen deficiencies as well in the final compound. The Fluctuation Induced Conductivity (FIC) analysis has shown a decrease in the cross-over temperature (T 0) and the shift of three-dimensional (3D) Aslamasov–Larkin (AL) regions to the lower temperature with the increase of synthesis temperature beyond 880 °C. A direct correlation between the cross-over temperature (T 0), the zero temperature coherence length {ξ c (0)}, the zero resistivity critical temperature {T c (R=0)} as well as carrier concentration has also been observed.  相似文献   

The main role played by mobile carriers and fluctuation induced conductivity (FIC) in (Cu0.5Tl0.5−x K x )Ba2Ca3Cu1Zn3O12−δ (x=0, 0.25) superconductor samples are analyzed in the light of the Aslamazov–Larken (AL) theory. The enhancement of three-dimensional (3D) conductivity and grain size is achieved with K-doping at Tl sites in the (Cu0.5Tl0.5−x K x )Ba2O4−δ charge reservoir layer, which are further improved by post-annealing the samples in oxygen. The improvement of these factors causes the increase in cross-over temperature (T o), zero resistivity critical temperature {T c(R=0)} and T c(onset) of diamagnetism to their higher values. We have also evaluated the exponents (λ 2D and λ 3D), zero temperature coherence lengths ξ c(0), and interlayer coupling (J) for these samples and tried to correlate them to the superconductivity order parameters.  相似文献   

Superconducting properties of cadmium doped Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2Cu3−y Cd y O10−δ (y=0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0) samples have been studied using X-ray diffraction, resistivity, ac-susceptibility and FTIR absorption measurements. In X-ray diffraction studies these samples have shown to have tetragonal structure. The zero resistivity critical temperature and magnitude of diamagnetism are suppressed with the increased incorporation of Cd in the final compound. A change in the shape of FTIR absorption spectra, after doping, has shown the incorporation of Cd in the unit cell. A systematic hardening of the apical oxygen modes and softening of the CuO2 planar modes of vibration with increased Cd doping have shown that it is incorporated in the unit cell of Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2Cu3−y Cd y O10−δ (y=0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0) superconductors. The FTIR absorption measurements of these samples have shown that hardening of the apical oxygen modes of types Cu(1)–O(2)–Tl and Cu(1)–O(2)–Cu(2)/Cd y (y=0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0) increases with the increase of Cd doping in the samples. A softening of the CuO2 planar oxygen mode Cu(2)–O–Cu(2) is also observed with the increased Cd doping in the final compound. It is most likely that hardening of the apical oxygen modes and the softening of the planar modes of vibration are associated damped harmonic oscillations produced by heavier Cd atoms in the CuO2 planes, which suppress the phonon population from a desired level, reducing the magnitude of superconductivity in the final compound.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2−q Mg q Cu3O10−δ (q=0, 0.5, 1.0 1.5) superconductor samples were studied at two temperatures of 80 and 290 K by capacitance (C) and conductance (G) measurements with the test frequency (f) in the range of 10 KHz to 10 MHz. We have presented the measurements of the dielectric constants (ε′ and ε″), dielectric loss factor (tan δ) and ac-conductivity (σ ac) as a function of frequency and temperature. A negative capacitance (NC) experience has been observed, which is most likely due to different contact electrodes and superconductor samples’ Fermi levels. Since metals have their Fermi levels higher than ceramics, there is a flow of the carriers from the ceramic samples towards the metal electrodes. The dielectric polarization phenomenon is observed, which is due to dislodgment of mobile charges from their equilibrium position relative to fixed charges of the reservoir layer. The improved inter plane coupling promoted by Mg substitution at Ca site would change the dielectric response of Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2−q Mg q Cu3O10−δ superconductors. To observe such effects in Mg doped Cu0.5Tl0.5Ba2Ca2−q Mg q Cu3O10−δ superconductors, di- electric measurements were carried out both at room temperature (290 K) and in the superconducting state closer to the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (80 K). The excess conductivity arising due to superconducting state of material has been determined, and its role in the mechanism of superconductivity is suggested. The negative dielectric constant (ε′) and dielectric loss factor (tan δ) show strong dispersion at low frequencies. The lower thermal agitation at 80 K may enhance the polarizability and hence the dielectric constants (ε′ and ε″).  相似文献   

Bulk superconducting samples of type GdBa2Cu3−x Ru x O7−δ , Gd-123, with x=0.0–0.3 were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction technique. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron dispersive X-ray (EDX) and electrical-resistivity measurements were performed in order to investigate the effect of Ru4+ ions substitution on Gd-123 phase. Enhancement of both phase formation and the superconducting transition temperature T c for GdBa2Cu3−x Ru x O7−δ phase up to x=0.05 was observed from XRD and electrical-resistivity measurement, respectively. This enhancement was confirmed with the calculated relative volume fraction. For x>0.05, suppression of both phase formation and T c was obtained and the superconductivity was completely destroyed around x=0.3. The normal-state electrical resistivity was analyzed by the two- and three-dimensional variable range hopping (2D-VRH and 3D-VRH) and Coulomb gap CG. The results showed that the dominant mechanism was CG for x≤0.075, while was 3D-VRH for x≥0.15.  相似文献   

The effects of addition to YBa2Cu3O7–x of lithium halides (YBa2Cu3O7–x (LiF) y , and YBa2Cu3O7–x (LiCl) y ) on the structural, electric, magnetic, and transport properties are analyzed. Both structural and superconducting properties depend weakly on the lithium content up to y= 0.10. The critical temperature keeps on a value well above 91 K for a small amount of lithium halide (reaching 93.48K. for y= 0.02 in YBa2Cu3O7–x (LiF) y and 91.30 K in YBa2Cu3O7–x (LiCl) y ), but for higher concentration of Li it rapidly decreases (81.68K for y= 0.20). The same behavior is exhibited in the lower intragranular critical field. The intragranular critical current density depends on the magnetic field as a power law:j cB , with a lithium-concentration-dependent . The voltage–current characteristics follow a law typical for granular superconductors, V(II c(B,T)) n(B,T). The dependence of the intergranular critical current, I c, and of the exponent, n, on temperature, magnetic field, and concentration is analyzed.  相似文献   

Investigations of Y1–x M x Ba2Cu3O7– (M=Ce, Th)c-axis oriented thin film specimens show that the rate of depression ofT c withx is larger for M=Th, than for M=Ce and Pr, and suggest that Ce, like Th, is tetravalent in this compound. Hall effect measurements on Y1–x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7– single crystals reveal aT 2 dependence of the cotangent of the Hall angle in the normal state and a negative Hall anomaly belowT c in the superconducting state, in agreement with recent reports. Our research shows that the depth, , of the negative Hall signal scales withT/T c and that the maximum value of decreases linearly withx and vanishes atx0.24. Magnetoresistance measurements on Y1–x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7– single crystals indicate that the irreversibility lineH(T *) obeys a universal scaling relation characterized by anm=3/2 power law nearT c, with a crossover to a more rapid temperature dependence of belowT/T c 0.6, similar to that observed for polycrystalline specimens.  相似文献   

The thermal variation of the electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 + pellets subjected to various degrees of deoxygenation is reported. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivities of deoxygenated samples displays gradual transformation from metallic-like to semiconductor-like features in the normal state. All the samples however, show superconducting transition, but increasing deoxygenation depresses T C0 from 102 to 45 K. Gross features of the temperature variation of thermoelectric power observed in properly oxygenated (Bi, Pb)-2223 cuprates are retained in all the deoxygenated samples. Our results on electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power in the normal state have been found to be consistent with a two-band model.  相似文献   

We report the effect of Zn Substitution on superconducting and normal state properties of new Y-based Y3Ba5Cu8−x Zn x O18−δ superconductor. The resistivity of the samples rather shows linear temperature dependence. Two cases of bipolaron model, in presence and absence of thermally excited individual polarons, are used to analyze normal state resistivity. The effect of Zn substitution on carrier localization, transition temperature, boson–boson relaxation time, and extended bosons are discussed.  相似文献   

The orientation-resolved femtosecond spectroscopy, combined with the well-textured (110)- and (001)-Y0.7Ca0.3Ba2Cu3O7−δ thin films, serves as an effective probe to quasiparticle relaxation dynamics on the ab planes and along the diagonal orientations. The significant divergences in the temperature-dependent relaxation time (τ) associated with the opening of superconducting gap were observed along the nodal directions and on the CuO2 planes which are dominated by the a axis and b axis in the overdoped region. Moreover, the divergence in the temperature-dependent τ along the nodal direction disappears around optimal doped region. This implies that the superconducting gap evolves from the dominant s-wave symmetry in overdoped region into the dominant d-wave symmetry in optimal doped region.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the crystal structure, thermal expansion, and electrical conductivity of two series of perovskites (LaMn0.25−x Co0.75−x Cu2x O3−δ and LaMn0.75−x Co0.25−x Cu2x O3−δ with x = 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, and 0.25) in the quasi-ternary system LaMnO3–LaCoO3–“LaCuO3”. The Mn/Co ratio was found to have a stronger influence on these properties than the Cu content. In comparison to the Co-rich series (LaMn0.25−x Co0.75−x Cu2x O3−δ), the Mn-rich series (LaMn0.75−x Co0.25−x Cu2x O3−δ) showed a much higher Cu solubility. All compositions in this series were single-phase materials after calcination at 1100 °C. The Co-rich series showed higher thermal expansion coefficients (αmax = 19.6 × 10−6 K−1) and electrical conductivity (σmax = 730 S/cm at 800 °C) than the Mn-rich series (αmax = 10.6 × 10−6 K−1, σmax = 94 S/cm at 800 °C). Irregularities in the thermal expansion curves indicated phase transitions at 150–350 °C for the Mn-rich series, while partial melting occurred at 980–1000 °C for the Co-rich series with x > 0.15. I. Arul Raj—on leave from Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, 630006 India.  相似文献   

The results of a systematic powder neutron study on Y1–x CaxBa2Cu3–y Co y O for A (x=y=0), B (x=0;y=0.2), C (x= 0;y=0.4), D (x=y=0.2), and E (x=y=0.4) are investigated with a view to understanding the relation between the structural parameters and superconductivity. Rietveld refinements of the structures show that: (a) Co substitutes at the chain Cu(1) sites only, except for sample E, where the presence of a minor amount of Co at the planar Cu(2) site cannot be ruled out; (b) Co substitution reduced thec-parameter, which is reduced even further upon substitution of Ca at the Y-sites; (c) the occupancy factors of the chain O(1) site indicate an average coordination of 4.8 and 5.1 for Co for samples B and C, but only 4 for D and E; (d) Cu/Co(1) atoms for B and C display large thermal parameters, suggesting a displacement from their ideal centrosymmetric location; (e) the apical Cu(1)-O(4) bond lengthens upon substitution of Co in samples B and C but undergoes shortening upon substitution of Ca in the case of samples D and E. The apical Cu(2)-O(4) bond, on the other hand, shows just the opposite trend; (f) samples D and E show a reduction in the separation of CuO2 layers and their oxygen content; and (e) the bond valence of the Cu(2) ion shows the lowest value of 2.127 for the nonsuperconducting sample C.  相似文献   

We have measured the in-plane Hall effect and in-plane resistivity of cobalt-doped YBa2Cu3O7– (YBCO) single-crystal samples. The concentration of cobalt ranged from 1 to 3%. As the applied field was varied, a sign reversal of the Hall resistivity was seen for 1 and 2% Co-doped samples, but not for the 3% sample. Our results are expressed in terms of conductivities, as recently recommended by the work of Dorseyet al. and Kopninet al. In the mixed state just below the superconducting transition temperatureT c, the Hall conductivity xy is the sum of two terms,C 1/H andC 2H, whereC 1 andC 2 are field-independent but temperature-dependent. As previously observed by Ginsberg and Manson for undoped YBCO, the coefficientC 1 is approximately proportional to 2 andC 2 is approximately linear in, where = 1–(T/T c ). The values ofC 1 andC 2 are presented for each cobalt concentration.  相似文献   

A series of single phase (La1−x Sr1+x ) (Mn0.5Co0.5)O4 (0≤x≤0.40) materials with a tetragonal K2NiF4 structure was prepared by a solid state reaction method at 1400 or 1450 °C with a short period of heating time. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the Rietveld refinement method were employed for the structural analysis. Unit cell a- and c-axes decrease with increasing amount of Sr substitution. A discrepancy between the zero-field-cooled and the field-cooled magnetization is observed in all samples investigated below a characteristic temperature, T *, which likely arises from the canted nature of spins or the random freezing of spins. It appears that T * decreases with increasing amount of Sr substitution, which is possibly due to the enhancement of chemical pressure induced by Sr and a corresponding increases of the valence of Mn and/or Co.  相似文献   

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