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The structure of the nuclear fuel cycle, consisting of the technological stages of uranium production, refining, enrichment, fabrication of nuclear fuel, and reprocessing of the spent fuel for reuse of the fissioning materials, is examined. Supplying fuel includes supplying fuel for Russian nuclear power plants, propulsion and research reactors, export of fuel for nuclear power plants and research reactors constructed according to Russian designs, export of low-enriched uranium and fuel for nuclear power plants constructed according to foreign designs. The explored deposits of natural uranium, the estimated stores of uranium in reserve deposits, and warehoused stores will provide nuclear power with uranium up to 2030 and in more distant future with the planned rates of development. The transition of nuclear power plants to a new fuel run will save up to 20% of the natural uranium. The volume of reprocessing of spent fuel and reuse of 235U makes it possible to satisfy up to 30% of the demand for resources required for Russian nuclear power plants. The most efficient measure of the resource safety of Russian nuclear power is implementation of an interconnected strategy at each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle.  相似文献   

High neutron economy, on line refueling and channel design result in the unsurpassed fuel cycle flexi-bility and variety for CANDU reactors. According to the Chinese national conditions that China has both PWR and CANDU reactors and the closed cycle policy of reprocessing the spent PWR fuel is adopted, one of the advanced nu-clear fuel cycles of PWR/CANDU synergism using the reprocessed uranium of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactor is proposed, which will save the uranium resource (-22.5%), increase the energy output (-41%), decrease the quantity of spent fuels to be disposed (-2/3) and lower the cost of nuclear poower, Because of the inherent flexibility of nuclearfuel cycle in CANDU reactor, and the low radiation level of recycled uranium(RU), which is acceptable for CANDU reactor fuel fabrication, the transition from the natural uranium to the RU can be completed without major modifica-tion of the reactor core structure and operation mode.It can be implemented in Qinshan Phase Ⅲ CANDU reactors with little or no requirement of big investment in new design. It can be expected that the reuse of recycled uranium of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactor is a feasible and desirable strategy in China.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2005,32(16):1750-1781
In 1966, Philadelphia Electric has put into operation the Peach Bottom I nuclear reactor, it was the first high temperature gas reactor (HTGR); the pioneering of the helium-cooled and graphite-moderated power reactors continued with the Fort St. Vrain and THTR reactors, which operated until 1989. The experience on HTGRs lead General Atomics to design the gas turbine – modular helium reactor (GT-MHR), which adapts the previous HTGRs to the generation IV of nuclear reactors. One of the major benefits of the GT-MHR is the ability to work on the most different types of fuels: light water reactors waste, military plutonium, MOX and thorium. In this work, we focused on the last type of fuel and we propose a mixture of 40% thorium and 60% uranium. In a uranium–thorium fuel, three fissile isotopes mainly sustain the criticality of the reactor: 235U, which represents the 20% of the fresh uranium, 233U, which is produced by the transmutation of fertile 232Th, and 239Pu, which is produced by the transmutation of fertile 238U. In order to compensate the depletion of 235U with the breeding of 233U and 239Pu, the quantity of fertile nuclides must be much larger than that one of 235U because of the small capture cross-section of the fertile nuclides, in the thermal neutron energy range, compared to that one of 235U. At the same time, the amount of 235U must be large enough to set the criticality condition of the reactor. The simultaneous satisfaction of the two above constrains induces the necessity to load the reactor with a huge mass of fuel; that is accomplished by equipping the fuel pins with the JAERI TRISO particles. We start the operation of the reactor with loading fresh fuel into all the three rings of the GT-MHR and after 810 days we initiate a refueling and shuffling schedule that, in 9 irradiation periods, approaches the equilibrium of the fuel composition. The analysis of the keff and mass evolution, reaction rates, neutron flux and spectrum at the equilibrium of the fuel composition, highlights the features of a deep burn in-core fuel management strategy for a uranium–thorium fuel.  相似文献   

Fusion fission hybrids, driven by a copious source of fusion neutrons can open qualitatively “new” cycles for transmuting nuclear fertile material into fissile fuel. A totally reprocessing-free (ReFree) Th232–U233 conversion fuel cycle is presented. Virgin fertile fuel rods are exposed to neutrons in the hybrid, and burned in a traditional light water reactor, without ever violating the integrity of the fuel rods. Throughout this cycle (during breeding in the hybrid, transport, as well as burning of the fissile fuel in a water reactor) the fissile fuel remains a part of a bulky, countable, ThO2 matrix in cladding, protected by the radiation field of all fission products. This highly proliferation-resistant mode of fuel production, as distinct from a reprocessing dominated path via fast breeder reactors (FBR), can bring great acceptability to the enterprise of nuclear fuel production, and insure that scarcity of naturally available U235 fuel does not throttle expansion of nuclear energy. It also provides a reprocessing free path to energy security for many countries. Ideas and innovations responsible for the creation of a high intensity neutron source are also presented.  相似文献   

The reprocessing actinide materials extracted from spent fuel for use in mixed oxide fuels is a key component in maximizing the spent fuel repository utility. While fast spectrum reactor technologies are being considered in order to close the fuel cycle, and transmute these actinides, there is potential to utilize existing pressurized heavy water reactors such as the CANDU®1 design to meet these goals. The use of current thermal reactors as an intermediary step which can burn actinide based fuels can significantly reduce the fast reactor infrastructure needed. This paper examines the features of actinide mixed oxide fuel, TRUMOX, in a typical CANDU nuclear reactor. The actinide concentrations used were based on extraction from 30 year cooled spent fuel and mixed with natural uranium in 4.75% actinide MOX fuel. The WIMS-AECL model of the fuel lattice was created and the two neutron group properties were transferred to RFSP in order to create a 3 dimensional time average full core model. The model was created with typical CANDU limits on bundle and channel powers and a burnup target of 45 MWd/kgHE. The TRUMOX fuel design achieved its goals and performed well under normal operations simulations. This effort demonstrated the feasibility of using the current fleet of CANDU reactors as an intermediary step in burning reprocessed spent fuel and reducing actinide burdens within the end repository. The recycling, reprocessing and reuse of spent fuels produces a much more sustainable and efficient nuclear fuel cycle using existing and proven reactor technologies.  相似文献   

本文报道了中国科学院上海原子核研究所在开展钍铀燃料循环研究方面的进展和取得的成果。这些研究主要为克级量纯~(253)U的提取、钍基燃料后处理技术研究、新的铀钍萃取体系的研究、钍铀镤分离和分析方法研究、中子辐照ThO_2时产生有关核素的累积与中子积分通量和中子能谱的关系、钍的零功率试验等。本文还对钛的利用进行了评估和展望。  相似文献   

Sustainable nuclear energy production requires reuse of spent nuclear fuel while avoiding its misuse. In the paper we assume that plutonium with sufficiently high content of the Pu-238 isotope (about 6% or more) and americium from spent nuclear fuel are proliferation-resistant. On the other hand, neptunium should be considered as material that is fissionable in a fast neutron spectrum and could be misused.We also assume that plutonium denatured by Pu-238 can be produced in nuclear reactors of, e.g. nuclear weapon states and used for fuel fabrication there or in multilateral reprocessing and re-fabrication centers as suggested by IAEA. Then the fabricated fuel can be utilized in nuclear reactors everywhere provided that the reactors may operate safely and the fuel remains proliferation-resistant after utilization. Options to meet these criteria are investigated in the paper for two reactor types: pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and fast reactors (FRs).In PWRs, the investigated fresh fuel compositions include denatured plutonium and depleted uranium mixed with a small amount of U-233, thorium and, optionally, with americium, presence of U-233 making the coolant void effect negative. In FRs, use of americium makes plutonium denatured, both for the burner (without fertile blanket) and breeder options. It is shown that the proposed design and fuel options are proliferation-resistant, the generation of neptunium being very low. Safety parameters are acceptable. Advanced aqueous or pyrochemical reprocessing for plutonium/thorium/uranium fuel and related fuel re-fabrication technology applying remote handling may become necessary to realize the considered fuel cycles.  相似文献   

A pyroelectrochemical process for reprocessing spent fuel and fabricating granular oxides UO2, PuO2 or (U, Pu)O2 from chloride melts has been developed at the Scientific-Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors for a prospective nuclear fuel cycle. The basic equipment has been developed. The basic results of a comprehensive study of fuel elements with vibrationally compacted (U, Pu)O2 fuel for fast reactors are presented. The performance of the reactors remains high up to 30% burnup in standard BOR-60 reactor fuel assemblies and 32% burnup in experimental fuel elements. An assessment is made of the effectiveness of the pyroelectrochemical methods and vibrational compaction technology for plutonium utilization.  相似文献   

This study quantifies the credits of beryllium and uranium which are used as the raw materials for BeO-UO2 nuclear fuel by analyzing the influence of their credits on the nuclear fuel cycle cost was analyzed, where the credit was defined as the value of raw materials recovered from spent fuel and the raw materials that were re-cycled. The credits of beryllium and uranium at 60 MWD/kg burn-up were –0.22 Mills/kWh and –0.14 Mills/kWh, respectively. These findings were based on the assumption that the optimal mixing proportion of beryllium in the BeO-UO2 nuclear fuel is 4.8 wt%. In sum, the present study verified that the credits of beryllium and uranium in relation to BeO-UO2 nuclear fuel are significant cost drivers in the cost of the nuclear fuel cycle and in estimating the nuclear fuel cycle of the reprocessing option for spent nuclear fuels.  相似文献   

The main directions and results of research on pyrochemical reprocessing of weapons plutonium in fuel for fast reactors are presented. It is shown that this technology is economical and ecologically validated, compact, fire and explosion safe, especially for reprocessing in carbide-nitride as well as oxide fuel for fast reactors. It satisfies the principle of nonproliferation. For reprocessing weapons plutonium in oxide fuel with deep removal of 241Am and Ga, a combined process which combines pyrochemical conversion of plutonium into oxide or nitride powder, and dissolution in acids and extraction of impurities. It is shown that the fuel kernels made from nitride, carbide, and oxide powers both from individual PuN, PuC0.86, and PuO2 powders as well as mixed plutonium compounds with uranium are fabricated by means of the conventional regime and provide the required density and content of gallium of <0.001 wt. %.  相似文献   

This paper describes some of the basic charactritics of the HTGR fuel with emphasis on the 1160 MW(e) plant now being offered commercially by Gulf General Atomic and some of the aspects of the fuel cycle which are unique to the HTGR. The fuel cycle is based on highly enriched (93%) uranium for the initial and the make-up fissile material; thorium for the fertile material, with the bred 233U being recycled at the earliest opportunity. The fuel elements consist only of ceramic materials with the thorium/uranium carbides or oxides in the form of coated particles.  相似文献   

Alternative strategies are being considered as management option for current spent nuclear fuel transuranics (TRU) inventory. Creation of transmutation fuels containing TRU for use in thermal and fast reactors is one of the viable strategies. Utilization of these advanced fuels will result in transmutation and incineration of the TRU. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of conventional PWR spent fuel variations on TRU-fueled very high temperature reactor (VHTR) systems. The current effort is focused on prismatic core configuration operated under a single batch once-through fuel cycle option. IAEA’s nuclear fuel cycle simulation system (VISTA) was used to determine potential PWR spent fuel compositions. Additional composition was determined from the analysis of United States legacy spent fuel that is given in the Yucca Mountain Safety Assessment Report. A detailed whole-core 3-D model of the prismatic VHTR was developed using SCALE5.1 code system. The fuel assembly block model was based on Japan’s HTTR fuel block configuration. To establish a reference reactor system, calculations for LEU-fueled VHTR were performed and the results were used as the basis for comparative studies of the TRU-fueled systems. The LEU fuel is uranium oxide at 15% 235U enrichment. The results showed that the single-batch core lifetimes ranged between 5 and 7 years for all TRU fuels (3 years in LEU), providing prolonged operation on a single batch fuel loading. Transmutation efficiencies ranged between 19% and 27% for TRU-based fuels (13% in LEU). Total TRU material contents for disposal ranged between 730 and 808 kg per metric ton of initial heavy metal loading, reducing TRU inventory mass by as much as 27%. Decay heat and source terms of the discharged fuel were also calculated as part of the spent fuel disposal consideration. The results indicated strong potential of TRU-based fuel in VHTR.  相似文献   

Full recycling of transuranic (TRU) isotopes can in theory lead to a reduction in repository radiotoxicity to reference levels in as little as ∼500 years provided reprocessing and fuel fabrication losses are limited. However, over a limited timeframe, the radiotoxicity of the ‘final’ core can dominate over reprocessing losses, leading to a much lower reduction in radiotoxicity compared to that achievable at equilibrium. In Part I of this paper, TRU recycle over up to 5 generations of light water reactors (LWRs) or sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) is considered for uranium (U) fuel cycles. With full actinide recycling, at least 6 generations of SFRs are required in a gradual phase-out of nuclear power to achieve transmutation performance approaching the theoretical equilibrium performance. U-fuelled SFRs operating a break-even fuel cycle are not particularly effective at reducing repository radiotoxicity as the final core load dominates over a very long timeframe. In this paper, the analysis is extended to the thorium (Th) fuel cycle. Closed Th-based fuel cycles are well known to have lower equilibrium radiotoxicity than U-based fuel cycles but the time taken to reach equilibrium is generally very long. Th burner fuel cycles with SFRs are found to result in very similar radiotoxicity to U burner fuel cycles with SFRs for one less generation of reactors, provided that protactinium (Pa) is recycled. Th-fuelled reduced-moderation boiling water reactors (RBWRs) are also considered, but for burner fuel cycles their performance is substantially worse, with the waste taking ∼3–5 times longer to decay to the reference level than for Th-fuelled SFRs with the same number of generations. Th break-even fuel cycles require ∼3 generations of operation before their waste radiotoxicity benefits result in decay to the reference level in ∼1000 years. While this is a very long timeframe, it is roughly half that required for waste from the Th or U burner fuel cycle to decay to the reference level, and less than a tenth that required for the U break-even fuel cycle. The improved performance over burner fuel cycles is due to a more substantial contribution of energy generated by 233U leading to lower radiotoxicity per unit energy generation. To some extent this an argument based on how the radiotoxicity is normalised: operating a break-even fuel cycle rather than phasing out nuclear power using a burner fuel cycle results in higher repository radiotoxicity in absolute terms. The advantage of Th break-even fuel cycles is also contingent on recycling Pa, and reprocessing losses are significant also for a small number of generations due to the need to effectively burn down the TRU. The integrated decay heat over the scenario timeframe is almost twice as high for a break-even Th fuel cycle than a break-even U fuel cycle when using SFRs, as a result of much higher 90Sr production, which subsequently decays into 90Y. The peak decay heat is comparable. As decay heat at vitrification and repository decay heat affect repository sizing, this may weaken the argument for the Th cycle.  相似文献   

The low enriched uranium UO2 (about 19.75% U235) fuel is proposed to be used in low-power research reactors. The thermal-hydraulic and dynamic characteristics are examined in this paper. The fuel behaves similarly to the actual highly enriched uranium fuel in the normal daily operation for both Miniature Neutron Source Reactors and SLOWPOKEs, the cladding temperature reaching about 60 °C. During the simulation of a design basis accident the reactor power peak and temperatures are found to be higher than in the case of the highly enriched uranium fuel for MNSRs, the power peak touching 135 kW, and the cladding temperature reaching over 110 °C in this case. Nevertheless the fuel can be safely used in these reactors.  相似文献   

Conclusions As a result of the calculations, it has been established that for nuclear reactors of power type the amount of232U formed depends significantly on the neutron-spectrum hardness, while for fast reactors operating on uranium fuel this amount is close to the quantity of232U obtained in reactors of water-cooled-water-moderated type with 3.6% enrichment. The comparison is made for the same235U burnup depth, and the difference in effective cross sections of the reaction (n, 2n) is disregarded.To determine the absolute amount of232U accumulation, it is necessary to take account of the reaction (n, 2n).Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp 67–70, February, 1980.  相似文献   

The scientific-research work on reprocessing spent oxide fuel by gas-fluoride method is reviewed. The refining possibilities of the basic stages of gas-fluoride technology are studied. The possibility of separating most fission products from the ashes at the fluoridation stage is confirmed experimentally. The use of fluoride sorbents (NaF, BaF2) permits reaching a total coefficient of removal of fission products from UF6 at the 107 level. It is shown that deep extraction of plutonium from oxide fuel is possible. The results of investigations on pyrohydrolysis of UF6 and a mixture of UF6 with PuF6 with production of granulate of the oxides with the required density with fluorine content 0.005 mass % and oxygen coefficient 2–2.1 are presented.Recommendations for use of gas-fluoride technology for reprocessing spent oxide fuel from fast and light-water reactors are given taking account of the new requirements for nonproliferation of fissioning materials, and a prediction is given for a closed nuclear fuel cycle using gas-fluoride technology and separation of Np, Am, and Cm for transmutation with the aid of easily melting fluoride melts. 1 figure, 5 tables, 27 references.  相似文献   

The results of a search for the optimal water-uranium ratio for VVER with no changes to the fuel elements and assemblies are presented. It is shown that decreasing the volume of a fuel pellet while maintaining the same 235U load as a result of increasing the enrichment will decrease the specific consumption of uranium and increase the run time. The proposed modifications to the fuel can be implemented in operating reactors and advanced VVER designs.  相似文献   

When spent Light Water Reactor fuels are processed by the standard Purex method of reprocessing, plutonium (Pu) and uranium (U) in spent fuel are obtained as pure and separate streams. The recovered Pu has a fissile content (consisting of 239Pu and 241Pu) greater than 60% typically (although it mainly depends on discharge burnup of spent fuel). The recovered Pu can be recycled as mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel after being blended with a fertile U makeup in a MOX fabrication plant. The burnup that can be obtained from MOX fuel depends on: (1) isotopic composition of Pu, which is closely related to the discharge burnup of spent fuel from which Pu is recovered; (2) the type of fertile U makeup material used (depleted U, natural U, or recovered U); and (3) fraction of makeup material in the mix (blending ratio), which in turn determines the total fissile fraction of MOX. Using the Non-linear Reactivity Model and the code MONTEBURNS, a step-by-step procedure for computing the total fissile content of MOX is introduced. As was intended, the resulting expression is simple enough for quick/hand calculations of total fissile content of MOX required to reach a desired burnup for a given discharge burnup of spent fuel and for a specified fertile U makeup. In any case, due to non-fissile (parasitic) content of recovered Pu, a greater fissile fraction in MOX than that in fresh U is required to obtain the same burnup as can be obtained by the fresh U fuel.  相似文献   

The success of the three stage Indian nuclear energy program is inter-linked with the establishment of an efficient closed fuel cycle approach with recycling of both fissile and fertile components of the spent fuel to appropriate reactor systems. The Indian reprocessing journey was started way back in 1964 with the commissioning of a plant based on PUREX technology to reprocess aluminum clad natural uranium spent fuel from the research reactor CIRUS. After achieving the basic skills, a power reactor reprocessing facility was built to reprocess spent fuel from power reactors. Adequate design and operating experience was gained from these two plants for mastering the reprocessing technology. The first plant, being the maiden venture, based on indigenous technology had to undergo many modifications during its operation and finally needed refurbishment for continued operation. Decommissioning and decontamination of this plant was carried out meticulously to allow unrestricted access to the cells for fresh installation. A third plant was built for power reactor spent fuel reprocessing to serve as a design standard for future plants with the involvement of industry. Over the years, spent fuel reprocessing based on PUREX technology has reached a matured status and can be safely deployed to meet the additional reprocessing requirements to cater to the expanding nuclear energy program. Side by side with the developments in the spent natural uranium fuel reprocessing, irradiated thoria reprocessing is also perused to develop THOREX into a robust process. The additional challenges in this domain are being addressed to evolve appropriate technological solutions. Advancements in the field of science and technology are being absorbed to meet the challenges of higher recovery combined with reduced exposure and environmental discharges.  相似文献   

Voloxidation is a necessary process in the dry reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels. The criticality evaluation plays a considerable role in the design of voloxidation apparatus. As conservative results are always preferred in a criticality evaluation, an optimized model was built in consideration of both the geometry of voloxidation apparatus and the occurring forms of evaluation material. The criticality evaluation of fresh UO2 fuel and PWR spent fuel were then performed by employing Monte Carlo techniques, respectively. It is demonstrated that there is no criticality risk concerning the voloxidation process dealing with fresh UO2 or PWR spent fuel if water does not intrude into the cell. However, if water intrudes and mixes with the fuels, the subcritical mass limit is 40.1 ± 0.1 kg for fresh UO2 and 19,155 ± 50 kg for spent fuel. The contributions of 1H and 235U were analyzed quantitatively by the TSUNAMI code to clarify the competition between 1H moderation effect and its dilution effect on the concentration of 235U.  相似文献   

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