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It is shown that by calibrating neutron albedo dosemeters under the proper conditions, two complicating effects will essentially cancel out, allowing accurate calibrations with no need for explicit corrections. The 'proper conditions' are: a large room (> or = 8 m on a side). use of a D2O moderated 252Cf source, and a source-to-phantom calibration distance of approximately 70 cm.  相似文献   

Measurement of the personal dose equivalent rates for neutrons is a difficult task because available dosemeters do not provide the required energy response and sensitivity. Furthermore, the available wide calibration spectra recommended by the International Standard Organisation does not reproduce adequately the spectra encountered in practical situations of the nuclear industry. There is a real necessity to characterise the radiation field, in which workers can be exposed, and to calibrate personal dosemeters in order to determine the dose equivalent in these installations. For this reason, we measure the neutron spectrum with our Bonner sphere system and we fold this spectrum with energy-dependent fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients to obtain the reference dose equivalent rate. This reference value is then compared with the personal dosemeter reading to determine a field-specific correction factor. In this paper, we present the values of this field-specific correction factor for etched track and albedo thermoluminescence dosemeters at three measurement locations inside the containment building of the Vandellòs II nuclear power plant. We have found that assigning to each personal dosemeter the mean value of the field-specific correction factors of the three measurement locations, allows the evaluation of neutron personal dose equivalent rate with a relative uncertainty of approximately 25 and 15% for the PADC and albedo dosemeters, respectively.  相似文献   

The GSF-Personal Monitoring Service uses the TLD albedo dosemeter as standard neutron personal dosemeter. Due to its low sensitivity for fast neutrons however, it is generally not recommended for workplaces at high-energy accelerators. Test measurements with the albedo dosemeter were performed at the accelerator laboratories of GSI in Darmstadt and DESY in Hamburg to reconsider this hypothesis. It revealed that the albedo dosemeter can also be used as personal dosemeter at these workplaces, because at all measurement locations a significant part of neutrons with lower energies could be found, which were produced by scattering at walls or the ground.  相似文献   

The ENEA Radiation Protection Institute has been operating the only neutron personal dosimetry service in Italy since the 1970s. Since the 1980s the service has been based on PADC (poly allyl diglycol carbonate) for fast neutron dosimetry, while thermal neutron dosimetry has been performed using thermoluminescence (TL) dosemeters. Since the service was started, a number of aspects have undergone evolution. The latest and most important changes are as follows: in 1998 a new PADC material was introduced in routine, since 2001 TL thermal dosimetry has been based on LiF(Mg,Cu,P) [GR-200] and (7)LiF(Mg,Cu,P) [GR-207] detectors and since 2003 a new image analysis reading system for the fast neutron dosemeters has been used. Herein an updated summary of how the service operates and performs today is presented. The approaches to calibration and traceability to estimate the quantity of H(p)(10) are mentioned. Results obtained at the performance test of dosimetric services in the EU member states and Switzerland sponsored by the European Commission and organised by Eurados in 1999 are reported. Last but not least, quality assurance (QA) procedures introduced in the routine operation to track the whole process of dose evaluation (i.e. plastic QA, acceptance test, test etching bath reproducibility and 'dummy customer' (blind test) for each issuing monitoring period) are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The use of active personal dosemeters (APDs) not only as a warning device but also, in some cases, as an official and hence stand-alone dosemeter is rapidly increasing. A comparison in terms of dose, energy and angle dependence, among different types of APD and a routinely used whole-body thermoluminescence dosemeter (TLD) has been performed. Significant differences were found between the TLD readings and mainly some not commonly used APDs. The importance of choosing the best adapted APD according to the radiation field characteristics is pointed out.  相似文献   

For neutron dosimetry in the radiation environment surrounding nuclear facilities, two types of environmental neutron dosemeters, the high-sensitivity rem counter and the high-sensitivity multi-moderator, the so-called Bonner ball, have been developed and the former is commercially available from Fuji Electric Co. By using these detectors, the cosmic ray neutrons at sea level have been sequentially measured for about 3 y to investigate the time variation of neutron spectrum and ambient dose equivalent influenced by cosmic and terrestrial effects. Our Bonner ball has also been selected as the neutron detector in the International Space Station and has already been used to measure neutrons in the US experimental module. The real time wide-range personal neutron dosemeter which uses two silicon semiconductor detectors has been developed for personal dosimetry and is commercially available from Fuji Electric Co. This dosemeter has good characteristics, fitted to the fluence-to-dose conversion factor in the energy range from thermal energies to several tens of mega-electron-volts and is now widely used in various nuclear facilities.  相似文献   

Passive detectors, as albedo or track-etch, still dominate the field of neutron personal dosimetry, mainly due to their low-cost, high-reliability and elevated throughput. However, the recent appearance in the market of electronic personal dosemeters for neutrons presents a new option for personal dosimetry. In addition to passive detectors, electronic personal dosemeters necessitate correction factors, concerning their energy and angular response dependencies. This paper reports on the results of a method to evaluate personal dosemeters for workplace where neutrons are present. The approach here uses few instruments and does not necessitate a large mathematical workload. Qualitative information on the neutron energy spectrum is acquired using a simple spectrometer (Nprobe), reference values for H*(10) are derived from measurements with ambient detectors (Studsvik, Berthold and Harwell) and angular information is measured using personal dosemeters (electronic and bubbles dosemeters) disposed in different orientations on a slab phantom.  相似文献   

The Swedish regulation, SSI FS 98:5, requires that radiological workers of category A use dosemeters from an approved personal dosimetry service. The 11 services operating in Sweden at the moment use five different types of dosemeter. All have been tested for their ability to determine Hp(10) and some of them to determine Hp(0.07) according to the European Commission report Radiation Protection 73, EUR 14852, of 1994. The five unique systems have been tested regarding the angular and energy dependence of the response of the dosemeters. The test points for the determination of Hp(10) are all, except one, within the trumpet curve and for the unique systems it is shown that the uncertainty related to angular response at three different energies is within the required +/- 40% except for the lowest X ray quality 40 kV. The energy dependence dominates over the directional dependence and the choice of radiation quality for calibration is of great importance for the system performance.  相似文献   

Al(2)O(3):Mg,Y thermoluminescence (TL) dosemeters were used to measure photon and fast neutron doses in a fast neutron beam recently implemented at the Portuguese Research Reactor, Nuclear and Technological Institute, Portugal. The activation of Al(2)O(3):Mg,Y by fast neutrons provides information about the fast neutron component by measuring the activity of the reaction products and the self-induced TL signal. Additionally, the first TL reading after irradiation determines the photon dose. The elemental composition of the dosemeters was determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis and by particle induced X-ray emission. Results demonstrate that Al(2)O(3):Mg,Y is an adequate material to discriminate photon and fast neutron fields for reactor dosimetry purposes.  相似文献   

The prototype of an electronic personal neutron dosemeter based on superheated drop detectors is presented. This battery operated device comprises a neutron sensor, bubble-counting electronics and a temperature controller ensuring an optimal dose equivalent response. The neutron sensor is a 12 ml detector vial containing an emulsion of about 50,000 halocarbon-12 droplets of 100 microns diameter. The temperature controller is a low-power, solid-state device stabilising the emulsion at 31.5 degrees C by means of an etched foil heater. The microprocessor controlled counting electronics relies on a double piezo-electric transducer configuration to record bubble formation acoustically via a comparative pulse-shape analysis of ambient noise and detector signals. The performance of the dosemeter was analysed in terms of the requirements presently developed for neutron personal dosemeters. The detection threshold is about 1 microSv, while the personal dose equivalent response to neutrons in the thermal to 62 MeV range falls within a factor 1.6 of 13 bubbles per microSv.  相似文献   

The response of neutron dosemeters may be determined directly from measurements, provided a sufficiently large number of measurements in monoenergetic neutron fields covering the entire energy range of interest is available. In practice this is not feasible due to the lack of monoenergetic neutron fields in the thermal and intermediate energy region (i.e. energies <24 keV). To deal with this difficulty, we have developed a method which can take into account additional information about the response of the dosemeter. Our analysis makes use of two types of data, measurements made using monoenergetic neutron beams and measurements made in neutron fields with broad energy distributions. The dosemeter responses are described using a parametrised model, based on a minimum of assumptions: that they should fit the data within experimental uncertainties, and that they should remain close to a simple interpolation of the monoenergetic and thermal neutron field data.  相似文献   

The European Commission recently sponsored an international research and development project, in which three 'active' personal neutron dosemeters were developed. Comparative irradiation experiments showed good results with respect to sensitivity and energy dependence of the response.  相似文献   

The recommendations and test requests for the dose equivalent response of personal neutron dosemeters formulated by the new International Standard IEC 61526 are summarised. In particular, IEC 61526 allows the use of broad fields if dosemeters do not fulfil the hard requirements using monoenergetic neutrons. Some broad fields which can work as a replacement field using ISO sources ((252)Cf, (252)Cf (D(2)O mod.), (241)Am-Be) and simulated workplace fields (CANEL and SIGMA) are described. This work shows the results of recent measurements of the personal dose equivalent response for the dosemeters Thermo Electron EPD-N2, Aloka PDM-313 and the prototype dosemeter PTB DOS-2002, and discusses their compliance with respect to the new IEC 61526 standard.  相似文献   

The neutron dose-equivalent response of two commercially available electronic personal neutron dosemeters was studied in several laboratory-produced broad-spectrum neutron fields. Fluence-weighted mean energies ranged from 200 keV to 4 MeV; personal dose-equivalent rates ranged from 75 to 10 mSv h(-1); and angles of incidence were multidirectional, 0 degrees, 30 degrees and 60 degrees. Three of these fields have been shown previously to resemble ones found in CANDU (Canadian Deuterium Uranium is a registered trademark of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) power plant workplaces. Both dosemeters were found to perform reasonably well across the range of energy spectra and angles of incidence. One type of dosemeter displayed values of the personal dose equivalent that were, at worst, within a factor of approximately 2 of the reference values and, at best, within a few per cent of the reference values. The other type displayed values of the personal dose equivalent that were consistently within unity and 20% of the reference values. Although the radiological performance of one was found to be more accurate, this device was also found to be the less rugged of the two. Some of the data acquired in this work were compared with results previously published by others. There was consistency between these sets of data.  相似文献   

Radiation workers engaging in the fabrication of MOX fuels at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency-Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories are exposed to neutrons. Accordingly, thermoluminescent albedo dosemeters (TLADs) are used for individual neutron dosimetry. Because dose estimation using TLADs is susceptible to variation of the neutron energy spectrum, the authors have provided TLADs incorporating solid-state nuclear tracks detectors (SSNTDs) to selected workers who are routinely exposed to neutrons and have continued analysis of the relationship between the SSNTD and the TLAD (T/R(f)) over the past 6 y from 2004 to 2009. Consequently, the T/R(f) value in each year was less than the data during 1991-1993, although the neutron spectra had not changed since then. This decrease of the T/R(f) implies that the ratio of operation time nearby gloveboxes and the total work time has decreased.  相似文献   

For the altitude range and inclination of the International Space Station (ISS), secondary neutrons can be a major contributor to dose equivalent inside a spacecraft. The exact proportion is very dependent on the amount of shielding of the primary galactic cosmic radiation and trapped particles, but is likely to lie in the range of 10-50%. Personal neutron dosemeters of simple design, processed using simple techniques developed for personal dosimetry, may be used to estimate this neutron component.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a neutron trial performance test sponsored by the European Commission and organised by EURADOS. As anticipated, neutron dosimetry results were very dependent on the dosemeter type and the dose calculation algorithm. Fast neutron fields were generally well measured, but particular problems were noted in the determination of intermediate energy fields and large incident angles, demonstrating the difficulties of neutron personal dosimetry. Of particular concern from a radiological protection point of view was the large number of results underestimating personal dose equivalent. A considerable over-response was noted in a few cases.  相似文献   

Many technological activities involve the potential for worker exposure to neutrons. The determination of neutron personal dose equivalent is difficult due to a number of factors including the materials and methods used to evaluate the response of personal dosemeters and the quantities for expressing dose equivalent. Nevertheless, recent progress has been made in the development of devices and techniques for the measurement and calibration of neutron personal dosemeters. The quantities and units used to express neutron dose equivalent are being improved and clarified. Therefore, it is expected that a number of remaining difficulties with neutron dosimetry will be mitigated.  相似文献   

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