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求助者兰兰(化名)因失恋引发心情低落、失眠、容易哭泣等症状,影响了正常的工作和生活,但症状较轻、持续时间较短。通过与兰兰接触交谈结合抑郁症自评量表、焦虑自评量表、症状自评量表SCL90,诊断为一般心理问题。经过合理情绪疗法结合聚焦式冥想对其进行治疗。经过6天的跟踪治疗,抑郁自评量表标准分Y为50,在正常范围内、焦虑自评量表标准分Y为37,在正常范围内、症状自评量表SCL90抑郁因子1.92,正常;焦虑因子1.80,正常。兰兰的情绪得到很大改善,焦虑情绪和抑郁情绪得到很大缓解,整体取得良好效果。  相似文献   

孕妇妊娠期会产生一系列情绪的变化,主要表现为紧张、焦虑、怀疑自身能力、产生挫败感等负面情绪。通过接受式音乐治疗对孕妇进行干预,可以有效的缓解孕妇焦虑情绪,提高自身抗压能力,积极面对孕期负面情绪,积极配合干预计划,改善焦虑情绪,促进亲子关系建立。  相似文献   

疫情封控、隔离等防疫措施为研究校园室内外蓝绿 特征对大学生心理健康的影响提供了契机。通过对西安封控高 校中的1 016位在校大学生进行线上调研,利用广义线性模型 分析在不同自然接触类型(直接、间接、偶然)下,不同校园 蓝绿特征对大学生的心理健康影响。分析表明,在严格的(一 级)校园封控下:1)偶然接触不同校园室内蓝绿特征(植物、 日光强度)与大学生焦虑、抑郁及感知压力指标存在相关性; 2)偶然接触不同校园户外蓝绿特征(是否路过校园户外蓝绿空 间)与大学生焦虑、抑郁及感知压力指标无明显关联;3)间接 接触校园户外蓝绿特征方面,有无宿舍窗景与大学生焦虑、 抑郁及感知压力指标存在相关性,但具体窗景类型(灰色、绿 色、蓝绿)与大学生焦虑、抑郁及感知压力指标无明显关联。 基于研究结论提出促进大学生心理健康的校园室内外环境设计 建议,以期为进一步实施“健康中国”战略提供参考。  相似文献   

幼儿入园焦虑是新入园小班幼儿常见的心理表现,是幼儿初次与家长分离一段时间的焦虑情绪,如果这样的情绪没有很好地得到缓解且一旦这样的情绪过重或持续时间过长,将会影响幼儿的身心健康发展。幼儿产生焦虑的原因有家庭教养方式和幼儿自身等因素,需要家园共同合作努力找出缓解幼儿入园焦虑的有效策略与途径。  相似文献   

当前大多肿瘤患者都存在焦虑情绪,采取SELDI技术评估恶性肿瘤患者焦虑情绪的方法较为可靠,避免了量表测量时的主观性,但仍有较多问题制约其发展,包括SELDI技术用于焦虑检测尚处于探索阶段、患者及家属方面问题(患者对焦虑情绪的危害性认识不足、家庭经济负担重)、医疗资源紧张及自身存在问题等。本文将对这些影响因素进行分析,并提出相应措施,旨在更好的缓解癌症患者的焦虑情绪,提高其生存质量。  相似文献   

平日里工作、生活压力太大?不如在家中放几盆花卉.近日,俄罗斯《消息报》刊文推荐了几种花卉,可以缓解压力、改善失眠. 芦荟.作为百合科多年生常绿草本植物,芦荟除了可愈合伤口、消炎,治疗烧伤和粉刺的特性外,还可以有效去除空气中的某些有害化学物质,从而减轻人们的焦虑情绪.  相似文献   

幼儿入园时出现焦虑情绪是普遍现象,也可以说焦虑是目前幼儿最常见的心理问题。而造成这一问题的原因在于,幼儿园中幼儿会接触到新环境、新教师、新伙伴等,且这一阶段也是幼儿刚与亲人分离的时期。而与亲人分离时的痛苦心情及环境等带来的陌生感,会导致幼儿出现严重的焦虑情绪。如不能针对幼儿焦虑情绪提出合理解决方案,会对幼儿身心发展健康起阻碍作用。将分析幼儿入园焦虑原因,并就解决幼儿入园焦虑情绪的策略进行深入分析。  相似文献   

<正>现代生活中,人们压力普遍较大,学生党的压力来自于学业、考试,上班族的压力来自于绩效、工作……不同的人有着不同的压力,压力大了,人就会陷入无限的焦虑中无法自拔,而长期焦虑、自责、抑郁,疾病也很容易不请自来。负面情绪与疾病有着千丝万缕的关系焦虑、抑郁、烦闷等负面情绪,虽然只是心理上的表现,但却会对人的生理健康造成诸多不良影响。研究显示,那些长期处于负面情绪中难以自拔的人,罹患癌症、心脏病的风险更高。当人处于极度抑郁的状态时,负面情绪需要找一个出口来宣泄,而这种宣泄有可能会导致人的精神出问题,也有可能会造成躯体损伤。  相似文献   

罗蓝  姜斌 《中国园林》2024,40(1):33
物质成瘾对个人健康、家庭和社会都造成了严重威 胁,是全球性亟待解决的公共健康问题。目前,诸多研究表明 接触自然环境能多方面促进人类的健康和福祉,然而“自然-健 康”议题的相关研究很少关注物质成瘾行为。那么,接触自然 环境是否是一种有效缓解和恢复物质成瘾的有效策略呢?梳理 了接触自然环境与物质成瘾关系的研究进程,并阐释了接触自 然环境可能促进物质成瘾缓解和恢复的生理、心理和行为路径 机制。基于此,提出一个研究假设:接触自然环境可能是一种 有潜力的缓解和恢复物质成瘾的有效策略。指出了当前研究的 局限,并从直接效应、路径机制、实践应用3个层面提出了该领 域亟待解决的14个关键研究问题,以期为后续的研究和实践提 供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:探索移空技术改善压力情境对情绪困扰的影响。方法:对1例容易在压力情境下体验到过度紧张的来访者接受6次以移空技术调节情绪为主导的治疗。采用抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表、状态焦虑量表、特质焦虑量表和自我效能感问卷,在干预前、干预后、干预后3个月、干预后半年对来访者实施测评,并收集患者的主观报告。结果:来访者经过干预后,其抑郁、焦虑水平下降,自我效能感提升,在应激情境下持续性生理紧张的情况获得改善,其改善在追踪期获得保持。结论:移空技术对有效帮助来访者缓解慢性应激情境下的心身紧张存在一定的可能性,但未来需要更深入的理论解析与更充分的实证研究。  相似文献   

摘要 新冠疫情期间,长期脱离正常生活与生产秩序的居家生活引发负面情绪与精神压力。虚拟自然为人们在室内条 件下获得身心疗愈提供了可能。通过分析与总结既有实证研究文献,对虚拟自然环境与亲自然设计在恢复性主观评价、 认知能力、情绪健康、生理应激恢复等方面的疗愈效益予以评估。研究发现,静态或运动状态下沉浸于360°照片/ 视频或电脑生成的虚拟自然场景中,恢复性主观感受均显著提升;没有充分证据证明虚拟自然能显著影响认知能力, 但研究发现其能有效激发与认知能力相关的创造性思维;虚拟自然能有效缓解负向情绪,提升正向情绪,但这种影响 受设备可用性的调节;虚拟自然对生理应激反应的恢复具有显著影响,但应当以厘清时间因素干扰为前提。虚拟亲自 然设计的疗愈效益大小与自然元素的配置、类型、布局有关;室内亲自然设计中,相较于使用亲自然材料、自然窗景 等方式,室内绿化能带来更好的疗愈效益;虚拟亲自然设计的疗愈效益依赖于良好的场景设计。虚拟自然与亲自然设 计均是有潜力的疗愈场景,虚拟自然可与个体、公共空间、社交网络等相结合,实现个体、群体、社会等多个层面的 疗愈与修复,为环境营造提供新方向。  相似文献   

摘要 为了了解新冠疫情期间,儿童居家生活与在线学习的情感体验以及居住环境的具体影响,通过网络问卷和在线 回访的方式对儿童的背景信息、特征信息、基本态度和基本现状展开调查。经数据统计分析发现,儿童对居家生活与 居住环境存在诸多不满,并对户外环境充满渴望,但他们却保持了较为稳定的情绪和行为,这主要得益于规律的日常 作息和多样的电子娱乐方式。基于儿童应激、舒适和愉悦三个层次的情感体验,提出了环境负荷、空间弹性和界面开 放等干预建议,以此作为儿童居住环境改善的一些理论参考。  相似文献   

Fire Technology - The COVID-19 pandemic kept people at home, in either a voluntary or non-voluntary capacity, in many countries. These suggested countermeasures were prominent in the so-called...  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, findings have indicated that nature plays an active role in helping people recover from stress and fatigue. Two of the most cited theories in this field are Rachel and Stephen Kaplan's theory of recovery from Directed Attention Fatigue in nature and Roger Ulrich's theory of aesthetic and affective responses to natural environments and stress recovery. One aim of the present study is to test whether being outdoors in a green recreational environment causes people to be more focused, compared to being in a room indoors (in line with hypotheses suggested by the Kaplans). Another aim is to test whether people experience stress reduction, i.e. as evidenced by changes in blood pressure and heart rate, if they are placed in an environment with many green elements (in line with hypotheses suggested by Ulrich). The overall study design is that of an intervention study. Fifteen elderly persons living at a home for very elderly people participated. Their powers of concentration, blood pressure and heart rate were measured before and after an hour of rest in a garden or in an indoor setting. Seven elderly people were randomly chosen to have their first series of tests in a garden, while eight elderly people had their first series of tests indoors. The results indicate that powers of concentration increase for very elderly people after a visit to a garden outside the geriatric home in which they live, compared to that after resting indoors in their favourite room. The results did not show any effects on blood pressure or heart rate. It is suggested that having a one-hour rest outdoors in a garden setting plays a role in elderly people's powers of concentration, and could thereby affect their performance of activities of daily living. One important factor in this study was that both the outdoor environment and the indoor environment at the home were highly valued by participants.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, findings have indicated that nature plays an active role in helping people recover from stress and fatigue. Two of the most cited theories in this field are Rachel and Stephen Kaplan's theory of recovery from Directed Attention Fatigue in nature and Roger Ulrich's theory of aesthetic and affective responses to natural environments and stress recovery. One aim of the present study is to test whether being outdoors in a green recreational environment causes people to be more focused, compared to being in a room indoors (in line with hypotheses suggested by the Kaplans). Another aim is to test whether people experience stress reduction, i.e. as evidenced by changes in blood pressure and heart rate, if they are placed in an environment with many green elements (in line with hypotheses suggested by Ulrich). The overall study design is that of an intervention study. Fifteen elderly persons living at a home for very elderly people participated. Their powers of concentration, blood pressure and heart rate were measured before and after an hour of rest in a garden or in an indoor setting. Seven elderly people were randomly chosen to have their first series of tests in a garden, while eight elderly people had their first series of tests indoors. The results indicate that powers of concentration increase for very elderly people after a visit to a garden outside the geriatric home in which they live, compared to that after resting indoors in their favourite room. The results did not show any effects on blood pressure or heart rate. It is suggested that having a one-hour rest outdoors in a garden setting plays a role in elderly people's powers of concentration, and could thereby affect their performance of activities of daily living. One important factor in this study was that both the outdoor environment and the indoor environment at the home were highly valued by participants.  相似文献   

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - COVID-19 pandemic has re-raised questions about healthy housing and residential environments. The aim of this study is to examine lifestyle changes...  相似文献   

COVID-19 has destabilized the global economy, disrupted the lives of billions of people globally, and caused the workforce to suffer. Furthermore, the spread of this disease has caused most nations to impose strict lockdown regulations and shutdown most industries. This study aimed to highlight the key issues of energy project performance alongside construction activities that were halted during the COVID-19 outbreak to follow social distancing, lockdown, and public safety parameters. A questionnaire survey was administered to accomplish the purpose of this study. The responses of 42 energy project professionals and experts were evaluated using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for group decision-making. AHP shows that the biggest influences on project performance during COVID-19 pandemic were government measures and personal factors. The findings provide insight to support energy project planning and management during and after the pandemic, including prioritization of labor force health and safety.  相似文献   

The implementation of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has affected most businesses worldwide. The transportation business, specifically in the Philippines, has been heavily affected since only the healthcare and essential workers were allowed to leave their homes during the early stage of the pandemic. This paper aimed to explore the service quality of Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic utilizing the SERVQUAL dimensions. A total of 564 participants answered an online questionnaire using the convenience sampling approach, consisting of 58 questions. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to derive the causal relationships between SERVQUAL dimensions, COVID-19 safety protocol, and customer satisfaction simultaneously. Out of the six dimensions, the SEM indicated that COVID-19 protocols, tangibility, and assurance variables were found to significantly affect PUV service quality and thus, customer satisfaction. This study is one of the first complete studies that analyzed the PUV service quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings could provide the government with an evaluation of the compliance of PUVs to the imposed COVID-19 protocols. Furthermore, the framework of this study could also be applied and extended in evaluating PUV worldwide.  相似文献   

Air quality in indoor environments can have significant impacts on people's health, comfort, and productivity. Particulate matter (PM; also referred to as aerosols) is an important type of air pollutant, and exposure to outdoor PM has been associated with a variety of diseases. In addition, there is increasing recognition and concern of airborne transmission of viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), especially in indoor environments. Despite its importance, indoor PM data during the COVID-19 pandemic are scarce. In this work, we measured and compared particle number and mass concentrations in aircraft cabins during commercial flights with various indoor environments in Atlanta, GA, during July 2020, including retail stores, grocery stores, restaurants, offices, transportation, and homes. Restaurants had the highest particle number and mass concentrations, dominated by cooking emissions, while in-flight aircraft cabins had the lowest observed concentrations out of all surveyed spaces.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)已成为危及全球的传染性疾病,重症患者死亡风险极高。临床研究显示,肥胖症是COVID-19患者发生重症及死亡的独立危险因素。对于合并肥胖症的COVID-19患者,应尽早评估肥胖相关合并症,并在营养、气道管理、抗凝、合并症控制等方面采取更积极的干预措施,以改善预后。  相似文献   

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