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食品欺诈自古就有,但是近年来随着食品供应链全球化和复杂化,以及商业竞争日趋激烈等原因,受经济利益驱动进行的食品掺假和欺诈活动愈演愈烈。美国是最早提出经济利益驱动型掺假概念的国家,并为应对经济利益驱动型掺假提出了一系列措施。本文首先将美国关于经济利益驱动型掺假和食品欺诈的定义进行了梳理,并将这两个概念与其他食品保护概念进行对比;其次,对比美国和中国经济利益驱动型掺假和食品欺诈的应对措施;最后,对我国应对经济利益型掺假和食品欺诈提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

目的 分析全球范围内经济利益驱动型掺假(EMA)和食品欺诈信息,为建立符合我国国情的EMA数据库提供借鉴。方法 搜集美国药典委(USP)食品欺诈数据库的EMA信息,对1980-2018年在全球范围发生的4102条食品掺假事件作归类和统计分析。结果 掺假分为替代或稀释、人工增强、非法添加物、标签作假和产地作假等6个类型;EMA信息来源主要为学术文献(59.5%)、媒体报道(31.0%)和监管抽查(5.7%);欺诈事件发生率地区排名前三位为印度、中国、美国;按我国食品分类标准28类分析,食用油脂、乳制品、肉制品、酒类、调味品、饮料和蜂产品等7类产品占所有掺假食品类别的90%以上;牛奶、橄榄油和蜂蜜高居掺假食品产品前三,分别占13.1%、7.8%和6.9%;水产品、果品和蔬菜以及制品、饮料作物高居掺假农产品产品前四,分别占54.6%、11.0%、8.0%和7.6%;稀释或替代是最主要的掺假方式;目前最常用的掺假检测方法为高效液相色谱法和质谱法。结论 EMA是全球性的严重食品安全问题,EMA数据库是预防控制食品安全风险的重要技术支撑。  相似文献   

国内外经济利益驱动型食品掺假防控体系研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来国内外发生的“三聚氰胺”、“马肉事件”等影响广泛的食品领域经济利益驱动型掺假 (economically motivated adulteration,EMA)事件对食品安全和食品贸易造成严重危害。国内外针对EMA问题已经 展开了许多研究,本文从EMA事件基础数据库的构建、事件特征、影响因素和防控技术体系等方面对当前国内外 EMA问题的研究现状进行梳理和总结,并提出我国也应加强对EMA事件的搜集、分析以及开展适合我国国情的防 控机制的研究,从而更好地应对EMA问题。  相似文献   

食品掺假和欺诈问题在世界范围内日益受到关注.以欧美为代表的发达国家针对食品欺诈已经展开了一系列研究,该文从食品欺诈基础数据库的构建、食品欺诈预防体系的建立、颁布的法律法规等方面对当前国外食品欺诈的研究现状进行梳理和总结,并对比欧美和中国食品欺诈的缓解预防措施,以期为我国当下的食品安全欺诈问题的解决提供一些参考.  相似文献   

食品欺诈是指蓄意对食品进行虚假描述,造成该食品的宣称与其真实属性不符的行为.食品掺假是食品欺诈最为常见的表现形式.在众多食品欺诈事件中,所占比例较大的是冒充、稀释、非法添加和非标注成分这4类掺假行为.随着食品加工方式的多样化、贸易的全球化和供应链的复杂化,食品掺假愈发隐蔽,难以用常规靶向分析手段实现掺假鉴别,因此,非靶...  相似文献   

目的 统计分析明尼苏达大学食品保护与防御中心(National Center for Food Protection and Defense, NCFPD)经济利益驱动型掺假(economically motivated adulteration, EMA)数据库数据, 呈现学术地图可视化。 方法 对1980~2018年NCFPD-EMA数据库数据作统计分析, 并运用浙江大学学术地图发布平台 (http: //amap.zju.edu.cn)软件技术进行可视化呈现。结果 EMA事件在东南亚、西欧、北美的发生率较高, 掺假主体以农产品(65.7%)为主, 掺假组分依次为饮料(16.0%)、肉制品(14.3%)、食用油和油脂及其制品(12.3%)、水产制品(10.3%)和乳制品(9.9%); 掺假手段以稀释或替代(44.5%)为主, 且事件多数发生在加工环节(68.7%); 构建了酒及饮料类, 蔬菜及水果类、粮食加工品、乳制品、肉制品、食用油和油脂及其制品等6幅学术地图。结论 借鉴NCFPD-EMA信息和大数据技术建立“中国EMA数据库”很有必要, 采用学术地图EMA可视化呈现具有直接性、集中性和交互性的特点。  相似文献   

<正>据外媒报道,近日美国FDA发布经济利益驱动食品掺假(EMA)的处理方法,美国药典委员会致函指出,现有的措施不足以解决其风险。美国FDA建议处理EMA的两种方法是:食品安全现代化法案内针对蓄意掺假的食品防御框架;自愿性预防控制框架。美国药典委员会认为这两种方法都不能降低EMA的风险,建议FDA按照EMA的本质制定专门框  相似文献   

摘 要: 目的 分析中国食用农产品经济利益驱动型掺假(economically motivated adulteration, EMA)信息,构建符合我国国情的食用农产品EMA数据库。方法 搜集2012年4月-2021年3月的食用农产品EMA事件,建立我国食用农产品EMA数据库,并对其中的697条EMA事件进行统计和分析。结果 中国食用农产品EMA 信息来源主要为监督抽检和媒体报道;EMA事件发生排名前8的类别为家畜类、蔬菜及其制品、饮料作物产品、粮食及其副产品、家禽类、果品、香辛料、鱼,占所有EMA事件的 80.34%;非法添加是掺假中最常见的手段,在种植业产品、畜牧业产品、水产品三大类中都高居榜首,分别占比87%、84%和63%;掺假环节涉及生产、加工、贮运、销售,其中加工环节复杂度更高,掺假相对占比更重。结论 EMA事件的风险防范已成为全球性的热点问题,建立食用农产品EMA 数据库能够为我国食品和农产品EMA的预防控制提供数据基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

This review provides current information on the analytical methods used to identify food adulteration in the six most adulterated food categories: animal origin and seafood, oils and fats, beverages, spices and sweet foods (e.g. honey), grain‐based food, and others (organic food and dietary supplements). The analytical techniques (both conventional and emerging) used to identify adulteration in these six food categories involve sensory, physicochemical, DNA‐based, chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, and have been combined with chemometrics, making these techniques more convenient and effective for the analysis of a broad variety of food products. Despite recent advances, the need remains for suitably sensitive and widely applicable methodologies that encompass all the various aspects of food adulteration. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Food ingredient fraud and economically motivated adulteration are emerging risks, but a comprehensive compilation of information about known problematic ingredients and detection methods does not currently exist. The objectives of this research were to collect such information from publicly available articles in scholarly journals and general media, organize into a database, and review and analyze the data to identify trends. The results summarized are a database that will be published in the US Pharmacopeial Convention's Food Chemicals Codex, 8th edition, and includes 1305 records, including 1000 records with analytical methods collected from 677 references. Olive oil, milk, honey, and saffron were the most common targets for adulteration reported in scholarly journals, and potentially harmful issues identified include spices diluted with lead chromate and lead tetraoxide, substitution of Chinese star anise with toxic Japanese star anise, and melamine adulteration of high protein content foods. High-performance liquid chromatography and infrared spectroscopy were the most common analytical detection procedures, and chemometrics data analysis was used in a large number of reports. Future expansion of this database will include additional publically available articles published before 1980 and in other languages, as well as data outside the public domain. The authors recommend in-depth analyses of individual incidents. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: This report describes the development and application of a database of food ingredient fraud issues from publicly available references. The database provides baseline information and data useful to governments, agencies, and individual companies assessing the risks of specific products produced in specific regions as well as products distributed and sold in other regions. In addition, the report describes current analytical technologies for detecting food fraud and identifies trends and developments.  相似文献   

The history of food adulteration and fraud and attempts at their control from the Middle Ages to date is traced for Belgium and for the UK with special reference to butter and margarine. The development of analytical procedures for the authentication of milk fat is outlined, from those based on the characterisation of fatty acids derived from milk fat in the nineteenth century to chromatographic methods in the next century and the recent rapid spectroscopic approaches. The importance of adequate surveillance programmes to reduce the incidence of food fraud is stressed.  相似文献   

中红外光谱 (MIR)以其在 40 0 0 - 40 0cm-1处的指纹吸收特性广泛应用于机电、医药等领域。随着计算机技术和化学计量学方法的发展 ,MIR在食品领域的应用研究也已展开。本文仅就其在食品掺假检测中的应用加以概述  相似文献   

食品欺诈是食品安全风险防控领域中的重要方面, 其中食品掺假作为食品欺诈的一种类型, 因其掺假物的种类性质、方式等不同往往可能带来或者引入食品安全问题。针对全球性食品掺假行为, 本文综述了近年来液相色谱-质谱联用技术用于解决肉制品、牛奶、食用植物油、蜂蜜4类食品掺假问题, 总结了该4类食品的主要掺假行为, 其中肉制品掺假分为地理来源改变、肉种类替代、添加剂非法使用、过敏原引入、病死畜禽肉; 乳制品掺假主要有奶源产地改变、不同动物奶、添加富氮化合物、添加剂违规; 植物油掺假主要有油种类混合、掺入不可食用油、植物油产地改变、添加工业染料; 蜂蜜常见的掺假方式有蜂蜜产地、植物源、添加糖浆。对液相色谱-质谱鉴别食品真伪的前处理方法(液液萃取、固相萃取)也进行了总结, 以期为液相色谱-质谱联用技术在食品真实性技术鉴别应用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

光学快速分析技术作为一种快速无损的检测技术已在食品行业中得到应用。文章综述近红外光谱、拉曼光谱、高光谱成像等光学快速分析技术在食品掺假检测中的应用,包括乳制品掺假、食用油掺假、肉制品掺假和其他食品掺假等方面,同时提出现阶段光学快速分析技术所存在的问题,并简要展望该技术在食品掺假检测领域的前景。  相似文献   

近年来,经济利益驱动型掺假(economically motivated adulteration,EMA)在全球范围内时有发生,制约食品生产、消费和管理领域的良性发展,为公共健康带来极大隐患。从公共卫生角度来看,提出符合我国国情的EMA概念并将其纳入食品安全管理,以进一步有效防控食品全链条中EMA事件的发生变得尤为重要。为此,本研究梳理剖析目前与EMA有关的概念,提出符合我国国情的EMA概念及其涵盖的6种行为类型,通过案例分析证实此概念对多种情况的适用性,为保障食品安全、食品质量以及维护食品产业的健康发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a food risk that is gaining recognition and concern. Regardless of the cause of the food risk, adulteration of food is both an industry and a government responsibility. Food safety, food fraud, and food defense incidents can create adulteration of food with public health threats. Food fraud is an intentional act for economic gain, whereas a food safety incident is an unintentional act with unintentional harm, and a food defense incident is an intentional act with intentional harm. Economically motivated adulteration may be just that-economically motivated-but the food-related public health risks are often more risky than traditional food safety threats because the contaminants are unconventional. Current intervention systems are not designed to look for a near infinite number of potential contaminants. The authors developed the core concepts reported here following comprehensive research of articles and reports, expert elicitation, and an extensive peer review. The intent of this research paper is to provide a base reference document for defining food fraud-it focuses specifically on the public health threat-and to facilitate a shift in focus from intervention to prevention. This will subsequently provide a framework for future quantitative or innovative research. The fraud opportunity is deconstructed using the criminology and behavioral science applications of the crime triangle and the chemistry of the crime. The research provides a food risk matrix and identifies food fraud incident types. This project provides a starting point for future food science, food safety, and food defense research. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a food protection threat that has not been defined or holistically addressed. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, led to the development of food defense as an autonomous area of study and a new food protection discipline. As economically motivated adulteration grows in scope, scale, and awareness, it is conceivable that food fraud will achieve the same status as an autonomous concept, between food safety and food defense. This research establishes a starting point for defining food fraud and identifying the public health risks.  相似文献   

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