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Investigated the posttreatment phase of unipolar depression by examining the personal and social-environmental characteristics of remitted, partially remitted, and nonremitted depressed patients. The sample was based on a 12-mo follow-up of 424 depressed persons who received psychiatric treatment and a comparable follow-up of demographically matched, nondepressed community controls. 98.8% of the Ss were located at 12-mo follow-up. Analyses were based on 380 Ss. At follow-up, the 138 Ss whose depressive symptoms remitted also reported improvement in other aspects of their adjustment as well as in personal resources such as self-esteem and coping responses to posttreatment stressors. In contrast, the 133 nonremitted Ss continued to report deficits in each of these domains. 124 Ss were categorized as partially remitted. Remitted Ss approached normal levels of life stressors and social resources, whereas nonremitted Ss continued to report heightened stressors and lower levels of support. Risk factors identified at treatment intake were predictive of these Ss' subsequent outcome at follow-up. These findings imply that many successfully treated depressed patients can resume near-normal patterns of functioning and that remission is linked to normalization of personal and social context factors. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the hypothesis that Rorschach measures of object relations and thought organization could help predict later adjustment. Ss were 70 former patients at a child residential treatment center who were followed-up as adults as part of an earlier investigation (age at initial assessment 6–11 yrs; age at follow-up 17–30 yrs). One-half of the Ss were reported at follow-up to have been rehospitalized for at least 6 mo, the other half had no further psychiatric services. The 2 groups were compared on a wide variety of preadmission and treatment variables. The Mann-Whitney test and Goodman-Kruskal's index of predictive association measure were employed to test whether J. Urist's (see record 1977-27679-001) object relations scale and W. Becker's (see record 1958-03143-001) thought organization scale could discriminate between the 2 groups. Object relations measures were found to be effective discriminators and predictors of later rehospitalization for the 58 boys in the study, particularly when used in conjunction with one another. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assigned mothers (mean age 30 yrs) of 35 3–8 yr old conduct-disordered children to 1 of 3 groups. Group 1 was a waiting list control; Group 2 had 9 wks of individual therapy; and Group 3 had 9 wks of therapist-led group therapy based on a standardized videotape modeling program. Ss and their children were assessed at baseline, immediately after treatment, and 1 yr later using home visits, twice per week telephone reports, and questionnaires. Results show that 1-mo after treatment Ss in Groups 2 and 3 showed significant attitudinal and behavioral improvements that were maintained at 1-yr follow-up. Children of Ss in these groups showed reduction in child noncompliance and deviant behavior that continued in reduction at 1-yr follow-up. It is concluded that although both treatments offered equivalent and sustained improvements, the therapeutic efficiency of the videotape modeling group format was more cost-effective. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the psychosocial adjustment of 107 23–58 yr old parents whose children had cancer using the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale. Ss whose child had died showed poorer adjustment than Ss whose child was in treatment or had completed treatment. Ss over 30 yrs of age showed better adjustment than younger Ss. Different patterns of association between 11 sources of social support and adjustment were found. Psychosocial adjustment of Ss with a child in treatment was correlated more frequently with perceived social support than for other Ss. Results suggest that particular attention should be paid to the psychosocial adjustment of young bereaved parents. (7 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assigned 55 adult Ss, successfully treated by 2 of the present authors in behavioral treatment for chronic headaches, to 1 of 2 follow-up conditions: (1) regular contact or (2) booster treatment. Ss assigned to regular contact were asked to continue daily monitoring of headache activity and home practice and were seen for a brief visit (10–25 min) on a monthly basis for 6 mo. Ss assigned to booster treatments received full sessions during their 6 monthly visits. Results show that at 1-yr follow-up diary records and interviews with Ss and significant others revealed no major differences between groups. Although Ss attributed a number of positive side effects to treatment, it is suggested that regular contact may be an efficient procedure for maintaining treatment gains. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A follow-up study (7 years after) on the Ss in the original investigation on patterns of child rearing (Sears et al., 1957). Parental attitude towards child rearing and attitudes towards aggression when S was 5 were related to patterns of aggressive behavior and attitudes toward agression expressed by Ss at age 12. The manner of expressing aggression was seen to be a function of sex of the child and specific familial attitudes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Interviewed 70 cancer patients (aged 20–74 yrs) receiving chemotherapy at home before their 2nd treatment session to obtain baseline measures of absorption, autonomic perception, depression, state–trait anxiety, and basic demographic information. Ss were then interviewed before each of their next 6 treatment sessions, at which time measures of depression, state anxiety, severity and duration of postchemotherapy nausea and/or vomiting (PCNV), and experience of anticipatory nausea and/or vomiting (ANV) were obtained. Ss with ANV scored significantly higher on measures of absorption and autonomic perception than Ss who did not develop ANV. Those variables hypothesized to mediate conditioning (i.e., toxicity of treatment drugs, severity of PCNV, levels of state anxiety) accurately predicted which patients developed ANV. Absorption and autonomic perception added significantly to the prediction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated an intervention program for child abusers using multiple outcome criteria and extended follow-up. 16 families were given the Parent–Child Interaction Form and the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and were assigned to either treatment or control groups. All families were supervised by protective services, and none had requested help voluntarily. A treatment program involving group parent training in the clinic and competency-based training and rehearsal in the home was provided. Findings indicate that training abusive Ss in child-management and self-control techniques resulted in improvements in parenting skills as measured by home observations, parental reports of child-behavior problems, and caseworker reports of family problems. A 1-yr follow-up indicated that no incidences of child abuse among treatment families had been reported to or suspected by caseworkers. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered countercontrol behavioral therapy for sleep-maintenance insomnia to 34 insomniacs (aged 35–78 yrs) in small groups. 22 Ss received immediate and 12 received delayed treatment. Three self-report measures of sleep disruption were collected on daily sleep diaries at baseline, termination of treatment, 1-mo follow-up, and 12-mo follow-up. Although amount of time awake at night was correlated with age, response to treatment was not. Even though older Ss experienced more time awake after sleep onset prior to treatment, they were able to profit from therapy as well as the younger insomniacs. Countercontrol therapy reduced the sleep complaint for the total group by about 30% at the end of treatment, with gradual improvement continuing through a 4-wk follow-up. It is suggested, however, that sleep-maintenance insomnia may be more difficult to treat than sleep-onset problems. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Illustrated how the concepts of "social clock project" and "pattern" may be applied by examining the results of a questionnaire administered at college graduation; scores from the California Psychological Inventory administered in college, 5 yrs after graduation, and 21–23 yrs after graduation; and questionnaires administered during the 2 follow-up periods to 104 42–45 yr old women. Results show that personality characteristics were related to life outcomes across the 1st 20 yrs of adulthood. 70 Ss who had their 1st child by age 28 were on the feminine social clockwork; 20 Ss were late adherents, having their 1st child after age 28; remaining Ss followed neither social clock pattern, or they followed a masculine occupational clock. It is suggested that, having described social clock projects and their normative time parameters, the relative goodness of fit between individuals' needs and the ecology of nested contexts in which they feel they must try to gratify them can be examined. (76 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 6-mo and 1-yr follow-up evaluations of a study in which the effectiveness of cognitive–behavior modification (CBM) and cognitive–behavior modification plus assertion training (CBM/AT) treatments were compared with a minimal treatment (MT) control in reducing Type A (coronary prone) behavior and related characteristics among 31 university faculty members. Ss completed a battery of measures, including the Jenkins Activity Survey, a Type A self-rating scale, and the Manifest Hostility Scale. At both follow-ups, CBM and CBM/AT groups continued to report significantly less Type A behavior and Type A irrational beliefs than controls. Also, CBM and CBM/AT groups reported significantly less speed and impatience behavior at both follow-ups than did the control group, differences that were not found at posttreatment. No significant differences among groups were found for hard-driving/competitive, trait anger, or hostility levels, with the exception that CBM Ss reported significantly less hostility at the 1-yr follow-up than did MT Ss. Results support the long-term effectiveness of brief cognitive–behavioral treatments in reducing Type A behavior. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

64 male alcoholics aged 23–66 yrs admitted into an alcoholism treatment program at a VA hospital were assigned to either the control or treatment group. Control Ss participated in all standard treatment aspects of the program. Treatment Ss, however, participated in an additional 10 sessions of group therapy structured specifically to improve interpersonal problem-solving thinking skills. Comparisons conducted at the point of discharge (generally 6 wks after admission) demonstrated that treatment Ss had made significantly greater improvement on a measure of problem-solving thinking (Means–Ends Problem Solving procedure) than had controls. Further, a comparison of Ss' responses in a structured discharge interview demonstrated that treatment Ss were significantly more likely to anticipate and plan ahead for postdischarge problems than were control Ss. Data also reveal that the means–ends problem-solving procedure can reliably discriminate individuals within an adult alcoholic population who differ in their levels of social competence and in the quality of their planning for coping with postdischarge problems. Finally, follow-up at the 1-mo postdischarge point indicated that the majority of treatment Ss contacted had made practical use of the problem-solving principles that were taught in the group sessions. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined mother–child interactional patterns in an urban environment. Three groups of mothers (n?=?12/group) were included in the study: (a) Ss with a known history of child abuse, (b) Ss with a known history of child neglect, and (c) Ss with no known history of child maltreatment. Ss and their children were observed in their homes on 3 consecutive days for 90 min each day. Interactions were described via a coding system of 11 major interactional patterns; dependent variables included verbal and nonverbal behaviors as well as measures of total interaction. Results indicate that the groups differed on several variables. Dysfunctional Ss showed significantly fewer positive behaviors than did the controls on verbal and nonverbal measures. Also, the abusive Ss showed significantly higher rates of verbal and physical aggression; the neglectful mothers had the lowest overall rates of interaction. The maltreated children also exhibited fewer positive behaviors and more aggressive behaviors. Results are discussed in terms of current theories of child maltreatment and of the treatment of dysfunctional families. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated whether parental depression or child behavior was the best predictor of maternal perceptions of maladjustment in clinic-referred children. 22 mothers and their children served as Ss. The sample children (mean age 64 mo) were referred for treatment of noncompliant behavior problems; none of the Ss were severely retarded, brain-damaged, or autistic. Maternal perceptions of child maladjustment were measured by 3 scales of the Parent Attitude Test. Maternal depression was determined by the Beck Depression Inventory, while child compliance and child deviant behavior (other than noncompliance) were obtained in home observations collected by independent observers. Results indicate that maternal depression was the best predictor of maternal perception of children. Child behavior did not contribute significantly to the multiple regression analyses. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assigned 28 7–16 yr olds who suffered from migraine headaches to 1 of 2 conditions (treatment group or waiting-list control group). All Ss recorded at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime whether they had a headache and its intensity. The records of headache index, frequency, duration, intensity, average intensity, and medication generated weekly scores. Analysis showed that Ss in the treatment condition were significantly improved at the end of treatment (7 wks) and at 1-mo follow-up. No improvement was found for control Ss. 93% of Ss in the autogenic feedback condition were clinically improved, using a criterion of 50% reduction of headache activity. Six months after treatment, Ss were asked to complete headache recordings. 13 Ss responded (8 Ss from the treatment groups and 5 from the control group). Treated Ss maintained significant improvement. Findings are important in light of the need for effective nonpharmacological treatment procedures for childhood migraine. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attempted to identify what types of persons successfully respond to a behavioral weight control clinic. The 40 participants of the study were physically healthy, 25–45 yrs old, and weighed 150–200 lbs. Measures of psychological functioning during preclinic testing indicated that participants experienced no extreme distress. The treatment was conducted over 4 mo by professional behavioral counselors and resulted in an average weight loss of 12.1 lbs. A prediction model based on problem severity and a model using behavior change both accounted for 25% of the variance in weight loss. Initial weight-loss success was correlated with 2 of the 3 severity variables; Ss reporting frequent binge eating and histories of previous dieting weight loss tended to lose the most weight. Successful weight loss also correlated with decreases in problem eating habits and high-calorie snacking but not with increased activity level. Interviews at the end of 7-mo follow-up were used to compare the 8 Ss who successfully maintained losses with the 13 Ss who showed signs of relapse. Ss who were successful at maintenance used frequent exercise, whereas those who relapsed reported high levels of stress during the follow-up. Implications of these correlates for obesity treatment and the importance of viewing unsuccessful weight control as evidence of negative change are discussed in terms of preventing relapse during follow-up. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

24 adult problem drinkers were assigned to brief behavioral treatment with either an abstinence (AB) or a controlled drinking (CD) goal. Self-report and collateral report data reflect significant overall reduction in alcohol consumption and projected blood alcohol peaks at 3-mo and at 3.5-yr follow-up intervals. AB and CD Ss did not differ significantly from each other on outcome variables at any point before or after treatment. At 3.5 yrs, 4 Ss had been abstinent for at least 12 mo, 3 had been moderate and asymptomatic drinkers for at least 12 mo, 5 were improved but still somewhat impaired, 8 were unimproved, 3 refused to be interviewed, and 1 could not be located. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined (a) whether older adults in a current major depressive episode would improve systematically when treated with short-term psychotherapies and (b) if they would respond differentially to treatment approaches emphasizing the importance of either cognitive, behavioral, or relational/insight factors in the therapy process. 30 elderly outpatients (aged 59–80 yrs) were assigned to 1 of the 3 individual treatment conditions for 16 sessions over a 12-wk period. Evaluation (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Beck Depression Inventory, and Self-Rating Depression Scale) occurred before and after therapy and at 4 times during a 1-yr follow-up. Comparable improvement in depressive symptoms was seen from pre- to posttest for Ss in all 3 treatment conditions. However, improvement during the 1-yr follow-up was maintained more effectively by Ss treated with behavioral or cognitive therapy than with relational/insight therapy. Results indicate that brief psychotherapies can be effective in the treatment of elderly depressives and that structured therapies may be more beneficial than nonstructured relationally oriented therapy during a treatment-free follow-up period. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the efficiency of cognitive-behavioral therapy, emphasizing self-instruction and attention-focusing techniques, with behavior rehearsal and with a waiting-list control in the treatment of debilitating musical-performance anxiety. Ss were 53 pianists (aged 12–53 yrs old) who experienced extreme anxiety in performing situations. Therapy sessions were conducted over a 3-wk period; Ss met 3 times in small groups for 1?–2 hrs and also completed homework assignments. Self-report (e.g., Subjective Stress Scale, Expectations of Personal Efficacy Scale for Musicians), behavioral, and physiological indexes of anxiety were collected at baseline, treatment termination, and follow-up intervals. Multivariate analyses indicated that both the cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavior-rehearsal programs were effective in reducing musical-performance anxiety in comparison to the control condition at the follow-up assessment, although there were no differences among groups at treatment termination. Cognitive therapy was more effective than the behavior-rehearsal program on several measures. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, 56 preterm Ss born at less than 1,500 g were assessed at 6 wks; at 3, 6, and 9 mo; and at 1 yr for avoidant, secure, and ambivalent attachment patterns. In Exp II, 109 Ss (aged 2–4.5 yrs) with delayed development due to Down's syndrome, diagnosed neurological disorders, and undiagnosed disorders were assessed in a strange-situation setting. In Exp III, 15 Ss with cystic fibrosis and 15 normal Ss (aged 12–18 mo) were assessed for attachment patterns. Data indicate that none of the medical problems had a significant impact on the child–mother relationship. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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