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BACKGROUND: Patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) have a reduced exercise capacity because of the early appearance of fatigue and dyspnea. Qualitative changes in the skeletal muscle composition and metabolism can be responsible for the origin of symptoms METHODS: We correlated the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of the gastrocnemius in 20 patients with different degrees of CHF to NYHA class, diuretic consumption, echocardiographic parameters, and expiratory gases measured during cardiopulmonary exercise testing. MHC composition was determined electrophoretically in skeletal muscle needle microbiopsies and the percent distribution was calculated by densitometry. Maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed on a treadmill with a modified Naughton protocol. A capnograph was used. RESULTS: There was no correlation between ejection fraction, left ventricular end systolic diameter, left ventricular end diastolic diameter, and MHC composition. We found a significant positive correlation between the percentage of MHC 1 (slow aerobic isoform) and NYHA class (r2 = 0.62, p < 0.0001), peak VO2 (r2 = 0.5, p < 0.0004), ventilatory threshold (VT) (r2 = 0.33, p = 0.008) and O2 pulse (peak VO2/HR) (r2 = 0.40, p = 0.003). There was a negative correlation between both MHC2a (fast oxidative) and MHC2b (fast glycolytic) with peak VO2 (r2 = 0.38, p = 0.004 and r2 = 0.37, p = 0.004, respectively), VT (r2 = 0.2, p = 0.046 and r2 = 0.34, p = 0.007, respectively), and O2 pulse (peak VO2/HR) (r2 = 0.39, p = 0.003 and r2 = 0.23, p = 0.03). NYHA class was also correlated positively with MHC2a and MHC2b (r2 = 0.46, p = 0.001 and r2 = 0.41, p < 0.006, respectively) and negatively with the same clinical and functional parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between the magnitude of the MHC shift from the slow aerobic to the fast glycolytic and fast oxidative with both functional and objective measurements of exercise capacity (peak VO2, VT, O2 pulse) seem to suggest that changes in skeletal muscle composition may play a determining role in exercise tolerance in patients with CHF.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive assay, based on polymerase chain reaction amplification of cDNA synthesized from the viral RNA of antibody-captured viral particles, has been developed for plum pox potyvirus (PPV) detection. The reaction, called immunocapture/PCR (IC/PCR), yields a specific 243-bp product. The immunocapture step, by allowing the use of large sample volumes and by the viral particle prepurification it achieves, dramatically increases the sensitivity of the assay. As few as 8000 target viral particles per ml of plant extract could be detected by IC/PCR. When compared to direct PCR (Wetzel et al., 1991), molecular hybridization using 32P-labeled cRNA probes and ELISA, this result corresponds to a 250-fold, 625-fold and 5000-fold increased sensitivity, respectively. The high sensitivity of IC/PCR was confirmed during an indexing trial with field samples collected from naturally infected trees. This very powerful technique should have wide ranging applications for the detection of a number of other viruses and pathogens for which specific antisera and sequence data are available.  相似文献   

Inconsistent findings from recent mortality studies of workers exposed to magnetic fields have led to calls for more detailed understanding of exposure distributions and metrics in various industries. The authors undertook personal monitoring at an automobile transmission plant to (a) learn if magnetic field exposure differences were present, (b) make assignments for a brain cancer study, and (c) compare two exposure indices. A wide range of average exposures occurred (i.e., 0.016-4.6 microtesla). Within-day variability was also large, and it reached 4 orders of magnitude for some workers. Unexpectedly, demagnetizers were found among the strong sources that contributed to elevated exposures. The authors used conventional summary measures to assign job groups to exposure categories, and they used a new index of exposure irregularity to make alternative assignments. These new assignments appeared to differ from the original ones with respect to work time in each exposure group (i.e., 54% of the work time fell into different exposure categories).  相似文献   

Kidney transplant rejection is an inflammatory process characterized by lymphocyte infiltration. Our earlier observations have shown that peritubular capillary endothelium (PTCE) is the site of lymphocyte entry into the rejecting renal allograft. During rejection, PTCE begins to express sialyl Lewis x de novo, and binds lymphocytes by a mechanism largely dependent on L-selectin. Hence, inhibiting the lymphocyte-endothelial interaction with oligosaccharide ligands of L-selectin offers an attractive possibility to prevent the inflammation and rejection. Here, we report enzyme-assisted synthesis of N-acetyllactosamine-based tetra-, deca-, and docosameric saccharides carrying one, two or four distally located sialyl Lewis x groups [Neu-NAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4(Fuc alpha 1-3)GlcNAc] (sLex), respectively. When tested for their ability to inhibit lymphocyte-endothelial interaction during rat kidney transplant rejection, all sLex-saccharides were inhibitors in the Stamper-Woodruff binding assays; the analogues lacking fucose showed no inhibitory potency. The tetravalent sLex glycan proved to be a high-affinity adhesion inhibitor with an IC50 < 50 nM. While less powerful than the tetravalent glycan, also the divalent sLex saccharide was a much better inhibitor than the monovalent glycan. Hence, increasing multivalency and, possibly, increasing chain length of the polylactosamine backbone, enhances the inhibitory potency of sLex bearing glycans in the lymphocyte-endothelial adhesion assay. This suggests that L-selectin behaves as a "functional oligomer" on lymphocyte surfaces.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of the gene encoding the beta subunit of Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA polymerase (rpoB) has demonstrated a small region that harbors the mutations most frequently associated with rifampin resistance. Earlier reports have described a high degree of sequence conservation of rpoB among mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis and other GC-rich bacteria that can lead to false-positive amplification when applied directly to clinical specimens. We developed reagents for PCR amplification that are based on signature nucleotides discovered by comparative sequence analysis of the rpoB genes of organisms phylogenetically related to M. tuberculosis. The specificities of the reagents were challenged with 20 isolates of multiple-drug-resistant M. tuberculosis and more than 20 species of mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis and other GC-rich organisms. A single-tube heminested PCR protocol was devised to obtain sensitivity equal to those of an IS6110-based PCR assay and culture in spiked sputum experiments. The assay correctly identified 21 of 24 (87.5%) culture-positive specimens, 13 of which were acid-fast smear-negative, in a panel of 51 clinical specimens. Three specimens that were false-positive initially were negative upon repeat testing when the assay was modified to eliminate the potential for aerosol carryover of the first-round amplification product during the open-tube addition of the second set of reaction reagents. This assay is the most sensitive and specific test to date for the direct detection of M. tuberculosis rpoB in clinical specimens. This rapid PCR-based assay can be used for the simultaneous identification of M. tuberculosis and its rifampin susceptibility genotype.  相似文献   

The iroB gene of Salmonella enterica is absent from the chromosome of the related organism Escherichia coli. We determined the distribution of this gene among 150 bacterial isolates, representing 51 serotypes of different Salmonella species and subspecies and 8 other bacterial species which are frequent contaminants during routine enrichment procedures by Southern hybridization. An iroB-specific DNA probe detected homologous sequences in all strains of S. enterica, including serotypes of S. enterica subsp. enterica (I), salamae (II), diarizonae (IIIb), and houtenae (IV). No hybridization signal was obtained with strains of Salmonella bongori or other bacterial species. In contrast, hybridization with a DNA probe specific for purD, a purine biosynthesis gene, detected homologs in all bacterial species tested. Primers specific for iroB were used to amplify this gene from 197 bacterial isolates by PCR. The iroB gene could be PCR amplified from S. enterica subsp. enterica (I), salamae (II), diarizonae (IIIb), houtenae (IV), arizonae (IIIa), and indica (VI), but not from S. bongori or other bacterial species. Thus, PCR amplification of iroB can be used to distinguish between S. enterica and other bacterial species, including S. bongori. A combination of preenrichment in buffered peptone water supplemented with ferrioxamine E and amplification of iroB by magnetic immuno-PCR allowed detection of S. enterica in albumen within 24 h. In conclusion, PCR amplification of iroB is a new sensitive and selective method which has the potential to rapidly detect S. enterica serotypes.  相似文献   

A rapid, convenient thin layer chromatographic (TLC) method for detecting histamine in fish samples is described. Samples of press juice or fish flesh are applied directly to TLC plates. The plates are developed with acetoneammonium hydroxide (95+5) and the spots are visualized with ninhydrin or Pauly's reagent. Chromatographic separation of histamine from other fish components is readily achieved by this method.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of repeated cold stress (RCS) on the capsaicin-evoked release of glutamate from the primary afferent fibers of the rat, and compared this with the effect of inoculation of complete Freund's adjuvant (adjuvant inoculation). The release of glutamate was measured using a fluorometric on-line continuous monitoring system in which the immobilized glutamate dehydrogenase column was connected to an in vitro superfusion system. In the presence of 0.3 microM tetrodotoxin, the application of 1 microM capsaicin to spinal dorsal horn slices evoked glutamate release (18.6 +/- 1.2 pmol mg(-1) protein, n = 11). In rats subjected to RCS (RCS rats), the release of glutamate evoked by 1 microM capsaicin was markedly increased to 272% (n = 6, P < 0.05) of the value for the control group, although the basal release was not significantly altered (n = 6, P > 0.05). Adjuvant inoculation produced a significant increase in the basal and capsaicin (1 microM) evoked release of glutamate to 141 and 344% (n = 6, P < 0.05) of the value for the control group, respectively. The present results suggest that the facilitated release of glutamate from capsaicin-sensitive primary afferent terminals in the spinal dorsal horn is, at least in part, involved in the hyperalgesia of RCS rats as well as the complete Freund's adjuvant-induced hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

The 3'-terminal nucleotide sequences of thirteen authenticated strains of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and one strain of bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) were obtained. The regions sequenced included the coat protein coding sequence and 3'-end non-coding region. These data, combined with sequence information from other legume-infecting potyviruses and the Potyviridae were used for phylogenetic analysis. Evidence is provided for delineation of BCMNV as distinct from BCMV and the inclusion of azuki mosaic, dendrobium mosaic, blackeye cowpea mosaic, and peanut stripe viruses as strains of BCMV. This relationship defines the members of the BCMV and BCMNV subgroups. These data also provide a basis upon which to define virus strains, in combination with biological data. Other aspects and implications of legume-infecting potyvirus phylogenetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Two nested PCRs for the detection of Mycobacterium ulcerans were compared by using a collection of 65 clinical specimens. The first method amplifies the gene coding for 16S rRNA, and the second method amplifies a repetitive DNA sequence. The sensitivities of bacterioscopy, culture, 16S rRNA gene PCR, and repetitive-sequence PCR were 29, 34, 80, and 85%, respectively. Compared to the 16S rRNA gene PCR, the repetitive-sequence PCR was faster, easier to perform, and less expensive.  相似文献   

Trichosporon species are opportunistic pathogens, associated with a high mortality rate in immunocompromised patients. Oligonucleotide primers were used to amplify a 170-bp fragment of small-subunit ribosomal DNA of all species in the genus Trichosporon by PCR. The primers amplify DNAs of all species in the genus Trichosporon, including six causative agents of trichosporonosis. DNAs of other medically important yeasts, such as Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans, are not amplified by this detection system.  相似文献   

Chlamydia pneumoniae is an important human respiratory pathogen. Laboratory diagnosis of infection with this organism is difficult. To facilitate the detection of C. pneumoniae by PCR, an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for analysis of PCR products was developed. Biotin-labeled PCR products generated from the 16S rRNA gene of C. pneumoniae were hybridized to a digoxigenin-labeled probe and then immobilized to streptavidin-coated microtiter plates. Bound PCR product-probe hybrids were detected with antidigoxigenin peroxidase conjugate and a colorimetric substrate. This EIA was as sensitive as Southern blot hybridization for the detection of PCR products and 100 times more sensitive than visualization of PCR products on agarose gels. The diagnostic value of the PCR-EIA in comparison to cell culture was assessed in throat swab specimens from children with respiratory tract infections. C. pneumoniae was isolated from only 1 of 368 specimens tested. In contrast, 15 patient specimens were repeatedly positive for C. pneumoniae by PCR and Southern analysis. All of these 15 specimens were also identified by PCR-EIA. Of the 15 specimens positive by 16S rRNA-based PCR, 13 specimens could be confirmed by omp1-based PCR or direct fluorescent-antibody assay. Results of this study demonstrate that PCR is more sensitive than cell culture for the detection of C. pneumoniae. The EIA described here is a rapid, sensitive, and simple method for detection of amplified C. pneumoniae DNA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the injured patient, rapid assessment of the thorax can yield critical information for patient management and triage. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this prospective study were (1) to determine if experienced surgeon sonographers could successfully use a focused thoracic ultrasonographic examination to detect traumatic effusion, and (2) to compare the accuracy and efficiency of ultrasonography with supine portable chest radiography. METHODS: Surgeon-sonographers performed thoracic ultrasonographic examinations on patients with blunt and penetrating torso injuries during the Advanced Trauma Life Support secondary survey. All patients also underwent portable chest radiography. Performance times for ultrasonography and chest radiography were recorded. Comparisons were made of the performance times and accuracy of both tests in detecting traumatic effusion. RESULTS: In 360 patients, there were 40 effusions, 39 of which were detected by ultrasonography and 37 of which were detected by chest radiography. The 97.5% sensitivity and 99.7% specificity observed for thoracic ultrasonography were similar to the 92.5% sensitivity and 99.7% specificity for portable chest radiography. Performance time for ultrasonography was significantly faster than that for chest radiography (1.30 +/- 0.08 vs. 14.18 +/- 0.91 minutes, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Surgeons can accurately perform and interpret a focused thoracic ultrasonographic examination to detect traumatic effusion. Surgeon-performed thoracic ultrasonography is as accurate but is significantly faster than supine portable chest radiography for the detection of traumatic effusion.  相似文献   

Several routinely employed diagnostic methods were analysed for their usefulness in aiding an early and rapid diagnosis of human cytomegalo-virus infection in immunocompromised patients. Clinical samples obtained during an 18-month period were examined by conventional culture, the shell vial method, detection of pp65 antigen and the polymerase chain reaction. Detection of pp65 antigen in peripheral leukocytes was the most useful method for rapid detection of infection at an early stage. Results of other rapid detection methods, the shell vial method and the polymerase chain reaction, gave useful support, while results obtained by conventional culture were not available until after the initiation of therapy. Only a small proportion of serological tests provided useful information for determining whether to treat the patient.  相似文献   

Fifty methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) initial isolates obtained from patients hospitalized in the orthopedic clinic of the Frankfurt University Hospital and 150 methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates were investigated in this study to determine whether the Slidex Staph-Kit is capable of differentiating between MRSA and MSSA owing to its unique performance characteristics. The Slidex Staph-Kit is a combined latex hemagglutination test designed to detect clumping factor, protein A, and a specific surface immunogen for S. aureus. Clumping factor-positive strains cause erythrocytes sensitized with fibrinogen to hemagglutinate, thereby resulting in visible red clumps. S. aureus strains deficient in clumping factor agglutinate latex particles sensitized with specific antibodies against surface proteins of S. aureus, thereby resulting in visible white clumps. Our results demonstrate that white clumping has a 99% specificity as well as a 98% positive predictive value for MRSA. Clumping factor-negative MRSA, which have been reported to occur in several countries, are epidemic in the Frankfurt area and account for 80% of all MRSA initial isolates in the orthopedic clinic of the Frankfurt University Hospital. Genotyping of all MRSA isolates by macrorestriction analysis of chromosomal DNA revealed that 83% of clumping factor-negative MRSA are closely related to the "southern-German" epidemic strain. This is the first study demonstrating the Slidex Staph-Kit's capability for identifying epidemic clumping factor-negative S. aureus strains as methicillin resistant even prior to antimicrobial susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Four fluorescent antibody reagents were evaluated for their suitability for the identification of adenovirus isolates by immunofluorescence. The antibodies used in the reagents consist of monoclonal antibodies against adenovirus type 3 (Ad3), Ad4, Ad8, and adenoviruses of subgroup C (Ad1,2,5,6), serotypes known to occur in outbreaks of disease. Most of the monoclonal antibodies employed were reactive against type-specific antigens found on the hexon protein. Reagents employing two noncompeting anti-hexon antibodies were more sensitive than reagents prepared with only one monoclonal antibody, although both types of reagents exhibited a high degree of specificity. Five hundred and seventeen adenovirus isolates (359 of which had previously been typed by other methods) and 46 nonadenovirus isolates were examined with all four type-specific reagents in parallel with an adenovirus group-specific reagent. The results indicate that direct typing of adenovirus isolates is feasible, leading to significant savings in time compared to other typing methods and should contribute to the management of certain adenovirus infections, particularly during outbreaks.  相似文献   

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