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射流泵极限工况下空化流动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
极限工况发生时,液体射流泵喉管中段至末端的汽液两相空化流动为均相泡状流。基于定常、等温及水平流动假设和Wood声速公式,导出极限工况发生时射流泵喉管中段至末端一维均相泡状流的控制方程组。依据该控制方程结合射流泵壁面沿程压力测试结果,计算喉管中段至末端液汽两相流动的马赫数。从喉管的中段至末端液汽两相流动的马赫数逐渐增加,在压力最低点附近达到最大,其最大值为0.94,十分接近1。进一步分析表明,极限工况发生时,射流泵喉管中段至末端液汽两相空化流表现为两相临界流动,其流速达到当地液汽两相流声速,流动出现臃塞,从而导致一定工作压力下吸入流量不再随出口压力的降低而增加,而是保持不变。揭示射流泵极限工况发生的机理,对其深入研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes the fundamental feature of pulsatile transitional and fully turbulent pipe flows. First, the effect of pulsation on the behavior of turbulent slugs in the developing region of circular pipe is clarified. Second, the distributions of turbulence intensity and Reynolds shear stress in fully turbulent pulsatile pipe flow are compared with their respective distributions in fully turbulent steady pipe flow. Generation region of turbulence and radial propagation time of the turbulence are determined from these distributions. Finally the turbulence structure in pulsatile pipe flows with and without relaminarization, i. e., reverse transition, is made clear by means of the conditional sampling method based on the four quadrant classification.  相似文献   

Support needles of Dual Hot Wire (DHW) anemometers induce significant inaccuracies for flow angle and turbulence measurements in the case of X-array probes with prongs perpendicular to the flow plane. At certain angular ranges of the incident flow, a wake interference is established between the sensors which leads to a practical limitation of the device. In the case of turbomachinery environments, this is even more critical due to the inherent unsteadiness of the flow direction rotor downstream.In the present work, the measurement deviation caused by hot-wire probes operated under interference effects has been studied and evaluated, in both steady and unsteady conditions, especially for turbomachinery flows. New designs of DHW probes without prong-wire interference effects in their operative angular ranges were developed for validation. In particular, both V-type and Z-type interference-free probes are compared to a classic X-type probe susceptible for prong-wire interferences. Firstly, a steady calibration is performed to show the baseline deviation of the X-array probe in the measurement of the velocity magnitude, the flow angle and the turbulence intensity. Typical errors up to 10–13% in velocity, 5.5–7 deg in angle and 1.5–2.5 points overestimation in turbulence levels are observed. Also, unacceptable inaccuracies are found in the turbulence spectra of the measurements.Following, the impact of the interference for unsteady flow measurements is highlighted comparing the performance of the three probes within the single stage of a low-speed axial fan. The unsteady measurements of the X-array probe have revealed similar averaged discrepancies to those observed in the steady performance, but the instantaneous deviations can be as high as a 20% in velocity and 16–18 deg in flow angle in those regions (rotor wakes) with large unsteady velocity gradients and turbulence generation. Turbulence intensity measured in the rotor wakes is also excessively higher.  相似文献   

诱导轮空化流动数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晖  李斌  张恩昭  黄智勇 《流体机械》2007,35(1):21-24,28
应用基于Rayleigh-Plesset方程的混合流体模型对一个涡轮泵诱导轮中的空化流动进行了模拟.计算获得了叶片和横截面上的静压分布,并得到诱导轮扬程性能;分别对不同流量和径向叶顶间隙下的蒸气相体积份额进行了比较;同时分析了诱导轮中空化区发展的规律和气相空间分布的特征.计算结果与相关实验和数值研究成果基本一致.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on the convective boiling heat transfer in horizontal minichannels using propane. The test section was made of stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm and lengths of 1000 mm and 2000 mm, respectively, and it was uniformly heated by applying an electric current directly to the tubes. Local heat transfer coefficients were obtained for a heat flux range of 5–20 kW m−2, a mass flux range of 50–400 kg m−2 s−1, saturation temperatures of 10, 5, and 0°C and quality ranges of up to 1.0. The nucleate boiling heat transfer contribution was predominant, particularly at the low quality region. Decreases in the heat transfer coefficient occurred at a lower vapor quality with a rise of heat flux and mass flux, and with a lower saturation temperature and inner tube diameter. Laminar flow appeared in the minichannel flows. A new boiling heat transfer coefficient correlation that is based on the superposition model for propane was developed with 8.27% mean deviation. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Jae Young Lee Jong-Taek Oh received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Refrigeration Engineering from Pukyong National University, Korea. Dr. Oh is currently a Professor at Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering, Chonnam National University at Yeosu, Korea. Dr. Oh’s research interests are in the area of boiling and condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerants with small tubes, heat pump and transportation refrigeration.  相似文献   

The flow fields in toroidal Venturi-nozzles, shaped according to the ISO-9300 Standard, have been investigated using numerical flow simulation. The present study was aimed at clarifying some of the phenomena associated with unchoking the flow in the throat. To this end, the shock structure has been studied for different Reynolds numbers and exit pressure ratios. The flow simulations were carried out in two and three dimensions. The flow fields were always unsteady, displaying a complex shock–boundary layer interaction.  相似文献   

A transonic/supersonic axisymmetric backward facing step nozzle flow in an air-jet loom has been analyzed numerically by using a time accurate characteristic based upwind flux difference splitting compressible Navier-Stokes method. The unsteady pressure and Mach number behavior along the center line of the main nozzle were analyzed by periodic inlet condition changes to simulate the intermittent flow inside main nozzle of an air-jet loom.  相似文献   

This is a comparative study between ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) reinforced with micro-zinc oxide (ZnO) and nano-ZnO under different filler loads. These composites were subjected to dry sliding wear test under abrasive conditions. The micro- and nano-ZnO/UHMWPE composites were prepared by using a hot compression mould. The wear and friction behaviours were monitored using a pin-on-disc (POD) test rig. The pin-shaped samples were slid against 400 grit SiC abrasive papers, which were pasted, on the stainless steel disc under dry sliding conditions. The worn surfaces and transfer film formed were observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Experimental results showed that UHMWPE reinforced with micro- and nano-ZnO would improve the wear behaviour. The average coefficient of friction (COF) for both micro- and nano-ZnO/UHMWPE composites were comparable to pure UHMWPE. The weight loss due to wear for nano-ZnO/UHMWPE composites are lower compared to micro-ZnO/UHMWPE and pure UHMWPE. The optimum filler loading of nano-ZnO/UHMWPE composites is found to be at 10 wt%. The worn surface of ZnO/UHMWPE composites shows the wear mechanisms of abrasive and adhesive wear. Upon reinforcement with micro- and nano-ZnO, the abrasive and adhesive wear of worn surfaces transited from rough to smooth.  相似文献   

分析了内燃机气门头厚度对气门座磨损及其下陷量对燃烧性能的影响,气门和气门座接触面宽度与烧蚀、斑点形成的关系,气门落座拍击压强与耐磨性.对原配对互研工艺进行了改进,从保证气门落座压强及避免气门头弹性变形磨损等方面提出了改进意见.  相似文献   

为了确定流化床喷嘴雾化效果的可靠性水平及其影响参数,利用FLUENT软件对空气辅助雾化喷嘴的雾化效果进行了数值模拟。以硝酸铀酰溶液的雾化颗粒索特平均粒径(SMD)为约束条件对喷嘴进行了可靠性定量仿真,并结合灵敏度分析软件确定影响喷嘴雾化的关键参数,为提高流化床雾化喷嘴的质量提供有效地改进建议。  相似文献   

超奈奎斯特传输理论与调制技术相结合,可有效提高系统的频谱效率。本文将超奈奎斯特理论引入大气激光通信系统,构建了一种适合于log-normal湍流信道的超奈奎斯特光传输系统,推导了QPSK调制方式下超奈奎斯特大气光传输系统平均误码率的表达式,利用蒙特卡洛仿真进一步分析了该系统的误码性能及频谱效率。结果表明:采用超奈奎斯特技术方案可以较大幅度提升大气光传输系统的频谱效率,当SNR为18 dB,S.I.为0.4时其频谱效率可以达到1.7 Baud/Hz,而未采用超奈奎斯特技术时只有1.56 Baud/Hz。另一方面,大气湍流对超奈奎斯特系统误码性能的影响较明显,当S.I.为0.4,BER为3.8×10^-3时,信噪比恶化了约1 dB。相对于频谱效率的提升,误码性能的恶化是能够接受的。因此,可以将FTN技术引入大气光传输系统来提高系统的频谱效率。  相似文献   

低压空化喷嘴利用空化特性能提高射流清洗效果。该文利用Fluent工具研究了低压空化射流喷嘴的进气结构特性,通过增设空气通道,并根据不同的进气角度进行模拟仿真,比较了不同情况下喷嘴的冲洗能力。仿真结果表明,进气角度为45°,进气直径为1 mm的三通道喷嘴具有较好的冲洗能力,并且射程较远。计算结果为空化喷嘴的优化设计提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

The tribological behavior of micro- and nano-crystalline diamond films is evaluated in dry sliding and water lubricating condition. The main wear mechanism is found to be abrasive wear mode induced by self-polishing. Non-diamond components and higher compressive residual stresses are detected in flat MCD films after dry sliding, in comparison to NCD. Origin of decreased friction coefficient in CVD diamond tribosystems under water lubrication is attributed to the effect of water on the formed graphic material and the chemisorbing of diamond surface with H2O, hydrogen or hydroxyl ions. For the MCD/NCD or NCD/MCD contact, the surface roughness of ball largely determines the stable friction coefficient in dry sliding, where NCD film usually presents higher wear rate.  相似文献   

某型发动机非加力情况下收-扩尾喷管流动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对某型涡扇发动机的收-扩尾喷管模型在加力不接通试验工况下的流动特性,通过建立模型,进行相关的数值计算研究,获得了不同喉道面积、面积比和尾喷管落压比条件下的收-扩尾喷管模型的流量系数和推力系数数据及其变化规律,为发动机地面台架标定试验和飞行试验中发动机进口空气流量和标准净推力的确定提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

The root cause of different oscillatory behavior of turbulent stress anisotropy under rapid rotation of initially axisymmetric turbulence is theoretically investigated. For this, based on the velocity spectral tensor of axisymmetric turbulence, the rapid part of the pressure-strain is determined and the equation of the turbulent stress anisotropy is solved for initial conditions generated by axisymmetric expansion and contraction of isotropic turbulence. As is well known, the damping of turbulent stress anisotropy under rapid rotation is observed for both initial conditions, and this feature is attributed to the linear rapid rotation effect on turbulence. On the other hand, the oscillatory development of turbulent stress anisotropy can be seen conspicuously only for the initial turbulence generated by axisymmetric expansion. This selective oscillatory feature is found to be strongly related to the total strain that is applied to the isotropic turbulence to generate the initial axisymmetric turbulence. And, through an asymptotic approach, it is also found that the material frame-indifference principle of two-dimensional turbulence is the underlying physics in this different oscillatory behavior. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Yang Na Ju-Yeop Park received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yonsei University in 1991. He then went on to receive his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 1993 and 1999, respectively. Dr. Park is currently a Senior Researcher at Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety in Daejeon, Korea. Dr. Park’s research interests are in the area of nuclear safety analysis, rotating turbulence, and computational fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

泵空化流数值计算研究现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空化是一种包含气液相间质量传输的非定常可压缩多相湍流流动现象,它是泵性能和效率下降的主要原因。空化流动的计算主要涉及空化模型和湍流模型两个方面。本文概述了空化模型的一些基本理论,并比较了各个空化模型的优缺点;简要分析了湍流模型对空化流计算的影响;介绍了这些模型在泵空化流计算中的应用;最后展望了泵空化流计算模型的发展方向。  相似文献   

尹必行  康灿 《机械工程学报》2012,48(16):146-151
采用试验研究与数值模拟相结合的方法研究绕水翼ys930的非定常空化流场结构,试验采用高速数码拍摄技术观察在10°攻角下的片状和云状空化随时间的结构变化;数值模拟针对应用较多的RNG k-二方程湍流模型做适当修正,分析片状空化及云状空化时的非定常空化流场结构、流动特性及空泡演化过程。结果表明,数值模拟得到的水翼空化流动现象和试验观察到的结果基本一致,验证计算模型和数值方法的可靠性;在片状空化阶段,空泡长度变化不明显,空穴尾部边界存在小幅度波动,空穴总体相对比较稳定;云状空化阶段,空穴分为两部分:一部分为空泡主体,稳定地附着在水翼吸力面上,随时间推移逐渐长大,达到最大空泡长度后出现回缩;另一部分为空泡附体,为周期性非定常汽液两相运动区域。云状空泡的形成和发展过程均伴有压力的波动,在一个空泡生长周期内,压力面压力系数几乎不受空泡变化的影响,吸力面压力系数在空化数的负值附近小幅度波动。  相似文献   

Accurate calibrations of multi-hole Pitot tubes require thousands of measurements spanning ranges of the fluid's velocity, and the pitch and yaw angles. When calibrating a commercially-manufactured multi-hole Pitot tube in NIST's low-turbulence wind tunnel, we found hysteresis in certain ranges of airspeed, pitch angle, and yaw angle. In the worst case, the hysteresis caused a calibration error of 30%. We demonstrate that the hysteresis was caused by a flow instability associated with flow separation. A turbulence intensity of only 1% removes the hysteresis; however, the calibration depends on the turbulence intensity over the entire range of our measurements (0.25–2%). Therefore, multi-hole Pitot tubes should be calibrated and used at the same turbulence levels.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the evolution of grid turbulence under the action of a stable, linear, temperature gradient with smoke-wire method. The experiment was carried out in a large, open circuit, low speed wind tunnel 0.91×0.91 m2 and 9.14 m in length specially designed for the study of stratified turbulence. The smoke was generated by heating a thin nichrome wire coated with heavy-weight oil and the facility to take the pictures was controlled by a computer for the consistant shots. The temperature gradient, formed at the entrance to the plenum chamber of the tunnel by means of an array of 72 horizontal, differentially heated elements was 0°C/m for the unstratified case and 55°C/m for the stratified case where a Brunt-Väisälä frequencyN was 1. 3s ?1. The grid mesh sizeM was 2.54 cm and the mean velocityU was fixed at 2.8 m/s for both cases. Thus the mesh Froude numberFr M =U/(NM) was ∞ and 84.8 for the unstratified and stratified case respectively. We show that there are distinct differences in the evolution of the flow for the stable case, especially, the vertical motion decays much more rapidly than for the neutral (unstratified) case. No evidence of internal wave motion is found from the flow visualization pictures.  相似文献   

A computational code has been developed for steady viscous flows in three dimensional annular cascades. This code solves a special form of the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations with a two-equationq-ω turbulence model in curvilinear coordinates using a time asymptotic method for steady state solutions. It employs a scalar implicit approximate factorization in time and a finite volume formulation with second-order upwind-differencing in space. A wall function treatment is implemented at solid boundaries for turbulence equations instead of integration to the wall to relieve gridding requirements. In order to validate the effectiveness of this code, computational studies have been made to access modeling capability for complex turbulent flow fields in three dimensional annular cascade geometries which typically include laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition. The results have been compared with both the computational studies with integration to the wall and the experimental studies. The wall function treatment was found to be reliable by predicting secondary flows and loss contours reasonably well.  相似文献   

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