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The field of neural networks is being investigated by many researchers in order to provide solutions to difficult problems in the area of manufacturing systems. Computer simulation of neural networks is an important part of this investigation. This paper applies concepts from an important trend in software engineering research, namely object-oriented programming, to model neural networks.The design and implementation of a software object library is crucial to obtaining the full benefits of object-oriented programming. In this paper we discuss the design and implementation of a foundation library of software objects for the purpose of simulating and validating different network architectures and learning rules. The library contains objects that implement various types of nodes and learning rules. We discuss the results of our experiments to illustrate the benefits of using an object-oriented approach to modeling neural networks.  相似文献   

The authors have developed an architecture simulation toolkit from which a RISC simulator has been built by employing object-oriented software development techniques. Object-oriented design makes it easy to extend the simulated RISC architecture. Equally, more or even different functionality can be incorporated by uniformly extending the framework of the simulator. The basic framework is explained by simulating a subset of the Acorn ARM RISC's instruction set. This instruction set is then extended to provide further functionality by the addition of a multiply with accumulate instruction. The reader is expected to be reasonably conversant with the C++ programming language and with the basic concepts of object-oriented programming.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了网络蠕虫的特征行为,从宏观和微观两个层次对蠕虫进行了研究,并指出借助仿真实验来研究蠕虫的方法的优势所在;然后通过对仿真环境的构造的分析和对仿真动力来源的介绍,详细阐述了蠕虫仿真的基本过程;最后给出面向对象的网络蠕虫仿真的基本思路与方法。  相似文献   

面向对象的机器人仿真与监控系统   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
通过对机器人的几何建模和运动学建模进行了研究,论述了使用VC6.0语言作为开发平台,以OpenGL三维显示技术完成三维可视化,以VRML作为外部机器人模型表示,实现运行时可交互的机器人三维实时图形仿真系统的开发技术与方法。系统通过网络与机器人控制器进行通信,实时接收机器人控制器发来的状态数据,将它们动态地以三维模拟方式显示,用户能够动态地监视机器人的运动状态,在必要时对机器人的动作进行控制,为其它机器人的研究提供通用的仿真与模拟平台。  相似文献   

聚合反应工程建模中,多以机理建模为主。因此,在聚合过程中的计算机辅助设计软件中,对动力学的模拟就尤为重要。本文用面向对象的设计思想,提出了符合CAPE-OPEN技术标准的加成聚合反应动力学模拟系统的思路,并用C++给出了其实现。该软件能动态生成物料衡算方程和矩方程,并将模型与求解器分开,具有良好的开放性。该系统既适用于专业用户,又适用于没有计算机建模背景的人员使用。  相似文献   

面向对象程序设计课程是当前计算机专业学生的一门必修专业课。课程本身的复杂性与实践性,使学生无法完全理解消化并有效应用所学知识点。针对这种情况,本文研究如何设计简短精悍、适于课堂演练的实例,并将这些实例与理论学习在课堂上有机结合,使学生易于领会知识点、充分参与课堂教学,最终达到学生积极主动学习,对知识点融会贯通的目的。  相似文献   

面向对象程序设计的研究性教学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从面向对象程序设计课程的自身特点和实际需要出发,提出了优化理论教学,强化实践教学,建立基于研究性考核评价体系的研究性教学模式。教学实践表明,研究性教学激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的自主学习能力和工程实践能力。  相似文献   

面向对象技术是一种引人注目的新兴程序设计技术,它最早兴起于八十年代。现在,应用面向对象技术开发设计的软件系统,已经在计算机领域得到了广泛的应用。本文主要阐述了面向对象技术在C++中的实现方法。  相似文献   

程淑  李承军 《微机发展》2004,14(10):55-58
面向对象编程是确保水电厂系统分析和应用软件易于维护、升级和移植的有效方法。文中简述了面向对象的设计思想。针对具体的研究对象,设计出相关的一系列类,完成了水电厂厂内经济运行仿真系统的面向对象封装。比较了面向对象方法和结构化方法,指出了各自的优缺点。工程应用证明了面向对象技术的有效性。  相似文献   

Flexible Manufacturing Systems play an important role in improving our manufacturing productivity. Simulation is emerging as a popular tool in modeling FMS for analyzing its performance in the area of production planning/scheduling. In this paper, we illustrate how to model a Flexible Manufacturing System in the object-oriented paradigm using an example. We present a systemtic approach to the design of object-oriented programming systems based on a combination of data modeling and event analysis techniques.An entity relationship approach is used as the basis for an initial decomposition of the system into objects. The design is refined by an analysis of the events the objects participate in. The design is implemented in Objective-C. Finally, we describe ways in which this model of an FMS can be extended to explore popular research questions in production planning and scheduling.  相似文献   

The programming language synERJY is presented. It integrates object-orientation and synchronous formalisms in the spirit of Esterel, Lustre, and Statecharts.  相似文献   

Tool specification for production system control requires the identification of the main characteristics of the production system. The production systems are varied, and the production control tools (such as scheduling algorithms and resource assignment rules) are often dedicated to only one class of these systems. Tool assessment for production system control requires modelling of the production system. We propose a new approach to production systems, to identify the nature and the complexity of the system according to the classification of Conway et al., and to specify a dynamic model that will allow us to simulate production control decisions. This paper presents this object-oriented approach, which identifies the resources and the organization features of the studied system. It then, proposes some predetermined classes of objects, which enable us to classify the system components and to use pre-existing dynamic models. These dynamic models are based on timed and coloured Petri nets. The overall architecture of our methodology follows three steps: top-down analysis of resources and bottom-up recognition of predetermined objects, instantiation and integration of objects, and implementation of objects. An example illustrates its use in the textile industry.  相似文献   

全景虚拟漫游是一种基于图像绘制的虚拟现实技术,采用实景照片可以给浏览者提供一个交互性强的、身临其境的体验。介绍了现有的基于图像绘制的虚拟现实技术,讨论了使用面向对象程序设计语言设计漫游系统的可能性,最后给出了使用面向对象程序设计语言实现的太原工业学院校园漫游系统实例  相似文献   

介绍了利用工控软件作为仿真平台,将面向对象技术贯穿于整个仿真系统的开发过程,开发DCS仿真操作站的思路及其实现方法。该方法利用了工控软件的强大组态优势和ACTIVE、DDE等先进接口技术,以及MAILSLOT基于内存的通讯方式,使得利用一种通用平台开发了不同的DCS仿真系统,成功实现了一机多模。不仅造价低廉,而且加快了DCS仿真系统的开发速度。  相似文献   

讲练结合教学法在面向对象程序设计课程中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当代大学自我认知程度低,自我管理能力弱、主动性不强等特点,分析了程序设计类课程特点以及现有教学方法存在主要问题,提出将讲练结合教学方法引入课堂,把课堂从教室搬至实验室,合班授课改为小班授课,先讲后练改为教师指导下的边讲边练,实现了理论与实践的完美融合。实践证明,该教学方法有助于培养学生的学习兴趣、创新能力和动手实践能力,有利于培养高质量的计算机应用型人才。  相似文献   

In the conventional object model, encapsulated objects interact by messages that result in method invocations on the destination object. A message is delivered directly at the destination object. As a result of the direct deliveries, the message control code performing intermediate message manipulations cannot be abstracted out separately from the message processing code in the destination object without sacrificing the transparency of the intermediate message control. We propose the filtered delivery model of message passing for object-oriented languages to provide the separation of message control from message processing in a transparent manner. An interclass relationship, called a filter relationship, is introduced. As a consequence, a filter object can intercept and manipulate messages sent to another object called its client via filter member functions. A filter member function in a filter object can intercept a particular member function invocation on its client object. The filtered delivery model supports both upward and downward filtering mechanisms, facilitating interception of an upward message and its return message value. Filter objects can be plugged or unplugged at runtime. Binding of filter member functions to corresponding member functions in the client is selective and dynamic. The filtered delivery model is developed for the C++ object-oriented language; its applications are described and implementation is discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

面向对象的顺控输送系统编程方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄咏  龙洪胜  庄诚 《控制工程》2005,12(1):53-57
将面向对象方法引入复杂逻辑顺序控制系统,提出将逻辑关系分成两部分,设备及相关的自有逻辑经抽象与封装成为设备对象,设备之间的逻辑则被封装到虚拟的流程对象中,通过对象之间的消息交互实现顺序控制功能。采用面向对象方法,顺序控制系统编程可以从实现复杂的逻辑运算转变成创建两类对象和建立对象之间的消息传递机制以一个输送系统为例阐明面向对象方法可以显著提高编程效率,增强系统的可扩充性,面向对象方法为顺控系统的建模、优化等进一步研究提供了一个新思路。  相似文献   

姜旭升 《自动化学报》1994,20(5):553-560
在加色网基础上,提出一种新的扩展Petri网模型.该模型具以下特点:对进程演化的有序结构建立偏序集数据抽象,使网络的几何结构与代数运算脱离具体进程特征;使用谓词集对加入变迁的token进行覆盖,可以集中描述物理事件集的层次逻辑结构;能方便有效地描述非固定流程生产系统.  相似文献   

DESC+ + (Discrete Event Simulation package using C+ +) has been developed as an object-oriented tool for quantitative simulation studies of communication protocols and architectures of telecommunication networks. The main issue of such performance studies is to secure proper statistical accuracy of the final simulation results. In DESC+ + this problem has been solved by automating analysis of simulation output data, aimed at stopping simulation when the estimates reach the required level of precision. The package consists of various object classes. While some of them are responsible for on-line output data analysis, others allow simulation programs of telecommunication networks to be easily developed by re-using existing (sub)models. We discuss main design and implementational issues of DESC+ +, and illustrate them by an example.  相似文献   

基于数据分解的并发面向对象程序开发方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨大军  吕建 《软件学报》2000,11(1):67-72
提出了一种从VDM-SL(Vienna development method-specification language)规约到并发面向对象程序的开发方法,这种方法基于DD-VDM(data decomposition-Vienna development method).在此基础上提出了虚拟原子、服务并行和内部并行等概念,继而提出一种嵌套面向对象结构来体现这些功能.分别从共享量并行系统和分布并行系统的角度讨论了嵌套面向对象结构的实现技术.  相似文献   

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