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Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling (GTQSM) is facilitated by considering the fundamental unit of quantum computation and information, viz. a quantum bit or qubit as a basic building block. Unit directional vectors “ket 0” and “ket 1” constitute two distinct fundamental quantum across variable orthonormal basis vectors, for the Hilbert space, specifying the direction of propagation of information, or computation data, while complementary fundamental quantum through, or flow rate, variables specify probability parameters, or amplitudes, as surrogates for scalar quantum information measure (von Neumann entropy). This paper applies GTQSM in continuum of protein heterodimer tubulin molecules of self-assembling polymers, viz. microtubules in the brain as a holistic system of interacting components representing hierarchical clustered quantum Hopfield network, hQHN, of networks. The quantum input/output ports of the constituent elemental interaction components, or processes, of tunnelling interactions and Coulombic bidirectional interactions are in cascade and parallel interconnections with each other, while the classical output ports of all elemental components are interconnected in parallel to accumulate micro-energy functions generated in the system as Hamiltonian, or Lyapunov, energy function. The paper presents an insight, otherwise difficult to gain, for the complex system of systems represented by clustered quantum Hopfield network, hQHN, through the application of GTQSM construct.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of object-oriented methods for information systems design, and the terminology used by each one, an intermediate step is indispensable in the transition between the design and the different implementation environments. Regardless of any method, this step aims at the unification of all concepts in a generic model called MGCO2.  相似文献   

We present a novel automated technique for parallelizing quantum circuits via the forward and backward translation to measurement-based quantum computing patterns, and analyze the trade off in terms of depth and space complexity. As a result we distinguish a class of polynomial depth circuits that can be parallelized to logarithmic depth while adding only a polynomial number of auxiliary qubits. In particular, we provide for the first time a full characterization of patterns with flow of arbitrary depth, based on the notion of influencing walks and a simple rewriting system on the angles of the measurement. Our method provides new insight for constructing parallel circuits and as applications, we demonstrate several classes of circuits that can be parallelized to constant or logarithmic depth. Furthermore, we prove a logarithmic separation in terms of quantum depth between the quantum circuit model and the measurement-based model.  相似文献   

The Feynman tools have been re-designed with the goal to establish and implement a high-level (computer) language that is capable to deal with the physics of finite, nn-qubit systems, from frequently required computations to mathematically advanced tasks in quantum information processing. In particular, emphasis has been placed to introduce a small but powerful set of keystring-driven commands in order to support both, symbolic and numerical computations. Though the current design is implemented again within the framework of Maple, it is general and flexible enough to be utilized and combined with other languages and computational environments. The present implementation facilitates a large number of computational tasks, including the definition, manipulation and parametrization of quantum states, the evaluation of quantum measures and quantum operations, the evolution of quantum noise in discrete models, quantum measurements and state estimation, and several others. The design is based on a few high-level commands, with a syntax close to the mathematical notation and its use in the literature, and which can be generalized quite readily in order to solve computational tasks at even higher degree of complexity.  相似文献   

IEC 61850"变电站通信网络和系统"是关于变电站自动化的最新国际标准,本文首先简单论述了故障信息处理系统的现状及标准化建设的必要性,然后详细介绍了IEC 61850对于故障信息处理系统的指导作用.文中提出了将故障信息处理系统子站看作是一个特殊功能的智能电子装置IED,介绍了遵循IEC 61850的保护装置的对象建模方法.  相似文献   

刘胜  孔琳 《智能系统学报》2011,6(3):268-271
船舶航向/横摇控制信息处理系统是基于工控机设计的软硬件系统.为解决船舶航行时复杂多变的运动信息处理问题,在船舶舵/翼舵-鳍/翼鳍联合控制系统模型的基础上,设计出一种以工控机为实现基础,利用数据采集卡进行A/D、D/A转换的信息处理系统.在VC++环境下进行系统软件开发,利用模块化编程思想设计了系统的软件结构.实验结果表明,采用智能算法的信息处理系统能够对船舶航向/横摇进行综合控制,操作界面友好.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的快速发展,企业信息系统的建立已成为企业发展的重要途径与趋势,电子邮件作为人们在网络时代中使用最为广泛的工具与方法之一,其在各个行业领域中均发挥着不可替代的作用。电子邮件系统不能与数据库建立直接连接仍然是电子邮件系统使用的一大瓶颈,这直接导致邮件系统传输的数据不能直接被处理、加工。本文通过设计构架于电子邮件基础的通信模型,信息处理系统能够同时兼具电子邮件的优点,同时便于直接处理加工数据。  相似文献   

空情处理系统中二维卡尔曼滤波算法及实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空情处理系统中,要对雷达所跟踪的目标用计算机进行实时模拟再现。为了提高模拟再现的精度,系统需要使用卡尔曼滤波算法去除目标测量数据中的噪声数据。参考已有的卡尔曼滤波算法描述,给出了一组详细的方程组来描述空情处理系统中的平面直角坐标系下卡尔曼滤波算法模型,并且基于C 实现了此算法。  相似文献   

介绍一个可在经典计算机上模拟量子计算的工具Qsimulation。该工具由4个主要部分组成:一个命令式的量子编程语言,一个量子计算解释器,一个用于模拟量子程序执行的图形用户界面以及错误处理模块,它能帮助教师和新手设计并测试简单的量子电路和量子程序。  相似文献   

This research defines and analyzes a methodology for deriving a performance model for SPMD hybrid parallel applications. Hybrid parallelism combines shared memory and message passing computing models. This work extends the current practice of application performance modelling by development of a methodology for hybrid applications with these procedures.
  • Creation of a model based on complexity analysis of an application code and its data structures.
  • Enhancement of a static complexity model by dynamic factors to capture execution time phenomena, such as memory hierarchy effects.
  • Quantitative analysis of model characteristics and the effects of perturbations in measured parameters.
These research results are presented in the context of a hybrid parallel implementation of a sparse linear algebra kernel. A model for this kernel is derived and analyzed using the methodology. Application of the model on two large parallel computing platforms provides case studies for the methodology. Operating system issues, machine balance factor, and memory hierarchy effects on model accuracy are examined. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This investigation focuses upon the information utilization process; i.e., what it means for a decision-maker to utilize an information system. A definition of utilization is adopted that states that an information system is utilized if the output from the information system is included in the Human Information Processing system of a decision-maker. The definition of utilization is further refined by segmenting utilization into two distinct subsystems, a Human Information Processing system and a Data Selection system. As an initial investigation of the utilization process, it was decided specifically to study the relationship of the Data Selection system to the Human Information Processing system. The primary aim of this investigation was to determine whether factors that are internal to a decision-maker may affect the data selection process. “Cognitive style” was chosen as representative of internal factors. Measures of data selection and cognitive style were created with particular emphasis placed on the development of an instrument to measure cognitive style. An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of this factor on data selection. The results of this experiment indicate there is a strong relationship between cognitive style and data selection.  相似文献   

近些年,量子计算物理实现技术进步很快,构建能够发挥实际用途的量子计算装置成为发展重点。采用量子模拟研究量子自旋系统的演化行为,相比于经典模拟会更加高效。一维量子自旋链中完美态转移模型在量子通信和量子计算领域具有重要的研究价值。提出一种基于双光子连续时间量子漫步的可编程完美态转移量子模拟方法,并且基于光量子芯片完成了2类特殊哈密顿量作用下XY型量子自旋链中双激发“周期-镜像”完美态转移的量子模拟实验,为模拟量子自旋系统的演化提供了一种实用且可扩展的实验方案。  相似文献   

Wavelet transform is being widely used in the field of information processing. One-dimension and two-dimension quantum wavelet transforms have been investigated as important tool algorithms. However, three-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms have not been reported. This paper proposes a multi-level three-dimensional quantum wavelet transform theory to implement the wavelet transform for quantum videos. Then, we construct the iterative formulas for the multi-level three-dimensional Haar and Daubechies D4 quantum wavelet transforms, respectively. Next, we design quantum circuits of the two wavelet transforms using iterative methods. Complexity analysis shows that the proposed wavelet transforms offer exponential speed-up over their classical counterparts. Finally, the proposed quantum wavelet transforms are selected to realize quantum video compression as a primary application. Simulation results reveal that the proposed wavelet transforms have better compression performance for quantum videos than two-dimension quantum wavelet transforms.  相似文献   

量子神经网络结合了量子计算与经典神经网络模型的各自优势, 为人工智能领域的未来发展提供了一种 全新的思路. 本文提出一种基于参数化量子电路的量子卷积神经网络模型, 能够针对欧几里得结构数据与非欧几里 得结构数据, 利用量子系统的计算优势加速经典机器学习任务. 在MNIST数据集上的数值仿真结果表明, 该模型具 有较强的学习能力和良好的泛化性能.  相似文献   

A theorem of Brudno says that the entropy production of classical ergodic information sources equals the algorithmic complexity per symbol of almost every sequence emitted by such sources. The recent advances in the theory and technology of quantum information raise the question whether a same relation may hold for ergodic quantum sources. In this paper, we discuss a quantum generalization of Brudno’s result which connects the von Neumann entropy rate and a recently proposed quantum algorithmic complexity.  相似文献   

量子秘密共享是量子密码研究的一个重要分支,针对多方共享量子比特情况进行研究,提出一个新的动态量子比特共享协议。此协议中,参与共享的成员是分等级的,量子信息的管理者在无需建立新的量子信道的情况下可对秘密重构系统中的参与者进行裁员。裁员后,管理者通过量子操作可以对量子信息进行更新,而剩余的有效参与者无需对自己手中的粒子执行额外操作就可完成新信息重构。此外,还讨论了协议的正确性、安全性及共享成员的等级性。  相似文献   

针对神经信息处理过程中的高速实时、快速开发、多功能复杂算法实现等需求,对当前几种主流的硬件实时处理开发平台进行比较,并综述神经信息实时处理开发过程及知识产权(IP)核的快速开发方法.同时,对基于可编程片上系统的神经信息实时处理平台快速开发的需求从多平台连接、开发工具之间高效转换和标准化信息处理库三个方面进一步阐述,为神经信息实时处理快速开发的研究提供了参考.  相似文献   

Töormä  Päivi 《Natural computing》2002,1(2-3):199-209
We present a tutorial review of realizations of quantum computing whichare based on optical manipulations of atoms. Other realizations arebriefly mentioned. The ion trap quantum computer is considered in moredetail as a classical realization of quantum logic.  相似文献   

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