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In this paper, I draw a connection between the so-called classical definition of knowledge and the epistemological framework underlying George J. Klir's General Systems Problem Solver methodology. More specifically, I suggest that it is very close to the Representational Realism articulated by such early empiricists as John Locke. However, I also point out that the GSPS epistemology has an affinity to the so-called constructivist view of knowledge, one that t argue is not compatible with Representational Realism  相似文献   


An important phase in the application of the General System Problem Solving framework (GSPS∥ is the choice of the sampling frequency of relevant variables. Optimal sampling frequency is generally a compromise between our endeavour to catch all dynamical changes of a signal without having redundant samples. This problem is not completely solved for crisp metric variables and very little is known about sampling qualitative and fuzzy variables. In this paper, one possible approach based on the data compression is suggested for determining the optimal sampling frequency of ordinal and nominal variables. The submitted approach can be on the specific conditions extended for the fuzzy variables also  相似文献   


Epistemological categories of systems that form the kernel of the general systems problem solver (GSPS) are overviewed and formulated mathematically, using standard notions of category theory. In addition, the history of the GSPS is briefly summarized  相似文献   

In this paper, the famous Prisoner's Dilemma Problem is reexamined by using the methodology of the General System Problem Solving (GSPS) Framework. It is shown that this framework provides us with a powerful means to take into account the secondary effects that were ignored by previous strategies. In a classroom contest, the new strategy proved far superior to previously employed techniques.  相似文献   

This paper explores the problems that are associated with building a model (representation) of two systems which are central to the field of policy analysis. The systems are the Lockean and Dialectical Inquiring Systems (ISs). Given two or more belief systems, a Lockean IS will attempt to secure maximum agreement between them, whereas a Dialectical IS will attempt to secure maximum disagreement as the basis for forming a policy.  相似文献   

A new information-theoretic divergence measure is introduced and characterized. This new measure is related to the Kullback directed divergence but does not require the condition of absolute continuity to be satisfied by the probability distributions involved. Moreover, both the lower and upper bounds for the new measure are established in terms of the variational distance. A symmetric form of the divergence can also be defined and described by the Shannon entropy function. Other properties of the new divergences: nonnegativity, finiteness, semiboundedness, and boundedness are discussed  相似文献   

The paper introduces a new principle, referred to as the principle of uncertainty and information invariance, for making transformations between different mathematical theories by which situations under uncertainty can be characterized. This principle requires that the amount of uncertainty (and related information) be preserved under these transformations. The principle is developed in sufficient details for transformations between probability theory and possibility theory under interval, log-interval and ordinal scales. Its broader use is discussed only in general terms and illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

The emphasis in this work is on the practical application of ideas set forth in Part I. Two studies involving spatial distribution are discussed: the distribution of human population in the Indianapolis, Indiana Region, and the world distribution of mammals. In the first, populations over the period 1890–1980 of Ihe 393 townships making up the study area are used to produce classifications involving various numbers of classes of township types. A test of the theoretical structure posed in Part I is then detailed. On the theory that the underlying relations involved cannot sustain a real world structure involving more than five functional classes, it is hypothesized that classifications involving more than five classes will be associated with township distribution patterns that conflict with Central Place Theory. This is shown to be clearly so. In the second study, the derivation of a five region partitioning of world mammalian distribution patterns is described. Discussion includes the introduction of a wholly new rationale for taxonomic revision based on biogeographic criteria (and ultimately the principles described in Part I). The study closes with a short argument regarding why the model described in Part I should not be labelled as either social physics or anti-humanistic.  相似文献   

The paper contains the following elements: (1) a discussion of the role of logical formalisms in scientific theory as a way of establishing legitimacy for general organization theory, (2) a discursive account of the relation between information and entropy in endosomatic and exosomatic evolution, and the deficiencies in such an approach, (3) a formal derivation of the relation between organization, information, and entropy utilizing the work of Brillouin and Watanabe and notions from statistical mechanics, and (4) an application of the theory of organization to the evolution of the scientific process, as well as some suggestions for applications elsewhere.  相似文献   

Vagueness and uncertainty have attracted the attention of philosophers and logicians for many years. Recently, AI researchers contributed essentially to this area of research. Fuzzy set theory and the theory of evidence are seemingly the most appealing topics. On this note we present a new approach, based on the rough set theory, for looking to these problems. The theory of rough sets seems a suitable mathematical tool for dealing with problems of vagueness and uncertainty. This paper is a modified version of the author's lecture titled "An inquiry into vagueness and uncertainty," which was delivered at the AI Conference in Wigry (Poland), 1994.  相似文献   

A number of “normalized” measures of entropy have been obtained to measure the “intrinsic” uncertainty of a probability distribution. Their graphs have been drawn and it has been shown that the normalized measures of a given probability distribution are much closer to one another than the corresponding absolute measures of entropy.  相似文献   

Much of the success of science in explaining, predicting and controlling natural systems can be attributed to the well understood methods that exist for producing and testing theory in the natural sciences. The successful development of social systems science is similarly likely to depend on the elucidation of methods of inquiry suitable to the systems of its concern. Unfortunately the successful methods employed by natural scientists cannot be simply taken over and used in social systems science. Systems scientists who attempt this, risk operating with wholly inappropriate tools when dealing with social systems. Alternative methods of inquiry have been developed in the “soft” systems tradition which are more appropriate for use in relation to one large class of social systems. However, there are many social systems for which even these soft systems approaches are inappropriate. For such social systems there is a need for a more radical and critical approach to producing and verifying social systems science. This paper seeks to demonstrate the need for a critical approach in relation to one class of social systems and shows how only this kind of approach can take account of the special characteristics of this category of social system.  相似文献   

余金山  万静 《信息与控制》2002,31(4):357-362
当前对软部件技术的研究多数侧重于软部件的制作、存储、检索、裁剪和组装等问 题,且往往过分强调了以上问题而忽略了另一个非常重要的方面,即部件的生产者与部件的 使用者之间、生产者与生产者之间、使用者与使用者之间的充分的信息交流和有效协作问题 .从这一思想出发,本文提出了一个基于Internet的软部件信息系统,讨论了它的思想、基 本模型及其实现.  相似文献   

本文提出了 CED聚合法——几何算法和生态算法 ,并把 TSP转化为判定问题来处理 .给出了重要的定理 ,提出了数学聚合法原理 .最后 ,计算实例的结果表明 ,这种方法具有可行性和有效性  相似文献   

We call variable conjunctive if it can assume multiple values. This multiplicity of solutions makes a set theoretic framework an appropriate one for representing solutions to such a variable. We develop such a framework and provide a mechanism for reasoning with such variables. The concepts of assurety and rebuff play a central role in this theory. The reasoning mechanism developed is seen as an extension of the theory of approximate reasoning.  相似文献   

本文运用按段多重Legendre多项式系(PMLP),对一类参数可分离的非线性系统的参数辨识给出一种新方法,所提算法具有精度高、计算量小、不必具有待辨识参数的先验知识和可进行递推辨识等优点。该算法已成功地应用于只有少量实测数据的螺旋霉素菌体生长模型的动力学参数的辨识。结果表明,此算法是该类非线性系统的一种有效和简便的参数辨识方法。  相似文献   

管理过程控制系统:工作流思想的一种新的应用模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出的管理过程控制系统将工作流思想应用于较低层次的管理支撑层。它采用面向信息流框架的机制来定义、协调、监督和控制管理过程,并使系统本身能独立于应用系统而存在,从而解放了应用系统的开发环境,摆脱了复杂、动态的流程和传统工作流管理系统中受过程定义模型约束的限制。该系统还具有运行时间步协作、信息继承和基于过程实例的动态流程控制的功能,可以作为企业信息设施的一个基础部件,支持工作流在复杂过程管理环境中的应用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the properties and method of fuzzy scenario analysis. In order to cope with the issues of data shortage and linguistic expression of an expert in a strategic planning, this study incorporates the concept of fuzzy set theory into scenario analysis, so that the uncertainties involved in a strategic planning can be considered.

Based on Brauers and Weber's method in scenario analysis, we propose a method of the fuzzy scenario analysis. It includes: (1) the analysis of factors, (2) the possible analysis of outcomes, (3) the compatible analysis of scenarios, (4) the possible analysis of scenarios, and (5) the determination of the main scenarios. Following this structure, we can describe main pictures of future developments (usually 2 to 4) with their degrees of possibilities. Then we shall compare the proposed method with Brauers &; Weber's method.  相似文献   

图像分割在生物医学工程中的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
图像分割能够自动或半地描述出医学图像中的解剖结构和其它感兴趣的区域,从而有助于诊断,所以它在生物医学图像的应用中起着非常重要的作用。文中介绍了过去二十多年生物医学图像分割在不同时期和阶段的发展状况,总结了现今被广泛使用的一些自动和半自动的分割方法,重点放在各种方法对于医学图像应用的优点和不足之处上,揭示了各方法的适用范围和应用重点;展望了医学图像分割的前景和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

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