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热塑性木塑复合材料的性能及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热塑性木塑复合材料是一种兼有木材和塑料优点的新型材料。阐述其在国内外的研究现状、性能特点、加工特性及在建筑等方面的应用。认为环保型热塑性木塑复合材料的研究应用大有前途。  相似文献   

1概述热压纤维菱镁水泥板是以菱镁水泥为胶结剂,以植物纤维(麦秸、稻草、稻壳、芦苇等)为填充材料经铺放增强材料(如玻纤,竹筋等)热压成型制造的一种纤维复合材料。木质纤维由于受木材资源的影响,数量受到限制,而数量相当多的是一年生农作物秸杆,用植物纤维制造...  相似文献   

树脂基复合材料是以有机高分子材料为基体,高性能连续纤维为增强材料,通过复合工艺制备而成的一类新型材料。随着树脂基复合材料工业的迅速发展,传统的树脂基复合材料成型工艺逐渐成熟,新的成型方法也不断出现。本文就针对几种树脂基复合材料的成型工艺的优缺点展开陈述。  相似文献   

介绍目前国际上发展迅速的玻纤毡增强热塑性复合材料GlassMatThermoplastrics及其片材的生产工艺,产品性能和应用,以及GMT的再生利用。  相似文献   

6.4 辊压连续成型 把预浸料按设计要求叠合对齐、放在模具上,用远红外、电或激光加热方法使之加热软化,然后通过牵引装置经过一系列的辊压台,从而逐渐成为所需形状的复合材料制品。通常的速度可达2.5m/  相似文献   

随着我国建筑业的蓬勃发展,现浇混凝土结构猛增,其模板技术的革新有助于提高工程质量、降低成本、缩短工期。热塑性复合材料建筑模板是一种最具代表性的新型材料,具有绿色环保、节能高效的优点。笔者以北京市通州北环环隧地下工程厚大顶板、侧墙结构模板设计与施工为例,详细介绍了热塑性复合材料模板的施工工艺、技术要点及注意事项,可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

简述热塑性纤维复合材料的发展,热塑性树脂特性,选用的纤维品种,热塑性纤维复合材料预浸渍工艺和成型方法、性能及应用。  相似文献   

在增强热塑性复合材料方面,涉及到承受负荷用的能热成型的复合材料板,已获得快速发展。在结构和半结构复合材料应用方面,把热塑性复合材料预浸渍材料放在优先发展地位。在航空航天应用的适当部位,可取代热固性预浸渍料。制成的单向带和半预浸渍料,其特点是初期为连续玻纤、芳纶  相似文献   

长纤维增强热塑性复合材料组合模板采用LFT-D在线模压成型工艺,其结构内部玻璃纤维的长度超出传统注塑工艺的3倍以上,大大提高了模板的拉伸、弯曲、抗冲击等力学性能,具有良好的耐热性和结构稳定性。模板结构设计上采用双层边肋设计,减少模板收缩变形及减轻模板的单板重量,搭配使用专门的加固连接件和专用施工工具进行模板拼装提高劳动效率、减低劳动成本。有着产品模数标准化、配模设计智能化、安装施工工业化、现场作业工具化等特点。  相似文献   

刘魁 《中国建材》2014,(1):43-43
正本刊讯由中国纤维复合材料协会主办的福建海源LFT-D工艺装备推介会于2013年12月7日在福建省建阳市召开。福建海源自动化机械股份有限公司的高管团队与原中国玻璃纤维工业协会和中国复合材料工业协会的部分理事单位代表齐聚一堂,围绕着海源公司研制开发的、国内首条具有自主知识产权的全自动长纤维增强热塑性复合材料(英文缩写LFT-D)模压生产线性能特点及市场应用等问题展开了深入交流。据悉,中国纤维复合材料协会是最近由原中国玻璃纤维工业协会和中国复合材料工业协会合并而成的专业  相似文献   

The increasing use of composite materials in aircraft cabins and structures poses significant challenges in order to maintain and improve the fire safety of aviation. In this work, the flammability characteristics of a commercial glass-fibre reinforced phenolic composite (GFRP) used for aircraft cabin partitions and furnishing are investigated experimentally. Thermogravimetric analysis under inert atmosphere at several heating rates provided information on the thermal decomposition process. The degradation process is modelled with one and two-step mechanisms using the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall iso-conversional method and the GPYRO numerical code which utilizes a genetic algorithm optimization scheme. The estimated activation energy and pre-exponential factor values, especially in the two-step case (77.18 and 104.69 kJ/mol and 2.60 × 106 and 3.19 × 106 min−1 for the first and the second step respectively), recover reasonably well the conversion degree and its derivative. Tests with a cone calorimeter (CC), performed at different incident heat fluxes, provided information on the reaction to fire characteristics of the material and the influence of the heat flux on the combustion process. In general, combustion proceeds in two stages, flaming and smoldering combustion. The CC results assisted by scanning electron microscopy photos provide information on the charring characteristics of the material. The critical heat flux for ignition and the corresponding ignition temperature are estimated, correlating heat fluxes with time to ignition. Thermally thin and thick models are considered, as well as a modified technique bridging the gap between these limit cases and therefore valid for thermally thin and thick but also intermediate conditions (more pertinent in the present case). The results for this latter approach are $$dot{q}^{primeprime}_{ig,cr}$$ ~ 20 kW/m2 and Tig = 469°C, providing also complementing information on thermophysical properties, such as thermal diffusivity, α = 1.23 × 10−7 m2/s, thermal conductivity, k = 0.325 W/(m K) and specific heat capacity, c = 1.330 kJ/(kg K). This work provides information on the reaction to fire characteristics of GFRP, but also on physical and flammability properties in a form suitable to be used in numerical codes, for the prediction of fire and evacuation scenarios. The influence of the reinforcement structure on the fire behaviour of the composite is also illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Sixteen flights had been investigated for indoor air quality (IAQ) on Cathay Pacific aircraft from June 1996 to August 1997. In general, the air quality on Cathay Pacific aircraft was within relevant air quality standards because the average age of aircraft was less than 2 years. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels on all flights measured were below the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standard (30,000 ppm). The CO2 level was substantially higher during boarding and de-boarding than cruise due to low fresh air supply. Humidity on the aircraft was low, especially for long-haul flights. Minimum humidity during cruise was below the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) minimum humidity standard (20%). The average temperature was within a comfortable temperature range of 23±2°C. The vertical temperature profile on aircraft was uniform and below the International Standard Organization (ISO) standard. Carbon monoxide levels were below the FAA standard (50 ppm). Trace amount of ozone detected ranged from undetectable to 90 ppb, which was below the FAA standard. Particulate level was low for most non-smoking flights, but peaks were observed during boarding and de-boarding. The average particulate level in smoking flights (138 (ig/m3) was higher than non-smoking flights (7.6 μg/m3). The impact on IAQ by switching from low-mode to high-mode ventilation showed a reduction in CO2 levels, temperature, and relative humidity.  相似文献   

文章从医改流程信息化的角度,提出构建医药电子商务平台,给出平台运行的基本流程,探讨了平台的功能.  相似文献   

水泥基麦秸碎料复合材的制备工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以麦秸和水泥为原料,采用加压法生产工艺,研究了麦秸尺寸、灰秸比和原料预处理方式等工艺因子对水泥基麦秸碎料复合材性能的影响,并利用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察该复合材的胶接状况.结果表明:在灰秸比为7:1(质量比,下同),水灰比为0.4:1,麦秸尺寸为0.95~0.60 mm,且利用稀碱对麦秸进行预处理,化学助剂(CaCl2)的施加量为水泥质量的7%,加压压力为2.5 Mpa,加压时间为4 h,自然养生28 d,最终含水率约8%~12%的条件下,所制备的复合材各项物理力学性能较佳,其指标可达到JC 411-91<水泥木屑板>标准中的合格品要求.  相似文献   

朱英 《建筑施工》2009,31(7):596-597
在装饰施工中推进工业化,不仅可大幅提高施工效率、施工质量,更是减少环境污染,减轻操作人员施工负荷的有效途径。阐述装饰工业化的主要实施方向。  相似文献   

概述了商业地产发展的现状与未来,分析了商业地产发展过程中存在的问题,阐述了商业地产发展的内部动力机制,建立了商业地产的商住联动开发模式。  相似文献   

对某商业大楼在火灾后的结构性能进行了检测,通过分析检测结果,综合评定了结构的受损情况,制定了具体的加固修复方案:采用自密实混凝土增大截面法加固受损梁、柱结构;对楼板采用现浇楼面板置换受损的空心板或浇注自密实混凝土形成叠合板的加固方法;对墙体采用钢丝网-高性能修补砂浆的加固方法。另外,详细介绍了加固流程和加固工艺。结果表明:加固后的工程完全能够满足使用要求,该方法对火灾后的结构加固提供了参考。  相似文献   

全过程咨询作为行业与政府推行的一种工程咨询模式,有其重要的意义。全过程咨询的推行对工程咨询企业在企业参与项目咨询的模式、企业对咨询业务的管控、企业对协作单位的选拔及管控、企业面临的新的风险等方面带来较大的影响。如果工程咨询企业不能正确处理这些影响,则可能面临较大的风险。通过分析全过程咨询对企业业务的影响及全过程咨询的业务高效开展的需求,结合流程再造理论,对工程咨询企业从组织、管理、流程等方面如何应对提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

李恒凯  王秀丽  曹航 《城市勘测》2010,(6):31-34,42
针对商业网点管理中的应用需求,探讨了利用GIS改善商业网点管理的可行性,并利用GIS技术改进了传统的商业网点管理应用模型,根据这些模型,开发出了基于GIS的商业网点管理系统,并对该系统进行了实际应用,表明该系统能够提高网点管理效率和科学性。  相似文献   

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