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Proving Invariants of I/O Automata with TAME   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a specialized interface to PVS called TAME (Timed Automata Modeling Environment) which provides automated support for proving properties of I/O automata. A major goal of TAME is to allow a software developer to use PVS to specify and prove properties of an I/O automaton efficiently and without first becoming a PVS expert. To accomplish this goal, TAME provides a template that the user completes to specify an I/O automaton and a set of proof steps natural for humans to use for proving properties of automata. Each proof step is implemented by a PVS strategy and possibly some auxiliary theories that support that strategy. We have used the results of two recent formal methods studies as a basis for two case studies to evaluate TAME. In the first formal methods study, Romijn used I/O automata to specify and verify memory and remote procedure call components of a concurrent system. In the second formal methods study, Devillers et al. specified a tree identify protocol (TIP), part of the IEEE 1394 bus protocol, and provided hand proofs of TIP properties. Devillers also used PVS to specify TIP and to check proofs of TIP properties. In our first case study, the third author, a new TAME user with no previous PVS experience, used TAME to create PVS specifications of the I/O automata formulated by Romijn and Devillers et al. and to check their hand proofs. In our second case study, the TAME approach to verification was compared with an alternate approach by Devillers which uses PVS directly.  相似文献   

Refinement verification of the lazy caching algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lazy caching algorithm of Afek et al. (ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 15, 182–206, 1993) is a protocol that allows the use of local caches with delayed updates. It results in a memory model that is not atomic (linearizable) but only sequentially consistent as defined by Lamport. In Distributed Computing 12 (1999), specifying and proving sequential consistency for the lazy caching algorithm was made into a benchmark for verification models. The present note contains such a specification and proof. It provides a simulation from the implementation to the abstract specification. The concrete verification only relies on the state space and the next-state relation. All behavioural aspects are treated in theories independent of the specific algorithm. The proofs of the underlying theories and of the concrete algorithm have been verified with the proof assistant PVS.  相似文献   

We describe an approach and experimental results in the application of mechanized theorem proving to software requirements analysis. Serving as the test article was the embedded controller for SAFER, a backpack propulsion system used as a rescue device by NASA astronauts. SAFER requirements were previously formalized using the prototype verification system (PVS) during a NASA pilot project in formal methods, details of which appear in a NASA guidebook. This paper focuses on the formulation and proof of properties for the SAFER requirements model. To test the prospects for deductive requirements analysis, we used the PVS theorem prover to explore the upper limits of proof automation. A set of property classes was identified, with matching proof schemes later devised. After developing several PVS proof strategies (essentially prover macros), we obtained fully automatic proofs of 42 model properties. These results demonstrate how customized prover strategies can be used to automate moderate-complexity theorem proving for state machine models.  相似文献   

We present a new approach, based on simulation relations, for reasoning about liveness properties of distributed systems. Our contribution consists of (1) a formalism for defining liveness properties, (2) a proof method for liveness properties based on that formalism, and (3) two expressive completeness results: our formalism can express any liveness property which satisfies a natural “robustness” condition; and also any liveness property at all, provided that history variables can be used. To define liveness, we generalize complemented-pairs (Streett) automata to an infinite state-space, and an infinite number of complemented-pairs. Our proof method provides two techniques: one for refining liveness properties across levels of abstraction, and another for refining liveness properties within a level of abstraction. The first is based on extending simulation relations so that they relate the liveness properties of an abstract automaton to those of a concrete automaton. The second is based on a deductive method for inferring new liveness properties of an automaton from already established liveness properties of the same automaton. This deductive method is diagrammatic, and is based on constructing “lattices” of liveness properties.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the adaptation of the PVS theorem prover for performing analysis of real-time systems written in the ASTRAL formal specification language. Several issues arose during the encoding of ASTRAL that are relevant to the encoding of many real-time specification languages such as encoding formulas as types, handling partial functions, dealing with noninterleaved concurrency, and defining irregular operators. These issues and possible solutions are presented as well as how they were handled in the ASTRAL encoding. A translator was written that translates any ASTRAL specification into its corresponding PVS encoding. After performing the proofs of several systems using their translations, PVS strategies were developed to automate the proofs of certain types of properties. In particular, strategies are presented for fully automating the proofs of certain classes of untimed properties. In addition, strategies were developed for partially automating the derivation of timed executions using transition steps. The encoding was used as the basis for a fully automated transition sequence generator tool, which has a wide variety of applications.  相似文献   

Deductive verification and synthesis of binary addition programs are carried out on the base of the rules of proving the correctness for statements of the predicate programming language P. The paper presents key fragments of verification and synthesis of the programs for the Ripple carry, Carry look-ahead and Ling adders. The correctness conditions of the programs were translated into the specification language of the PVS verification system. The proof is found to be a tedious procedure as compared with the ordinary programming. However, for program synthesis, the development of theories and proofs on PVS are easier and faster than for program verification.  相似文献   

We introduce a graphical interactive tool, named GOAL, that can assist the user in understanding Büchi automata, linear temporal logic, and their relation. Büchi automata and linear temporal logic are closely related and have long served as fundamental building blocks of linear-time model checking. Understanding their relation is instrumental in discovering algorithmic solutions to model checking problems or simply in using those solutions, e.g., specifying a temporal property directly by an automaton rather than a temporal formula so that the property can be verified by an algorithm that operates on automata. One main function of the GOAL tool is translation of a temporal formula into an equivalent Büchi automaton that can be further manipulated visually. The user may edit the resulting automaton, attempting to optimize it, or simply run the automaton on some inputs to get a basic understanding of how it operates. GOAL includes a large number of translation algorithms, most of which support past temporal operators. With the option of viewing the intermediate steps of a translation, the user can quickly grasp how a translation algorithm works. The tool also provides various standard operations and tests on Büchi automata, in particular the equivalence test which is essential for checking if a hand-drawn automaton is correct in the sense that it is equivalent to some intended temporal formula or reference automaton. Several use cases are elaborated to show how these GOAL functions may be combined to facilitate the learning and teaching of Büchi automata and linear temporal logic. This work was partially supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan (R.O.C.) under grants NSC94-2213-E-002-089, NSC95-2221-E-002-127, NSC95-3114-P-001-001-Y02 (iCAST 2006), NSC96-3114-P-001-002-Y (iCAST 2007), and NSC97-2221-E-002-074-MY3.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study of specifying an abstract memory consistency model, providing possible implementations for the model, and proving the correctness of implementations. Specifically, we introduce a class of memory consistency models called partition consistency. Existing abstract consistency models such as sequential consistency, piplined-RAM, Goodman’s processor consistency, and coherence are all members of the partition consistency class. A concrete message-passing network model is also specified. Implementations of partition consistency on this network model are then presented and proved correct. A middle level of abstraction is utilized to facilitate the proofs. All three levels of abstraction are specified using the same framework. The paper aims to illustrate a general methodology and techniques for specifying memory consistency models and proving the correctness of their implementations.  相似文献   

Formal proofs generated by mechanised theorem proving systems may consist of a large number of inferences. As these theorem proving systems are usually very complex, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to formally verify them. This calls for an independent means of ensuring the consistency of mechanically generated proofs. This paper describes a method of recording HOL proofs in terms of a sequence of applications of inference rules. The recorded proofs can then be checked by an independent proof checker. Also described in this paper is an implementation of a proof checker which is able to check a practical proof consisting of thousands of inference steps.  相似文献   

A class of mappings called abstractions are defined, and examples of abstractions are given. These functions map a set S of clauses onto a possibly simpler set T of clauses. Also, resolution proofs from S map onto possibly simpler resolution proofs from T. In order to search for a proof of a clause C from S, it suffices to search for a proof from T and attempt to invert the abstraction mapping to obtain a proof of C from S. Some theorem proving strategies based on this idea are presented. Most of these strategies are complete. A method of using more than one abstraction at the same time is also presented. This requires the use of ‘multiclauses’, which are multisets of literals, and associated ‘m-abstraction mappings’ on multiclauses. Certain abstractions are especially interesting, because they correspond to particular interpretations of the set S of clauses. The use of abstractions permits the advantages of set-of-support strategies to be realized in arbitrary complete non set-of-support resolution strategies.  相似文献   

陈柳  周伟 《计算机应用》2016,36(2):505-510
针对现有拜占庭容错协议的假设(要求被保护的对象是被动的和独立的)不适用于服务计算等新兴计算模型的问题,提出一种面向服务计算的拜占庭容错协议。该协议在服务请求方和服务提供方两端均创建服务复制品,采用基于状态机的主动复制技术,在服务复制品间进行三轮通信,就该请求的编号和内容达成一致,随后该请求被提交给上层应用逻辑处理;收到应答后,服务请求方的复制品进行三轮通信就应答的编号和内容达成一致后接受该应答。针对现有面向服务计算的拜占庭容错协议只有简单的正确性推理缺乏形式化验证的问题,采用I/O自动机和模拟关系方法进行正确性证明,更加严谨和正式。构造一个高度抽象的简单I/O自动机S,此自动机满足安全性和及时性;将协议中的各方分解成若干简单I/O自动机:前端自动机、后端自动机和多播通道自动机;最后用模拟关系方法证明各成员自动机构成的系统实现了自动机S,从而证明协议的正确性。使用I/O自动机可以精确描述协议,以此为基础进行证明比感性推理的证明方法更加规范。  相似文献   

Lock-freedom is a property of concurrent programs which states that, from any state of the program, eventually some process will complete its operation. Lock-freedom is a weaker property than the usual expectation that eventually all processes will complete their operations. By weakening their completion guarantees, lock-free programs increase the potential for parallelism, and hence make more efficient use of multiprocessor architectures than lock-based algorithms. However, lock-free algorithms, and reasoning about them, are considerably more complex.In this paper we present a technique for proving that a program is lock-free. The technique is designed to be as general as possible and is guided by heuristics that simplify the proofs. We demonstrate our theory by proving lock-freedom of two non-trivial examples from the literature. The proofs have been machine-checked by the PVS theorem prover, and we have developed proof strategies to minimise user interaction.  相似文献   

We present a proof method for networks of processes in which component processes communicate exclusively through messages. We show how to construct proofs of invariant properties which hold at all times during network computation, and terminal properties which hold upon termination of network computation, if network computation terminates. The proof method is based upon specifying a process by a pair of assertions, analogous to pre-and post-conditions in sequential program proving. The correctness of network specification is proven by applying inference rules to the specifications of component processes. Several examples are proved using this technique.  相似文献   

Developing syntactic theories for reasoning about programming languages usually involves proving a unique-decomposition lemma. The proof of such a lemma is tedious, error-prone, and is usually attempted many times during the design of a theory. We therefore investigate the automation of such proofs.We map the unique-decomposition lemma to the problems of checking equivalence and ambiguity of syntactic definitions. Because checking these properties of context-free grammars is undecidable, we work with regular tree grammars and use algorithms on finite tree automata to perform the checking. To make up for the insufficient expressiveness of regular tree grammars, we extend the basic framework with built-in types and constants, contexts, and polymorphic types.Our implementation extends an earlier system by Xiao et al. [16] that translates semantic specifications expressed as syntactic theories to interpreters. We have successfully used the combined system to generate interpreters and verify the unique-decomposition lemma for a number of examples.  相似文献   

Summary. The Probabilistic I/O Automaton model of [31] is used as the basis for a formal presentation and proof of the randomized consensus algorithm of Aspnes and Herlihy. The algorithm guarantees termination within expected polynomial time. The Aspnes-Herlihy algorithm is a rather complex algorithm. Processes move through a succession of asynchronous rounds, attempting to agree at each round. At each round, the agreement attempt involves a distributed random walk. The algorithm is hard to analyze because of its use of nontrivial results of probability theory (specifically, random walk theory which is based on infinitely many coin flips rather than on finitely many coin flips), because of its complex setting, including asynchrony and both nondeterministic and probabilistic choice, and because of the interplay among several different sub-protocols. We formalize the Aspnes-Herlihy algorithm using probabilistic I/O automata. In doing so, we decompose it formally into three subprotocols: one to carry out the agreement attempts, one to conduct the random walks, and one to implement a shared counter needed by the random walks. Properties of all three subprotocols are proved separately, and combined using general results about automaton composition. It turns out that most of the work involves proving non-probabilistic properties (invariants, simulation mappings, non-probabilistic progress properties, etc.). The probabilistic reasoning is isolated to a few small sections of the proof. The task of carrying out this proof has led us to develop several general proof techniques for probabilistic I/O automata. These include ways to combine expectations for different complexity measures, to compose expected complexity properties, to convert probabilistic claims to deterministic claims, to use abstraction mappings to prove probabilistic properties, and to apply random walk theory in a distributed computational setting. We apply all of these techniques to analyze the expected complexity of the algorithm. Received: February 1999 / Accepted: March 2000  相似文献   

We present a model based approach to diagnosability analysis for interacting finite state systems where fault isolation is deferred until the system comes to a standstill. Local abstractions of the system model are used to alleviate the state space explosion. Pairs of closely coupled automata are merged and replaced by a single automaton with an equivalently behavior as seen from the rest of the system; interaction between the merged automata is internalized and the new equivalent automaton is subsequently abstracted from internal behavior irrelevant to fault isolation. In moderately concurrent systems these steps can often be iterated until the system consists of a single automaton providing a compact encoding of all possible fault scenarios of the original model. We illustrate how the resulting abstraction can be used as a basis for post mortem diagnosability analysis.  相似文献   

Using a predicate transformer semantics of programs, we introduce statements for heap operations and separation logic operators for specifying programs that manipulate pointers. We prove a powerful Hoare total correctness rule for mutually recursive procedures manipulating pointers. The rule combines earlier proof rules for (mutually) recursive procedures with the frame rule for pointer programs. The theory, including the proofs, is implemented in the theorem prover PVS. In this implementation program variables and addresses can store values of almost any type of the theorem prover.  相似文献   

Multiaction learning automata which update their action probabilities on the basis of the responses they get from an environment are considered in this paper. The automata update the probabilities according to whether the environment responds with a reward or a penalty. Learning automata are said to possess ergodicity of the mean if the mean action probability is the state probability (or unconditional probability) of an ergodic Markov chain. In an earlier paper [11] we considered the problem of a two-action learning automaton being ergodic in the mean (EM). The family of such automata was characterized completely by proving the necessary and sufficient conditions for automata to be EM. In this paper, we generalize the results of [11] and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the multiaction learning automaton to be EM. These conditions involve two families of probability updating functions. It is shown that for the automaton to be EM the two families must be linearly dependent. The vector defining the linear dependence is the only vector parameter which controls the rate of convergence of the automaton. Further, the technique for reducing the variance of the limiting distribution is discussed. Just as in the two-action case, it is shown that the set of absolutely expedient schemes and the set of schemes which possess ergodicity of the mean are mutually disjoint.  相似文献   

This paper presents new classes of tree automata combining automata with equality test and automata modulo equational theories. We believe that these classes have a good potential for application in e.g. software verification. These tree automata are obtained by extending the standard Horn clause representations with equational conditions and rewrite systems. We show in particular that a generalized membership problem (extending the emptiness problem) is decidable by proving that the saturation of tree automata presentations with suitable paramodulation strategies terminates. Alternatively our results can be viewed as new decidable classes of first-order formula.  相似文献   

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