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Listening for and comprehending unconscious communication is the foundation of all psychoanalytic therapy. The process whereby latent meanings are apprehended and understood involves rhythmic shifts between unfocused and focused forms of attentiveness. Exactly how psychoanalytic listeners formulate hypotheses about unconscious meaning from these oscillating modes of attentiveness is a topic that has not been adequately addressed in the literature. This makes it difficult to "teach" psychoanalytic therapists how to listen deeply and make sense of what they hear. A listening-formulating model is proposed to assist analytic students in hearing and comprehending unconscious communication. The aspects and phases of this model are illustrated by means of a detailed analysis of a clinical vignette. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Clinical material from psychoanalytic psychotherapy conducted with deaf individuals in sign language is used to explore psychoanalytic constructs such as slips of the tongue, conflict, affective experience, and the therapeutic function of empathy. The author proposes that communication in sign language, a multidimensional, visual-gestural language, may afford unique opportunities to see aspects of psychological functioning in process in a way not possible through spoken languages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article addresses issues of psychoanalytic therapy with Asian North Americans both from their standpoint and the Euro-North American therapist. The latter are often unaware of deeply embedded cultural assumptions of individualism in their psyches and in psychoanalytic and psychological theories and norms. This can result in psychopathologizing Asian North Americans or seeing them as inferior. The most difficult part of doing psychoanalytic therapy with them is first learning a different normality/psychopathology continuum from Euro-North Americans, and then ascertaining where a patient's psychopathology is on this different continuum. The nature of the therapy relationship is related to three psychosocial dimensions of Asian hierarchical relationships. Anger, communication, the bicultural self, the magic-cosmic and spiritual self, and trauma and immigration are then delved into. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As many psychoanalysts continue to increase their interest in psychoanalytic research, there has been a concerted attempt by psychoanalytic institutes to recruit academic clinical psychology researchers into the various training programs offered at institutes. Although this goal is laudable, there are a number of issues that psychoanalytic institutes must consider to effectively recruit and retain academic clinical psychologists to become psychoanalytic candidates. First, administrators, teachers, and supervisors at psychoanalytic institutes must become aware of and appreciate the demands of professorial life, especially for junior faculty members, and second, psychoanalytic institutes must make changes that will enable them to accommodate candidates who are academic clinical psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The beginning of a psychoanalysis attempts to establish those aspects of the treatment that define the situation and process as uniquely psychoanalytic. From a classical perspective this entails the creation of a particular therapeutic ambience that encourages the patient to expand his or her capacity for self-reflection on the transference experience. In the present article, the author considers 3 major types of patients for whom the potential for establishing such a situation and process is compromised by various characterological difficulties. Clinical material is used to illustrate the particular way the analytic process is impeded in each of these types, and an attempt is made to systematically relate their difficulties to specific anxieties each experiences in reflecting on transference experience. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Within analytic and psychoanalytic psychotherapies, the unconscious process and communication between patient and psychotherapist is central to the therapeutic work. Unconscious communication may manifest in a variety of ways including through synchronicity. Synchronicity is an acausal yet meaningful connection between an internal mental object and an external event originally described by Carl Jung and his contemporaries. Previous literature has discussed the relationship between synchronicity and psychotherapy but there has been limited attention to synchronistic events linking the patient and psychotherapist. Relational viewpoints that emphasize the therapeutic dyad and the creation of meaning in the therapeutic context provide a contemporary framework for understanding and utilizing synchronicity as it surfaces in psychotherapy. Concepts from psychoanalytic psychotherapy including intersubjectivity, the therapeutic container, transference, and countertransference are explored in relation to synchronicity. Guidance for integrating and utilizing synchronicity in relationally oriented psychotherapy is provided. A clinical case study is presented to illustrate these ideas. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although psychoanalysis was once central to mainstream psychology, in recent years psychodynamic models of personality and psychopathology have become increasingly marginalized. The factors that combined to "disconnect" psychoanalysis from contemporary psychological science and clinical practice are examined, and strategies that can help reconnect psychoanalysis to mainstream psychology are described. These are (a) the use of nomothetic research methods to test and refine psychoanalytic concepts and (b) the communication of psychoanalytic principles and findings to colleagues, students, and members of the public. Opportunities and challenges that arise during this reconnection process are discussed, and prospects for the rebirth of a truly heuristic, integrative psychoanalysis are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews 4 books on the topic of psychoanalytic theory in abnormal psychology texts. The purpose of this review is to encourage this process by evaluating some of the resources available for academic psychologists to teach psychoanalysis to undergraduate psychology students. The reviewer reviews several texts commonly employed in teaching undergraduate abnormal psychology and psychopathology courses, with the aim of evaluating the extent to which they accurately reflect the breadth and complexity of psychoanalytic thought as it applies to these areas of inquiry. The books reviewed here were chosen on the basis of two criteria: (a) They are popular, widely used undergraduate abnormal psychology texts; and (b) they represent a range of perspectives on psychoanalysis, with some books written from a psychodynamic perspective, and others generally opposed to the psychoanalytic view. Each text is reviewed in three general areas. First, the reviewer evaluates the extent to which each thoroughly and accurately discusses basic psychoanalytic theory as it presents various models of mental functioning. Treatment of key psychoanalytic concepts such as ego development and defenses, compromise formation, symptom substitution, fixation and regression, and the psychosexual stages is evaluated, as is the extent to which each work attempts to integrate the object-relations perspective into its discussion. Second, the reviewer reviews each text's presentation of the psychodynamic model for selected areas of psychopathology (e.g., depression, schizophrenia, addiction and addictive behaviors, character pathology, and sexual disorders). Finally, the extent to which each work discusses the relationship of basic psychoanalytic theory to the use of projective tests such as the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is considered, as is each text's treatment of psychoanalytic concepts underlying the development of the medical model and the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III, 1980). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes the role that the concept of the unconscious fantasy—an organized configuration of unconscious ideas and images—has played in psychoanalytic theory. A series of laboratory experiments that demonstrated under controlled "double blind" conditions how the activitation of 2 unconscious fantasies could serve an adaptation enhancing function are described. How they served the same function when they were inadvertently activated in various types of psychotherapy is also discussed. One of the fantasies—the "symbiotic gratification fantasy"—is cited as particularly apt to be activated in systematic desensitization, client-centered therapy, and meditation. The other—the "sanctioned oedipal gratification fantasy"—is cited as most apt to be activated in Masters and Johnson type sex therapy, touching and other body contact therapies, behavior assertiveness training, and encounter treatment. (66 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Freud's effort to protect his work and simultaneously make it available as a scientific contribution led to an organizational structure for psychoanalysis whose rigidity impaired its science. Psychoanalytic institutes may be reinvigorated by recreating the ethos of Freud's original group. The author suggests that parallel academies be created, the nuclei of which might be authorities who already hold academic appointments. Gathering around them a range of graduate students from various disciplines, they could provide the basis for interchange among the students and among themselves, and could open opportunities for other colleagues to develop their own similar specialized interests. Creating such a broad psychoanalytic community would also potentially enlarge the pool of candidates for psychoanalytic training as those graduate students sought greater psychoanalytic proficiency. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Sexualities and homosexualities by Jaime P. Stubrin (see record 1994-97944-000). Stubrin's primary goal for this book is to outline the various theories that apply to an understanding of what he calls the sexual "deviations" ("perversions, neosexualities, and paraphilias"). He wants this consolidation of information to serve as a resource for psychoanalysts who may be feeling overwhelmed by all of the material on this topic. One theme repeated throughout the book is the need for analysts to approach "sexual deviants" with the "same affection and sympathy" which they feel toward obsessive, hysterical, borderline, or psychotic patients. Stubrin challenges the tendency in traditional psychoanalytic theory to assume mental illness or degenerative tendencies in those whose sexuality is not considered "normal." Throughout the book, Stubrin draws on literature, Freud's original work, and case examples to breathe life into his theoretical musings. The book is engaging and easy to read. At times, the translation (from Spanish) is quite choppy, but the ideas remain solidly stated. In summary, the reviewer believes that Stubrin accomplishes his primary goals of generating unrest and controversy through a challenging discussion of difficult psychoanalytic topics. The book will be of interest to those who hold very traditional psychoanalytic theoretical positions as well as those who work with the various sexualities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

宣钢焦化厂7台空压机通过RS485串行通讯技术与DCS、PLC系统之间进行通讯,实现了不同PLC系统之间的串行通讯接口转换、通讯程序开发和应用.实践证明,该项目的成功应用,为宣钢公司向设备大型化发展、各种类型的PLC系统、智能控制系统等的通讯,提供了成功实例.  相似文献   

The blurring of the distinction between language and action in contemporary psychoanalytic theories expands the traditional boundaries of psychoanalytic therapy. The current article delineates a conceptualization of psychoanalytic boundaries based on D. Winnicott's (1971) concept that transitional space defines the psychoanalytic process. It is proposed that D. Winnicott's (1971) concept shifts the psychoanalytic paradigm to adaptation, rather than interpretation, as the overriding analytic task. The analyst's adaptation and its limitations define the psychoanalytic dyad, and psychoanalytic boundaries, from this viewpoint, are expressions of the analyst's subjectivity. The clinical implications of this concept of psychoanalytic boundaries are demonstrated in the treatment of a severely regressed patient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present is a response to Adolf Grünbaum's outrage (see record 2007-10890-018) at my article (see record 2006-05420-005), and others. Grünbaum challenged my articles with a mixture of ad hominem and ad rem arguments claiming that I misrepresented his ideas about Freud and psychoanalysis. In this response, I propose to disentangle these two classes of arguments and point out factual, textual, methodological, and theoretical errors in Grünbaum's various arguments. I review a number of Freud's passages from his seminal contributions to psychoanalytic method: Studies on Hysteria and The Interpretation of Dreams, and other writings to show that Freud himself did not make explicit another cardinal distinction: that between what he operationally formulated as the psychoanalytic method, procedure, or technique versus the various etiological theories of psychological, that is, emotional disorders. Neither was this distinction honored by Grünbaum, and that is his cardinal error. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the role of storytelling in consultation. Data from tests and other instruments often relies heavily on numbers which clients may not interpret or integrate correctly, therefore, storytelling is a skill necessary for good consultants in the field of science to develop. There are many variants of storytelling in psychology found in psychoanalytic therapy, narrative therapy, and projective techniques. The use of tacit communication and short stories in organizational consultation is examined, and the idea of an organization's core ideology as a master story is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to delineate general features of the psychoanalytic process that are more encompassing of contemporary theoretical models, and to use these features as criteria to explore if a meaningful distinction can be made between psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Following a brief historical review of the literature, the author discusses the basis of theory, research, and practice of the so-called extrinsic and intrinsic criteria for psychoanalysis, and concludes that a meaningful distinction with psychoanalytic psychotherapy cannot be made. The author then offers the fundamental features of the psychoanalytic process that can include all psychoanalytic approaches. It is proposed that the psychoanalytic investigatory stance involves inquiry based on variable admixture of the empathic and other-centered listening vantage points, and that the distinctive domain of psychoanalytic inquiry is not just the patient's experience of the analytic relationship, but the patient's total experiential world. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Other times, other realities: Toward a theory of psychoanalytic treatment by Arnold H. Modell (see record 1990-97902-000). This book is addressed to the psychoanalytically sophisticated reader. Its introduction and 10 chapters take the reader through a history of ideas that have been postulated to explain why psychoanalysis works. Interspersed are valuable comments by Modell that include his own original contributions to the discussion. Chapter 1 revolves around Freud and Nachtr?glichkeit. Chapter 2 illuminates the paradoxical relation between reality and illusions that is manifested in the analytic setting. The concept of reality and its various levels are examined in chapter 3. Chapter 4 discusses the neurobiological theories of Edelman, who postulates that memory is not isomorphic with past experience but a recategorization. Modell sees different levels of reality as corresponding to different forms of transference. He relabels transference neurosis as iconic/projective transference and the transference derived from the setting as dependent/containing transference. Chapter 5 amplifies his remarks on linear and cyclic time. Chapter 6 discusses interpretation and chapter 7 examines the concept of resistance. Other chapters deal with the patient's use of the therapist, with paradox and therapeutic dilemmas, and with various theories of psychoanalytic treatment. Modell tries to classify contemporary theories of psychoanalytic treatment but recognizes such attempts as little more than convenient fictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic theory of female homosexuality occupies an unusual position in modern psychoanalytic thought because it continues to be influenced by models of the mind that have largely been discarded in other areas of psychoanalytic psychology. Psychoanalytic ideas regarding female homosexuality are considered here from an historical perspective. It is suggested that modern psychoanalytic theory about sexual orientation in women must include recent contributions on the psychological development of women, the psychoanalytic psychology of male homosexuality, and relevant extraanalytic observations.  相似文献   

Juxtaposes psychoanalytic thought with recent infant research to develop an understanding of the term mental representation. A definition of mental representations as unconscious organizing structures of interactions is proposed as a comprehensive integration of the various points of view on this issue. The psychoanalytic view of representations is presented, along with revisions suggested by extensions of theory within psychoanalysis and developmental research. Several points of divergence are discussed, including the issue of self–object differentiation, the caretaker–child dyad as the focus of analysis, and the capacity within the first year for emergent structures that allow the infant to develop interpersonal expectations. Influences of Piaget's theory of representation on each body of thought are also addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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