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美国新城市主义指导下的公交导向发展:批判与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史背景来看,新城市主义是对城市美化运动、田园城市运动等传统城市规划理论的一种发展和扬弃.1980年代以来,"公交导向发展模式"逐渐成为美国城市规划实践中实现新城市主义理念的重要手段之一,并在全美规划实践中广泛流行.然而,虽然这种模式在局部地区得到了一定程度的实现和推崇,但并未在更大范围内产生与其理论相一致的实质影响力.作者认为,无论是新城市主义理论本身,对新城市主义的批判,还是对公交导向发展模式的实证研究,本质上都是对现代主义规划理论,特别是对"空问决定论"思维的深刻反省.了解新城市主义理论及其局限,对于指导我国城市规划实践,避免我固的城市规划和设计走西方的老路,有着重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

新城市主义的逻辑结构与实践性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对新城市主义理论的剖析,解构了其在西方城市产生的理论判断前提、理论的价值取向以及实践的具体模式,从而构建起“新城市主义”理论的逻辑结构。在此基础上,根据新城市主义理论的逻辑结构,分别提出了新城市主义在中西方不同城市发展背景下的实践性。针对中西方的差别,提出了在中国新城市主义本土化实践过程中,进行改良所要注意的4个基准条件以及新城市主义在中国实践所能给予中国城市发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代兴起的新城市主义运动为人类认识城市蔓延、解决中心城区空心化及社区冷漠等问题提供重要的理论思考范式。本文系统梳理新城市主义运动发展至今的二十多年实践历程和不同思潮的演变,提出新城市主义理论始终贯穿于一系列实践项目中,而当前的新城市主义理论呈现吸收批判思想、完善理论框架、加固实施保障及创新理论实践四方面发展特征。进而指出针对新城市主义运动的批判涵盖运动起源、理论内容、实践操作三个层面。最后,立足新城市主义运动褒贬不一的认知,指出新城市主义运动是城市动态发展过程的阶段性平衡策略,城市发展过程中任何动态不确定因素的变化都是构成新城市主义发展的未知数。文章对中国现阶段新城市主义的实践进行深刻反思,并提出未来发展的建议与预期。  相似文献   

基于新城市主义的城乡发展规划拟合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新城市主义是20世纪后期美国逐渐兴起的城市规划理念。本文旨在通过汲取新城市主义中的积极要素,并在此基础上探讨我国城乡发展中所面临的规划拟合问题及解决策略。认为可以采用城市边界有序拓展、公众参与规划、构建“人文舒悦”型城乡环境体系和有效推动城乡双边互动发展的模式,来实现城乡共同发展的目的。  相似文献   

徐谦 《江苏建筑》2011,(5):16-18
作为1990年以后在西方国家兴起并已日趋主流化的规划理论和思想运动,新城市主义对我国的城市规划建设同样具有值得借鉴的地方。文章以苏州为例,通过探讨现实中存在的城市问题,以新城市主义的视角剖析苏州在城市建设中运用和发展的规划理念。  相似文献   

何韶瑶 《中外建筑》2009,(6):110-112
本文通过回顾“新城市主义”规划理论的背景与发展以及描述我国城市交通规划的现状,分析了如何在“新城市主义”规划理论指导下,优化城市道路网系统和交通结构,实现可持续发展的城市交通规划,以满足城市交通可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

邹邦涛  王思雨 《城市建筑》2023,(6):94-96+103
20世纪80年代末,新城市主义理论在美国兴起,其主张塑造紧凑型社区,解决城市无序扩张、公共空间衰落等发展问题。研究基于新城市主义及空间句法理论,通过梳理美国新城市主义的形成背景及邻里开发模式的相关理论与实践,对滨海新城、温莎镇、肯特兰镇三个典型案例进行量化分析,探讨美国早期新城市主义理念下的聚居形态特征,试为国内住区规划提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程的加快,我国大城市纷纷兴起新城规划和建设的高潮。通过对中国新城建设的概况、新城市主义理论的回顾,站在理论的层面探讨了新城市主义理念对我国新城建设的启示。  相似文献   

“新城市主义”是20世纪80年代在北美城市设计领域兴起的一种新思潮,产生于美国大城市发展的历史背景中,在美国大城市经历了城市化、郊区化、绅士化的发展历程后,作为针对郊区蔓延发展批判的“新城市主义”思想越来越受到规划专家、城市政府、开发商、社会公众的关注。本文通过对比的手法,分析新城市主义对我国居住区规划的影响以及在探索实践中存在的问题,探讨了问题的解决方法,以供我国居住区规划设计参考借鉴。  相似文献   

新城市主义的理念与实践、理想与现实   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
“新城市主义”是1990年代以后西方国家兴起的并且已日趋主流化的规划理论和思想运动。本文对新城市主义运动的组织、思想、规划要点、实践活动、影响与成就以及所面对的理想与现实困境予以介绍和评述。  相似文献   

新城市主义是为了解决美国郊区化所产生的问题 ,其背景与其主要的规划思想密不可分 ,其规划和建筑的理论也浑然一体 ,所以笔者系统介绍了新城市主义的这几个方面的内容 .由于新城市主义是为了解决郊区化的问题 ,它的经验教训对正在发展的中国会有一定的借鉴作用  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contribute to our geographical understanding of New Urbanism as an important reform movement by exploring its representational rather than physical experience within the United States. Specifically, we analyze US newspaper accounts of New Urbanism from 1990 to 2012, looking for broad patterns in how it is portrayed to popular audiences around the country – what we think of as its “triumphs” and “travails” across American space. We also explore the stated reasons given for these portrayals, without attempting in this contribution to theorize motivations, agendas or broader political-economies that shape perceptions of planning and design. The paper finds that positive accounts of New Urbanism outnumber negative accounts by nearly three-to-one. In addition to overall tone, the paper discusses the qualitative content of articles to establish key justifications and rationales for positive, negative and neutral framings. Further research might extend our findings by analyzing how New Urbanism if/s “framed” publically on social media and in other national contexts.  相似文献   

Urbanism is a challenging topic in the world, which has resulted in several land-use and transportation issues in urban environments. To address these issues, urban planners follow integrated planning approaches that are more compatible with sustainable development objectives. Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is widely recognized as one of the most feasible and comprehensive sustainable planning approaches. In this research, a three-step TOD-based method was developed for sustainable urban planning in the central region of Tehran. First, a measurable index was developed to assess public transit infrastructure (PTI) and TOD levels in the study area. At the second step, which was the focus of the research, an Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) approach was used to make a balance between TOD and PTI levels. ABM is a bottom-up approach that can solve spatial problems and can be integrated with top-down policies and spatial analysis tools. Finally, the performance of the model was evaluated by conducting several statistical, visual and empirical assessments using Tehran municipality's reference data. These assessments confirmed the efficiency and feasibility of the model.  相似文献   

Greenways: multiplying and diversifying in the 21st century   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Building on the legacy of historic greenway planning in the U.S., several new initiatives have been taking shape and gaining recognition in the past decade. One is ‘Green Infrastructure’ planning which is a ‘must have’ inter-connected system of green spaces. Another is ‘Smart Conservation’—the counterpoint of another planning initiative that preceded it known as ‘Smart Growth’. This is the establishment of critical green corridors that should be preserved and maintained for predominantly ecological functions, in advance of or in conjunction with new development. ‘New Urbanism’ has focused on bringing order and coherence to escalating ‘Edge Cities’ on the urban fringe, based on walkable, mixed-use towns, villages and neighborhoods with integrated open-space systems. Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) are transportation plans for accommodating regional growth around clustered ‘pedestrian pockets’ linked by transit systems. Both New Urbanism and TODs have applied similar principles to ‘brown sites’ and declining city neighborhoods.All these initiatives are different aspects of the greenway movement, expressing its many possibilities, enriching its original concepts, enlarging its credibility—if need be—and emphasizing its importance for and relevance to current issues of sustainability and ‘green’ planning and design. The author, a teacher/practitioner, discusses recent U.S. greenway examples at site, metropolitan and regional scales for which he has been the principal planner/designer or a consultant, and compares New Urbanism and TOD methodologies and approaches to established greenway-planning practices and the premises of Smart Conservation.  相似文献   

李峰  王晓健  杨曙霞 《工业建筑》2005,35(1):96-97,92
“新都市主义”是为了解决美国郊区化所产生的问题 ,而在 2 0世纪 90年代以后西方国家兴起的并且已日趋主流化的规划理论和思想运动。介绍了新都市主义的思想内容、规划要点。由于新都市主义是为了解决效区化的问题 ,它的经验教训对正在发展的中国会有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

“新城市主义”与美国社区设计的新动向   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:39  
“新城市主义”是1990年代以后西方城市设计领域中兴起的一个重要流派,其设计思想和作品已对当今美国新型社区的建立和城市机理的重构产生了一定的影响。本文首先分析了“新城市主义”兴起的背景,然后阐述了该流派的主要设计理念、实践特征和今后的发展前景,最后总结了它带给我国社区设计的启示。  相似文献   

Utilizing the empirical study of four ‘New Urbanist’ housing schemes, this paper seeks to unpack the emergence, legitimisation, contestation and subsequent hybridisation of New Urbanism in urban and suburban Toronto. Conceptually, the paper builds on the observation that in order to understand the circulation of New Urbanism as a global movement, it is necessary to first de-universalize the processes; to view it as a globally circulated idea that crucially is co-constituted by the practices of situated interpretative communities of development and planning actors. The situated complexities of New Urbanist production in Greater Toronto are used as a critical lens to understand the constrained dynamism of the regional development and building culture which is relationally assembled through regulatory, industry and ideological practices. New Urbanism is re-positioned as a localized and politicized housing response to suburban growth management and urban intensification agendas that is unevenly supported in terms of market acceptance, historical precedence, technocratic planning and product design flexibility.  相似文献   

The management of land resources, particularly the role of planning regulations, is critical in defining what land can be used in urban development – and this throws up certain key questions: How can one best manage land resources available? How can one address future urban development needs on the basis of existing land from a sustainable perspective? In this article we propose to question the extent of planning theories in the light of concrete urban development using land availability information. By using comprehensive national data we explore the case of Luxembourg, a small European country facing exacerbated pressures for metropolitanization. We use scenarios that go from a lesser to a greater degree of sustainability in order to project and articulate different configurations of land consumption based on a critical literature review (Smart Growth, New Urbanism, and transit oriented development (TOD)). We explore how modelling might be used to help inform spatial planning for urban growth. This framework is intended as an approach that would be applicable to other urban settings by using data that can be found in any typical municipal authority along with implementation in a geographical information system (GIS). The results create a tool which is useful for planning, monitoring or forecasting land consumption. The results also clearly show the limited impact of planning practices in terms of sustainability using land availability.  相似文献   

新城市主义与中国城市化进程中的住区规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦臻  郑宙青 《华中建筑》2005,23(Z1):10-14
新城市主义起源于20世纪80年代的美国.该文试图分析其产生的社会背景和理论方法,以及新城市主义对中国城市化建设的指导意义,并以浙江金华市金东新区居住新区设计为例,介绍了新城市主义方法在中国城镇居住区规划中的具体实践.  相似文献   

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