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P Whittaker VC Dunkel TJ Bucci DF Kusewitt JD Thurman A Warbritton GL Wolff 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,25(6):556-564
Genome-related differences to Fe overload between and within rodent species were evaluated in the present study. Male B6C3F1 mice, yellow and black C5YSF1 mice, and Fischer 344 (F344) rats were fed AIN-76A diets containing 35 (control), 1,500, 3,500, 5,000, or 10,000 micrograms carbonyl Fe/g for 12 wk. No effects on body weight gain were observed in the B6C3F1 and black C5YSF1 mice, whereas at all doses of Fe above the control, weight gain was reduced in yellow C5YSF1 mice and F344 rats. At the 10,000 micrograms Fe/g dose, 9 of 12 rats died, but there was no mortality among the mice. In all animals, there was a dose-related increase in liver nonheme Fe, and the Fe was stored in hepatocytes predominantly in the periportal region. There was significant hypertrophy of the hepatocytes in both B6C3F1 mice and F344 rats fed the 10,000 micrograms Fe/g diet. PCNA assays showed significant stimulatory effects of the high dose of Fe on hepatocyte proliferation in the F344 rats and the C5YSF1 mice but not in the B6C3F1 mice. In the rat, there was pancreatic atrophy with loss of both endocrine and exocrine tissue. Morphometric evaluation of pancreas showed fewer beta cells in B6C3F1 and yellow C5YSF1 mice but not in the black C5YSF1 mice. There were fewer islets in the yellow C5YSF1 mice, and total and mean islet areas were smaller than in the control mice. Rats in the 10,000 micrograms Fe/g dose group had markedly exacerbated dose-dependent nephropathy and changes in glomerular and tubular epithelium associated with Fe accumulation. The rats also showed degeneration of the germinal epithelium of the testis, formation of multinucleated giant cells, and lack of mature sperm. 相似文献
Dietary alpha-tocopherol supplementation on antioxidant defenses after in vivo iron overload in rats
In the present study we have examined the effects and mechanisms of endothelin-1 (ET-1) on arachidonic acid (AA) release and prostaglandin (PG) synthesis in human ciliary muscle (HCM) cells. ET-1 stimulated AA release in a time (t1/2=1.5 min) and concentration-dependent (EC50=5 nM) manner, which is primarily mediated through the ETA receptor subtype. The AA liberated by ET-1 appears to derive mainly from the phosphoinositides and phosphatidylcholine. Our data show that phospholipase A2 (PLA2), but not phospholipase C (PLC), plays an important role in ET-1-induced AA release. This conclusion is supported by the following findings: (1) ET-1-evoked AA release was inhibited by the PLA2 inhibitors dexamethasone, mepacrine and manoalide in a concentration-dependent manner. Conversion of AA into PGE2 was inhibited by the cyclooxygenase inhibitors in the following order: Indomethacin>naproxen >ibuprofen>NS-398>aspirin. (2) The phorbol ester, PDBu, an activator of protein kinase C, potentiated ET-1-induced AA release by 39%, but inhibited that of inositol phosphates formation by 62%. (3) Pretreatment of the labeled cells with isoproterenol lowered ET-1-induced inositol phosphates production, but had no effect on AA release. (4) U71322, a PLC inhibitor, inhibited ET-1-induced inositol phosphates production, but had no effect on that of AA release. (5) Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin (0.1 microg ml-1) attenuated the stimulatory effects of ET-1 on AA release and PGE2 formation. These data demonstrate that ET-1 is a potent agonist for AA release and PG synthesis in HCM cells, and that PLA2, but not PLC, plays an important role in ET-1-induced AA release and PG synthesis. In ciliary muscle, AA and its metabolites play important roles in intracellular signalling, modulation of physiological processes, and regulation of intraocular pressure. 相似文献
P Cutler 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,39(1):8-11
Seven patients with varying psychiatric disorders were found to have iron overload as manifested by abnormal serum ferritin, transferrin saturation index (TSI), or excessive urinary iron. All possible sources of secondary iron overload were ruled out. The patients were treated with the specific iron chelator, deferoxamine, given IM for seven to 22 weeks which resulted in significant clinical improvements. These cases indicate a need to be aware that disordered iron metabolism is a somatic cause of psychiatric illness and that there is clinical improvement upon lowering elevated iron levels in patients with iron overload. 相似文献
N Milman T Bergholt L Eriksen K Ahring NA Graudal 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,159(41):6057-6062
Among fertile, nonpregnant, Danish women, 33% have absent or reduced iron stores; 22% have serum ferritin values above 70 micrograms/l, i.e., iron reserves of more than 530 mg, corresponding to the net iron losses during a normal pregnancy. During pregnancy, the demands for absorbed iron increase from 0.8 to 7.5 mg/day. Controlled studies show that iron-treated pregnant women have higher serum ferritin levels, i.e., larger iron stores, and higher haemoglobin levels than placebo-treated women. A supplement of 66 mg ferrous iron daily from the beginning of the 2nd trimester prevents iron deficiency anaemia. In Denmark, general iron prophylaxis with 60-70 mg ferrous iron daily from 20 weeks of gestation is recommended by the health authorities. 相似文献
The drug approval process in the USA is under constant surveillance, monitoring and evaluation. Several significant changes were made during the past few years and many others are under consideration. The FDA has undergone organizational changes, which together with the IND Rewrite and NDA Rewrite resulted in a shift of emphasis in clinical studies. 相似文献
Manganese (Mn) is an essential trace element at low concentrations, but at higher concentrations is neurotoxic. It has several chemical and biochemical properties similar to iron (Fe), and there is evidence of metabolic interaction between the two metals, particularly at the level of absorption from the intestine. The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Mn and Fe interact during the processes involved in uptake from the plasma by the brain and other organs of the rat. Dams were fed control (70 mg Fe/kg), Fe-deficient (5-10 mg Fe/kg), or Fe-loaded (20 g carbonyl Fe/kg) diets, with or without Mn-loaded drinking water (2 g Mn/L), from day 18-19 of pregnancy, and, after weaning the young rats, were continued on the same dietary regimens. Measurements of brain, liver, and kidney Mn and nonheme Fe levels, and the uptake of 54Mn and 59Fe from the plasma by these organs and the femurs, were made when the rats were aged 15 and 63 d. Organ nonheme Fe levels were much higher than Mn levels, and in the liver and kidney increased much more with Fe loading than did Mn levels with Mn loading. However, in the brain the increases were greater for Mn. Both Fe depletion and loading led to increased brain Mn concentrations in the 15-d/rats, while Fe loading also had this effect at 63 d. Mn loading did not have significant effects on the nonheme Fe concentrations. 54Mn, injected as MnCl2 mixed with serum, was cleared more rapidly from the circulation than was 59Fe, injected in the form of diferric transferrin. In the 15-d-rats, the uptake of 54Mn by brain, liver, kidneys, and femurs was increased by Fe loading, but this was not seen in the 63-d rats. Mn supplementation led to increased 59Fe uptake by the brain, liver, and kidneys of the rats fed the control and Fe-deficient diets, but not in the Fe-loaded rats. It is concluded that Mn and Fe interact during transfer from the plasma to the brain and other organs and that this interaction is synergistic rather than competitive in nature. Hence, excessive intake of Fe plus Mn may accentuate the risk of tissue damage caused by one metal alone, particularly in the brain. 相似文献
Cortical bone remodeling rates for rib samples from three archaeological populations and a modern autopsy sample were determined using an algorithm developed by Frost (Frost [1987a] Calcif. Tissue Res. 3:211-237). When plotted against the relative antiquities for population samples, histomorphometric variables; i.e., activation frequency (mu rc), net bone formation (netVf,r,t), and mean annual bone formation rate (Vf,r,t), exhibit a concordant trend of increased cortical bone remodeling activity levels over time. Two intensive foraging populations, Windover and Gibson, are similar for all bone remodeling parameters and have the lowest remodeling activity levels among the samples. The more recent Ledders sample, which is reported to practice agricultural subsistence, is consistently intermediate between these and a modern autopsy sample. Although there appear to be differences in bone formation rates among the populations it is concluded that these differences cannot be attributed to differences in bone remodeling rates among the populations, but rather are reflecting different effective ages of adult compacta for their ribs. These findings suggest that the earlier populations, particularly Windsor and Gibson, appear to have reached skeletal maturity at an older age than observed for modern. 相似文献
JD Arnold AD Mumford JO Lindsay U Hegde M Hagan JR Hawkins 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,41(3):408-410
We present a case of a 3-month-old boy presenting with fulminating meningococcal septicaemia associated with extensive peripheral gangrene requiring amputation of three limbs. The surgical management options and the role of early fasciotomy are discussed. 相似文献
Both hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and iron overload are important health problems in Africa. Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is recognised as a major risk factor for HCC, but iron overload in Africans has not been considered in pathogenesis. Up to half the patients with HCC in Africa do not have any recognised risk factors such as preceding chronic HBV infection, and other risk factors remain unidentified. HCC is an important complication of HLA-linked haemochromatosis, an iron loading disorder found in Europeans. It is proposed that African iron overload might also be a risk factor for HCC. 相似文献
It has been suggested that iron plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, primarily by acting as a catalyst for the atherogenic modification of LDL. Although some epidemiological data suggest that high stored iron levels are an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease and that iron has been detected in both early and advanced atherosclerotic lesions, the evidence is often contradictory and inconclusive. We used the New Zealand White rabbit to investigate the effects of iron overload (FeO) and iron deficiency (FeD) on atherosclerosis. Groups of 7 rabbits were either iron loaded by injections of iron dextran (FeO group), iron depleted by phlebotomy (FeD group), or given injections of saline (control group) for a total of 9 weeks. All rabbits were fed a chow diet containing 1% (wt/wt) cholesterol for the last 6 weeks of the study. Iron and antioxidant status and cholesterol levels were assayed in plasma before cholesterol feeding (week 3) and at the time that the rabbits were killed (week 9). In addition, the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation was measured and pathological examination of the aortic arch and thoracic aorta performed at the end of the study. FeD significantly decreased the levels of blood hemoglobin, serum iron, and transferrin saturation compared with controls. Conversely, FeO significantly increased transferrin Fe saturation. FeO but not FeD decreased plasma cholesterol levels compared with control animals both before (P < .05) and after (P = .055) cholesterol feeding. Neither FeO nor FeD had a significant effect on the levels of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation products in plasma and aortic tissue or on the susceptibility of LDL to ex-vivo oxidation. FeO significantly decreased aortic arch lesion formation by 56% compared with controls (P < .05), whereas FeD had no significant effect. These results indicate that in this animal model, FeO decreases rather than increases atherosclerosis, likely because iron dextran exerts a hypocholesterolemic effect. Our data do not support the hypotheses that elevation of Fe stores increases or that a reduction of Fe stores by phlebotomy decreases the risk of coronary artery disease. 相似文献
J Silva S Andrade H Ventura JP Santos S Cola?o C Oliveira P Ponce 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,13(10):2572-2577
BACKGROUND: The aim of this prospective study was to test a new protocol for iron supplementation in haemodialysis patients, as well as to assess the utility of different iron metabolism markers in common use and their 'target' values for the correction of iron deficiency. METHODS: Thirty-three of 56 chronic haemodialysis patients were selected for long-term (6 months) i.v. iron therapy at 20 mg three times per week post-dialysis based on the presence of at least one of the following iron metabolism markers: percentage of transferrin saturation (%TSAT) <20%; percentage of hypochromic erythrocytes (%HypoE) > 10% and serum ferritin (SF) <400 microg/l. Reasons for patient exclusion were active inflammatory or infectious diseases, haematological diseases, psychosis, probable iron overload (SF > or =400 microg/l) and/or acute need of blood transfusion mostly due to haemorrhage and change in renal replacement treatment. RESULTS: More than half (51.8%) of the patients of our dialysis centre proved to have some degree of iron deficiency in spite of their regular oral iron supplementation. At the start of the study the mean haemoglobin was 10.8 g/dl and increased after the 6 months of iron treatment to 12.8 g/dl (P<0.0001). The use of erythropoietin decreased from 118 units/kg/week to 84 units/kg/week. The criterion for iron supplementation with the best sensitivity/specificity relationship (100/87.9%) was ferritin <400 microg/l. Patients with ferritin < 100 [microg/l and those with ferritin between 100 microg/l and 400 microg/l had the same increase in haemoglobin but other parameters of iron metabolism were different between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Routine supplementation of iron in haemodialysis patients should be performed intravenously. Target ferritin values should be considered individually and the best mean haemoglobin values were achieved at 6 months with a mean ferritin of 456 microg/l (variation from to 919 microg/l). The percentage of transferrin saturation, percentage of hypochromic erythrocytes and ferritin <100 microg/l, were not considered useful parameters to monitor routine iron supplementation in haemodialysis patients. No significant adverse reactions to iron therapy were observed. 相似文献
VM Moyo IT Gangaidzo VR Gordeuk CF Kiire AP Macphail 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,43(11):334-339
Both pulmonary tuberculosis and dietary iron overload are common conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. The incidence of tuberculosis has increased markedly over the last decade, primarily as a result of the rapid spread of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Dietary iron overload affects up to 10% of adults in rural populations and is characterized by heavy iron deposition both in parenchymal cells and in macrophages. Mycobacterium tuberculosis grows within macrophages and, at the same time, the antimicrobial function of macrophages is important in the body's defence against tuberculosis. In vitro, the loading of macrophages with iron reduces the response of these cells to activation by interferon-gamma and diminishes their toxicity against micro-organisms. In the clinical setting, dietary iron overload appears to increase the risk for death from tuberculosis even in the absence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The combination of dietary iron overload and infection with the HIV, with impaired function of both macrophages and T-cells, may make patients especially vulnerable to tuberculosis. It is possible that the prevention and treatment of dietary iron overload could contribute to the control of tuberculosis in African populations. 相似文献
B Borch-Iohnsen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,117(24):3506-3507
Primary haemochromatosis is characterized by an unusually high degree of iron absorption resulting in the accumulation of excessive amounts of tissue iron. Excess stores of iron are removed by repeated phlebotomy. Health personnel and a number of patients with primary haemochromatosis have expressed their desire for advice on special diets to try and reduce the number of phlebotomies per year. This article gives advice on how patients with primary haemochromatosis can decrease their dietary iron intake and how they can put together meals to obtain low bioavailability, and therefore a lower iron absorption. The diet should be varied and be rich in bread and cereals, and fruit and vegetables. The amount of meat, Norwegian brown whey cheese (iron supplemented) and alcohol should be limited. Tea or coffee with meals will reduce iron absorption. Food rich in ascorbic acid (fruit and fruit juice) should be avoided with meals. Ascorbic acid supplements are not recommended. 相似文献
The frequency of bcl-2 protein expression was evaluated using immunocytochemical staining during the progression of human and rat prostate cancer from an androgen-sensitive nonmetastatic to an androgen-independent metastatic phenotype. Previous studies (A. S. Shabaik et al., J. Urol. Pathol., 3: 17-27, 1995) demonstrated that 0 of 20 high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias and only 3 (7%) of 41 pathologically localized stage B human prostatic cancers had detectable bcl-2 staining. In the present study, 5 (17%) of 30 lymph node metastases from pathologically disseminated D1 disease and 14 (52%) of 27 bone metastases from pathologically disseminated D2 disease expressed detectable bcl-2 protein. These data demonstrate that there is a statistically significant (P < 0.05) association between expression of bcl-2 and the progression of human prostatic cancer cells to a metastatic phenotype. Such bcl-2 expression is not absolutely required, however, for either androgen independence or metastatic ability by human prostatic cancer cells. Likewise, within a series of eight distinct Dunning R3327 rat prostatic cancer sublines, which differ widely in their progressional state, there is also a significant association (P < 0. 05) between bcl-2 expression and progression (four of six androgen-independent rat sublines expressed bcl-2 protein). Again in this rodent system, bcl-2 expression is not an absolute requirement for either androgen independence or metastatic ability. For example, the androgen-independent highly metastatic Dunning AT-3 subline, while expressing bax protein, does not express bcl-2 protein. If such AT-3 cells are genetically engineered to express bcl-2, these expressing cells are now cross-resistant to a variety of mechanistically diverse noxious insults (e.g., viral infection or exposure to antimetabolites, alkylating agents, or agents which elevate the intracellular free Ca2+). The ability of bcl-2 to inhibit the programmed death of AT-3 cells induced by these agents involves a late step in the death process, since the early induction of expression of a series of genes associated with apoptosis is not impaired by bcl-2 expression. These data demonstrate that the development of androgen independence and/or metastatic ability can be associated with the expression of bcl-2 protein but that bcl-2-independent mechanisms also exist for such progression. 相似文献
The effects of feeding four levels of dietary iron, 10, 50, 250 and 1.250 mg/kg were studied during pregnancy in growing and adult rats. Hematological measurements, plasma iron and total iron binding capacity, and iron content in liver, spleen and tibia were compared relative to pregnancy, diet and growth. Iron content in fetuses and fetal livers were compared relative to diet and growth of the dams. All parameters were lowest in rats fed the 10 mg Fe/kg diet. The highest level of iron fed, 1,250 mg/kg, resulted in increased iron content in liver, spleen and tibia of all treatment groups but did not alter hematological values or fetal iron content. Pregnant rats fed any of the four levels of iron had significantly lower Hb, Ht, total and storage iron concentration and ferritin and hemosiderin iron in liver than nonpregnant rats fed the same levels. The level of dietary iron needed by growing pregnant rats for maximal iron content in fetuses and fetal livers was between 50 and 250 mg Fe/kg which was fivefold that needed to obtain maximal hemoglobin concentration in dams. However, adult pregnant rats only needed between 10 to 50 mg Fe/kg for both maximal iron stores in fetal tissues and maximal hemoglobin concentration. 相似文献
PY Chen PL St John KA Kirk DR Abrahamson PW Sanders 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,68(2):174-184
BACKGROUND: The Dahl/Rapp strains of salt-sensitive (SS/Jr) and salt-resistant (SR/Jr) rat were developed to examine pathogenetic mechanisms that produce hypertension in response to an increase in dietary salt. We have shown that providing SS/Jr rats with L-arginine, the metabolic precursor of nitric oxide, acutely prevented salt-sensitive hypertension, suggesting that SS/Jr rats developed hypertension because of inadequate nitric oxide production while on a high-salt diet. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Male 23-day SS/Jr and SR/Jr rats were placed on chow that contained 8% sodium chloride. One group of SS/Jr rats also received L-arginine, 1.25 g/liter, in their drinking water. These three groups were examined at weekly intervals for 4 weeks. RESULTS: SS/Jr rats rapidly developed hypertension when placed on the high-salt chow. After 2 weeks on this diet, inulin clearance dramatically decreased, and albumin excretion rate increased. By the fourth week of study, SS/Jr rats on the high-salt diet had died or were dying. Coincident with the progressive decline in inulin clearance, renal morphologic analysis confirmed development of myointimal thickening, fibrinoid necrosis, and glomerulosclerosis. In contrast, over the 4 weeks of study, SS/Jr rats supplemented with oral L-arginine did not develop hypertension and any of the associated renal complications seen in age-matched SS/Jr rats on the high-salt diet. L-Arginine also corrected hypertension in SS/Jr rats exposed to the high-salt chow for 2 weeks before the inception of L-arginine. L-Arginine administration after 3 weeks on this chow, however, failed to reverse hypertension and the depressed inulin clearance and morphologic renal damage. CONCLUSIONS: Along with previous work (Chen PY, Sanders PW, J Clin Invest 88:1559-67), these studies were consistent with the hypothesis that hypertension and hypertensive nephrosclerosis developed in SS/Jr rats because, while on a high-salt diet, substrate (L-arginine) became a rate-limiting factor in the synthesis of nitric oxide. 相似文献
AM Zaitoun G Apelqvist C Wikell H Al-Mardini F Bengtsson CO Record 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,28(6):1461-1466
To evaluate the differential effects of portacaval shunting (PCS) on the morphological changes that occur in humans with portal-systemic encephalopathy, male rats underwent either PCS (13) or sham operations (10). Normal adult rats (6) were used as controls. All animals were killed 5 to 7 weeks after the surgery. The wet weight of the testes was obtained. Hematoxylin-eosin (HE)-stained sections at 5-micrometers thickness were used for stereological analysis using an image analysis system. Apoptosis was assessed quantitatively in HE and in in situ end-labeling (ISEL)-stained slides, while mitotic activity and mast cell numbers were assessed in 20 high-power fields. There was a significant reduction in the testicular mass (664 mg) in PCS rats in comparison with sham (2,199 mg) and control (1,937 mg) rats (P <.00001). The thickness of germinal epithelium was significantly reduced in PCS rats (64 micrometers) compared with sham (126 micrometers) and control groups (108 micrometers). The number of tubules per square millimeter and the mean curvature were significantly increased in PCS rats (P <.00001). There was a 112-fold increase in apoptosis in PCS rats (112) in comparison with the control and sham-operation groups (1.2 and 0.7, respectively). Mitosis was significantly reduced in the PCS group (P =.0089), but mast cells were unchanged. The results suggest that PCS in the absence of liver dysfunction produces testicular atrophy by reduction in mitosis, maturation arrest, and increased apoptosis of the germinal epithelium. PCS may therefore be responsible for gonadal atrophy that occurs with advanced liver disease in humans. 相似文献