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A test phantom, including a wide range of mammographic tissue equivalent materials and test details, was imaged on a digital mammographic system. In order to quantify the effect of scatter on the contrast obtained for the test details, calculations of the scatter-to-primary ratio (S/P) have been made using a Monte Carlo simulation of the digital mammographic imaging chain, grid and test phantom. The results show that the S/P values corresponding to the imaging conditions used were in the range 0.084-0.126. Calculated and measured pixel values in different regions of the image were compared as a validation of the model and showed excellent agreement. The results indicate the potential of Monte Carlo methods in the image quality-patient dose process optimisation, especially in the assessment of imaging conditions not available on standard mammographic units.  相似文献   

In vivo monitoring techniques are needed to estimate the amount of an actinide in the skeleton in addition to that in the lungs and liver. Skull counting with external detectors has been a standard procedure for this purpose. Realistic skull phantoms are normally used to calibrate the counting systems. However, the fabrication of realistic phantoms is extremely difficult and expensive. Therefore, a theoretical approach based on Monte Carlo methods in conjunction with a Cristy mathematical phantom has been examined for assessing skull burdens of actinides. A computer program that generates surface sources of actinides on the skull and simulates low-energy photon transport in the heterogeneous media of the head region of the Cristy phantom was developed for this purpose. The program determines the observable pulse height spectrum of the detector and the corresponding calibration factors for different counting geometries. The computer program was used to generate the pulse height spectra and the corresponding calibration factors of 20 cm and 15 cm diameter phoswich detectors, each positioned on the left and right sides and on the top of the head region of the Cristy phantom, whose skull surfaces were assumed to have a uniform distribution of 241Am. The computed calibration factor for a counting geometry consisting of three phoswich detectors (15 cm diameter each) surrounding the phantom's skull was found to be in excellent agreement with the experimental results obtained for the same geometry using a realistic physical skull phantom. This provided a validation of the realistic design of the skull in the Cristy phantom, implying that the results reported in this paper could be used for in vivo measurements of skull burdens of 241Am for the stated counting geometry.  相似文献   

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used as the basis of non-invasive neuroimaging that may allow the measurement of haemodynamic changes in the human brain evoked by applied stimuli. Since this technique is very sensitive, physiological interference arising from the cardiac cycle and breathing can significantly affect the signal quality. Such interference is difficult to remove by conventional techniques because it occurs not only in the extracerebral layer but also in the brain tissue itself. Previous work on this problem employing temporal filtering, spatial filtering, and adaptive filtering have exhibited good performance for recovering brain activity data in evoked response studies. However, in this study, we present a time-frequency adaptive method for physiological interference reduction based on the combination of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert spectral analysis (HSA). Monte Carlo simulations based on a five-layered slab model of a human adult head were implemented to evaluate our methodology. We applied an EMD algorithm to decompose the NIRS time series derived from Monte Carlo simulations into a series of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). In order to identify the IMFs associated with symmetric interference, the extracted components were then Hilbert transformed from which the instantaneous frequencies could be acquired. By reconstructing the NIRS signal by properly selecting IMFs, we determined that the evoked brain response is effectively filtered out with even higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The results obtained demonstrated that EMD, combined with HSA, can effectively separate, identify and remove the contamination from the evoked brain response obtained with NIRS using a simple single source–detector pair.  相似文献   

Three sizes of the St Petersburg phantom have been compared to six sizes of BOMAB phantoms measured by a virtual whole-body counter similar to the one in use in the Human Monitoring Laboratory using Monte Carlo simulations. The previously published data comparing the St Petersburg Reference Man sized phantom with a similar sized Bottle Manikin Absorber Phantoms (BOMAB) phantom at 662 keV is supported; however, the simulations also show that the smaller sized St Petersburg phantoms do not agree well with smaller BOMAB phantoms. It is concluded that the St Petersburg phantoms are system dependent meaning that all sizes of the St Petersburg phantoms should be experimentally compared over a wide photon energy range against corresponding BOMAB phantoms to validate their use for calibrating whole-body counters.  相似文献   

Fukui Y  Ajichi Y  Okada E 《Applied optics》2003,42(16):2881-2887
In near-infrared spectroscopy and imaging, the sensitivity of the detected signal to brain activation and the volume of interrogated tissue are clinically important. Light propagation in adult and neonatal heads is strongly affected by the presence of a low-scattering cerebrospinal fluid layer. The effect of the heterogeneous structure of the head on light propagation in the adult brain is likely to be different from that in the neonatal brain because the thickness of the superficial tissues and the optical properties of the brain of the neonatal head are quite different from those of the adult head. In this study, light propagation in the two-dimensional realistic adult and neonatal head models, whose geometries are generated from a magnetic resonance imaging scan of the human heads, is predicted by Monte Carlo simulation. The sandwich structure, which is a low-scattering cerebrospinal fluid layer held between the high-scattering skull and gray matter, strongly affects light propagation in the brain of the adult head. The sensitivity of the absorption change in the gray matter is improved; however, the intensely sensitive region is confined to the shallow region of the gray matter. The high absorption of the neonatal brain causes a similar effect on light propagation in the head. The intensely sensitive region in the neonatal brain is confined to the gray matter; however, the spatial sensitivity profile penetrates into the deeper region of the white matter.  相似文献   

Yao G  Haidekker MA 《Applied optics》2005,44(20):4265-4271
A Monte Carlo technique has been developed to simulate the transillumination laser computed tomography of tissue-engineered blood vessels. The blood vessel was modeled as a single cylinder layer mounted on a tubular mandrel. Sequences of images were acquired while rotating the mandrel. The tomographic image was reconstructed by applying a standard Radon transform. Angular discrimination was applied to simulate a spatial filter, which was used to reject multiply scattered photons. The simulation results indicated that the scattering effect can be overcome with angular discrimination because of the thin tissue thickness. However, any refractive-index mismatch among the tissue, the surrounding media, and the mandrel could produce significant distortions in the reconstructed image.  相似文献   

The gamma radiation fields of the reference irradiation facility of the Dosimetry Laboratory Seibersdorf with collimated beam geometry are used for calibrating radiation protection dosemeters. A close-to-reality simulation model of the facility including the complex geometry of a (60)Co source was set up using the Monte Carlo code MCNP. The goal of this study is to characterise the radionuclide gamma calibration field and resulting air-kerma distributions inside the measurement hall with a total of 20 m in length. For the whole range of source-detector-distances (SDD) along the central beam axis, simulated and measured relative air-kerma values are within +/-0.6%. Influences on the accuracy of the simulation results are investigated, including e.g., source mass density effects or detector volume dependencies. A constant scatter contribution from the lead ring-collimator of approximately 1% and an increasing scatter contribution from the concrete floor for distances above 7 m are identified, resulting in a total air-kerma scatter contribution below 5%, which is in accordance to the ISO 4037-1 recommendations.  相似文献   

By using a voxel-based Monte Carlo simulation technique, we developed and validated a method to calculate radiation-absorbed dose in the computed tomography (CT) examinations from the images of phantoms and patients. The ionising radiation transport was simulated using the EGS4 code system. The geometry of the X-ray beam (focus-to-axis distance, field of view, collimation, and primary and beam-shaper filtration) and the X-ray spectral distribution (HiSpeed LX/i) were included in the simulation. Each axial CT image was reduced to a 256 x 256 matrix and stacked in a volume. The patient images were segmented before the simulation of radiation transport by using four categories of materials, such as air, lung, muscle and bone. To test the voxel-based method, the values of the radiation dose derived from a simulated CT exposure were calculated and compared with those obtained from the measurements performed within the dosimetry phantoms. To complete the scope of the work, series of CT scans of the trunk of an anthropomorphic phantom and patients were simulated to calculate the average dose in each 1-cm-wide transverse slice (ADS). The comparison between the simulated and measured dose data for the CT indices showed a difference of <5% in all the cases. The estimated mean values of ADS from the chest, abdomen and pelvis of the anthropomorphic phantom were approximately 1.7-2 times the weighted CT dose index (CTDI(w)) value, whereas the mean ADS values for these anatomical areas were 1.3-2 times the CTDI(w) of patients. The voxel-based simulation method provided a technique for estimating the individual patient doses in the CT examinations.  相似文献   

Jaillon F  Zheng W  Huang Z 《Applied optics》2008,47(17):3152-3157
In this study, we propose a beveled fiber-optic probe coupled with a half-ball lens for improving the depth-resolved fluorescence measurements of epithelial tissue. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results show that for a given excitation-collection fiber separation, the probe design with a bevel-angled collection fiber is more sensitive to detect fluorescence photons emitted from the shallow layer of tissue, whereas the flat-tip collection fiber is in favor of probing fluorescence photons originating from deeper tissue areas. This compact half-ball lens-beveled fiber probe design has the potential to facilitate the depth-resolved fluorescence detection of epithelial tissue.  相似文献   

Whole-body counters (WBCs) are used for the assessment of the internal contamination of actinides in the human body. WBCs require adequate calibration procedures that rely on the use of suitable calibration phantoms. A previous study carried out at the ENEA-Radiation Protection Institute was aimed at designing a head calibration phantom in which a heterogeneous distribution of 241Am point sources could satisfactorily approximate an assumed homogeneous contamination throughout the head bones. Suitable correction factors for the WBC detection efficiencies were evaluated with Monte Carlo. The present paper summarises the main aspects and implications of an advanced modelling technique based on a VOXEL approach. The methodology could be extended to other bone-seeker radionuclides.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation of the field back-scattered from rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel approach for the simulation of the field back-scattered from a rough surface is presented. It takes into account polarization and multiple scattering events on the surface, as well as diffraction effects. The validity and usefulness of this simulation is demonstrated in the case of surface topology measurement.  相似文献   

Energy spectra of secondary cosmic rays are calculated for aircraft altitudes and a discrete set of solar modulation parameters and rigidity cut-off values covering all possible conditions. The calculations are based on the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and on the most recent information on the interstellar cosmic ray flux including a detailed model of solar modulation. Results are compared to a large variety of experimental data obtained on the ground and aboard aircraft and balloons, such as neutron, proton, and muon spectra and yields of charged particles. Furthermore, particle fluence is converted into ambient dose equivalent and effective dose and the dependence of these quantities on height above sea level, solar modulation, and geographical location is studied. Finally, calculated dose equivalent is compared to results of comprehensive measurements performed aboard aircraft.  相似文献   

Lu Q  Gan X  Gu M  Luo Q 《Applied optics》2004,43(8):1628-1637
We combine a Monte Carlo technique with Mie theory to develop a method for simulating optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging through homogeneous turbid media. In our model the propagating light is represented by a plane wavelet; its line propagation direction and path length in the turbid medium are determined by the Monte Carlo technique, and the process of scattering by small particles is computed according to Mie theory. Incorporated into the model is the numerical phase function obtained with Mie theory. The effect of phase function on simulation is also illustrated. Based on this improved Monte Carlo technique, OCT imaging is directly simulated and phase information is recorded. Speckles, resolution, and coherence gating are discussed. The simulation results show that axial and transversal resolutions decrease as probing depth increases. Adapting a light source with a low coherence improves the resolution. The selection of an appropriate coherence length involves a trade-off between intensity and resolution.  相似文献   

Pearce WA 《Applied optics》1986,25(3):438-447
Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations are used to study the atmospheric spread function appropriate to satellite-based sensing of the earth's surface. The parameters which are explored include the nadir angle of view, the size distribution of the atmospheric aerosol, and the aerosol vertical profile.  相似文献   

K. Binder   《Thin solid films》1974,20(2):367-381
The average magnetization of thin simple cubic Ising films (with thicknesses n of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 20 atomic layers, respectively) is calculated as a function of temperature using the Monte Carlo technique. The “magnetization profile” across the film is also obtained. To approximate the infinite extension in the plane parallel to the surfaces of the films, films with linear dimensions 55 × 55 and periodic boundary conditions are considered. The shift of the critical temperature is consistent with an n law where λ = 1/v3 = 1.56 is the reciprocal exponent of the correlation length. This result is critically compared with previous estimates obtained by various authors using other techniques. By interpreting the results in terms of Fisher and Barber's scaling theory, the finite size scaling function for the magnetization is determined. It is pointed out that the spatial distribution of the magnetization can be reasonably interpreted in terms of surface properties.  相似文献   

A scaling Monte Carlo method has been developed to calculate diffuse reflectance from multilayered media with a wide range of optical properties in the ultraviolet-visible wavelength range. This multilayered scaling method employs the photon trajectory information generated from a single baseline Monte Carlo simulation of a homogeneous medium to scale the exit distance and exit weight of photons for a new set of optical properties in the multilayered medium. The scaling method is particularly suited to simulating diffuse reflectance spectra or creating a Monte Carlo database to extract optical properties of layered media, both of which are demonstrated in this paper. Particularly, it was found that the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between scaled diffuse reflectance, for which the anisotropy factor and refractive index in the baseline simulation were, respectively, 0.9 and 1.338, and independently simulated diffuse reflectance was less than or equal to 5% for source-detector separations from 200 to 1500 microm when the anisotropy factor of the top layer in a two-layered epithelial tissue model was varied from 0.8 to 0.99; in contrast, the RMSE was always less than 5% for all separations (from 0 to 1500 microm) when the anisotropy factor of the bottom layer was varied from 0.7 to 0.99. When the refractive index of either layer in the two-layered tissue model was varied from 1.3 to 1.4, the RMSE was less than 10%. The scaling method can reduce computation time by more than 2 orders of magnitude compared with independent Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Three widely used anthropomorphic phantoms are analysed with regard to their suitability for the efficiency calibration of whole-body counters (WBCs): a Bottle Manikin Absorber (BOMAB) phantom consisting of water-filled plastic containers, a St Petersburg block phantom (Research Institute of Sea Transport Hygiene, St Petersburg) made of polyethylene bricks and a mathematical Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) phantom, each of them representing a person weighing 70 kg. The analysis was performed by means of Monte Carlo simulations with the Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code using detailed mathematical models of the phantoms and the WBC at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ). The simulated peak efficiencies for the BOMAB phantom and the MIRD phantom agree very well, but the results for the St Petersburg phantom are considerably higher. Therefore, WBCs similar to that at FZJ will probably underestimate the activity of incorporated radionuclides if they are calibrated by means of a St Petersburg phantom. Finally, the results from this work are compared with the conclusions from other studies dealing with block and BOMAB phantoms.  相似文献   

Kawaguchi H  Koyama T  Okada E 《Applied optics》2007,46(10):1658-1668
The effect of the probe arrangement on the reproducibility of topographic images of the concentration changes in oxygenated hemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin is evaluated by a virtual head phantom. A virtual head phantom consists of five types of tissue the 3D structure of which is based on a magnetic resonance imaging scan of an adult head. Localized and broadened brain activation is assumed in a virtual head phantom. The topographic images are obtained from the reflectance detected by the standard probe arrangement and the double-density probe arrangement. The uneven thickness of the superficial layer, which cannot be evaluated by the previous slab model, affects the distribution of measured activation in the topographic image, and this reduces the position reproducibility of near-infrared (NIR) topography with the standard probe arrangement. The overlapping measurements by the double-density probe arrangement can improve the reproducibility of the image obtained by NIR topography.  相似文献   

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