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Artificial neural networks for pitting potential prediction of resistance spot welding joints of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The aim of this work is to predict the influence of welding process on pitting corrosion behaviour (PCB) of resistance spot welding (RSW) joints of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel (ASS). PCB is estimated from the pitting potential (Epitt), which is predicted from three RSW parameters. The prediction is carried out by artificial neural networks (ANNs) because the phenomena that relate the heat generated in RSW process to the PCB are highly complex and nonlinear. The study of PCB of RSW joints of ASS by ANNs is a novel research field in which this work makes a significant contribution. 相似文献
The rate of anodic film growth on freshly generated 304L stainless steel surfaces is presented as a function of electrode potential and pH. For all pH values between 0 and 14 the kinetics are controlled by ion migration under high electric field, with two distinct sequential kinetic regions. The high field parameters are presented, and show that in the early stages the film grows with a lower activation energy than in the later stages. 相似文献
M.A. Barbosa 《Corrosion Science》1983,23(12):1293-1305
The pitting resistance of AISI 316 stainless steel after passivation in diluted nitric acid was studied in comparison with that of non-passivated specimens. The passivation treatment increased the pitting potential but decreased the resistance to crevice corrosion under open circuit conditions in aerated sea water. Immersion in the nitric acid solution was found to remove the sulphide inclusions from the metal surface, thus eliminating the most susceptible sites for attack. In the absence of sulphide particles pitting nucleated at aluminium-rich oxides. 相似文献
A scratch test developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines was used to wear the surface of 304 stainless steel. Corrosion of the freshly exposed surface was measured by the charge density consumed in reforming the passive film. Wear was measured by integrating the area between the profile of the scratch and the original surface. Neither scratch hardness (resistance to plastic deformation) nor wear were affected by the presence or absence of the passive film. For rubbing wear, a mode where the surface is plastically deformed and no debris is formed, the passive film remained adherent to the surface. 相似文献
Nabil Ben Fredj Mohamed Ben Nasr Amir Ben Rhouma Habib Sidhom Chedly Braham 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2004,13(5):564-574
The surface and subsurface integrity of metallic ground components is usually characterized by an induced tensile residual
stress, which has a detrimental effect on the fatigue life of these components. In particular, it tends to accelerate the
initiation and growth of the fatigue cracks. In this investigation, to deliberately generate compressive residual stresses
into the ground surfaces of the AISI 304 stainless steel (SS), wire brushing was applied. It was found that under the experimental
conditions selected in this investigation, while the surface roughness was slightly improved by the brushing process, the
surface residual stress shifted from a tensile stress (σ‖=+450 MPa) to a compressive stress (σ‖=−435 MPa). On the other hand, the work-hardened deformation layer was almost two times deeper after wire brushing. Concerning
the fatigue life, an improvement of 26% in terms of endurance limit at 2×106 cycles was realized. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations of the fatigue fracture location and size were carried
out to explain the fatigue life improvement. It was found that the enhancement of the fatigue strength could be correlated
with the distribution and location of the fatigue fracture nucleation sites. Concerning the ground surfaces, it was seen that
the fatigue cracks initiated at the bottom of the grinding grooves and were particularly long (150–200 μm). However, the fatigue
cracks at the brushed surfaces were shorter (20–40 μm) and appeared to initiate sideways to the plowed material caused by
the wire brushing. The results of the wire-brushed surface characterization have shown that significant advantages can be
realized regarding surface integrity by the application of this low-cost process compared to shot peening. 相似文献
The influence of N-lauroylsarcosine, laurylaminedicarboxylic acid, Na-dodecylbenzene sulphonate and Na-laurylsulphate on the pitting corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel has been studied in 0.1 N NaCl solutions, buffered in the pH range 2.2 to 7.5, at 50°C. The steel pitting potentials have been determined by potentiostatic measurements and by a scratching electrode technique. The potential value at which active pits could be repassivated has been identified. The pitting incubation times have been determined on the steel electrodes prepassivated for different times at 0.5 V/Ag/AgCl in buffer solutions in the absence or in the presence of inhibitors. The overall results confirmed the inhibiting effect of the mentioned substances against the intiation of pitting, just emphasized by the means of potentiodynamic tests. On the contrary, the examined compounds do not show any effect on the pitting propagation. Some more information on the mechanism of action of the mentioned inhibitors are obtained from the incubation time values: in order to explicate their action they must either find sufficiently stable oxide film or can contribute to the stabilization of the passive film during its formation. 相似文献
Han-sang Lee Doo-soo Kim Jine-sung Jung Young-shik Pyoun Keesam Shin 《Corrosion Science》2009,51(12):2826-2830
The effects of peening treatment on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of AISI 304SS were investigated. Shot and ultrasonic peening were performed on the austenitic stainless steel, and peened specimens were compared in terms of microstructure, surface roughness and corrosion resistance. Nano-sized grains, multi-directional mechanical twins and strain-induced martensite were formed on the surfaces, and the volume fraction of strain-induced martensite in the ultrasonically peened specimen was higher than that of the shot-peened specimen. The ultrasonically peened specimen which had smoother surface and contained more strain-induced martensite showed superior general and localized corrosion resistance to the as-received and shot-peened specimens. 相似文献
Magnetic easy axis predicted by the orientation distribution of the maximum amplitude of magnetic Barkhausen emission (MBE), which is obtained by magnetization in radial directions from the center of the specimens has been applied to determine the magnetic anisotropy on cold rolled and aged 304 SS in two sets of specimen. The maximum of the MBE has been found to orient along the rolling direction (RD) compared to the transverse direction (TD), indicating the presence of magnetic easy axis along the rolling direction for both sets. The strain induced martensite phase transformation has been determined using X-ray diffraction technique. The orientation distribution function (ODF) analysis has been carried out to obtain the crystallographic texture with cold rolling. ODF analysis revealed the 110 texture as the major. The magnetic anisotropy factor has also been determined with cold deformation and noticed that the strength of magnetic anisotropy decreases above 50% deformation for both the sets. Results have been explained considering two competitive effects, formation of crystallographic texture in the martensite phase and presence of compressive residual stresses along RD during cold rolling. 相似文献
低温冷却对AISI 304不锈钢铣削加工的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究低温冷却对AISI304不锈钢铣削加工的影响。用内径为1mm的管子来喷淋液氮到铣刀、削口和材料界面起到低温冷却的作用。液氮的流量为5.2L/min;采用顺铣和逆铣2个铣削方向、干铣和低温冷却2种方式和80、120、160和200m/min 4种铣削速度。结果表明:低温冷却和铣削速度对切削力有影响;低温冷却过程中的切削力和扭矩比干铣过程中的高;切削力随着铣削速度的加快而增大。进入铣刀半径范围内的削屑影响低速顺铣的效果。 相似文献
The pitting corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel is studied in 1 N H2SO4|;0.5 N NaCl at 25°C. With the potentiokinetic method, a linear relationship is obtained between the breakdown potential and the cubic root of the scanning rate. Extrapolating to zero scanning rate gives the steady state breakdown potential Eb = 596 mV(SHE). At constant potential above Eb, the pits density first increases with time and tends to a steady state value (S.S.D.P.) which is reached above 10 mA cm−2. The average deepening rate of pits Vdp increases with E − Eb according to log Vdp = −7.5 + 2.89 log (E − Eb). The time dependance of current density J at constant potential above Eb follows the equation log J = a + b log t. The values of b are different below and above 10 mA cm−2, confirming the change in mechanism of pit corrosion: no new pit is initiated above that value. It is suggested that it is possible to characterize the quality of passivating layers not only on the basis of Eb, but also in terms of S.S.D.P., Vdp and b at given values of E − Eb. 相似文献
AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel was plasma nitrided at the temperature ranging from 410 to 520 °C with pre-shot peening. The structural phases, micro-hardness and electrochemical behavior of the nitrided layer were investigated by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, micro-hardness testing and anodic polarization testing. The effects of shot peening on the nitride formation, nitride layer growth and corrosion properties were discussed. The results showed that shot peening enhanced the nitrogen diffusion rate and led to a twice thicker nitrided layer than the un-shot peening samples under the same plasma nitriding conditions (410 °C, 4 h). The nitrided layer was composed of single nitrogen expanded austenite (S-phase) when nitriding below 480 °C, which had combined improvement in hardness and corrosion resistance. 相似文献
A. Martinavičius G. Abrasonis A.C. Scheinost R. Danoix F. Danoix J.C. Stinville G. Talut C. Templier O. Liedke S. Gemming W. Möller 《Acta Materialia》2012,60(10):4065-4076
The nature of the near-surface γN phase produced by low-temperature (~400 °C) plasma-assisted nitriding of an austenitic stainless steel 304L is studied. A combination of global probes (X-ray diffraction, nuclear reaction analysis, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy) and local probes (field ion microscopy, conversion electron Mössbauer, X-ray absorption near edge structure and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopies) is employed to reveal the morphology, phase structure, atomic ordering and chemical state of the obtained γN phase. The results consistently reveal the heterogeneous nature of the nitrided layer consisting of nanometric CrN precipitates embedded in a Fe4N-like matrix. The size of the precipitates is found to be larger at the surface than at the nitrided layer–steel interface. The precipitates have irregular, sphere-like shapes. Moreover, X-ray spectroscopic investigation revealed three different intermetallic distances and different chemical environments for Fe, Cr and Ni, accompanied by a large static disorder. These findings suggest that the presence of the interstitial N destabilizes the homogeneous element distribution in 304L even at such low temperatures. This leads to the segregation into Cr-rich zones that are coherent with the Fe4N matrix. Possible atomistic decomposition mechanisms are discussed. Based on the heterogeneous nature of the γN phase revealed in 304L, an alternative view of its remarkable combination of properties such as large hardness, induced ferromagnetism and preserved corrosion resistance is considered. 相似文献
温度对AISI304奥氏体不锈钢离子渗氮的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对AISI304奥氏体不锈钢进行脉冲电流辉光离子渗氮处理,在不同处理温度(480 ℃、520 ℃、580 ℃)下渗氮8 h后,获得了一定厚度的渗氮层.通过对渗层进行金相分析和硬度测试表明,随着渗氮温度升高,渗层厚度增大,显微硬度先增大后减小.综合温度对渗层厚度与显微硬度的影响,AISI304奥氏体不锈钢卡套辉光离子渗氮温度可采用520 ℃,渗氮后渗层厚度为90 μm,显微硬度为1317 HV0.1. 相似文献
The pitting potential of stainless steel measured in acidic chloride solutions using conventional potential sweeping is a function of the size of the test specimen. The results presented below, measured as an average of many repeat experiments, show that the pitting potential falls with increase in surface area of the specimen. 相似文献
C. Leone S. Genna G. Caprino I. De Iorio 《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2010,210(10):1297-1303
Laser marking tests were carried out on AISI 304 steel, using a Q-switched diode pumped Nd:YAG laser. The aim was to determine the correlation occurring between working parameters (i.e. pulse frequency, beam scanning speed, and current intensity) and resulting mark visibility. The latter was evaluated as the contrast index measured from digital images of the marks. To characterize mark features, its width and roughness were estimated, and analyses employing optical and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray technique were carried out. 相似文献
AbstractThis paper presents an artificial neural network based solution method for modelling the pitting resistance of AISI 316L stainless steel in various surface treated forms. Surface treatment is a promising technique for improving the corrosion resistance of stainless steels. In this study, cyclic polarisation tests were performed before and after surface treatment. Experimental results were modelled by the neural network. The artificial neural network model exhibited superior performance based on the fitness of the observed versus predicted data. The results showed that the predicted data from the neural network model were considerably similar to the experimental data. The model has been saved and can easily be used to predict the corrosion in different surface treatment methods. 相似文献
Harish Kumar P. Ganesh Rakesh Kaul B. Tirumala Rao Pragya Tiwari A. K. Nath Ranjeet Brajpuriya S. M. Chaudhari 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2006,15(1):23-31
The objective of the present work was to study the laser weldability of laser-cut 3 mm thick AISI 304 austenitic stainless
steel sheet (using oxygen as an assist gas). For minimizing heat input during laser cutting, which is an important factor
influencing the thickness of the oxide layer on the cut surface, laser cutting was performed in pulsed mode. The results of
the study demonstrated that although the laser welding of laser-cut specimens did not result in the formation of weld defects,
the resultant laser weldments exhibited reduced ductility with respect to base metal and bead-on-plate laser weldments. Laser-cut
and laser-welded specimens also displayed higher notch sensitivity than the base metal. However, laser-cut and laser-welded
specimens still possessed enough ductility to pass guided bend tests. 相似文献
During the past few years, biomineralized manganese has been shown to cause ennoblement of various stainless steels to open circuit potentials of 300–400 mV/SCE. We have demonstrated that ennoblement, caused by biologically deposited manganese minerals, along with a relatively low stainless steel pitting potential, caused by the presence of chloride, is sufficient to initiate and drive active pitting corrosion. Stainless steel samples (type 304L), chemically or microbiologically ennobled with manganese dioxide, were exposed to a 0.35% w/v NaCl solution; an environment otherwise not corrosive against the 304L stainless steel. In the first case, steel samples were ennobled by electroplating the sample with a thin film of manganese dioxide, except for a small anodic area. In the latter case, the manganese dioxide was deposited on the steel within biofilms of the manganese oxidizing bacterium Leptothrix discophora SP‐6. After 24 h exposure to the chloride solution the samples were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Both types of ennobled samples were found severely pitted, whereas reference samples (w/o manganese minerals) had remained intact. 相似文献
The behavior of an austenitic 18Cr---11Ni---0.5Ti stainless steel during anodic polarization in methanol and in mixtures of methanol with water was studied. In nearly all anhydrous methanol (0.04 wt% H2O) anodically polarized steel underwent pitting. Generally, increased water contents shifted the pitting into more positive values. At high contents of water (above 8 M) pitting did not occur. For the same experiments performed in the same environment the pitting potential is not a constant value. The pitting probability vs potential in methanolic-water solutions was evaluated. 相似文献