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分析了图像匹配点对基础矩阵的不同影响,引入具有明显几何意义的匹配点到对极线的距离作为匹配点的加权因子,将匹配点集合看作随机变量并将加权因子作为匹配点的概率分布。在此基础上对原始图像数据进行归一化处理,利用8点算法得到基础矩阵。大量的试验结果表明,该方法明显降低了计算余差,提高了基础矩阵的计算精度。  相似文献   

在结构化场景的轨道交通中,车载视频观测因相机平移运动而呈现出图像内容以某点为中心向四周扩散的现象,该点被称为FOE (Focus of Expansion)。 当前计算FOE的算法对噪声敏感且计算量大,不能准确地计算铁路场景中的FOE。鉴于此,文中提出一种铁路视频序列的FOE估计方法。该方法首先利用金字塔光流法对检测的Harris角点进行跟踪和粗匹配,并在此基础上利用RANSAC算法进行精确的匹配,求得基础矩阵,然后提取图像中的极线束并计算FOE。实验结果表明,所提算法比Hough 直线求得的FOE误差小,适于实时应用。  相似文献   

在设计电视会议的共享白板系统时,保证所有用户的感觉一致性是非常重要的.文章首先给出了三种一致性的定义,然后提出了一个基于令牌的共享白板通讯算法,算法的核心是使用一个循环传递的令牌来分配白板绘图消息的局部序号和全局序号,控制消息的发送和处理的顺序,从而保证用户白板在外观上的一致.最后说明了算法对于三种一致性的满足.  相似文献   

The epipolar geometry is the intrinsic projective geometry between two views, and the algebraic representation of it is the fundamental matrix. Estimating the fundamental matrix requires solving an over-determined equation. Many classical approaches assume that the error values of the over-determined equation obey a Gaussian distribution. However, the performances of these approaches may decrease significantly when the noise is large and heterogeneous. This paper proposes a novel technique for estimating the fundamental matrix based on least absolute deviation (LAD), which is also known as the L1 method. Then a linear iterative algorithm is presented. The experimental results on some indoor and outdoor scenes show that the proposed algorithm yields the accurate and robust estimates of the fundamental matrix when the noise is non-Gaussian.  相似文献   

The fundamental matrix (FM) describes the geometric relations that exist between two images of the same scene. Different error criteria are used for estimating FMs from an input set of correspondences. In this paper, the accuracy and efficiency aspects of the different error criteria are studied. We mathematically and experimentally proved that the most popular error criterion, the symmetric epipolar distance, is biased. It was also shown that despite the similarity between the algebraic expressions of the symmetric epipolar distance and Sampson distance, they have different accuracy properties. In addition, a new error criterion, Kanatani distance, was proposed and proved to be the most effective for use during the outlier removal phase from accuracy and efficiency perspectives. To thoroughly test the accuracy of the different error criteria, we proposed a randomized algorithm for Reprojection Error-based Correspondence Generation (RE-CG). As input, RE-CG takes an FM and a desired reprojection error value d. As output, RE-CG generates a random correspondence having that error value. Mathematical analysis of this algorithm revealed that the success probability for any given trial is 1 − (2/3)2 at best and is 1 − (6/7)2 at worst while experiments demonstrated that the algorithm often succeeds after only one trial.  相似文献   

刘波  蔡美  周绪川 《计算机科学》2016,43(1):232-236, 241
在数据库以及集成系统中通常存在违背数据约束的不一致查询问题。修复是解决该问题的主要手段之一,但目前还缺乏基于修复、约束与查询的统一模型研究。提出了基于删除元组修复、满足多种类型约束的一致性查询算法;阐明了具有简洁特性的约束定义与查询语句结构;构建了新的查询与修复系统模型,将关系实例集、非空的约束集、查询定义、修复方法等统一到模型中,以产生满足一致性约束要求的查询结果。所研究的方法、语言以及模型通用性强、适用面广,不局限于特定质量问题的修复与查询。  相似文献   

Towards robust metric reconstruction via a dynamic uncalibrated stereo head   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider the problem of metrically reconstructing a scene viewed by a moving stereo head. The head comprises two cameras with coplanar optical axes arranged on a lateral rig, each camera being free to vary its angle of vergence. Under various constraints, we derive novel explicit forms for the epipolar equation, and show that a static stereo head constitutes a degenerate camera configuration for carrying out self-calibration. The situation is retrieved by consideration of a stereo head undergoing ground plane motion, and new closed-form solutions for self-calibration are derived. An error analysis reveals that reconstruction is adversely affected by inward-facing camera vergence angles that are similar in value, and by a principal point location whose horizontal component is in error. It is also shown that the adoption of domain-specific robust techniques for computation of the fundamental matrix can significantly improve the quality of scene reconstruction. Experiments conducted with dynamic stereo head images confirm that avoidance of near-degenerate configurations and use of robustness techniques are essential if reliable reconstructions are to be attained.  相似文献   

Huiyu  Patrick R.  Andrew M.   《Neurocomputing》2009,72(16-18):3881
Epipolar geometry relies on the determination of the fundamental matrix. Classical approaches for estimating the fundamental matrix assume that a Gaussian distribution exists in the errors in view of mathematical tractability. However, this assumption will not be justified when the distribution computed is not normally distributed. We propose a new approach that does not make the Gaussian assumption, and so can attain robustness and accuracy in different conditions. The proposed framework, weighted least squares (WLS), is the application of linear mixed-effect models considering the correlation between different data subsamples. It provides an unbiased estimation of the fundamental matrix after mitigating the effects of outliers. We test the new model by using synthetic and real images, and comparing it to standard methods.  相似文献   

区间数判断矩阵的一致性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究区间数判断矩阵的一致性问题.首先对现有文献中有关区间数判断矩阵的一致性定义进行了总结、分析,指出定义中存在的不合理性.在此基础上给出区间数判断矩阵的完全一致性、强一致性、一致性和满意一致性定义,讨论这些定义和现有文献中相关定义的关系,论证了一致性等定义的合理性,并给出了一致性判别方法.最后通过算例验证了判别方法的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   

数据仓库联机维护中一致性问题的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数据仓库是存储供查询和决策分析用的集成化信息仓库,它的信息来源于不同地点的数据库或其他信息源.实体化视图是数据仓库中存储的主要信息实体,当原始数据发生变化时,数据仓库中的实体化视图也必须作相应的更新维护.在数据仓库实体化视图的联机维护过程中,由于联机分析处理(On-line Analytical Process,简称OLAP)查询的介入,会产生数据不一致的问题.文章提出了一种MVCA(multiversion compensating algorithm)算法来解决这一问题.MVCA采用版本控制方法,利用补偿思想和应答机制协调数据库和数据仓库之间的更新维护操作,达到保证数据一致的目的.最后,文章通过一个典型示例说明了该算法在实际中的具体应用.  相似文献   

视觉基础矩阵估计方法的性能比较与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡涛  段善旭  李德华 《计算机科学》2009,36(12):243-247
基础矩阵描述了单个场景的2幅视图之间的对应关系,在计算机视觉领域中扮演着极其重要的角色.首先讨论了三维视觉系统中的极线几何理论,随后论述了几类基础矩阵的估计方法,并对这些方法作了详细的比较和评价,最后实现了各种算法且使用仿真数据以及真实图像数据对各自的性能作了分析和总结.比较结果说明:1)如果图像特征点定位精确并且匹配无误,则线性方法的结果相当好;2)迭代算法可以解决定位的高斯噪声,但是当数据存在错误匹配时,性能很差;3)鲁棒算法能够同时解决定位误差和误匹配两类问题.此外,模拟实验和真实图像实验的结果表明,基于特征分析的正交回归最小二乘法的计算结果优于经典的线性最小二乘法.  相似文献   

基于语言判断矩阵的专家群体判断一致性分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈侠  樊治平  陈岩 《控制与决策》2006,21(8):879-884
针对群决策中基于语言判断矩阵的专家群体判断一致性问题,提出了一种分析方法.首先给出有关语言判断矩阵,导出矩阵和相客性的若干定义,得出了语言判断矩阵具有完全一致性或满意一致性的充要条件,其相应的导出矩阵也具有同样的结论;然后通过定义有关专家群体判断各个方案以及专家群体判断的一致性指标,给出了专家群体判断一致性的判别方法及专家群体判断不一致的调整方法;最后通过一个算例说明了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

图像联合分割是计算机视觉领域的一个研究热点。有能力在分割过程中利用相似对象的信息是联合分割相比于其他分割算法的一个优势,与此同时,建立对应对象的相似性也成为了一项具有挑战性的任务。文中为图像联合分割算法提出一个新的中心一致性敏感直方图。传统的图像直方图通过为每个出现在图像中的像素在 该像素的对应灰度级计数器上加一的方式计算得出。与传统的图像直方图不同,中心敏感直方图在每个像素处计算,并且它是为每个出现的像素在其对应的灰度级计数器上加一个浮点数,这个浮点数服从对应像素与计算该直方图位置处的像素之间的空间一致性。因此,该直方图不仅从灰度级角度考虑了像素的分布,而且也将像素的空间相对位置信息考虑在内。基于该中心一致性敏感直方图,文中提出了一种强健的图像联合分割算法,其强健性主要体现在的对处于不同光照条件下和形状发生变化的相似对象进行较好的分割。基于大量的测试数据集对所提出的算法进行验证,实验结果表明,所提方法的分割正确率相比现有技术的平均水平提高了3个百分点左右,尤其当测试数据集中各个前景对象处于不同光照条件下或具有不同形状时效果更佳。  相似文献   

移动数据库系统中数据更新与数据广播并发处理,导致移动客户读取的数据可能不一致。文章分析了并发处理中的数据冲突并提出了基于ECA原则的并发控制策略。  相似文献   

区间数互补判断矩阵的一致性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了区间数互补判断矩阵的一致性;定义了区间数互补判断矩阵的完全一致性、强一致性、一致性和满意一致性的概念;讨论了定义之间的关系;给出了强一致性判别方法以及3种一致性和满意一致性的判别方法.最后用算例验证了所提出方法的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   

张永刚  程竹元 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z6):41-45, 62
约束传播技术对于约束满足问题的求解性能至关重要。约束传播技术在一个预处理过程中能彻底地移除一些局部不相容值,或者在搜索期间高效地剪枝搜索树。最大受限路径相容算法(max Restricted Path Consistency,maxRPC)是最近提出的一种强相容性约束传播算法,它能够删除更多不相容值,在解决复杂问题中取得了很好的效果。文中对弧相容算法AC和最大受限路径相容算法maxRPC的相关算法AC3,AC3rm,maxRPC1,maxRPC2,maxRPCrm,maxRPC3等及其相关变体分别进行介绍和比较。在Mistral求解器上的实验测试结果验证了各种算法的性能。  相似文献   

In some real world applications, such as spectrometry, functional models achieve better predictive performances if they work on the derivatives of order m of their inputs rather than on the original functions. As a consequence, the use of derivatives is a common practice in Functional Data Analysis, despite a lack of theoretical guarantees on the asymptotically achievable performances of a derivative based model. In this paper, we show that a smoothing spline approach can be used to preprocess multivariate observations obtained by sampling functions on a discrete and finite sampling grid in a way that leads to a consistent scheme on the original infinite dimensional functional problem. This work extends (Mas and Pumo, 2009) to nonparametric approaches and incomplete knowledge. To be more precise, the paper tackles two difficulties in a nonparametric framework: the information loss due to the use of the derivatives instead of the original functions and the information loss due to the fact that the functions are observed through a discrete sampling and are thus also unperfectly known: the use of a smoothing spline based approach solves these two problems. Finally, the proposed approach is tested on two real world datasets and the approach is experimentaly proven to be a good solution in the case of noisy functional predictors.  相似文献   

All 3D hand models employed for hand gesture recognition so far use kinematic models of the hand. We propose to use computer vision models of the hand, and recover hand gestures using 3D reconstruction techniques. In this paper, we present a new method to estimate the epipolar geometry between two uncalibrated cameras from stereo hand images. We first segmented hand images using the RCE neural network based color segmentation algorithm and extracted edge points of fingers as points of interest, then match them based on the topological features of the hand. The fundamental matrix is estimated using a combination of techniques such as input data normalization, rank-2 constraint, linear criterion, nonlinear criterion as well as M-estimator. This method has been tested with real calibrated and uncalibrated images. The experimental comparison demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the method.  相似文献   

基本矩阵的5点和4点算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基本矩阵(Fundamental Matrix)是两幅图像之间的基本约束,在摄像机标定和三维重建中起着至关重要的作用.本文证明,当摄像机在两幅图像之间的运动为纯平移运动时,给定5对图像对应点,如果其中的4对对应点为共面空间点的投影(称为共面对应点),则可以线性确定基本矩阵.另外,如果摄像机不是5参数模型(完全针孔模型),而是4参数模型(畸变因子为零),则此时仅使用该4对共面对应点即可线性确定基本矩阵.据我们所知,这些结果在文献中还没有类似的报导.  相似文献   

根据样本容量适当选取正则参数可以使得多分类Boosting算法具有一致性。通过分析正则参数对多分类Boosting算法推广能力的影响,建立了正则参数与算法一致性之间的联系。据此得到了Boosting算法具有一致性的充分条件。在样本集确定时,该条件可作为多分类Boosting算法选择正则参数的依据。  相似文献   

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