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Ropinirole, 4-[2-(dipropylamino)ethyl]-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one, is a potent anti-Parkinson's disease drug developed by SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) was used for the determination of the dissociation constants of ropinirole and five structurally related impurities, potentially formed during its synthesis and for separation and quantification of these substances. The dissociation constants obtained from the CZE measurements were confirmed by UV spectrophotometry for some of the test compounds, obtaining a good agreement between the values. Careful optimization of the running buffer composition permitted base-line resolution of the six compounds in a borate buffer containing acetonitrile and magnesium sulfate (a 100 mM borate buffer containing 30 mM MgSO4 and 20 vol.% of acetonitrile). It was shown that CZE can determine the level of these impurities, down to a level of 0.05% of the main component within 15 min.  相似文献   

The use of nonaqueous background electrolytes in capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a promising new trend which should widen the scope of this technique. We demonstrate the chiral separation of dansyl-amino acids (Dns-AAs) in N-methylformamide (NMF) using beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) as chiral selector. The solubility of beta-CD is much better in NMF than in water, allowing high concentration of the chiral selector and successful enantioseparation despite the weak host-guest interaction between the Dns-AAs and beta-CD. The association constants for the complexation between Dns-AAs and beta-CD could be calculated from the electrophoretic mobilities, with attention paid to the change in viscosity of the electrolyte upon addition of beta-CD. The association constants ranged between 2 and 13 M(-1).  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has developed into a particularly effective means to determine apparent equilibrium constants for molecular association in solution (e.g., to micelles, cyclodextrins, antibiotics, proteins, RNA, DNA, etc.). The various experimental, graphical and mathematical approaches for determining association constants are reviewed. In CE, association constants can be calculated because there is a relationship between substrate concentration and the measured electrophoretic mobility of the solute. Most of the approaches for obtaining association constants by CE are conceptually and mathematically related to one another. Likewise, they are analogous to many spectroscopic techniques that are used for obtaining association constants. The advantages, limitations and proper use of the various CE approaches are examined.  相似文献   

A capillary electrophoresis (CE) and a solid-phase extraction method was developed for the determination of flunixin in equine urine and serum. The suitable CE run conditions were described. The factors affecting flunixin recovery rates were investigated and optimum solid-phase extraction conditions for flunixin in equine urine and serum were established. Limits of detection and quantitation were 3.4 and 5.6 ng/ml for serum and 16.9 and 33.1 ng/ml for urine, respectively. The recoveries exceeded 96% for urine and 79% for serum. Urine samples from race horses and urine and serum samples from a mare administrated with flunixin were analyzed with this procedure.  相似文献   

The kinetics of formation and dissociation of the horse metmyoglobin/fluoride complex has been investigated between pH 3.4 and 11. The ionic strength dependence of the reaction has been measured at integral pH values between pH 5 and 10. Hydrofluoric acid, HF, binds to metmyoglobin with a rate constant of (4.7 +/- 0. 7) x 10(4) M-1 s-1. An apparent ionization in metmyoglobin with a pKa of 4.4 +/- 0.5 influences the rate of HF binding and is attributed to the distal histidine, His-64. Protonation of His-64 increases the HF binding rate by a factor of 2.6. The fluoride anion, F-, binds to metmyoglobin with a rate constant of (5.6 +/- 1.4) x 10(-2) M-1 s-1, about 10(6) times slower than HF. Binding of either HF or F- to hydroxymetmyoglobin cannot be detected. Protonation of the distal histidine facilitates HF dissociation from the metmyoglobin/fluoride complex. HF dissociates with a rate constant of 1.9 +/- 0.3 s-1. The fluoride anion dissociates 2000 times more slowly, with a rate constant of (8.7 +/- 1.6) x 10(-4) s-1. The apparent pKa for His-64 ionization in the fluorometmyoglobin complex is 5.7 +/- 0.1. The association and dissociation rate constants are relatively independent of ionic strength with secondary kinetic salt effects sufficient to account for the ionic strength variation of both, consistent with the idea that association and dissociation of neutral HF dominate the kinetics of fluoride binding to metmyoglobin.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis provides a new analytical tool that complements reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography separations of peptides. The principles of this technique and their application to developing peptide analyses are described. Detailed recipes for useful buffers and for preparation of the instrument are provided. A sequence of generally useful experiments is suggested. Basic troubleshooting guidelines are provided.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of three structurally different but functionally related compounds [1, 10 ortho-phenanthroline (phenanthroline), Rifampicin and aurin tricarboxylic acid (ATA)] on the rate and the extent of proliferation of progesterone-responsive T47D human breast cancer cells. These compounds have previously been used in this laboratory and have been shown to modulate properties of nucleic acid binding proteins. Because p53 and the progesterone receptor (PR) are both DNA binding proteins that appear to regulate proliferation of breast cells, alterations in T47D cell p53 and PR levels were examined to determine their relevance in cell proliferation. T47D cells were grown in the absence of phenol red and in the presence of 5% fetal calf serum with or without charcoal stripping in the presence of the inhibitors. The rate of proliferation of cells grown in Rifampicin containing medium exhibited nearly 70% inhibition. Phenanthroline, a known metal chelator, was an effective inhibitor of proliferation at 3 mM reducing the cell number by more than 75%. ATA (0.24-2.4 micrograms/ml) inhibited the growth of the cells by nearly 50%. Analysis of the mechanism of action of these compounds revealed that treatment with these compounds caused specific changes in the molecular composition of T47D cell PR. Whereas ATA caused increased stability of PR isoforms, Rifampicin induced a upshift in the mobility of PR in SDS gels-a phenomenon associated with hyperphosphorylation of steroid receptors (SRs). Phenanthroline treatment (> 2 mM) caused a complete down-regulation of PR and the tumor suppressor protein, p53. The downregulation of p53 paralleled the changes in the molecular composition of PR. We propose that the inhibition of T47D cell proliferation by phenanthroline, Rifampicin and ATA results from a number of cellular changes that include regulation of p53 and PR.  相似文献   

Trace metals determination in aqueous samples can be readily accomplished by capillary electrophoresis (CE) via indirect absorbance detection. A method for the separation of metal ions is presented and applied to the determination of seven metals in algal solution samples. 2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid background electrolyte (BGE) containing UV CAT-1 (an ultraviolet-absorbing amine) is used to perform capillary ion analysis. Acetic acid is used to adjust the pH value of BGE to 4.4. All ions can be separated in less than 15 min. All peaks are well separated and baseline resolved (i.e., no peaks overlapped). This work presents the applicability of CE to the quantitative analysis of algal solution samples and shows the adsorption process of seven metals in solution (Mn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cu) to Chlorella vulgaris. The innovation of the application of CE in the determination of metals bound by Chlorella vulgaris is shown to be an improvement of the pH over what has been published previously. The detection limit is in the range of 13 (Mn) to 102 (Pb) ppb with electrokinetic injection mode (15 kV, 7 s). Reproducibility was 1.4% for the migration time, better than 5% for peak area for four of the metal ions (Cr, Mn, Cd, and Cu), and lower than 5% for the other three (Ni, Zn, and Pb). Calibration curves are linear for most ions in the 10(-7)-10(-5)M range (correlation coefficient r2 = 0.9933-0.9986) using electrokinetic injection mode.  相似文献   

The dissociation pK values of the representative loop diuretics furosemide, bumetanide and ethacrynic acid in 10, 30, 40, 50 and 70% (w/w) acetonitrile-water mixtures at 298.15 K were determined, according to the rules and procedures endorsed by IUPAC. The variation in pK values over the whole composition range studied can be explained by tacking into account the preferential solvation of ionizable substances in acetonitrile-water mixtures. With a view to determining the pK values of the loop diuretics studied in any of the binary solvent acetonitrile-water mixtures, correlations of pK values and different bulk properties of the solvent were examined, and the linear solvation energy relationships method, LSER, has been applied. The pK values were then correlated with the pi*, alpha and beta solvatochromic parameters of acetonitrile-water mixtures. The resulting equations allowed us to calculate pK values for the loop diuretics in any acetonitrile-water mixture up to 70% (w/w) acetonitrile.  相似文献   

By performing electrophoresis perpendicular to a stationary pH gradient (pH-mobility curves) in polyacrylamide gels containing a specific ligand either covalently fixed or entrapped in the gel matrix, it is possible to measure dissociation constants (Kd) and their pH-dependence in the pH range 3.5-10. The present technique, called 'affinity titration curves', is an extension of 'affinity electrophoresis'. This system has been applied to the study of the interaction between lectins and sugars: lectin from Ricinus communis seeds and alpha-D-galactose, and lectin from Lens culinaris seeds and alpha-D-mannose. The pH-dependence of Kd values indicated a more rapid decrement of affinity of both lectins for their ligands at acidic pH as compared to alkaline pH. For both lectins, maximum affinity was found in the pH range 7-8. Since the ionic strength of focused carrier ampholytes is 100-200-times lower than in conventional electrophoresis, the Kd values found by the present method are generally lower than the same values obtained by affinity electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Separations of various tetracycline mixtures by high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) and a new form of electrochromatography (CEC) are compared. The new CEC method involves etching the inner wall of the capillary surface with an appropriate reagent (ammonium dihydrogen fluoride) in order to produce a significant increase in surface area. The etched surface is then modified by a silation/hydrosilation reaction sequence to first produce a hydride intermediate which is then further reacted to attach a C18 moiety. The bare and hydride capillaries are tested under HPCE conditions while the C18 capillary functions in the CEC mode. The effects of pH and the presence of an organic modifier (methanol) are also studied. Detection limits ( < 10 micrograms/ml) are comparable to previous HPLC and HPCE results. Resolutions for mixtures which simulate real analytical problems are equal to or better than those reported for separations on polymeric and diol columns by HPLC and in earlier studies by HPCE and MECC.  相似文献   

A capillary electrophoretic (CE) method for the analysis of urinary extracts of the local anesthetic, bupivacaine, and its three main metabolites, desbutylbupivacaine, 3'-hydroxybupivacaine, and 4'-hydroxybupivacaine, in rat urine has been developed. The limits of detection were 0.22 microM for desbutylbupivacaine and bupivacaine, 0.15 microM for 3'-hydroxybupivacaine, and 0.16 microM for 4'-hydroxybupivacaine. The linear range was from 0.7 microM to 16.8 microM for all four compounds. Migration time and peak height reproducibilities, and extraction efficiencies were determined for all four compounds. Peak height reproducibilities (n = 5) for the overall method were improved through the use of prilocaine as an internal standard. Peak height reproducibilities were 5.6% RSD for desbutylbupivacaine and bupivacaine, and 9.9% RSD for 3'-hydroxybupivacaine and 4'-hydroxybupivacaine. Migration time reproducibilities (n = 5) were 2.4% for all compounds. Urine samples were collected from rats administered therapeutic doses of bupivacaine and extracted using a solid-phase extraction method (SPE). Separation of bupivacaine and its metabolites was achieved in 15 min.  相似文献   

The technique used in this study was based on the addition of a known quantity of hyaluronic acid (HA) to an aliquot of crude venom sample, followed by obtaining capillary electrophoresis profiles both immediately after the mixing and after a known period of incubation. The presence of hyaluronidase (HYASE) and the degree of its activity were determined from the change in the abundance (peak height) of intact HA at its retention time. Quantitative and/or comparative enzyme activity could also be obtained from determining the incubation time needed either to achieve a selected percentage decrease in the size of the intact HA peak or to complete the digestion process as determined by the attainment of a constant profile of the oligosaccharide end products. The detection limit was 3 x 10(-6) U/microliter HYASE, defined as the decrease of the peak height of the added standard quantity of HA (0.008 mg/ml) from the initial signal-to-noise ratio of 6 down to 2; with respect to sample size, 1.5 x 10(-8) U of HYASE could be detected in 5 nl of incubated sample. The utility of the technique was illustrated by the rapid detection of HYASE activity in HYASE standards, crude bee venom and several snake venoms, the HYASE content of which has not yet been reported, and in collected high-performance liquid chromatography-separated venom fractions.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, accurate and reproducible capillary electrophoretic method was developed for the assay of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid in traditional Chinese medicinal preparations. The buffer solution used in this method was acetonitrile and 0.02 M sodium dihydrogen-phosphate solution adjusted to pH 7.5 with 0.05 M sodium hydroxide. The linear calibration range was 0.04-2.00 mg/ml (r = 0.9988) for glycyrrhizin and 0.007-0.35 mg/ml (r = 0.9985) for glycyrrhetinic acid and recoveries were 98.1-101.3% for glycyrrhizin and 98.5-101.4% for glycyrrhetinic acid. The relative standard deviations were 1.02% (n = 6) for glycyrrhizin and 0.91% (n = 6) for glycyrrhetinic acid. The content of these two acids in Glycyrrhizae Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix-containing Chinese medicinal preparations was successfully determined within 10 min.  相似文献   

The broad category of antibiotics encompasses some of the most widely prescribed pharmaceuticals in the world. As is the case with any pharmaceutical, an antibiotic must be characterized in terms of its potency or activity, and the presence and quantity of impurities. Additionally, any residue or metabolite that may be present as a result of its use must be monitored. Many capillary electrophoretic techniques have been utilized in the analysis of antibiotics, addressing the various aspects of their quantitation, profiling, and monitoring. Some of the more recent applications are summarized in this review article.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis is a useful tool for the analysis of nucleotides. Methods have been optimized for both CZE and MECC modes. A variety of CZE buffers, such as borate, carbonate and phosphate were used successfully. The pH of the buffer changes the charge on the nucleotides. Therefore, the selectivity of the analytes can be controlled by the acidity of the buffer solution. CE separations of nucleotides have been performed at all pH levels, in both CZE and MECC modes. SDS was the most commonly used modifier in MECC separations, but other additives have been added to optimize selectivity. In addition, nucleotides have been quantified in different matrices, including tissue and cell extracts and several DNA and RNA sources. This paper summarizes the methods used for the optimization of nucleotides by CE and includes the most recent techniques to improve selectivity, reproducibility and sensitivity. A summary of CE methods is used in analyses of nucleotides in biological matrices is included.  相似文献   

A capillary electrophoretic method was developed for the determination of the diastereomeric composition of the bradykinin B2 antagonist, SB-238592-DB. The nonionic surfactant Brij 35 was demonstrated to be suitable for the baseline resolution of the three diastereoisomers of SB-238592-DB in the presence of a low pH phosphate buffer and small volume percentages of acetonitrile.  相似文献   

An efficient reliable and sensitive capillary zone electrophoresis assay for the six major bacterial peptidoglycan-associated proteins of Escherichia coli NCIB 8545 is described. The method provides the facility to determine quantitatively the effect of antibacterials on bacterial peptidoglycan-associated protein synthesis and thus to further elucidate the mechanism of antibacterial action of such drugs as the antifolates which recently have been shown to adversely affect peptidoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the immunohistochemical localization of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in the rat brain. In addition to epithelial ependymal cells lining the ventricular wall, tanycytes in the basomedial hypothalamus were heavily immunostained. The immunoreactive processes of tanycytes made contacts to sinusoidal capillaries and reached the pial surface forming an immuno-positive structure at the floor of the hypothalamus. Other immunoreactive cells contained the subcommissural organ in the roof of the third ventricle and the epithelial lamina of the choroid plexus. The localization of MIF in cells which have contact with cerebrospinal fluid and blood vessels suggests that MIF might play a role as a humoral factor in the brain.  相似文献   

We have investigated capillary electrophoresis separation of oxanine (Oxa), a base moiety of 2'-deoxyoxanosine (Figure 1), from various bases. Oxa was not well separated from the others by micelle electrokinetic chromatography which is a general method for separating of the bases. On the other hand, capillary zone electrophoresis showed much improved separation when used pH 12 where the six-membered ring of Oxa is opened.  相似文献   

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