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Earth Pressure Balance shield tunneling has been successfully adopted for urban tunneling and has resulted in increases in working speed, savings of man-hours and improved safety. Based on the ellipse eccentricity, the ellipse matrix equation for non-equidistant systems has been constructed. Through the analysis of the matrix, the characteristics of force ellipse eccentricity were investigated in detail. The distinction from the equidistant system was studied by applying the force ellipse to the thrust systems of shield machines in engineering applications. It provides a new arrangement for the thrust system hydraulic cylinders, under large change-of-direction forces or uneven geological bodies, which may prevent the segments from cracking due to an over-offset load. 相似文献
Cutterhead torque is an important parameter for the design and operation of earth pressure balance (EPB) shields. Based on the analysis of several completed project cases from job sites, the conventional torque determination model based on experimentation proves rough enough to be improved. Composition and corresponding calculation method of cutterhead torque are presented, taking into account of cutterhead structure, cutting principle and the interaction between cutterhead and soil. Considering a Φ1.8 m EPB test machine in the lab, theoretical calculation following the improved model and test are carried out with three typical types of soils. Calculation and test results indicate that the cutterhead torque varies with geological conditions apparently, and the opening ratio of the cutterhead as well as earth pressure turns out to be the two most important factors in determining the cutterhead torque. The test results also show that the torque calculation formula for EPB shield tunneling can reasonably predict the excavation torque required by the cutterhead in clay soil tunneling, but for cohesionless tunneling, soil conditioning reduces the amount of torque necessary. 相似文献
Electro-hydraulic proportional control of thrust system for shield tunneling machine 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper, a thrust hydraulic system of shield tunneling machine with pressure and flow compound control scheme is proposed. In the control system, the task of real-time measuring of the pressure and the displacement of hydraulic cylinder in each thrust group is accomplished by pressure sensor and displacement sensor respectively, forming the closed-loop pressure and speed control with proportional valves. Thrust system mathematical modeling including hydraulic system and multi-cylinder acting dynamics is presented. Synchronization motion control between cylinders is also achieved by means of master–slave PID with dead band compensating displacement error. Experiments of thrust pressure and speed control as well as cylinder synchronization are conducted on the shield simulation test rig. The experimental results show that the proposed thrust hydraulic system and its control can meet the requirements of tunneling. 相似文献
Deng Kongshu Tang Xiaoqiang Wang LipingChen Xu 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2011,26(1):15-21
The purpose of the research is to investigate into characteristics of deformation in thrust system which reduces the stiffness with the increase of displacement for piston in hydraulic cylinder. Firstly, based on the hyperstatic compatibility, the spatial deforming ellipse for the driving system has been discovered. Then the characteristics for the deforming ellipse of even and non-uniform arrangement systems have been analyzed in detail. Finally, applying deforming ellipse to the thrust systems of a shield machine in engineering applications, the characteristics of the deforming ellipse affected the behavior of the thrust system have been discussed. The result could provide a theoretical foundation and support for the design of thrust systems in shield tunneling machines. 相似文献
无水砂卵石地层盾构推力及刀盘转矩的计算 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以无水砂卵石地层盾构施工为例,运用理论和经验公式对盾构推力和刀盘扭矩进行了计算和比较,对相同或相似地层条件下的盾构参数计算和选型具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
以南昌地铁1号线穿越赣江区间泥水盾构在上软下硬(上部砂层,下部泥质粉砂岩)富水砂层中成功的带压进仓经验,讲述泥膜形成技术、保压计算方法、气密性测试、带压进仓安全注意事项、减压出仓恢复性措施等,并分析带压进仓过程中可能出现的泥膜破坏修复措施、漏气保压困难等紧急情况的,提出应对措施,为类似工程提供借鉴。 相似文献
One of the main operational parameters in pressurized full face soft ground tunneling with machines such as earth pressure balance (EPB) TBMs is soil conditioning. Soil conditioners which are proper foam or conditioning agents, are often injected through the cutterhead or into the cutting chamber to make the muck flowable, lower inner friction between the soil particles, control soil stickiness, prepare the excavated soil to be compressible during the tunneling operation, control the water inflow, reduce the torque on the cutterhead, and lower power and torque of the screw conveyor. Foams can also be used in hard rock tunneling to reduce the wear and torque to replace conventional dust suppression by water sprays. This paper reviews the common practice in soil conditioning and focuses on assessing the influence of the conditioning on tool wear and torque requirement of the machines. Tests performed on many standard type soils and few samples from soft ground tunneling projects around the US on Penn State Soil Abrasion testing device. The results of tests performed in dry, moist and conditioned soil will be discussed and compared in this paper. The preliminary results show that the use of proper soil conditioning can reduce the wear of cutters and machine components by orders of magnitude while it can reduce the torque by over 50%. 相似文献
Dimension optimization of an orientation fine-tuning manipulator for segment assembly robots in shield tunneling machines 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This study focuses on the dimension optimization of a three-DOF orientation fine-tuning manipulator for segment assembly robots in shield tunneling machines. An index is introduced to evaluate the effectiveness of the motion/force transmissibility of the manipulator. The orientation capability of the manipulator is analyzed, and the corresponding indices for orientation capability are then defined. On the basis of performance atlases, the process of determining optimum geometric parameters is presented for the purpose of high orientation capability and good motion/force transmissibility. 相似文献
根据目前地下工程学科发展的现状以及盾构法隧道施工的实际问题,提出了智能控制理论研究盾构法隧道施工系统的变形预测的常用方法:人工神经网络和模糊控制理论,并分析了这两种方法研究的基本理论,对实际施工有着重要的意义。 相似文献
结合深圳地铁11号线宝安站至碧海站区间采用土压平衡盾构法施工实例,简单介绍了孤石地层掘进的难点和风险,主要介绍遇到孤石后判别孤石和处理孤石的办法,并有针对性地将该方法应用于地铁施工中。 相似文献
Yan Qixiang Sun Minghui Yao Chaofan Liu Hongyue Wu Wang Duan Jingchuan 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2021,80(4):3009-3022
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Boulders are spheroidal and weathered rock fragments that exist in softly weathered granite strata. Boulders can cause severe damage to the... 相似文献
根据盾构推进系统控制的特点,提出了基于单片机P87C52X2的推进控制系统,并应用芯片GM8154解决了该系统I/O不足的问题,最后给出了整个系统的软硬件的设计. 相似文献
通过对目前概预算编制中盾构掘进工程折旧现状的分析,提出了四种盾构掘进工程概预算折旧方法,根据不同方法探讨了其适用范围,为概预算编制中合理计列盾构机的折旧费用提供指导. 相似文献
推进系统是盾构的重要组成部分,推力上应满足盾构掘进时克服推进阻力的要求,同时还要考虑盾构施工中的上坡、曲线施工、蛇行及纠偏等因素;系统控制上要求满足隧道掘进方向的精确控制,本文论述盾构推进系统设计与控制原理. 相似文献
K. Mori Y. Abe 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2005,20(2):129
The Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation is planning to construct a 4-lane highway tunnel of rectangular cross-section with a shallow depth below an existing city street which width is approximately equal to the one of tunnel to be newly constructed. A non-cut-and-cover method is required. To achieve this, the multi-micro shield tunneling (MMST) method has been developed. To construct a large cross-section as a whole section of tunnel, first, smaller cross-sections, as units of tunnel, which are located at the circumference of a whole section of tunnel are excavated by shield machines and lined with segments. Secondary, these smaller units are connected and, finally, a tunnel by the MMST method is completed by excavating soil inside connected smaller units which function as a lining of whole section of tunnel (a large cross-section). This paper describes the MMST method and the outline of the shield machine developed to be applied to the MMST method, the construction results of the tunnels and the test implementation. 相似文献
在土压平衡盾构掘进过程中,合理设置和控制土压对于控制地表沉降有着至关重要的意义。本文对土压控制的因素和策略及土压力的选择进行了分析和探讨。 相似文献
It is crucially important to select a proper TBM and define its basic specifications such as installed cutterhead torque and TBM thrust capacities for a special job. Underestimation of these parameters would reduce excavation performance. In order to generate a general guidance on determination of some of TBM specifications, a database including 262 TBMs’ design parameters is established. The statistical relationships between the design parameters of 262 TBMs (72 open, 24 single shield, 41 double shield, 86 EPB and 39 slurry TBMs) manufactured after 1985 in the world are investigated and theoretical concepts behind the relationships between TBM diameter and installed thrust capacity, nominal cutterhead torque capacity, total weight, maximum rotational speed of cutterhead, and number of disc cutters are discussed. Some of the correlations between these parameters are found to be strong. The results are summarized in a table given upper and lower limits of predicted values. At the end, some data obtained in different 30 tunnels excavated in different geological conditions with different TBMs in Turkey are discussed to test the validity of predictor equations developed within the frame of this study. 相似文献