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ATPase inhibitory factor-1 (IF1) preserves cellular ATP under conditions of respiratory collapse, yet the function of IF1 under normal respiring conditions is unresolved. We tested the hypothesis that IF1 promotes mitochondrial dysfunction and pathological cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the context of heart failure (HF). Methods and results: Cardiac expression of IF1 was increased in mice and in humans with HF, downstream of neurohumoral signaling pathways and in patterns that resembled the fetal-like gene program. Adenoviral expression of wild-type IF1 in primary cardiomyocytes resulted in pathological hypertrophy and metabolic remodeling as evidenced by enhanced mitochondrial oxidative stress, reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity, and the augmentation of extramitochondrial glycolysis. Similar perturbations were observed with an IF1 mutant incapable of binding to ATP synthase (E55A mutation), an indication that these effects occurred independent of binding to ATP synthase. Instead, IF1 promoted mitochondrial fragmentation and compromised mitochondrial Ca2+ handling, which resulted in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ overloading. The effects of IF1 on Ca2+ handling were associated with the cytosolic activation of calcium–calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) and inhibition of CaMKII or co-expression of catalytically dead CaMKIIδC was sufficient to prevent IF1 induced pathological hypertrophy. Conclusions: IF1 represents a novel member of the fetal-like gene program that contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction and pathological cardiac remodeling in HF. Furthermore, we present evidence for a novel, ATP-synthase-independent, role for IF1 in mitochondrial Ca2+ handling and mitochondrial-to-nuclear crosstalk involving CaMKII.  相似文献   

As part of our ongoing studies on the potential pathophysiological role of serine/threonine phosphatases (PP) in the mammalian heart, we have generated transgenic mice with cardiac muscle cell-specific overexpression of PP2Acα (PP2A) and PP5 (PP5). For further studies we crossbred PP2A and PP5 mice to obtain PP2AxPP5 double transgenic mice (PP2AxPP5, DT) and compared them with littermate wild-type mice (WT) serving as a control. The mortality of DT mice was greatly enhanced vs. other genotypes. Cardiac fibrosis was noted histologically and mRNA levels of collagen 1α, collagen 3α and fibronectin 1 were augmented in DT. DT and PP2A mice exhibited an increase in relative heart weight. The ejection fraction (EF) was reduced in PP2A and DT but while the EF of PP2A was nearly normalized after β-adrenergic stimulation by isoproterenol, it was almost unchanged in DT. Moreover, left atrial preparations from DT were less sensitive to isoproterenol treatment both under normoxic conditions and after hypoxia. In addition, levels of the hypertrophy markers atrial natriuretic peptide and B-type natriuretic peptide as well as the inflammation markers interleukin 6 and nuclear factor kappa B were increased in DT. PP2A enzyme activity was enhanced in PP2A vs. WT but similar to DT. This was accompanied by a reduced phosphorylation state of phospholamban at serine-16. Fittingly, the relaxation times in left atria from DT were prolonged. In summary, cardiac co-overexpression of PP2A and PP5 were detrimental to animal survival and cardiac function, and the mechanism may involve dephosphorylation of important regulatory proteins but also fibrosis and inflammation.  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) plays a major role in cardiovascular health and disease. Short-term RAAS activation controls water and salt retention and causes vasoconstriction, which are beneficial for maintaining cardiac output in low blood pressure and early stage heart failure. However, prolonged RAAS activation is detrimental, leading to structural remodeling and cardiac dysfunction. Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are activated to counterbalance the effect of RAAS and sympathetic nervous system by facilitating water and salt excretion and causing vasodilation. Neprilysin is a major NP-degrading enzyme that degrades multiple vaso-modulatory substances. Although the inhibition of neprilysin alone is not sufficient to counterbalance RAAS activation in cardiovascular diseases (e.g., hypertension and heart failure), a combination of angiotensin receptor blocker and neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) was highly effective in several clinical trials and may modulate the risk of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. This review summarizes the possible link between ARNI and cardiac arrhythmias and discusses potential underlying mechanisms, providing novel insights about the therapeutic role and safety profile of ARNI in the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

Heart failure (HF) is a major public health problem worldwide, especially coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction)-induced HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), which accounts for over 50% of all HF cases. An estimated 6 million American adults have HF. As a major feature of HF, cardiac sympathetic overactivation triggers arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death, which accounts for nearly 50–60% of mortality in HF patients. Regulation of cardiac sympathetic activation is highly integrated by the regulatory circuitry at multiple levels, including afferent, central, and efferent components of the sympathetic nervous system. Much evidence, from other investigators and us, has confirmed the afferent and central neural mechanisms causing sympathoexcitation in HF. The stellate ganglion is a peripheral sympathetic ganglion formed by the fusion of the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic sympathetic ganglion. As the efferent component of the sympathetic nervous system, cardiac postganglionic sympathetic neurons located in stellate ganglia provide local neural coordination independent of higher brain centers. Structural and functional impairments of cardiac postganglionic sympathetic neurons can be involved in cardiac sympathetic overactivation in HF because normally, many effects of the cardiac sympathetic nervous system on cardiac function are mediated via neurotransmitters (e.g., norepinephrine) released from cardiac postganglionic sympathetic neurons innervating the heart. This review provides an overview of cardiac sympathetic remodeling in stellate ganglia and potential mechanisms and the role of cardiac sympathetic remodeling in cardiac sympathetic overactivation and arrhythmias in HF. Targeting cardiac sympathetic remodeling in stellate ganglia could be a therapeutic strategy against malignant cardiac arrhythmias in HF.  相似文献   

Mitochondria undergo structural and functional remodeling to meet the cell demand in response to the intracellular and extracellular stimulations, playing an essential role in maintaining normal cellular function. Merging evidence demonstrated that dysregulation of mitochondrial remodeling is a fundamental driving force of complex human diseases, highlighting its crucial pathophysiological roles and therapeutic potential. In this review, we outlined the progress of the molecular basis of mitochondrial structural and functional remodeling and their regulatory network. In particular, we summarized the latest evidence of the fundamental association of impaired mitochondrial remodeling in developing diverse cardiac diseases and the underlying mechanisms. We also explored the therapeutic potential related to mitochondrial remodeling and future research direction. This updated information would improve our knowledge of mitochondrial biology and cardiac diseases’ pathogenesis, which would inspire new potential strategies for treating these diseases by targeting mitochondria remodeling.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) play a major role in normal and pathologic signaling. Beyond receptors, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases; (PDEs) rapidly convert the cyclic nucleotide in its respective 5′-nucleotide to control intracellular cAMP and/or cGMP levels to maintain a normal physiological state. However, in many pathologies, dysregulations of various PDEs (PDE1-PDE11) contribute mainly to organs and tissue failures related to uncontrolled phosphorylation cascade. Among these, PDE4 represents the greatest family, since it is constituted by 4 genes with multiple variants differently distributed at tissue, cellular and subcellular levels, allowing different fine-tuned regulations. Since the 1980s, pharmaceutical companies have developed PDE4 inhibitors (PDE4-I) to overcome cardiovascular diseases. Since, they have encountered many undesired problems, (emesis), they focused their research on other PDEs. Today, increases in the knowledge of complex PDE4 regulations in various tissues and pathologies, and the evolution in drug design, resulted in a renewal of PDE4-I development. The present review describes the recent PDE4-I development targeting cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease, malignancies, fatty liver disease, osteoporosis, depression, as well as COVID-19. Today, the direct therapeutic approach of PDE4 is extended by developing allosteric inhibitors and protein/protein interactions allowing to act on the PDE interactome.  相似文献   

Years before the first two-pore domain potassium channel (K2P) was cloned, certain ion channels had already been demonstrated to be present in the heart with characteristics and properties usually attributed to the TREK channels (a subfamily of K2P channels). K2P channels were later detected in cardiac tissue by RT-PCR, although the distribution of the different K2P subfamilies in the heart seems to depend on the species analyzed. In order to collect relevant information in this regard, we focus here on the TWIK, TASK and TREK cardiac channels, their putative roles in cardiac physiology and their implication in coronary pathologies. Most of the RNA expression data and electrophysiological recordings available to date support the presence of these different K2P subfamilies in distinct cardiac cells. Likewise, we show how these channels may be involved in certain pathologies, such as atrial fibrillation, long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome.  相似文献   

Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) are emerging as a new treatment strategy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and—depending on the wistfully awaited results of two clinical trials (DELIVER and EMPEROR-Preserved)—may be the first drug class to improve cardiovascular outcomes in patients suffering from heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Proposed mechanisms of action of this class of drugs are diverse and include metabolic and hemodynamic effects as well as effects on inflammation, neurohumoral activation, and intracellular ion homeostasis. In this review we focus on the growing body of evidence for SGLT2i-mediated effects on cardiac intracellular Na+ as an upstream mechanism. Therefore, we will first give a short overview of physiological cardiomyocyte Na+ handling and its deterioration in heart failure. On this basis we discuss the salutary effects of SGLT2i on Na+ homeostasis by influencing NHE1 activity, late INa as well as CaMKII activity. Finally, we highlight the potential relevance of these effects for systolic and diastolic dysfunction as well as arrhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

The introduction of the so-called “targeted therapies”, particularly those drugs that inhibit the activity of tyrosine kinases, has represented a remarkable progress in the treatment of cancer. Although these drugs improve survival rates in cancer, significant cardiotoxicity, manifesting as left vertricular dysfunction and/or heart failure, has emerged. The ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases are being pursued as therapeutic targets because of their important roles in normal physiology and in cancer. Besides the fact that the ErbB receptors are indispensable during development and in normal adult physiology, epidermal growth factor (EGFR) and ErbB2 in particular have been implicated in the development of many human cancers. This review focuses on the rationale for targeting members of ErbB receptor family and numerous agents that are in use for inhibiting the pathway. We summarize the current knowledge on the physiological role of ErbB signaling in the ventricle and on structural aspects of ErbB receptor activation in cancer and cardiac cells. We examine the underlying mechanisms that result in on-target or off-target cardiotoxicities of ErbB inhibitors, which can influence the design of future anticancer therapies.  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化的加剧,心力衰竭的发病率日益增高。疗效明确、安全可靠的心力衰竭治疗药物的开发也逐渐成为医药领域关注的热点。近年来,CK-1827452作为一种新型心肌肌动蛋白激动剂,其合成研究引起研究人员广泛关注。本文经文献调研和合成路线分析,选用原料3-氨基-2-氟苯甲腈(1)为起始原料经还原反应,还原胺化,脱Boc保护,再与异氰酸酯反应,最后通过与乙酰氯反应得到CK-1827452,总收率达55%。改进后的合成路线具有原料易得、操作简便、收率高的特点,更适合工业化生产。  相似文献   

Despite the considerable progress in strategies of myocardial protection, ischemic heart diseases (IHD) and consequent heart failure (HF) remain the main cause of mortality worldwide. Several procedures are used routinely to guarantee the prompt and successful reestablishment of blood flow to preserve the myocardial viability of infarcted hearts from ischemia injuries. However, ischemic heart reperfusion/revascularization triggers additional damages that occur when oxygen-rich blood re-enters the vulnerable myocardial tissue, which is a phenomenon known as ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) syndrome. Complications of I/R injuries provoke the adverse cardiac remodeling, involving inflammation, mishandling of Ca2+ homeostasis, apoptotic genes activation, cardiac myocytes loss, etc., which often progress toward HF. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new cardioprotective therapies for IHD and HF. Compelling evidence from animal studies and pilot clinical trials in HF patients suggest that urocortin (Ucn) isoforms, which are peptides associated with stress and belonging to the corticotropin releasing factor family, have promising potential to improve cardiovascular functions by targeting many signaling pathways at different molecular levels. This review highlights the current knowledge on the role of urocortin isoforms in cardioprotection, focusing on its acute and long-term effects.  相似文献   

Heart failure (HF) remains the leading cause of morbidity and death in the western world, and new therapeutic modalities are urgently needed to improve the lifespan and quality of life of HF patients. The sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, originally developed and mainly indicated for diabetes mellitus treatment, have been increasingly shown to ameliorate heart disease, and specifically HF, in humans, regardless of diabetes co-existence. Indeed, dapagliflozin has been reported to reduce cardiovascular mortality and hospitalizations in patients with HF and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). This SGLT2 inhibitor demonstrates these benefits also in non-diabetic subjects, indicating that dapagliflozin’s efficacy in HF is independent of blood glucose control. Evidence for the effectiveness of various SGLT2 inhibitors in providing cardiovascular benefits irrespective of their effects on blood glucose regulation have spurred the use of these agents in HFrEF treatment and resulted in FDA approvals for cardiovascular indications. The obvious question arising from all these studies is, of course, which molecular/pharmacological mechanisms underlie these cardiovascular benefits of the drugs in diabetics and non-diabetics alike. The fact that SGLT2 is not significantly expressed in cardiac myocytes (SGLT1 appears to be the dominant isoform) adds even greater perplexity to this answer. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed over the past few years and tested in cell and animal models and prominent among those is the potential for sympatholysis, i.e., reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity. The latter is known to be high in HF patients, contributing significantly to the morbidity and mortality of the disease. The present minireview first summarizes the current evidence in the literature supporting the notion that SGLT2 inhibitors, such as dapagliflozin and empagliflozin, exert sympatholysis, and also outlines the main putative underlying mechanisms for these sympatholytic effects. Then, we propose a novel hypothesis, centered on the adrenal medulla, for the sympatholytic effects specifically of dapagliflozin. Adrenal medulla is responsible for the production and secretion of almost the entire amount of circulating epinephrine and of a significant percentage of circulating norepinephrine in the human body. If proven true experimentally, this hypothesis, along with other emerging experimental evidence for sympatholytic effects in neurons, will shed new light on the pharmacological effects that mediate the cardiovascular benefits of SGLT2 inhibitor drugs, independently of their blood glucose-lowering effects.  相似文献   

Diabetic patients are predisposed to diabetic cardiomyopathy, a specific form of cardiomyopathy which is characterized by the development of myocardial fibrosis, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and apoptosis that develops independently of concomitant macrovascular and microvascular diabetic complications. Its pathophysiology is multifactorial and poorly understood and no specific therapeutic guideline has yet been established. Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a challenging diagnosis, made after excluding other potential entities, treated with different pharmacotherapeutic agents targeting various pathophysiological pathways that need yet to be unraveled. It has great clinical importance as diabetes is a disease with pandemic proportions. This review focuses on the potential mechanisms contributing to this entity, diagnostic options, as well as on potential therapeutic interventions taking in consideration their clinical feasibility and limitations in everyday practice. Besides conventional therapies, we discuss novel therapeutic possibilities that have not yet been translated into clinical practice.  相似文献   

Excessive cardiac fibrosis plays a crucial role in almost all types of heart disease. Generally, cardiac fibrosis is a scarring process triggered in response to stress, injury, or aging and is characterized by the accumulation of activated myofibroblasts that deposit high levels of extracellular matrix proteins in the myocardium. While it is beneficial for cardiac repair in the short term, it can also result in pathological remodeling, tissue stiffening, and cardiac dysfunction, contributing to the progression of heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac death. Despite its high prevalence, there is a lack of effective and safe therapies that specifically target myofibroblasts to inhibit or even reverse pathological cardiac fibrosis. In the past few decades, cell therapy has been under continuous evaluation as a potential treatment strategy, and several studies have shown that transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) can reduce cardiac fibrosis and improve heart function. Mechanistically, it is believed that the heart benefits from MSC therapy by stimulating innate anti-fibrotic and regenerative reactions. The mechanisms of action include paracrine signaling and cell-to-cell interactions. In this review, we provide an overview of the anti-fibrotic properties of MSCs and approaches to enhance them and discuss future directions of MSCs for the treatment of cardiac fibrosis.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune and degenerative disease with axonal damage and demyelination as its main features. Its dual neurological and autoimmune nature makes it a disease that is difficult to treat. Treatments that simultaneously stop the immune response while protecting and repairing the nervous system are urgent. That is of utmost importance for the primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS), a rare and severe variant of MS, characterized by worsening neurological function from the onset of symptoms. In this sense, inhibitors of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) and phosphodiesterase 7 (PDE7) have recently shown great therapeutic potential for the treatment of demyelinating diseases. Here we investigated a dual inhibitor of these two targets, the small molecule VP3.15, in a preclinical model, which resembles primary-progressive MS (PPMS), the Theiler’s mouse encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinated disease (TMEV-IDD). In our study, VP3.15 ameliorates the disease course improving motor deficits of infected mice. Chronic treatment with VP3.15 also showed significant efficacy in the immunomodulation process, as well as in the proliferation and differentiation of oligodendroglial precursors, improving the preservation of myelin and axonal integrity. Therefore, our results support a treatment with the safe VP3.15 as an integrative therapeutic strategy for the treatment of PPMS.  相似文献   

Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a leading complication in type 2 diabetes patients. Recently, we have shown that the reticulum-mitochondria Ca2+ uncoupling is an early and reversible trigger of the cardiac dysfunction in a diet-induced mouse model of DCM. Metformin is a first-line antidiabetic drug with recognized cardioprotective effect in myocardial infarction. Whether metformin could prevent the progression of DCM remains not well understood. We therefore investigated the effect of a chronic 6-week metformin treatment on the reticulum-mitochondria Ca2+ coupling and the cardiac function in our high-fat high-sucrose diet (HFHSD) mouse model of DCM. Although metformin rescued the glycemic regulation in the HFHSD mice, it did not preserve the reticulum-mitochondria Ca2+ coupling either structurally or functionally. Metformin also did not prevent the progression towards cardiac dysfunction, i.e., cardiac hypertrophy and strain dysfunction. In summary, despite its cardioprotective role, metformin is not sufficient to delay the progression to early DCM.  相似文献   

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