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Subjective visual inspection is the main quality measure for tile alignment acceptance because of a lack of standard operation procedures in Taiwan. Without quantitative specifications for tile alignment, inspectors can easily manipulate the outcome; therefore, fine craftsmanship is not valued, resulting in considerable quality variation in tile installation works. This paper proposes an automated tile installation quality assurance prototype system that uses computer vision technologies. The system receives digital images of finished tile installation and has the images processed and analyzed to capture the geometric characteristics of the finished tile surface. The geometric characteristics are subsequently evaluated to determine the quality level of the tiling work. Application of the proposed automated system can effectively improve the tile alignment inspection practice and simultaneously reduce improper manipulation during acceptance procedures.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to demonstrate the usefulness of high-resolution satellite images, in particular Ikonos images, in the study of rural constructions with regard to their subsequent reuse. It includes an inventory of buildings and estimation of densities as well as a study of distribution patterns of constructions. In addition, it will reveal the possibilities that the images offer in relation to the cataloguing of construction characteristics. This information can be integrated into a GIS (Geographical Information System) and can be analysed alongside other data. The methodology employed, based on the digital analysis of high-resolution images, is cost effective in the inventorying of buildings, especially in areas of dispersed settlement.  相似文献   

车雨珂  崔佳  张宠  边超 《重庆建筑》2012,(12):37-40
传统雕塑作品的设计制造、工程量统计及投资估算方法已不能满足现代雕塑作品的发展,而现代数字技术的广泛应用,如3DMAX三维建模技术,三维扫描技术、大型通用有限元软件ANSYS的应用,为复杂曲面城市雕塑建立精确的结构分析模型提供了数字基础,重庆在建的大型城市雕塑综合应用以上技术实现了雕塑测量时间缩短、精度更高、结构更加安全可靠、雕塑造价更加合理,为雕塑行业进一步发展奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

李明 《建筑技术》1998,29(9):620-622
一些整体升降脚手架施工方案在制定时,因未考虑大型垂直运输机械的平面位置及附墙杆立面安装尺寸等因素,造成机位布置不合理而导致碰撞。对此应根据垂直运输机械的附墙尺寸和平面选位原则,加强整体升降脚手架与垂直运输机械的协调性,以保证施工安全  相似文献   

IDP和BIM已经被公认为是解决建筑行业离散化问题的两个途径。然而要实施新的方法和工具,需要在设计实践中采取重大变革。本篇表述了一个研究项目中的一部分,该项目的最终目标是开发一种新型的知识体系,即IDP-BIM框架体系。本文着重阐述了在该背景下所实施的案例研究,包括对一座高性能建筑——位于蒙特利尔的"可持续性发展之屋(HSD)"的设计程序进行的族群观察,并探讨了拟定的可持续性策略的针对性。该实例研究的另一个尝试是在由专业人士团队完成设计后,采用BIM技术对设计过程进行了"逆向工程"设计。本文展现了这部分实例研究的成果,旨在为综合建模确定一个最佳数字环境和顺畅的工作流程。为全面表达项目,我们首先建立了该建筑的BIM模型(基于Revi软件)。然后,我们为规划、施工过程的成本估算模拟、被动式太阳热能和照明模拟进行了性能和互操作性测试。本实例研究的结果涵盖了以下方面Revit软件在设计最初阶段的可用性;主BIM模型的互操作性和数据交换能力,模拟结果的一致性。我们还为可持续性发展之屋的设计者提供了一些建议。工作流程的研究结果也丰富了"IDP-BIM"模型框架体系。  相似文献   

采暖空调和热水是建筑行业中最大的能耗源,并且传统的中央空调存在热源单一、投资大、安装复杂、运行费用高等问题。推出一种将多种绿色能源融合利用的中央空调+热水一体化系统,可同时实现制冷+供热+热水需求。在夏季的制冷+热水模式下,可让冷凝器排除的余热全部回收,达到明显的节能效果。该系统在西南科技大学城市学院学生公寓进行了应用,经过计算,初投资为203.21元/m~2。  相似文献   

摘要:风险管理是社会组织或者个人用以降低风险的消极结果的决策过程.通过风险识别、风险估测、风险评价.并在此基础上选择与优化组合各种风险管理技术,对风险实施有效控制和妥善处理风险所致损失的后果.从而以最小的成本收获最大的安全保障。本文总结整理了该类项目电梯安装工程风险管理实施过程中的各项内容,分别从风险规划.风险识别.风险评估与评价.风险控制和风险监控等方面进行研究和阐述。  相似文献   

音乐厅的建设是建筑行业公认的专业’性能强、技术复杂的工程项目、本文探讨了楼宇控制系统在武汉琴台音乐厅暖通空调设计的经验,为其他音乐厅的设计和建设提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

当前,中国海绵城市建设进入系统化全域推进阶段,通用技术框架的研究一直是本领域不同专业间协作的基础与难点。为系统梳理海绵城市实践过程与逻辑,在对其涉及的十大类二十二小类关键技术问题归纳基础上提出了16种数字景观途径,并整合了相关数字技术工具。重点介绍了:1)多尺度海绵城市水文量化分析及管控单元数据库构建;2)基于多目标的海绵城市下垫面结构优化;3)以水文性能为导向的海绵设施布局;4)基于物联传感技术的海绵绩效测控系统建构4项关键技术。结合江苏省内3个不同尺度的海绵城市实践案例对关键技术进行了实证校验。研究结果以期能促进海绵城市实践中风景园林与不同专业间的协同合作,推动我国海绵城市实践向可科学定量解读、可循证推广的数字化工作流程转变,助力新时期的海绵城市建设。  相似文献   

陈江恩  孙杰  冯博  麦耀华 《建筑节能》2014,(4):35-38,67
作为分布式光伏发电的重要应用方式,光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)受到越来越多的重视,但是实现光伏组件和建筑的美观、可靠和低成本的结合仍是一个具有挑战性的难题。在一个获得财政部和住建部“光伏建筑一体化”资金资助的项目中实验了不同的BIPV组件安装方式,包括隐框光伏幕墙、彩钢瓦屋顶夹具安装、彩钢瓦屋顶黏接安装方式,其中采用粘贴的方式在彩钢瓦屋顶安装双玻组件为我们独创的施工方法,具有快捷、质轻、低成本和高可靠性等特点,而且不需要在彩钢瓦上打孔,避免漏水隐患。发电量结果表明,在干燥、多粉尘的季节,在立面安装的光伏组件的单位装机容量的发电量也可能大大高于安装于斜面屋顶的组件,说明光伏玻璃幕墙有着很大的发展前途。  相似文献   

王梅  刘召芹  谢彩香 《工程勘察》2007,(5):51-53,62
通过对规划图文办公自动化需求的分析,利用工作流技术和数据库技术,实现了规划图文办公自动化的界面、流程、表单等灵活的定制,减少了系统维护的工作量,实现了同一个系统可用于不同的规划部门,缩减了开发费用,并在实际应用中得到了验证。  相似文献   

Undergraduate digital media design education is linked to a professional or vocational model, given that students are typically focused on the industry and its employment opportunities. Introducing authentic real-life scenarios in digital media design education is an effective strategy to replicate industry and the profession in order to prepare students for a successful transition from the classroom to their future multidisciplinary collaborative work environment. Linking industry and education in the scenario allows students to explore workplace issues and interact with practitioners, enabling them to understand the realities and complexities associated with multidisciplinary teamwork within the sector in which they will work.

This article overviews the design of a real-life scenario to foster collaborative learning for digital media design and information technology students. Key findings include the fact that the majority of students indicated a future preference to work on real-world projects, they found the integrated feedback from an industry professional helpful, and more complex projects of a higher standard were completed. Students also experienced ‘authentic’ challenges during the collaborative process (e.g. communication challenges) and which reflect those of industry. The study also revealed that the introduction of multidisciplinary teams leads to a more enriched learning environment for all participating students.  相似文献   

协同设计是建筑设计咨询企业的核心生产能力之一,随着信息技术的发展,数字化流程管理的模式可以深入集成到协同设计过程中,实现设计企业生产能级的提升。本文笔者结合住建部“白图替代蓝图对策”课题研究和试点应用,在上海现代设计集团开展基于协同设计的数字化管理平台建设和试点应用,为“蓝转白”甚至“无纸化”提供了技术基础,证明勘察设计企业在建筑工程设计中通过全过程数字化管理可以大大提升协同设计水平和企业质量管理、项目管理和知识管理等方面管理能级。  相似文献   

结合信息化测绘生产管理的特点,提出了基于工作流的测绘信息化综合管理平台建设方案。研究分析了基于工作流技术,以生产流程为主线,将流程信息与生产要素转化为管理因子。通过建立管理函数关系模型,实现测绘生产从流程控制、人力资源、设备资源、财务收支、成本控制管理以及档案信息、查询服务等管理功能于一体的设计思路与方法。  相似文献   

张殿平  田克土 《砖瓦》2005,(12):61-62
目前砖瓦行业受原料、市场变化的影响很大,企业经常要变换产品来适应其变化,但目前的真空挤泥机都无法做到随时调整结构.多功能真空挤出机采用模块化结构,由砖瓦企业自己组合出最经济的挤出机,能实现真空、非真空挤出成型工艺.其可以减轻负荷,节约能源,降低磨损.  相似文献   

刘晓文 《福建建筑》2011,(2):99-101
安装工程工程量清单与计价编制质量不高,由此引起的纠纷日益显著,影响了建设工程造价行业的良好有序发展.本文着重分析了安装工程工程量清单与计价存在的问题,并提出提高安装工程造价从业人员的技术业务水平,及建立审查评价体系和惩罚机制等相应对策.  相似文献   

侯湘东 《山西建筑》2013,(36):112-114
介绍了大跨度节能型复合金属压型瓦屋面施工的工艺原理,论述了具体的施工工艺流程及技术要点,并对金属压型瓦的加工、安装专用固定支撑件、安装金属压型瓦面板等一些施工关键技术作了阐述,实施效果表明该屋面具有良好的经济效益、环保效益及社会效益.  相似文献   

An automatic laser-based system to measure the internal profiles of various structures has been developed. The system uses a point laser source through a rotating optical device fixed on to a laser measurement meter. A notebook computer with custom software is used to control the laser meter and rotating device to estimate the scanned profile shape and to determine the resulting cross-section area. The information provided by this system is essential to construction industry, including window and door builders; the glass, panel, board, and floor tile manufacturers; carpet venders; and building contractors for cost estimation and production control. As a result, the lead time for delivering the customized windowpanes, woodwork, floor tiles, and ceilings can be reduced. Applications of this system for measuring the shapes of window frames and floor plans are described and demonstrated. The measurement accuracy is evaluated and analyzed. Results have indicated that the measurement accuracy can be achieved within 4% of the measurement distance, for typical window designs and floor patterns required by major widow manufacturers. Recommendations to improve the system are also included.  相似文献   

刘铁 《山西建筑》2006,32(5):118-119
介绍了双切面背栓干挂瓷砖施工工艺原理及流程,从测量放线、支撑件和瓷砖加工、干挂龙骨安装等方面阐述了干挂瓷砖的施工技术要点,提出了施工中的注意事项.  相似文献   

The major use of brick masonry units in the U.S. is in facades for office buildings and single family homes. The traditional method for building masonry walls is on-site by bricklayers. An alternative method is panelization or prefabrication of brick panels in a plant environment. While many mechanical problems exist, the real-time control represents a challenging aspect of robotizing brick masonry work. This paper presents an effort to study the development of an experimental robotic masonry system and its relevant control modules. It also describes two control frameworks for different levels in a robotic brick masonry prototype: (a) local control, and (b) global control. The local control system includes three work cells: (a) gripping and handling, (b) quality control, and (c) brick placement. First, the components and equipment used in a work cell are listed, then the experimental work performed with them is discussed to show how sensors are used for dehacking, brick placement, brick color detection, and brick size measurements. The paper then continues to describe a global control system that will integrate the three local work cells utilizing a hierarchical structure.  相似文献   

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