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Synthetic riboswitches can serve as sophisticated genetic control devices in synthetic biology, regulating gene expression through direct RNA–ligand interactions. We analyzed a synthetic neomycin riboswitch, which folds into a stem loop structure with an internal loop important for ligand binding and regulation. It is closed by a terminal hexaloop containing a U‐turn and a looped‐out adenine. We investigated the relationship between sequence, structure, and biological activity in the terminal loop by saturating mutagenesis, ITC, and NMR. Mutants corresponding to the canonical U‐turn fold retained biological activity. An improvement of stacking interactions in the U‐turn led to an RNA element with slightly enhanced regulatory activity. For the first position of the U‐turn motif and the looped out base, sequence–activity relationships that could not initially be explained on the basis of the structure of the aptamer–ligand complex were observed. However, NMR studies of these mutants revealed subtle relationships between structure and dynamics of the aptamer in its free or bound state and biological activity.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction of peptides containing phosphohistidine analogues and their homologues with the prototypical phosphotyrosine binding SH2 domain from the eukaryotic cell signalling protein Grb2 by using a combination of isothermal titration calorimetry and a fluorescence anisotropy competition assay. These investigations demonstrated that the triazole class of phosphohistidine analogues are capable of binding too, suggesting that phosphohistidine could potentially be detected by this class of proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

The artificial regulation of proteins by light is an emerging subdiscipline of synthetic biology. Here, we used this concept to photocontrol both catalysis and allostery within the heterodimeric enzyme complex imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase (ImGP‐S). ImGP‐S consists of the cyclase subunit HisF and the glutaminase subunit HisH, which is allosterically stimulated by substrate binding to HisF. We show that a light‐sensitive diarylethene (1,2‐dithienylethene, DTE)‐based competitive inhibitor in its ring‐open state binds with low micromolar affinity to the cyclase subunit and displaces its substrate from the active site. As a consequence, catalysis by HisF and allosteric stimulation of HisH are impaired. Following UV‐light irradiation, the DTE ligand adopts its ring‐closed state and loses affinity for HisF, restoring activity and allostery. Our approach allows for the switching of ImGP‐S activity and allostery during catalysis and appears to be generally applicable for the light regulation of other multienzyme complexes.  相似文献   

Signaling via the TCR, which is initiated by the Src-family tyrosine kinase Lck, is crucial for the determination of cell fates in the thymus. Because of its pivotal role, ablation of Lck results in a profound block of T-cell development. Here, we show that, in addition to its well-known function in the initiation of TCR signaling, Lck also acts at a more downstream level. This novel function of Lck is determined by the tyrosine residue (Y192) located in its SH2 domain. Thymocytes from knock-in mice expressing a phosphomimetic Y192E mutant of Lck initiate TCR signaling upon CD3 cross-linking up to the level of PLC-γ1 phosphorylation. However, the activation of downstream pathways including Ca2+ influx and phosphorylation of Erk1/2 are impaired. Accordingly, positive and negative selections are blocked in LckY192E knock-in mice. Collectively, our data indicate that Lck has a novel function downstream of PLCγ-1 in the regulation of thymocyte differentiation and selection.  相似文献   

Boronic acids have long been known to form cyclic diesters with cis-diol compounds, including many carbohydrates. This phenomenon was previously exploited to create an artificial lectin by incorporating p-borono-l -phenylalanine (Bpa) into the ligand pocket of an engineered lipocalin, resulting in a so-called Borocalin. Here we describe the X-ray analysis of its covalent complex with 4-nitrocatechol as a high-affinity model ligand. As expected, the crystal structure reveals the formation of a cyclic diester between the biosynthetic boronate side chain and the two ortho-hydroxy substituents of the benzene ring. Interestingly, the boron also has a hydroxide ion associated, despite an only moderately basic pH 8.5 in the crystallization buffer. The complex is stabilized by a polar contact to the side chain of Asn134 within the ligand pocket, thus validating the functional design of the Borocalin as an artificial sugar-binding protein. Our structural analysis demonstrates how a boronate can form a thermodynamically stable diester with a vicinal diol in a tetrahedral configuration in aqueous solution near physiological pH. Moreover, our data provide a basis for the further engineering of the Borocalin with the goal of specific recognition of biologically relevant glycans.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase (Lck) is a pivotal tyrosine kinase involved in T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Because of its importance, the activity of Lck is regulated at different levels including phosphorylation of tyrosine residues, protein–protein interactions, and localization. It has been proposed that the co-chaperone Cdc37, which assists the chaperone heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in the folding of client proteins, is also involved in the regulation of the activity/stability of Lck. Nevertheless, the available experimental data do not clearly support this conclusion. Thus, we assessed whether or not Cdc37 regulates Lck. We performed experiments in which the expression of Cdc37 was either augmented or suppressed in Jurkat T cells. The results of our experiments indicated that neither the overexpression nor the suppression of Cdc37 affected Lck stability and activity. Moreover, TCR signaling proceeded normally in T cells in which Cdc37 expression was either augmented or suppressed. Finally, we demonstrated that also under stress conditions Cdc37 was dispensable for the regulation of Lck activity/stability. In conclusion, our data do not support the idea that Lck is a Cdc37 client.  相似文献   

Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy have great promise for the treatment of solid tumors. One of the key limiting factors that hamper the decoding of physiological responses to these therapies is the inability to distinguish between specific and nonspecific responses. The identification of tumor-specific lymphocytes is also the most challenging step in cancer cell therapies such as adoptive cell transfer and T cell receptor (TCR) cloning. Here, we have elaborated a protocol for the identification of tumor-specific T lymphocytes and the deciphering of their repertoires. B16 melanoma engraftment following anti-PD1 checkpoint therapy provides better antitumor immunity compared to repetitive immunization with heat-shocked tumor cells. We have also revealed that the most error-prone part of dendritic cell (DC) generation, i.e., their maturation step, can be omitted if DCs are cultured at a sufficiently high density. Using this optimized protocol, we have achieved a robust IFNγ response to B16F0 antigens, but only within CD4+ T helper cells. A comparison of the repertoires of IFNγ-positive and -negative cells shows a prominent enrichment of certain clones with putative tumor specificity among the IFNγ+ fraction. In summary, our optimized protocol and the data provided here will aid in the acquisition of broad statistical data and the creation of a meaningful database of B16-specific TCRs.  相似文献   

In mycobacterial infections, the number of cells from two newly discovered subpopulations of CD3+ myeloid cells are increased at the infection site; one type expresses the T cell receptor (CD3+TCRαβ+) and the other does not (CD3+TCRαβ). The role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) virulence in generating these subpopulations and the ability of these cells to migrate remains unclear. In this study, monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) infected in vitro with either a virulent (H37Rv) or an avirulent (H37Ra) Mtb strain were phenotypically characterized based on three MDM phenotypes (CD3, CD3+TCRαβ+, and CD3+TCRαβ); then, their migration ability upon Mtb infection was evaluated. We found no differences in the frequency of CD3+ MDMs at 24 h of infection with either Mtb strain. However, H37Rv infection increased the frequency of CD3+TCRαβ+ MDMs at a multiplicity of infection of 1 and altered the expression of CD1b, CD1c, and TNF on the surface of cells from both the CD3+ MDM subpopulations; it also modified the expression of CCR2, CXCR1, and CCR7, thus affecting CCL2 and IL-8 levels. Moreover, H37Rv infection decreased the migration ability of the CD3 MDMs, but not CD3+ MDMs. These results confirm that the CD3+ macrophage subpopulations express chemokine receptors that respond to chemoattractants, facilitating cell migration. Together, these data suggest that CD3+ MDMs are a functional subpopulation involved in the immune response against Mtb.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 is a β-galactoside-binding lectin with manifold biological functions. A single tryptophan residue (W68) in its carbohydrate binding site plays a major role in ligand binding and is highly conserved among galectins. To fine tune galectin-1 specificity, we introduced several non-canonical tryptophan analogues at this position of human galectin-1 and analyzed the resulting variants using glycan microarrays. Two variants containing 7-azatryptophan and 7-fluorotryptophan showed a reduced affinity for 3’-sulfated oligosaccharides. Their interaction with different ligands was further analyzed by fluorescence polarization competition assay. Using molecular modeling we provide structural clues that the change in affinities comes from modulated interactions and solvation patterns. Thus, we show that the introduction of subtle atomic mutations in the ligand binding site of galectin-1 is an attractive approach for fine-tuning its interactions with different ligands.  相似文献   

胞内生物传感器提高微生物细胞工厂的精细调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙怡  张腾  吕波  李春 《化工学报》2022,73(2):521-534
在当今倡导化合物绿色制造的背景下,利用微生物细胞工厂合成新化合物或提高化合物的产量是绿色化工技术发展的重要方向之一。但目标化合物的低产是微生物细胞工厂合成的常见问题。解决这个瓶颈的有效方法之一是在微生物细胞中设计生物传感器来监测和调控化合物的生物合成。详细介绍了胞内生物传感器的种类和作用机制,重点阐释了生物传感器如何与微生物细胞工厂中产物合成途径设计相结合,从而提高细胞工厂的精细调控和目标产物的合成能力。最后还讨论了目前胞内生物传感器设计所面临的挑战和可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

T cell activation plays a central role in supporting and shaping the immune response. The induction of a functional adaptive immune response requires the control of signaling processes downstream of the T cell receptor (TCR). In this regard, protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation have been extensively studied. In the past decades, further checkpoints of activation have been identified. These are E3 ligases catalyzing the transfer of ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like proteins to protein substrates, as well as specific peptidases to counteract this reaction, such as deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). These posttranslational modifications can critically influence protein interactions by targeting proteins for degradation by proteasomes or mediating the complex formation required for active TCR signaling. Thus, the basic aspects of T cell development and differentiation are controlled by defining, e.g., the threshold of activation in positive and negative selection in the thymus. Furthermore, an emerging role of ubiquitination in peripheral T cell tolerance has been described. Changes in the function and abundance of certain E3 ligases or DUBs involved in T cell homeostasis are associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. This review summarizes the current knowledge of E3 enzymes and their target proteins regulating T cell signaling processes and discusses new approaches for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

郭亮  高聪  张丽  陈修来  刘立明 《化工进展》2021,40(3):1252-1261
微生物细胞工厂以可再生资源为原料,实现了大宗化学品和天然产物的可持续生产,并有望替代石油化工炼制和动植物提取。剪接天然或人工代谢路径是构建微生物细胞工厂的基础。然而,剪接代谢路径造成的代谢流扰动,导致微生物细胞工厂的适配性差,降低了微生物细胞工厂的生产性能。提高人工代谢路径之间的适配性,以及人工代谢路径与底盘微生物细胞之间的适配性,将是改善微生物细胞工厂生产性能的关键。本文从强化与平衡人工代谢路径的代谢通量,解除人工代谢路径与底盘细胞内源代谢路径的交互作用,以及强化人工代谢路径与底盘细胞整体代谢网络的适配性层面,对提高微生物细胞工厂适配性的研究现状进行介绍。开发高效的多重适配性调控策略,在细胞水平重置代谢路径的适配性与提高微生物细胞对代谢产物的适配性,将是未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

Microbial production of aromatic chemicals would greatly contribute to solving the problems with fossil resource supply and environmentally sustainable development. Engineering and extending the shikimate/aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathways are important routes for microbial production of various aromatic chemicals. With advances in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, we can broaden the product spectrum and obtain several valuable and novel aromatic chemicals from renewable feedstocks. Here, in this review, the latest research progress on microbial production of various aromatic chemicals, and recent metabolic engineering and synthetic biology strategies targeting the central carbon metabolism, the shikimate and aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathways are summarized and discussed. This work aims to provide some valuable tips for the construction of cost‐effective engineered strains for producing various aromatic chemicals. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (BCL) has proven to be a very useful biocatalyst for the resolution of 2‐substituted racemic acid derivatives, which are important chiral building blocks. Our previous work showed that enantioselectivity of the wild‐type BCL could be improved by chemical engineering of the substrate's molecular structure. From this earlier study, three amino acids (L17, V266 and L287) were proposed as targets for mutagenesis aimed at tailoring enzyme enantioselectivity. In the present work, a small library of 57 BCL single mutants targeted on these three residues was constructed and screened for enantioselectivity towards (R,S)‐2‐chloro ethyl 2‐bromophenylacetate. This led to the fast isolation of three single mutants with a remarkable tenfold enhanced or reversed enantioselectivity. Analysis of substrate docking and access trajectories in the active site was then performed. From this analysis, the construction of 13 double mutants was proposed. Among them, an outstanding improved mutant of BCL was isolated that showed an E value of 178 and a 15‐fold enhanced specific activity compared to the parental enzyme; thus, this study demonstrates the efficiency of the semirational engineering strategy.  相似文献   

The mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is activated by the small G-protein, Ras homolog enriched in brain (RHEB–GTPase). On lysosome, RHEB activates mTORC1 by binding the domains of N-heat, M-heat, and the focal adhesion targeting (FAT) domain, which allosterically regulates ATP binding in the active site for further phosphorylation. The crucial role of RHEB in regulating growth and survival through mTORC1 makes it a targetable site for anti-cancer therapeutics. However, the binding kinetics of RHEB to mTORC1 is still unknown at the molecular level. Therefore, we studied the kinetics by in vitro and in-cell protein–protein interaction (PPI) assays. To this end, we used the split-luciferase system (NanoBiT®) for in-cell studies and prepared proteins for the in vitro measurements. Consequently, we demonstrated that RHEB binds to the whole mTOR both in the presence or absence of GTPγS, with five-fold weaker affinity in the presence of GTPγS. In addition, RHEB bound to the truncated mTOR fragments of N-heat domain (∆N, aa 60–167) or M-heat domain (∆M, aa 967–1023) with the same affinity in the absence of GTP. The reconstructed binding site of RHEB, ∆N-FAT-M, however, bound to RHEB with the same affinity as ∆N-M, indicating that the FAT domain (∆FAT, aa 1240–1360) is dispensable for RHEB binding. Furthermore, RHEB bound to the truncated kinase domain (∆ATP, aa 2148–2300) with higher affinity than to ∆N-FAT-M. In conclusion, RHEB engages two different binding sites of mTOR, ∆N-FAT-M and ∆ATP, with higher affinity for ∆ATP, which likely regulates the kinase activity of mTOR through multiple different biding modes.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are transmembrane proteins of high pharmacological relevance. It has been proposed that their activity is linked to structurally distinct, dynamically interconverting functional states and the process of activation relies on an interconnecting network of conformational switches in the transmembrane domain. However, it is yet to be uncovered how ligands with different extents of functional effect exert their actions. According to our recent hypothesis, based on indirect observations and the literature data, the transmission of the external stimulus to the intracellular surface is accompanied by the shift of macroscopic polarization in the transmembrane domain, furnished by concerted movements of highly conserved polar motifs and the rearrangement of polar species. In this follow-up study, we have examined the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) to see if our hypothesis drawn from an extensive study of the μ-opioid receptor (MOP) is fundamental and directly transferable to other class A GPCRs. We have found that there are some general similarities between the two receptors, in agreement with previous studies, and there are some receptor-specific differences that could be associated with different signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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